TOPIC | Autumn Spice Hatchery - Christmas!
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Hi! If you end up nesting the Gingerbread pair anytime soon, I could send a Boon over--I'm dying with this summer weather and can't wait for Christmas ahh! No worries if there aren't any plans to nest them anytime soon, of course!
Hi! If you end up nesting the Gingerbread pair anytime soon, I could send a Boon over--I'm dying with this summer weather and can't wait for Christmas ahh! No worries if there aren't any plans to nest them anytime soon, of course!
OMG yay!! I'm so excited ahh! Thank you!! ;o;
I think Earth would be my first pick, but Fire would work if not!
I think Earth would be my first pick, but Fire would work if not!
OMG yay!! I'm so excited ahh! Thank you!! ;o;
I think Earth would be my first pick, but Fire would work if not!
I think Earth would be my first pick, but Fire would work if not!
is it possible to ask for the Etherium pair to be nested? c:
is it possible to ask for the Etherium pair to be nested? c:
Hi @beckyh2112, I am so sorry for my late reply, I have been out of town and missed your message! Are you still interested? If so I can send him right over!
Hi @beckyh2112, I am so sorry for my late reply, I have been out of town and missed your message! Are you still interested? If so I can send him right over!
[size=1]General: @bucketsAhoy @Shaniae @Shakti @creepyknees @Koffein @NooodleCat @johnny777nny @Diamondprotector @Scintillation @Bauble @Ore @Moonlace @Nekros @PartyPenguin27 @WolfSoul @SakuraDryad @MochaMiel @Onceler @someone @Novawaltz @Ashawott @SilverNachtmahr @ScarletVow @fondant @Revelare @Juyoung @awaicu @Anthelion @Atroxi @Cyrelijean @Madolche @CartelSaide @pownut @WarszawaScream @Siopilos @theroiprocepios @Cindee @Gurrero @chronoimp @Decaffeinated @Rionach @Venneris @VoodooLiz @ChildOfNaga @BlanketMonster @esskaid @dinguschi @SilverDragon95 @Tikibirdy @TetsudoHermanni @koijari @Hwarra @KyberCrystals @Okapikapi @deadalien @DreaminqHeart @DoctorCharhart @Yesmissalice @GefrorenerZahn @Blubell @Emma @floralcipher @Evermagical @GrumpyCatlover @hayley0614 @MurEyeUh @LadyFang @maysin @TheFriskyHyena @Nathahniel @Yilara @RustedCoyote @Pieeee @TheDwarfQueen @Aviose @nekoujisama @CEGAMischief @Capitalism @Sonora @Saraceaser @StarkRed @juujuub33 @Naquin @JurassicPark @kyrin18 @TRUE @pythonesque @Alphazi @xTaffy @BreezyBubble @Jensy @Evolution2 @earthmama @SilverFoxDemon @SuzyChi @Airazon @CityTurtle @Tinytalkingtina @Spookied @Tefnut @londonfog @underscore @ShatteringIce @AndromedianLace @Musicalgurl1991 @Poiichy @catgame21234 @cometmebro @Glitterpaws @Lunamyth @XBloodThirstyX @ArashiiNekkyou @DreamingFoxes @LucertolaMoon @IllusionsInsane @WolfandCrow @Mombot3000 @DracoLeo @ishirasu @CuriousLoli @karkata @CoffeeCoyote @Lonefox @akaineko @Iyzka @ladyaaron @Acilil @foox @LegHorse @FlufferLover @virtue @Vely @LightningShatter @Vesprite @Anda @squidspeaker @Estrix @Aquariusstudios @Leezil @VanillaCupcake @OmegaWolfDoge @IndigoUnicorn @nana64 @Clawmom @Milkyteax @HylianPharaoh @Aisuruu @Lavr @PrincessYue @smilobots @NobleChinchi @Tyrell @Koris @Askesis @NobleTanu @earthmom @Sebeon @MrsBear @Nazom @CosmicFalcon @qawfii @KayOkay24 @Hessonite @inkdragon42 @ErynLasgalen @argotiquely @YukiNeko999 @Rykessyl @wantacookie @ColorfulLava @shepardess @Temenos @Macroura @SilverRipple @KittyandCat @zanerak21 @Hnai @borrowedphrases @Dragonxyz @HalloweenTown @Calixia @(coatl/wildclaw) @Geekhyena @(no-crackle) @DakDak @(coatl) @SydKiaray @(Glimmer) @VtaehyungV @(bee,ringlets) @Aviana @(no-wildTurkey/pumpkinpieSpice/tricks&treats) @thevvitch @ZinnSolis @foa @m3lancholy @Drauphnyr @Silverbolt1159 @ZannaDragon @(special-eyes) @Devonix @Catmodule @CorporalLevi @K0NPEIT0 @aprilraven @handfulofbees @kaeldra @Cel0x @LapisWings @Secretswifty @CupcakeNova @SherlockWolf @Toad @fairywingtastic @kudugin @SeaglassSky @MangoTangoMagpie @Crim @clovverking @TurtlePrince
Autumn: @Carnimirie @sharptooth1701 @virtue @pastelmocha @Estrix @Potatoe @AngharadtheGreat @Wizardry @MrsBear @CakeCannibal @GraffitiCow @Gilkidu
All Hallow's Eve: @SnoCone @kaboof @Lapin @Novawaltz @MochaMiel @MarshmellowLord @Anthelion @PlasmaStorm @FirozTaverbi @Polkadotzebra @Automne @Vanillart @TechnoSkeleton @Lieselotte @WrittenBadly @Yilara @Blueberrypodoboo @Lunader2002 @ChangelingFae @Augusteen @lazybouquet @rickshawpanther @Kaerii @DracoLeo @ShadowDraig @silvertabby13 @Jyxxie @K0NPEIT0 @Bes333 @StarcatcherQueen @MomBomb @LostGirl @ToonTown @Skittyfairy @Koris @Potatoe @WolfandCrow @CacklingCat @TheGoldDragon @Reignhart @XernaPirate @(DarkBrownPrimary) @Dask @(brown-range @primary) @beckyh2112
Ash & Ember: @Reignhart @GraffitiCow @Otterbeans @Dianounais @bonivich @maranimh @Zahani @sense @beckyh2112
Falling Leaves: @ChroniclerCherry @hyuukiru @TheGoldDragon @Sciencer @Osprey72 @mokalynn @Devonix @SirBurrito @Dask @Hirvio @(Marigold @Tert)
Fairy Tale: @GrumpyCatlover @mildlyanxiousdoe @TerminalEternity @Audiellah @peepsnibbles @Pinn @Zephemeral @whimsicalwinds @Dawnsky23 @DraconoBlade @Kittymari @MythicalMemeLord @silvertabby13 @NocturnistheDark @BurntLeafyToast @hamkid @SweetieSweets @Kaidareth @Ragnell @crystallarium @Bes333 @MomBomb @StarcatcherQueen @UnderPrussia @ToonTown @Skittyfairy @Rosayc @Koris @Harana @Potatoe @CrimsonSasaki @rvnqn @Osprey72 @snartdonyx @TheGoldDragon @Otterbeans @graciensm @Askesis @arcaneidolriots @toyota @(okapi) @smthelj @(okapi) @LadyAngelHeart @(XYY+Ivory) @Denial @(XYY+Ivory) @sense
