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TOPIC | Sornieth's Biggest Lore Shop [T/G/USD]
@ktjn: one would be a lot easier, yes. :)
@ktjn: one would be a lot easier, yes. :)
tundra monolair (except when i'm not)
@hyzenthlaay dfksdkf ye why did i even ask haha sorry i'm hECKIN tired xD [quote][b]Dragon's Name (and link to dragon):[/b] her name is Koin!!! [b]Service Requested:[/b] tarot reading [b]Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?:[/b] word count at ur discretion, i can pay for greater word count if you feel inspired enough to write lots. koin is a kleptomaniac by trade and has been sailing the 11 seas of sornieth for the past few months, determined to find a treasure worth owning. why? no one knows. all This Clan knows is that they hide her and protect her when she runs into trouble. why? no one knows. her unquenchable desire she is seeking out: "what exactly IS it i seek, and why must i have it??? why can't i be satisfied with all the other treasure i have found??? why do i feel so empty??!!!?!"[/quote]
@hyzenthlaay dfksdkf ye why did i even ask haha sorry i'm hECKIN tired xD
Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): her name is Koin!!!
Service Requested: tarot reading
Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: word count at ur discretion, i can pay for greater word count if you feel inspired enough to write lots. koin is a kleptomaniac by trade and has been sailing the 11 seas of sornieth for the past few months, determined to find a treasure worth owning. why? no one knows. all This Clan knows is that they hide her and protect her when she runs into trouble. why? no one knows. her unquenchable desire she is seeking out: "what exactly IS it i seek, and why must i have it??? why can't i be satisfied with all the other treasure i have found??? why do i feel so empty??!!!?!"
blood vigour, if you're so inclined and nasty
hi i don't actually know how to write a lair review but i just had to say stuff about Stuff and i couldnt do it in profile comments [quote=ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, and dudes of all teenages, as well as the uhhh gals]Did you ever want to see a lair during a tornado? Then this is it, folks! First of all, the 'Pardon our dust!' tab keeps changing. Like a regurgitating, Lovecraftian horror, it keeps changing its inhabitants for some unknown reason. He l p me, I'm stuc k , there's nowhere to hide here !! The Lionfish army tab ... Now tell me again, that surely wasn't there before, right? Whatever happened to the 'Definitely keeping' tab?? My gods, is this lair okay? ARE YOU OKAY????? Frankly, the Lionfish Army tab makes me quite happy--after all, lionfish is an extremely touchy gene and needs to be handled with care. All the dragons here, though? Perfectly embracing the vivacity of lionfish! HOW???? The whole Tundra tab? A++++++. Tundra and Snappers are a fave of @hyzenthlaay in general, but this tab is like the Icewarden [i]himself[/i] blessed it. High point as of writing this: DILLY!!! SHE FINALLY BELONGS WHERE SHE BELONGS!!! SHE IS A THE GORGEOUS TUNDRA BABY LIBRARIAN WE ALL NEED IN OUR LIFE!!! As mentioned that @hyzenthlaay's fave dragons are not explicitly Gaolers, wEll you certainly have quite a pick going as of writing this. Excuse me? 'TheDairyPhysical'? 'LaserArmory'???? Should I be expecting some earth-shattering lore from these two soon?? I feel like this lair is having a breakdown while I observe it. SUCH a look!!! SNAPPER TAB ALERT!!! ONLY 4 IN THERE. PARDON ME WHERE ARE THE BEST BREED IN FR???? When I say this lair is currently run by someone who got lost in Wonderland and can't make their way out, I really do mean it. this tab had at least 10+ earlier. Hmmmm must be an anomaly... surely @hyzenthlaay wouldn't forget their fave breed ever. No. Don't believe. I pretend I do not see it. Needing some sweet babies to adopt??? Trust me when I say you need to check out @hyzenthlaay's 'Ready to Go' tab. These are all darlings that Need. To. Go. Oh no. I see a Moon Moon dragon. OH NO. WHY IS THIS SO HILARIOUS? HELP ME O CRAZED DRAGON OWNER. I NEED THESE DRAGONS IN MY LIFE AND MY LAIR, AND SO DO YOU. The tab 'Awaiting Breed Changes' is hilarious because it's ONLY for breed changes for tundras or snappers AKA the best dragon breeds. I'm just saying, @hyzenthlaay has good taste. Fight me okay??? Check out these dragons if you have something amazing to offer that you just can't live without these dragons. WalkDownTheAisle, MagnetCare, and BouncyHouseRetch (a far cry from the famed BallpitVomit but still charming) are just a taste of the madness that occurs in the owner's mind. The Knick and Knack tab is where Knick and Knack live. Hmmm. Are these siblings still seeing who can pop out more babies??? I guess it's just a matter of time!! After all, the lair [i]is[/i] literally breaking down every 5 minutes. They can't really concentrate on their competition at the moment. Even more dragons to be had in @hyzenthlaay's 'AH and trades' and 'Whatever tab' tabs!!! Honestly, there are some perfect dergs in there if you ever are looking for a quick, easy, way to get some amazing dergs. Key notes here are Raider, sweet art!!! Knickerbocker and Norepinephrine have great names!! Listen just send them all to me, okay??? I have space. [i]*checks lair*[/i] Yeah, no, I have space, I promise. Trust me. [i]*switches to hibernal den*[/i] Oh lord.... [i]*faints*[/i][/quote] looking for a sweet derg to fill ur 5 lair spaces u spent 6 weeks gathering treasure for? [url=]TRY HYZENTHLAAY'S TRADE POST[/url] [size=1][b]edit[/b]: typos, i post everything from a mobile screen with 1043 cracks in it[/size]
hi i don't actually know how to write a lair review but i just had to say stuff about Stuff and i couldnt do it in profile comments
ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, and dudes of all teenages, as well as the uhhh gals wrote:
Did you ever want to see a lair during a tornado? Then this is it, folks! First of all, the 'Pardon our dust!' tab keeps changing. Like a regurgitating, Lovecraftian horror, it keeps changing its inhabitants for some unknown reason. He l p me, I'm stuc k , there's nowhere to hide here !!

