Autumn Spice Hatchery - Halloween!
johnny777nny's Clan
Setting up Hatcheries is hard D:
Clan Info
✖ Hello, you can call me Nny ("knee") for short! ✖
Feel free to message me for anything at all!
If any of my dragon pairs look like they might make a promising hatchling that you are looking for, I will happily keep an eye out for any color combinations for you.
My Hatchery Thread -incomplete-
If you're interested in buying one of my dragons, ask! Dragons currently up in the Auction House will be on the last page of my lair. I will discount/give away dragons if they are going to a good home, especially if you are a new player!
Feel free to message me for anything at all!
If any of my dragon pairs look like they might make a promising hatchling that you are looking for, I will happily keep an eye out for any color combinations for you.
My Hatchery Thread -incomplete-
If you're interested in buying one of my dragons, ask! Dragons currently up in the Auction House will be on the last page of my lair. I will discount/give away dragons if they are going to a good home, especially if you are a new player!
Recent Comments
Maize is on the front page ^-^
Maize was on the front page!
nutmeg's on the front page! such a cutie!
Snickers was on the front page! I love his colors and his outfit~ ^^
Snickers was on the front page, congrats!
Wolf's rain XD
Valamaradace was on the front page today!
Hopefully, I'll be able to borrow or buy the other user's dragon. At that point I could send the other dragon over to you to breed in your nests (with t + food). I'll let you know if/when I hear back from the other person!
Hello! I found #2719139 while searching for a certain range for a breeding project. I've just asked another user about a dragon of theirs, but would you be willing to help by breeding her if they accept? Thanks. (I like her apparel!)
Hey there my dude! We should totally trade dragons! =D hit me up on telegram and we can talk wonderful nerdy durgun stuff?
you have angered the tropic
boi you better get back on here and take care of blossom
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