Haunted Forest: @TetsudoHermanni @Automne @JurassicPark @Hirvio @Lunader2002 @PastelBread @GreyWardenNova @Ralyks @ashes13 @GreenSylph @Viverridae @Unfathomed @BlackWinter @Fawntastic @Botanist @faecree @Bhaskara @Starisia @UnderPrussia @aceofclubs @FlufferLover @Tidemaiden @claytondog @Airaly @FlecksLP @Autumnus @TheGoldDragon @Pufferheart @Kaerii @NotACatCat @WildFlora @AllieRose @Miralso @Zephemeral @DracoLeo @SeaWhirl @Tehutiy @DreamingDragon @TheKawaiiToaster @silvertabby13 @Jyxxie @FirozTaverbi @K0NPEIT0 @crystallarium @treeblood @casperghostling @ToonTown @CacklingCat @peperomania @Emfoofoo @pokemoncha @EmbraGlint @hungryhobbits @Gaze @Spinosaur @Summermagpie @(fae) @NightingaleXIII @(fae)
Firefly Grove: @sugi @rickshawpanther @Ralyks @makani @hyuukiru @ShadowDraig @silvertabby13 @cleedog @Astrophile @brandonjui @FeatherFace @SugarRose22 @Malomy @OblongSushi @Marrigan @Atrocities @SkullLotus @Sumopian @Alola @MountainMouse @Rosalba @ragingrexasaurus @cleedog @crystallarium @treeblood @SilentWings @LostGirl @UnderPrussia @bunlux @Koris @Potatoe @Emfoofoo @EmbraGlint @Blubell @cloudyaether @rvnqn @Rykessyl @Airene @graciensm @mokalynn @Askesis @Shadowlight9858 @Worgen @Zahani @RedCoyote @IAmColour @(runes) @Harana @(runes) @CacklingCat @(runes) @TheGoldDragon @Lutielle @(Skink+Runes) @FoxyCipher @(firefly) @sense @beckyh2112
Pumpkin Patch: @SpoopyPumpkinPie @Geekhyena @laineylane03 @Kiaeon @ShockZephyr @FaceTheWind @WrenMonster @Belsprout @acidquill @lookxitsxlauren @Sparky70144 @Siartha @roseangel2 @Maybellmay @Dianounais @raxyl @Puddin @Lunader2002 @Automne @DragonWarrior333 @RawrrLioness @diemondgrimm @iequinomin @WickedGuacamole @FirozTaverbi @Rykessyl @Tehutiy @DreamingDragon @silvertabby13 @Lostdaydreams @CacklingCat @(Eyespots) @rickshawpanther @(ripple) @deergf @(snapper/ripple) @elisasglade @(peach/leaf/fire) @Exeidur @(ripple/saturn/runes/bog) @smthelj @(saturn) @cinnamonty @(fire/forest/sunshine/fire) @astaprophecy @(earth @eyes) @Aquellla @(Oct31st)
Halloween: @AbyssFox @ornament @Carnimirie @Augusteen @sharptooth1701 @GrumpyCatlover @LucertolaMoon @CuriousLoli @pastelmocha @silvertabby13 @squidspeaker @Harana @MoonyHaze @nana64 @earthmom @MrsBear @CakeCannibal @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @shepardess @Temenos @handfulofbees @deadalien @LapisWings @kudugin @ZannaDragon @(special-eyes) @Brianne333 @(31st) @PastelBread @(31st) @OfCrystalAndOre @(31st) @JurassicPark @(31st) @Leenanishere @(31st-NoFae)
Hallowe'en: @Jyxxie @Askesis @Cel0x @Dask @Augusteen @(Maze/Black/Cantalope-Male)
Resurrectionists: @Leafsongs @Augusteen @Anthelion @Summermagpie @mildlyanxiousdoe @hungryhobbits @Rykessyl @Wraith296 @hyuukiru @Cerimonster @yodana @(Umber/Carrot/Marigold+Male) @Askesis @SirBurrito @Cel0x @Dask @Hirvio @(Umber/Bronze/Flaxen) @MAVERlCK @sense
Firefall: @KraalofBhaga @Wonderwall @kenkaneki @acidquill @Icyangel12 @MadamePear @Reignhart @TheKawaiiToaster @Bes333 @MomBomb @Starcatcherqueen @Rykessyl @Siartha @(spiral) @Liatai @(spiral+smoke) @rickshawpanther @(guardians)
Etherium: @EmperorTime @sugi @Rykessyl @Temenos @Osprey72 @Hawktalon @hyuukiru @Cerimonster @ZannaDragon @Askesis @Shadowlight9858 @CorporalLevi @K0NPEIT0 @SakurazukaHime @MoonPaw19
Sweets: @Nana64 @LostGirl @Jaspernoir @sinnohoe @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @Askesis @handfulofbees @ColorfulLava @deadalien @LapisWings @kudugin @pepperminti @ZannaDragon @(specialEyes) @Skittyfairy @(no-tundra/snapper)
Sweet Shoppe: @makani @tassledown @Emma @MurEyeUh @CosmicFalcon @Capitalism @Hirvio
Pumpkin Pie: @Koryu @aeosora @Okinawa @Shaniae @Pandonkey @Maferath @CitrineScales @Frandoll @Diamondsuits @Lapin @spoons @SweetieSweets @acidquill @Dreadnoughtus @MadisonFae @Tunfischhai @faeryplace @shanhammer @awaicu @Ivysaurus @MochaMiel @Siartha @Jaie @SydKiaray @Dask @Skiesti @SkylerintheSky @GefrorenZahn @roseangel2 @Bittern @SeaWrack @Vanillart @trashlord @TechnoSkeleton @DakDak @Waterworks @Nishikki @Howlchaser @krisfire @Sumoru @SugaywaraKoushi @FireHeart13 @Tidemaiden @Aviana @claytondog @NightingaleXIII @Japachi @Tehutiy @SakurazukaHime @silvertabby13 @meveh @Kaidareth @Shinko @Bes333 @MomBomb @StarcatcherQueen @sunnybee @CacklingCat @SilentSpectre @CakeCannibal @pokemoncha @Burger @Rykessyl @snartdonyx @kaeldra @(male) @Quinineer @(female) @Sinnabelle @(female+maizeSecondary) @Mutt @(prefer-xyx) @Cel0x @Hirvio @(Orange/Cream/Ivory)
Snow Cones: @hamkid @aphelioni @keyy @hyung @Wraith296 @Leafeaon @Harana @Dursky @DoktorGilda @sapphiole @Lunazaki @BananaDr4gon @Banantlers @Askesis @FaceTheWind @xspideray @Miralso @whimsicalwinds @Moonkitty79 @featherworld @Harana @Caroo @sugi @Solarstar @SaintBenadryl @cande2014 @burniingmysterie @internetWeasel @Kehaars @Icyangel12 @SacredLugia @graciensm @Itarille @DIOOOOO @(Robin) @doctorvar @(male) @sunnybee @(female) @JellyLu @(female) @teki10 @(Imperial) @Kairi @(Imperial) @lato @(Imperial) @Axqu @(Imperial) @Brianne333 @(Imp+female) @Alsmiffy @(Imperial+Female) @Embertangle @(Female+Tundra) @Ryuuna @(Mint) @phoenyxillusion @(female, @aqua-mint) @K0NPEIT0 @(mint-or-robin) @Marrigan @(Light-OR-Ice-OR-Wind) @Draxablaze @(Light-OR-Ice)
Spring: @sharptooth1701 @GrumpyCatlover @LucertolaMoon @CuriousLoli @pastelmocha @squidspeaker @Harana @Nana64 @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @shepardess @handfulofbees @deadalien @LapisWings @ZannaDragon @(specialEyes)
Misty Meadow: @lazybouquet @Lotuscatdragon @Tassledown @FlufferLover @Tidemaiden @Twilightnovae @(male+skydancer) @Ralyks @Kaerii @SakurazukaHime @sugi @silvertabby13 @SkullLotus @(SkydancerMale) @FrostGaint @FaceTheWind @aphelioni @LostGirl @ArashiiNekkyou @TheGoldDragon @CacklingCat @SirBurrito
[size=5][url=]If you wish to add or remove yourself from any pinglists, please do so here![/url][/size]
Hello all, long time no ping!