The Lionfish army tab ... Now tell me again, that surely wasn't there before, right? Whatever happened to the 'Definitely keeping' tab?? My gods, is this lair okay? ARE YOU OKAY????? Frankly, the Lionfish Army tab makes me quite happy--after all, lionfish is an extremely touchy gene and needs to be handled with care. All the dragons here, though? Perfectly embracing the vivacity of lionfish! HOW????

The whole Tundra tab? A++++++. Tundra and Snappers are a fave of @hyzenthlaay in general, but this tab is like the Icewarden himself blessed it. High point as of writing this: DILLY!!! SHE FINALLY BELONGS WHERE SHE BELONGS!!! SHE IS A THE GORGEOUS TUNDRA BABY LIBRARIAN WE ALL NEED IN OUR LIFE!!!

As mentioned that @hyzenthlaay's fave dragons are not explicitly Gaolers, wEll you certainly have quite a pick going as of writing this. Excuse me? 'TheDairyPhysical'? 'LaserArmory'???? Should I be expecting some earth-shattering lore from these two soon?? I feel like this lair is having a breakdown while I observe it. SUCH a look!!!

SNAPPER TAB ALERT!!! ONLY 4 IN THERE. PARDON ME WHERE ARE THE BEST BREED IN FR???? When I say this lair is currently run by someone who got lost in Wonderland and can't make their way out, I really do mean it. this tab had at least 10+ earlier. Hmmmm must be an anomaly... surely @hyzenthlaay wouldn't forget their fave breed ever. No. Don't believe. I pretend I do not see it.