Life has been busy but I still lurk about, just haven't had the same time to hatch dragons!
[size=5][b]Pinglist Changes[/b][/size]
With the limited time I have had, it has been difficult to review and edit pings going out for special requests for our over 40+ pinglists! Each one I have to do a lot of back and forth hand checking for anything that matches, which can take quite a long time!
After quite a few months of deliberation, I have landed on the conclusion that what would be best would be to remove any specific requests for hatch genes/colors.
[u][size=3][b]If you have any questions or concerns about this, please let me know ASAP![/b][/size][/u]
Also, if you have a special request for eyes, or for a pair to be nested, please continue to ask away! requests in-thread for starting a nest are easy to fulfill!
[size=5][b]Flameforgers & Hatches![/b][/size]
A bit late to the game here, some fiery dragons were hatched on the first day of Flameforger's Festival 2022! Check below for marked dragons hatched specifically in celebration of Flameforger's!
In addition, check out new hatches from 15 pairs below! Let me know if you would like to take one home!
The combination of flame and stone, Forgemasters are the living embodiment of hard work, dedication, and creation. Some of the most grounded of the Fire dragons, they take on the practical tasks of keeping the great furnaces lit, supplying the ore, and forging it into masterful and solid creations, building everything from the greatest cities and bridges to the most intricate jewelry. Still, the work is difficult and dangerous, and these dragons often find themselves with injury or disability, sometimes even from birth. That rarely stops them however. Their unbounded dedication and creativity leads them to unique solutions and adaptations, crafting tools, prosthetics, and weapons, as they push their work farther than possibly imagined.
[url=]Read more about Forgemaster Dragons Here![/url][/center]
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Chocolate, Tarnish, Marigold - 35kT or 35G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - XYY - Clay, Clay, Metals - 20kT or 20G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Copper, Soil, Metals - 25kT or 25G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Dirt, Ruby, Metals - 25kT or 25G
[size=5][b]All Hallow's Eve[/b][/size]
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Goat Eyes - XYY - Latte, Terracotta, Terracotta - 15kT or 15G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Bronze, Orange, Peach - 10kT or 10G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Tarnish, Orange, Carrot - 10kT or 10G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Stone, Carrot, Marigold - 10kT or 10G
[size=5][b]Ash & Ember[/b][/size]
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - XYY - Oilslick, Orange, Orange - 55kT or 55G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Oilslick, Orange, Bronze - 55kT or 55G
[size=5][b]Falling Leaves[/b][/size]
Hickory, Spring, Marigold - 35kT or 35G
Clay, Spring, Metals - 35kT or 35G
[size=5][b]Sweet shoppe[/b][/size]
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
[size=5][b]Pumpkin Pie[/b][/size]
Metals, Maize, Ivory - 15kT or 15G
Terracotta, White, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Ivory, White, Sunshine - 35kT or 35G
[size=5][b]Snow Cones[/b][/size]
White, Banana, Pistachio - 55kT or 55G
[size=5][b]Misty Meadow[/b][/size]
Spearmint, Hunter, Seafoam - 25kT or 25G
Algae, Emerald, Pistachio - 10kT or 10G
Emerald, Hunter, Pistachio - 15kT or 15G
Sunset, Spring, Banana - 45kT or 45G
Banana, Peridot, Flaxen - 45kT or 45G
Maize, Black, Orange - 75kT or 75G
Maize, Black, Orange - 100kT or 100G
Umber, Pumpkin, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Umber, Carrot, Marigold - 75kT or 75G
[size=5][b]Fairy Tale[/b][/size]
Ginger, Ivory, Sunset - 25kT or 25G
Ginger, Ivory, Cantaloupe - 25kT or 25G
Ginger, Ivory, Peach - 55kT or 55G
[size=5][b]Haunted Forest[/b][/size]
XYX! - Umber, Peach, Umber - 20kT or 20G
Umber, Orange, Tarnish - 35kT or 35G
[size=5][b]Firefly Grove[/b][/size]
Facted - Ginger, Terracotta, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Buttercup - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Flaxen - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Buttercup - 55kT or 55G
Cerulean, Violet, Ivory - 75kT or 75G
Multigaze - Cerulean, Violet, Ivory - 200kT or 200G
[size=5][b]Pinecone & Pine[/b][/size]
Umber, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
Faceted Eyes! - Umber, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
Soil, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
[size=5][b]Changing Seasons[/b][/size]
Driftwood, Peridot, Murk - 25kT or 25G
[size=5][b]Pastel Rainbow[/b][/size]
Hatched Easter - Goat Eyes - Maize, Ice, Rose - 55kT or 55G
[size=5][b]Milk & Honey[/b][/size]
White, Lemon, Saffron - 35kT or 35G
[size=5][b]Falling Leaves[/b][/size]
Hatched on Thanksgiving Day! - Latte, Spring, Metals - 35kT or 35G
Rich in color and culture, Wild Turkey embody the spirit of warmth for the winter months. These dragons are equal parts heart and hearth, strong mediators for common causes, and always willing to welcome even the most different into their homes to share a good meal and a warm fire.
[url=]Read their full Subspecies Lore here![/url][/center]
[size=5][b]Wild Turkey[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]Haunted Forest[/b][/size]
Umber, Carrot, Soil - 45kT or 45G
Hatched on the Autumn Equinox!
Hatched Jan 1st - Sanddollar, Fern, Maroon - 85kT or 85G
General: @bucketsAhoy @Shaniae @Shakti @creepyknees @Koffein @NooodleCat @johnny777nny @Diamondprotector @Scintillation @Bauble @Ore @Moonlace @Nekros @PartyPenguin27 @WolfSoul @SakuraDryad @MochaMiel @Onceler @someone @Novawaltz @Ashawott @SilverNachtmahr @ScarletVow @fondant @Revelare @Juyoung @awaicu @Anthelion @Atroxi @Cyrelijean @Madolche @CartelSaide @pownut @WarszawaScream @Siopilos @theroiprocepios @Cindee @Gurrero @chronoimp @Decaffeinated @Rionach @Venneris @VoodooLiz @ChildOfNaga @BlanketMonster @esskaid @dinguschi @SilverDragon95 @Tikibirdy @TetsudoHermanni @koijari @Hwarra @KyberCrystals @Okapikapi @deadalien @DreaminqHeart @DoctorCharhart @Yesmissalice @GefrorenerZahn @Blubell @Emma @floralcipher @Evermagical @GrumpyCatlover @hayley0614 @MurEyeUh @LadyFang @maysin @TheFriskyHyena @Nathahniel @Yilara @RustedCoyote @Pieeee @TheDwarfQueen @Aviose @nekoujisama @CEGAMischief @Capitalism @Sonora @Saraceaser @StarkRed @juujuub33 @Naquin @JurassicPark @kyrin18 @TRUE @pythonesque @Alphazi @xTaffy @BreezyBubble @Jensy @Evolution2 @earthmama @SilverFoxDemon @SuzyChi @Airazon @CityTurtle @Tinytalkingtina @Spookied @Tefnut @londonfog @underscore @ShatteringIce @AndromedianLace @Musicalgurl1991 @Poiichy @catgame21234 @cometmebro @Glitterpaws @Lunamyth @XBloodThirstyX @ArashiiNekkyou @DreamingFoxes @LucertolaMoon @IllusionsInsane @WolfandCrow @Mombot3000 @DracoLeo @ishirasu @CuriousLoli @karkata @CoffeeCoyote @Lonefox @akaineko @Iyzka @ladyaaron @Acilil @foox @LegHorse @FlufferLover @virtue @Vely @LightningShatter @Vesprite @Anda @squidspeaker @Estrix @Aquariusstudios @Leezil @VanillaCupcake @OmegaWolfDoge @IndigoUnicorn @nana64 @Clawmom @Milkyteax @HylianPharaoh @Aisuruu @Lavr @PrincessYue @smilobots @NobleChinchi @Tyrell @Koris @Askesis @NobleTanu @earthmom @Sebeon @MrsBear @Nazom @CosmicFalcon @qawfii @KayOkay24 @Hessonite @inkdragon42 @ErynLasgalen @argotiquely @YukiNeko999 @Rykessyl @wantacookie @ColorfulLava @shepardess @Temenos @Macroura @SilverRipple @KittyandCat @zanerak21 @Hnai @borrowedphrases @Dragonxyz @HalloweenTown @Calixia @(coatl/wildclaw) @Geekhyena @(no-crackle) @DakDak @(coatl) @SydKiaray @(Glimmer) @VtaehyungV @(bee,ringlets) @Aviana @(no-wildTurkey/pumpkinpieSpice/tricks&treats) @thevvitch @ZinnSolis @foa @m3lancholy @Drauphnyr @Silverbolt1159 @ZannaDragon @(special-eyes) @Devonix @Catmodule @CorporalLevi @K0NPEIT0 @aprilraven @handfulofbees @kaeldra @Cel0x @LapisWings @Secretswifty @CupcakeNova @SherlockWolf @Toad @fairywingtastic @kudugin @SeaglassSky @MangoTangoMagpie @Crim @clovverking @TurtlePrince
Autumn: @Carnimirie @sharptooth1701 @virtue @pastelmocha @Estrix @Potatoe @AngharadtheGreat @Wizardry @MrsBear @CakeCannibal @GraffitiCow @Gilkidu
All Hallow's Eve: @SnoCone @kaboof @Lapin @Novawaltz @MochaMiel @MarshmellowLord @Anthelion @PlasmaStorm @FirozTaverbi @Polkadotzebra @Automne @Vanillart @TechnoSkeleton @Lieselotte @WrittenBadly @Yilara @Blueberrypodoboo @Lunader2002 @ChangelingFae @Augusteen @lazybouquet @rickshawpanther @Kaerii @DracoLeo @ShadowDraig @silvertabby13 @Jyxxie @K0NPEIT0 @Bes333 @StarcatcherQueen @MomBomb @LostGirl @ToonTown @Skittyfairy @Koris @Potatoe @WolfandCrow @CacklingCat @TheGoldDragon @Reignhart @XernaPirate @(DarkBrownPrimary) @Dask @(brown-range @primary) @beckyh2112
Ash & Ember: @Reignhart @GraffitiCow @Otterbeans @Dianounais @bonivich @maranimh @Zahani @sense @beckyh2112
Falling Leaves: @ChroniclerCherry @hyuukiru @TheGoldDragon @Sciencer @Osprey72 @mokalynn @Devonix @SirBurrito @Dask @Hirvio @(Marigold @Tert)
Fairy Tale: @GrumpyCatlover @mildlyanxiousdoe @TerminalEternity @Audiellah @peepsnibbles @Pinn @Zephemeral @whimsicalwinds @Dawnsky23 @DraconoBlade @Kittymari @MythicalMemeLord @silvertabby13 @NocturnistheDark @BurntLeafyToast @hamkid @SweetieSweets @Kaidareth @Ragnell @crystallarium @Bes333 @MomBomb @StarcatcherQueen @UnderPrussia @ToonTown @Skittyfairy @Rosayc @Koris @Harana @Potatoe @CrimsonSasaki @rvnqn @Osprey72 @snartdonyx @TheGoldDragon @Otterbeans @graciensm @Askesis @arcaneidolriots @toyota @(okapi) @smthelj @(okapi) @LadyAngelHeart @(XYY+Ivory) @Denial @(XYY+Ivory) @sense
Haunted Forest: @TetsudoHermanni @Automne @JurassicPark @Hirvio @Lunader2002 @PastelBread @GreyWardenNova @Ralyks @ashes13 @GreenSylph @Viverridae @Unfathomed @BlackWinter @Fawntastic @Botanist @faecree @Bhaskara @Starisia @UnderPrussia @aceofclubs @FlufferLover @Tidemaiden @claytondog @Airaly @FlecksLP @Autumnus @TheGoldDragon @Pufferheart @Kaerii @NotACatCat @WildFlora @AllieRose @Miralso @Zephemeral @DracoLeo @SeaWhirl @Tehutiy @DreamingDragon @TheKawaiiToaster @silvertabby13 @Jyxxie @FirozTaverbi @K0NPEIT0 @crystallarium @treeblood @casperghostling @ToonTown @CacklingCat @peperomania @Emfoofoo @pokemoncha @EmbraGlint @hungryhobbits @Gaze @Spinosaur @Summermagpie @(fae) @NightingaleXIII @(fae)