Needing some sweet babies to adopt??? Trust me when I say you need to check out @hyzenthlaay's 'Ready to Go' tab. These are all darlings that Need. To. Go. Oh no. I see a Moon Moon dragon. OH NO. WHY IS THIS SO HILARIOUS? HELP ME O CRAZED DRAGON OWNER. I NEED THESE DRAGONS IN MY LIFE AND MY LAIR, AND SO DO YOU.

The tab 'Awaiting Breed Changes' is hilarious because it's ONLY for breed changes for tundras or snappers AKA the best dragon breeds. I'm just saying, @hyzenthlaay has good taste. Fight me okay??? Check out these dragons if you have something amazing to offer that you just can't live without these dragons. WalkDownTheAisle, MagnetCare, and BouncyHouseRetch (a far cry from the famed BallpitVomit but still charming) are just a taste of the madness that occurs in the owner's mind.

The Knick and Knack tab is where Knick and Knack live. Hmmm. Are these siblings still seeing who can pop out more babies??? I guess it's just a matter of time!! After all, the lair is literally breaking down every 5 minutes. They can't really concentrate on their competition at the moment.

Even more dragons to be had in @hyzenthlaay's 'AH and trades' and 'Whatever tab' tabs!!! Honestly, there are some perfect dergs in there if you ever are looking for a quick, easy, way to get some amazing dergs. Key notes here are Raider, sweet art!!! Knickerbocker and Norepinephrine have great names!! Listen just send them all to me, okay??? I have space. *checks lair* Yeah, no, I have space, I promise. Trust me.

*switches to hibernal den*

Oh lord.... *faints*

looking for a sweet derg to fill ur 5 lair spaces u spent 6 weeks gathering treasure for? TRY HYZENTHLAAY'S TRADE POST