Firefly Grove: @sugi @rickshawpanther @Ralyks @makani @hyuukiru @ShadowDraig @silvertabby13 @cleedog @Astrophile @brandonjui @FeatherFace @SugarRose22 @Malomy @OblongSushi @Marrigan @Atrocities @SkullLotus @Sumopian @Alola @MountainMouse @Rosalba @ragingrexasaurus @cleedog @crystallarium @treeblood @SilentWings @LostGirl @UnderPrussia @bunlux @Koris @Potatoe @Emfoofoo @EmbraGlint @Blubell @cloudyaether @rvnqn @Rykessyl @Airene @graciensm @mokalynn @Askesis @Shadowlight9858 @Worgen @Zahani @RedCoyote @IAmColour @(runes) @Harana @(runes) @CacklingCat @(runes) @TheGoldDragon @Lutielle @(Skink+Runes) @FoxyCipher @(firefly) @sense @beckyh2112
Pumpkin Patch: @SpoopyPumpkinPie @Geekhyena @laineylane03 @Kiaeon @ShockZephyr @FaceTheWind @WrenMonster @Belsprout @acidquill @lookxitsxlauren @Sparky70144 @Siartha @roseangel2 @Maybellmay @Dianounais @raxyl @Puddin @Lunader2002 @Automne @DragonWarrior333 @RawrrLioness @diemondgrimm @iequinomin @WickedGuacamole @FirozTaverbi @Rykessyl @Tehutiy @DreamingDragon @silvertabby13 @Lostdaydreams @CacklingCat @(Eyespots) @rickshawpanther @(ripple) @deergf @(snapper/ripple) @elisasglade @(peach/leaf/fire) @Exeidur @(ripple/saturn/runes/bog) @smthelj @(saturn) @cinnamonty @(fire/forest/sunshine/fire) @astaprophecy @(earth @eyes) @Aquellla @(Oct31st)
Halloween: @AbyssFox @ornament @Carnimirie @Augusteen @sharptooth1701 @GrumpyCatlover @LucertolaMoon @CuriousLoli @pastelmocha @silvertabby13 @squidspeaker @Harana @MoonyHaze @nana64 @earthmom @MrsBear @CakeCannibal @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @shepardess @Temenos @handfulofbees @deadalien @LapisWings @kudugin @ZannaDragon @(special-eyes) @Brianne333 @(31st) @PastelBread @(31st) @OfCrystalAndOre @(31st) @JurassicPark @(31st) @Leenanishere @(31st-NoFae)
Hallowe'en: @Jyxxie @Askesis @Cel0x @Dask @Augusteen @(Maze/Black/Cantalope-Male)
Resurrectionists: @Leafsongs @Augusteen @Anthelion @Summermagpie @mildlyanxiousdoe @hungryhobbits @Rykessyl @Wraith296 @hyuukiru @Cerimonster @yodana @(Umber/Carrot/Marigold+Male) @Askesis @SirBurrito @Cel0x @Dask @Hirvio @(Umber/Bronze/Flaxen) @MAVERlCK @sense
Firefall: @KraalofBhaga @Wonderwall @kenkaneki @acidquill @Icyangel12 @MadamePear @Reignhart @TheKawaiiToaster @Bes333 @MomBomb @Starcatcherqueen @Rykessyl @Siartha @(spiral) @Liatai @(spiral+smoke) @rickshawpanther @(guardians)
Etherium: @EmperorTime @sugi @Rykessyl @Temenos @Osprey72 @Hawktalon @hyuukiru @Cerimonster @ZannaDragon @Askesis @Shadowlight9858 @CorporalLevi @K0NPEIT0 @SakurazukaHime @MoonPaw19
Sweets: @Nana64 @LostGirl @Jaspernoir @sinnohoe @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @Askesis @handfulofbees @ColorfulLava @deadalien @LapisWings @kudugin @pepperminti @ZannaDragon @(specialEyes) @Skittyfairy @(no-tundra/snapper)
Sweet Shoppe: @makani @tassledown @Emma @MurEyeUh @CosmicFalcon @Capitalism @Hirvio
Pumpkin Pie: @Koryu @aeosora @Okinawa @Shaniae @Pandonkey @Maferath @CitrineScales @Frandoll @Diamondsuits @Lapin @spoons @SweetieSweets @acidquill @Dreadnoughtus @MadisonFae @Tunfischhai @faeryplace @shanhammer @awaicu @Ivysaurus @MochaMiel @Siartha @Jaie @SydKiaray @Dask @Skiesti @SkylerintheSky @GefrorenZahn @roseangel2 @Bittern @SeaWrack @Vanillart @trashlord @TechnoSkeleton @DakDak @Waterworks @Nishikki @Howlchaser @krisfire @Sumoru @SugaywaraKoushi @FireHeart13 @Tidemaiden @Aviana @claytondog @NightingaleXIII @Japachi @Tehutiy @SakurazukaHime @silvertabby13 @meveh @Kaidareth @Shinko @Bes333 @MomBomb @StarcatcherQueen @sunnybee @CacklingCat @SilentSpectre @CakeCannibal @pokemoncha @Burger @Rykessyl @snartdonyx @kaeldra @(male) @Quinineer @(female) @Sinnabelle @(female+maizeSecondary) @Mutt @(prefer-xyx) @Cel0x @Hirvio @(Orange/Cream/Ivory)
Snow Cones: @hamkid @aphelioni @keyy @hyung @Wraith296 @Leafeaon @Harana @Dursky @DoktorGilda @sapphiole @Lunazaki @BananaDr4gon @Banantlers @Askesis @FaceTheWind @xspideray @Miralso @whimsicalwinds @Moonkitty79 @featherworld @Harana @Caroo @sugi @Solarstar @SaintBenadryl @cande2014 @burniingmysterie @internetWeasel @Kehaars @Icyangel12 @SacredLugia @graciensm @Itarille @DIOOOOO @(Robin) @doctorvar @(male) @sunnybee @(female) @JellyLu @(female) @teki10 @(Imperial) @Kairi @(Imperial) @lato @(Imperial) @Axqu @(Imperial) @Brianne333 @(Imp+female) @Alsmiffy @(Imperial+Female) @Embertangle @(Female+Tundra) @Ryuuna @(Mint) @phoenyxillusion @(female, @aqua-mint) @K0NPEIT0 @(mint-or-robin) @Marrigan @(Light-OR-Ice-OR-Wind) @Draxablaze @(Light-OR-Ice)
Spring: @sharptooth1701 @GrumpyCatlover @LucertolaMoon @CuriousLoli @pastelmocha @squidspeaker @Harana @Nana64 @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @shepardess @handfulofbees @deadalien @LapisWings @ZannaDragon @(specialEyes)
Misty Meadow: @lazybouquet @Lotuscatdragon @Tassledown @FlufferLover @Tidemaiden @Twilightnovae @(male+skydancer) @Ralyks @Kaerii @SakurazukaHime @sugi @silvertabby13 @SkullLotus @(SkydancerMale) @FrostGaint @FaceTheWind @aphelioni @LostGirl @ArashiiNekkyou @TheGoldDragon @CacklingCat @SirBurrito
If you wish to add or remove yourself from any pinglists, please do so here!
Hello all, long time no ping!
Life has been busy but I still lurk about, just haven't had the same time to hatch dragons!
Pinglist Changes
With the limited time I have had, it has been difficult to review and edit pings going out for special requests for our over 40+ pinglists! Each one I have to do a lot of back and forth hand checking for anything that matches, which can take quite a long time!
After quite a few months of deliberation, I have landed on the conclusion that what would be best would be to remove any specific requests for hatch genes/colors.
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please let me know ASAP!
Also, if you have a special request for eyes, or for a pair to be nested, please continue to ask away! requests in-thread for starting a nest are easy to fulfill!
Flameforgers & Hatches!
A bit late to the game here, some fiery dragons were hatched on the first day of Flameforger's Festival 2022! Check below for marked dragons hatched specifically in celebration of Flameforger's!
In addition, check out new hatches from 15 pairs below! Let me know if you would like to take one home!
The combination of flame and stone, Forgemasters are the living embodiment of hard work, dedication, and creation. Some of the most grounded of the Fire dragons, they take on the practical tasks of keeping the great furnaces lit, supplying the ore, and forging it into masterful and solid creations, building everything from the greatest cities and bridges to the most intricate jewelry. Still, the work is difficult and dangerous, and these dragons often find themselves with injury or disability, sometimes even from birth. That rarely stops them however. Their unbounded dedication and creativity leads them to unique solutions and adaptations, crafting tools, prosthetics, and weapons, as they push their work farther than possibly imagined.
Read more about Forgemaster Dragons Here!
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Chocolate, Tarnish, Marigold - 35kT or 35G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - XYY - Clay, Clay, Metals - 20kT or 20G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Copper, Soil, Metals - 25kT or 25G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Dirt, Ruby, Metals - 25kT or 25G
All Hallow's Eve
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Goat Eyes - XYY - Latte, Terracotta, Terracotta - 15kT or 15G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Bronze, Orange, Peach - 10kT or 10G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Tarnish, Orange, Carrot - 10kT or 10G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Stone, Carrot, Marigold - 10kT or 10G
Ash & Ember
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - XYY - Oilslick, Orange, Orange - 55kT or 55G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Oilslick, Orange, Bronze - 55kT or 55G
Falling Leaves
Hickory, Spring, Marigold - 35kT or 35G
Clay, Spring, Metals - 35kT or 35G
Sweet shoppe
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
Pumpkin Pie
Metals, Maize, Ivory - 15kT or 15G
Terracotta, White, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Ivory, White, Sunshine - 35kT or 35G
Snow Cones
White, Banana, Pistachio - 55kT or 55G
Misty Meadow
Spearmint, Hunter, Seafoam - 25kT or 25G
Algae, Emerald, Pistachio - 10kT or 10G
Emerald, Hunter, Pistachio - 15kT or 15G
Sunset, Spring, Banana - 45kT or 45G
Banana, Peridot, Flaxen - 45kT or 45G
Maize, Black, Orange - 75kT or 75G
Maize, Black, Orange - 100kT or 100G
Umber, Pumpkin, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Umber, Carrot, Marigold - 75kT or 75G
Fairy Tale
Ginger, Ivory, Sunset - 25kT or 25G
Ginger, Ivory, Cantaloupe - 25kT or 25G
Ginger, Ivory, Peach - 55kT or 55G
Haunted Forest
XYX! - Umber, Peach, Umber - 20kT or 20G
Umber, Orange, Tarnish - 35kT or 35G
Firefly Grove
Facted - Ginger, Terracotta, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Buttercup - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Flaxen - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Buttercup - 55kT or 55G
Cerulean, Violet, Ivory - 75kT or 75G
Multigaze - Cerulean, Violet, Ivory - 200kT or 200G
Pinecone & Pine
Umber, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
Faceted Eyes! - Umber, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
Soil, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
Changing Seasons
Driftwood, Peridot, Murk - 25kT or 25G
Pastel Rainbow
Hatched Easter - Goat Eyes - Maize, Ice, Rose - 55kT or 55G
Milk & Honey
White, Lemon, Saffron - 35kT or 35G
Falling Leaves
Hatched on Thanksgiving Day! - Latte, Spring, Metals - 35kT or 35G
Rich in color and culture, Wild Turkey embody the spirit of warmth for the winter months. These dragons are equal parts heart and hearth, strong mediators for common causes, and always willing to welcome even the most different into their homes to share a good meal and a warm fire.
Read their full Subspecies Lore here!
Wild Turkey
Haunted Forest
Umber, Carrot, Soil - 45kT or 45G
Hatched on the Autumn Equinox!
Hatched Jan 1st - Sanddollar, Fern, Maroon - 85kT or 85G
Autumn: @Carnimirie @sharptooth1701 @virtue @pastelmocha @Estrix @Potatoe @AngharadtheGreat @Wizardry @MrsBear @CakeCannibal @GraffitiCow @Gilkidu
All Hallow's Eve: @SnoCone @kaboof @Lapin @Novawaltz @MochaMiel @MarshmellowLord @Anthelion @PlasmaStorm @FirozTaverbi @Polkadotzebra @Automne @Vanillart @TechnoSkeleton @Lieselotte @WrittenBadly @Yilara @Blueberrypodoboo @Lunader2002 @ChangelingFae @Augusteen @lazybouquet @rickshawpanther @Kaerii @DracoLeo @ShadowDraig @silvertabby13 @Jyxxie @K0NPEIT0 @Bes333 @StarcatcherQueen @MomBomb @LostGirl @ToonTown @Skittyfairy @Koris @Potatoe @WolfandCrow @CacklingCat @TheGoldDragon @Reignhart @XernaPirate @(DarkBrownPrimary) @Dask @(brown-range @primary) @beckyh2112
Ash & Ember: @Reignhart @GraffitiCow @Otterbeans @Dianounais @bonivich @maranimh @Zahani @sense @beckyh2112
Falling Leaves: @ChroniclerCherry @hyuukiru @TheGoldDragon @Sciencer @Osprey72 @mokalynn @Devonix @SirBurrito @Dask @Hirvio @(Marigold @Tert)
Fairy Tale: @GrumpyCatlover @mildlyanxiousdoe @TerminalEternity @Audiellah @peepsnibbles @Pinn @Zephemeral @whimsicalwinds @Dawnsky23 @DraconoBlade @Kittymari @MythicalMemeLord @silvertabby13 @NocturnistheDark @BurntLeafyToast @hamkid @SweetieSweets @Kaidareth @Ragnell @crystallarium @Bes333 @MomBomb @StarcatcherQueen @UnderPrussia @ToonTown @Skittyfairy @Rosayc @Koris @Harana @Potatoe @CrimsonSasaki @rvnqn @Osprey72 @snartdonyx @TheGoldDragon @Otterbeans @graciensm @Askesis @arcaneidolriots @toyota @(okapi) @smthelj @(okapi) @LadyAngelHeart @(XYY+Ivory) @Denial @(XYY+Ivory) @sense
Haunted Forest: @TetsudoHermanni @Automne @JurassicPark @Hirvio @Lunader2002 @PastelBread @GreyWardenNova @Ralyks @ashes13 @GreenSylph @Viverridae @Unfathomed @BlackWinter @Fawntastic @Botanist @faecree @Bhaskara @Starisia @UnderPrussia @aceofclubs @FlufferLover @Tidemaiden @claytondog @Airaly @FlecksLP @Autumnus @TheGoldDragon @Pufferheart @Kaerii @NotACatCat @WildFlora @AllieRose @Miralso @Zephemeral @DracoLeo @SeaWhirl @Tehutiy @DreamingDragon @TheKawaiiToaster @silvertabby13 @Jyxxie @FirozTaverbi @K0NPEIT0 @crystallarium @treeblood @casperghostling @ToonTown @CacklingCat @peperomania @Emfoofoo @pokemoncha @EmbraGlint @hungryhobbits @Gaze @Spinosaur @Summermagpie @(fae) @NightingaleXIII @(fae)
Firefly Grove: @sugi @rickshawpanther @Ralyks @makani @hyuukiru @ShadowDraig @silvertabby13 @cleedog @Astrophile @brandonjui @FeatherFace @SugarRose22 @Malomy @OblongSushi @Marrigan @Atrocities @SkullLotus @Sumopian @Alola @MountainMouse @Rosalba @ragingrexasaurus @cleedog @crystallarium @treeblood @SilentWings @LostGirl @UnderPrussia @bunlux @Koris @Potatoe @Emfoofoo @EmbraGlint @Blubell @cloudyaether @rvnqn @Rykessyl @Airene @graciensm @mokalynn @Askesis @Shadowlight9858 @Worgen @Zahani @RedCoyote @IAmColour @(runes) @Harana @(runes) @CacklingCat @(runes) @TheGoldDragon @Lutielle @(Skink+Runes) @FoxyCipher @(firefly) @sense @beckyh2112
Pumpkin Patch: @SpoopyPumpkinPie @Geekhyena @laineylane03 @Kiaeon @ShockZephyr @FaceTheWind @WrenMonster @Belsprout @acidquill @lookxitsxlauren @Sparky70144 @Siartha @roseangel2 @Maybellmay @Dianounais @raxyl @Puddin @Lunader2002 @Automne @DragonWarrior333 @RawrrLioness @diemondgrimm @iequinomin @WickedGuacamole @FirozTaverbi @Rykessyl @Tehutiy @DreamingDragon @silvertabby13 @Lostdaydreams @CacklingCat @(Eyespots) @rickshawpanther @(ripple) @deergf @(snapper/ripple) @elisasglade @(peach/leaf/fire) @Exeidur @(ripple/saturn/runes/bog) @smthelj @(saturn) @cinnamonty @(fire/forest/sunshine/fire) @astaprophecy @(earth @eyes) @Aquellla @(Oct31st)
Halloween: @AbyssFox @ornament @Carnimirie @Augusteen @sharptooth1701 @GrumpyCatlover @LucertolaMoon @CuriousLoli @pastelmocha @silvertabby13 @squidspeaker @Harana @MoonyHaze @nana64 @earthmom @MrsBear @CakeCannibal @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @shepardess @Temenos @handfulofbees @deadalien @LapisWings @kudugin @ZannaDragon @(special-eyes) @Brianne333 @(31st) @PastelBread @(31st) @OfCrystalAndOre @(31st) @JurassicPark @(31st) @Leenanishere @(31st-NoFae)
Hallowe'en: @Jyxxie @Askesis @Cel0x @Dask @Augusteen @(Maze/Black/Cantalope-Male)
Resurrectionists: @Leafsongs @Augusteen @Anthelion @Summermagpie @mildlyanxiousdoe @hungryhobbits @Rykessyl @Wraith296 @hyuukiru @Cerimonster @yodana @(Umber/Carrot/Marigold+Male) @Askesis @SirBurrito @Cel0x @Dask @Hirvio @(Umber/Bronze/Flaxen) @MAVERlCK @sense
Firefall: @KraalofBhaga @Wonderwall @kenkaneki @acidquill @Icyangel12 @MadamePear @Reignhart @TheKawaiiToaster @Bes333 @MomBomb @Starcatcherqueen @Rykessyl @Siartha @(spiral) @Liatai @(spiral+smoke) @rickshawpanther @(guardians)
Etherium: @EmperorTime @sugi @Rykessyl @Temenos @Osprey72 @Hawktalon @hyuukiru @Cerimonster @ZannaDragon @Askesis @Shadowlight9858 @CorporalLevi @K0NPEIT0 @SakurazukaHime @MoonPaw19
Sweets: @Nana64 @LostGirl @Jaspernoir @sinnohoe @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @Askesis @handfulofbees @ColorfulLava @deadalien @LapisWings @kudugin @pepperminti @ZannaDragon @(specialEyes) @Skittyfairy @(no-tundra/snapper)
Sweet Shoppe: @makani @tassledown @Emma @MurEyeUh @CosmicFalcon @Capitalism @Hirvio
Pumpkin Pie: @Koryu @aeosora @Okinawa @Shaniae @Pandonkey @Maferath @CitrineScales @Frandoll @Diamondsuits @Lapin @spoons @SweetieSweets @acidquill @Dreadnoughtus @MadisonFae @Tunfischhai @faeryplace @shanhammer @awaicu @Ivysaurus @MochaMiel @Siartha @Jaie @SydKiaray @Dask @Skiesti @SkylerintheSky @GefrorenZahn @roseangel2 @Bittern @SeaWrack @Vanillart @trashlord @TechnoSkeleton @DakDak @Waterworks @Nishikki @Howlchaser @krisfire @Sumoru @SugaywaraKoushi @FireHeart13 @Tidemaiden @Aviana @claytondog @NightingaleXIII @Japachi @Tehutiy @SakurazukaHime @silvertabby13 @meveh @Kaidareth @Shinko @Bes333 @MomBomb @StarcatcherQueen @sunnybee @CacklingCat @SilentSpectre @CakeCannibal @pokemoncha @Burger @Rykessyl @snartdonyx @kaeldra @(male) @Quinineer @(female) @Sinnabelle @(female+maizeSecondary) @Mutt @(prefer-xyx) @Cel0x @Hirvio @(Orange/Cream/Ivory)
Snow Cones: @hamkid @aphelioni @keyy @hyung @Wraith296 @Leafeaon @Harana @Dursky @DoktorGilda @sapphiole @Lunazaki @BananaDr4gon @Banantlers @Askesis @FaceTheWind @xspideray @Miralso @whimsicalwinds @Moonkitty79 @featherworld @Harana @Caroo @sugi @Solarstar @SaintBenadryl @cande2014 @burniingmysterie @internetWeasel @Kehaars @Icyangel12 @SacredLugia @graciensm @Itarille @DIOOOOO @(Robin) @doctorvar @(male) @sunnybee @(female) @JellyLu @(female) @teki10 @(Imperial) @Kairi @(Imperial) @lato @(Imperial) @Axqu @(Imperial) @Brianne333 @(Imp+female) @Alsmiffy @(Imperial+Female) @Embertangle @(Female+Tundra) @Ryuuna @(Mint) @phoenyxillusion @(female, @aqua-mint) @K0NPEIT0 @(mint-or-robin) @Marrigan @(Light-OR-Ice-OR-Wind) @Draxablaze @(Light-OR-Ice)
Spring: @sharptooth1701 @GrumpyCatlover @LucertolaMoon @CuriousLoli @pastelmocha @squidspeaker @Harana @Nana64 @ChubbyGhost3 @Rykessyl @shepardess @handfulofbees @deadalien @LapisWings @ZannaDragon @(specialEyes)
Misty Meadow: @lazybouquet @Lotuscatdragon @Tassledown @FlufferLover @Tidemaiden @Twilightnovae @(male+skydancer) @Ralyks @Kaerii @SakurazukaHime @sugi @silvertabby13 @SkullLotus @(SkydancerMale) @FrostGaint @FaceTheWind @aphelioni @LostGirl @ArashiiNekkyou @TheGoldDragon @CacklingCat @SirBurrito
If you wish to add or remove yourself from any pinglists, please do so here!
Hello all, long time no ping!
Life has been busy but I still lurk about, just haven't had the same time to hatch dragons!
Pinglist Changes
With the limited time I have had, it has been difficult to review and edit pings going out for special requests for our over 40+ pinglists! Each one I have to do a lot of back and forth hand checking for anything that matches, which can take quite a long time!
After quite a few months of deliberation, I have landed on the conclusion that what would be best would be to remove any specific requests for hatch genes/colors.
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please let me know ASAP!
Also, if you have a special request for eyes, or for a pair to be nested, please continue to ask away! requests in-thread for starting a nest are easy to fulfill!
Flameforgers & Hatches!
A bit late to the game here, some fiery dragons were hatched on the first day of Flameforger's Festival 2022! Check below for marked dragons hatched specifically in celebration of Flameforger's!
In addition, check out new hatches from 15 pairs below! Let me know if you would like to take one home!
The combination of flame and stone, Forgemasters are the living embodiment of hard work, dedication, and creation. Some of the most grounded of the Fire dragons, they take on the practical tasks of keeping the great furnaces lit, supplying the ore, and forging it into masterful and solid creations, building everything from the greatest cities and bridges to the most intricate jewelry. Still, the work is difficult and dangerous, and these dragons often find themselves with injury or disability, sometimes even from birth. That rarely stops them however. Their unbounded dedication and creativity leads them to unique solutions and adaptations, crafting tools, prosthetics, and weapons, as they push their work farther than possibly imagined.
Read more about Forgemaster Dragons Here!
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Chocolate, Tarnish, Marigold - 35kT or 35G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - XYY - Clay, Clay, Metals - 20kT or 20G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Copper, Soil, Metals - 25kT or 25G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Dirt, Ruby, Metals - 25kT or 25G
All Hallow's Eve
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Goat Eyes - XYY - Latte, Terracotta, Terracotta - 15kT or 15G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Bronze, Orange, Peach - 10kT or 10G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Tarnish, Orange, Carrot - 10kT or 10G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Stone, Carrot, Marigold - 10kT or 10G
Ash & Ember
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - XYY - Oilslick, Orange, Orange - 55kT or 55G
Hatched for Flameforger's 2022! - Oilslick, Orange, Bronze - 55kT or 55G
Falling Leaves
Hickory, Spring, Marigold - 35kT or 35G
Clay, Spring, Metals - 35kT or 35G
Sweet shoppe
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
XYY - Rust, Cream, Cream - 45kT or 45G
Pumpkin Pie
Metals, Maize, Ivory - 15kT or 15G
Terracotta, White, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Ivory, White, Sunshine - 35kT or 35G
Snow Cones
White, Banana, Pistachio - 55kT or 55G
Misty Meadow
Spearmint, Hunter, Seafoam - 25kT or 25G
Algae, Emerald, Pistachio - 10kT or 10G
Emerald, Hunter, Pistachio - 15kT or 15G
Sunset, Spring, Banana - 45kT or 45G
Banana, Peridot, Flaxen - 45kT or 45G
Maize, Black, Orange - 75kT or 75G
Maize, Black, Orange - 100kT or 100G
Umber, Pumpkin, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Umber, Carrot, Marigold - 75kT or 75G
Fairy Tale
Ginger, Ivory, Sunset - 25kT or 25G
Ginger, Ivory, Cantaloupe - 25kT or 25G
Ginger, Ivory, Peach - 55kT or 55G
Haunted Forest
XYX! - Umber, Peach, Umber - 20kT or 20G
Umber, Orange, Tarnish - 35kT or 35G
Firefly Grove
Facted - Ginger, Terracotta, Gold - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Buttercup - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Flaxen - 55kT or 55G
Ginger, Terracotta, Buttercup - 55kT or 55G
Cerulean, Violet, Ivory - 75kT or 75G
Multigaze - Cerulean, Violet, Ivory - 200kT or 200G
Pinecone & Pine
Umber, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
Faceted Eyes! - Umber, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
Soil, Swamp, Maize - 55kT or 55G
Changing Seasons
Driftwood, Peridot, Murk - 25kT or 25G
Pastel Rainbow
Hatched Easter - Goat Eyes - Maize, Ice, Rose - 55kT or 55G
Milk & Honey
White, Lemon, Saffron - 35kT or 35G
Falling Leaves
Hatched on Thanksgiving Day! - Latte, Spring, Metals - 35kT or 35G
Rich in color and culture, Wild Turkey embody the spirit of warmth for the winter months. These dragons are equal parts heart and hearth, strong mediators for common causes, and always willing to welcome even the most different into their homes to share a good meal and a warm fire.
Read their full Subspecies Lore here!
Haunted Forest
Umber, Carrot, Soil - 45kT or 45G
Hatched on the Autumn Equinox!
Hatched Jan 1st - Sanddollar, Fern, Maroon - 85kT or 85G
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