edit: typos, i post everything from a mobile screen with 1043 cracks in it
blood vigour, if you're so inclined and nasty
Oh my gosh. Um @Hyzenthlaay I would love to buy Moonview!
Oh my gosh. Um @Hyzenthlaay I would love to buy Moonview!
Oh boy hello
Could I pick up Doombringer? I absolutely adore his lore, and I’ve always loved swampy-dergs!
Oh boy hello
Could I pick up Doombringer? I absolutely adore his lore, and I’ve always loved swampy-dergs!
+8 FRT
My username is RBG, not RGB
HotnSpicy’s Beauty Tips and Tricks
[nextcol]Blank blank blank[nextcol]blank blank blank[nextcol]
@ktjn: Your commission is finally ready! LMK if there's any changes you would like implemented. :) [quote]"What exactly [i]IS[/i] it that I seek, and why must I have it?! Why can't I be satisfied with all the other treasure I have found?! [i]Why[/i] do I feel so empty?!" [url=]Chatin[/url] blinked, and for one brief moment, the constant glean of his eyes was extinguished. It was his first inclination to do anything remotely dragon-like in quite some time. Most dragons who paid him a visit still minded their social niceties, though Chatin had long lost use for them. Rare was it for a dragon to burst in without so much as an introduction and immediately get to their point. He had an appreciation for that. “SIT,” he instructed. The intruding coatl recoiled at the intensity of his voice, but obeyed. She slipped into the tent’s mouth and settled among the many plush and incense-infused pillows, which Chatin kept a fresh rotation of. No longer remembering what comfort felt like, this was his best approximation for his clients. The coatl splashed a large bag of gold coins onto the table and folded her arms. Not even an exchange of pleasantries, or talk of price. She simply offered over what she knew the reading was worth and waited for the next steps. The air of this dragon was quite different from the one that had first broken through the tent. Any sense of mania or panic that she had carried before was now gone, replaced by the calculating aura of a dragon who’s set on a job to be done. The turnaround was remarkable. “YOUR NAME,” Chatin asked, following the same lack of etiquette the two were clearly engaged in. “KOIN,” she responded. “SINCE WE’RE DOING THE WHOLE YELLING THING.” “APOLOGIES” - though he meant no such thing - “THIS IS THE NATURAL STATE OF MY VOICE. YOU MAY SIT FURTHER BACK ONCE WE HAVE SHUFFLED THE DECK TO DISTANCE YOURSELF. WE WILL BEGIN NOW.” Chatin’s cards, which had previously rested inside a small metal birdcage suspended from the ceiling canvas, seemed to respond to this statement and came flying at the two as if thrown. Koin instinctually shielded her face, but they diverted path and immediately headed towards Chatin’s head. Of course, they stopped before striking. They always did. Chatin doubted he would be able to feel much anyway if they didn’t. “YOU INQUIRY IS THE SAME,” he said - less of a question than it was a statement. Koin nodded. “TOUCH THE DECK.” He fanned them out in front of them evenly, and the coatl gave a neat little poke to the middlemost card. Chatin withdrew what she had touched. “THE STAR.” It would amuse Chatin, if he could be amused, to see the looks on clients’ faces when he printed his predictions out from his mouth. He aided the process with a small mechanical cough, which forced a shot of paper to exit from his “throat” faster. It hung from his lips like a second tongue. Koin balked, clearly not anticipating this turn of events. “Woah, what the hell is thi-” “READ.” “Alright, alright, Lightweaver above, do I just pull it out?” He spit it into her outstretched hand. “...ah. Wonderful.” [quote=First Card]In a three card spread, the cards take on a temporal meaning: past, present, and future. In your past, you have pulled: THE STAR. The Star represents hopefulness, inspiration, wishes, and divinity - a bit on the nose as far as card definitions go, but a common one to find in the past of a miserable wretch such as yourself.[/quote] “Hey!” she yelled, readying an insult for the card reader, but Chatin spoke over the comment about his mother’s heritage. “I DO NOT TELL THE CARDS WHAT TO SAY. THEY SPEAK ON THEIR OWN ACCOUNT. IF THEY INSULT YOU, I WOULD NOT TAKE IT PERSONALLY. THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN QUITE CRUEL, EVEN IN MY LIFETIME.” Not knowing how much she really believed that, Koin continued. [quote=First Card]What dragon lives without some measure of hopes and dreams guiding their steps? Dragonkind walks in the footsteps of their Deities, perhaps expecting some level of Their blessings in exchange. How lovely it is, to be driven by a greater purpose. Dragons are so poor at amusing themselves during their limited time on Sornieth that they look skyward for something bigger than themselves. And even still, they are too selfish to see themselves as merely a part of that bigger goal, whether they admit to it or not. Every dragon wants to be “the one”. The one what? A memory, perhaps, or a hero, legend, campfire story - the star of the narrative, refusing to recognize themselves as a footnote. It is your choice to be insulted by this. One might argue that this is the natural drive of any dragon, something inseparable from your species. Why would Deities make you in their image, if not to inspire you to match them in turn? Is there comfort in this? That your motivations were no different from any other dragon’s?[/quote] “Not...really,” Koin responded, as if expecting the cards to respond. “What about the next two?” “CHOOSE.” Her claw fell now on one not quite the center of the spread, as if she was defying the expectation to do so. Chatin selected it, and his printing process started all over again. “Are you seriously going to have to do that every time?” “YES.” [quote=Second Card]In a three card spread, the cards take on a temporal meaning: past, present, and future. In your past, you have pulled: THE SUN. The Sun shares a similar relationship with The Star, being that they are one and the same. But whereas the Star can represent any number of machinations that a dragon holds over its tumultuous life, the Sun is a singular desire. A drive that has made itself the center of your livelihood. A guide, if you will.[/quote] “So far, so good.” [quote=Second Card]The Sun is and is at constant risk. Trust too much in your patron, and you will stare it down until you are blind. Take the proper precaution, and something far beyond the ability of your control may still send the Sun askew - natural disaster, perhaps, or the forward crawl of time itself.[/quote] “...damn it.” [quote=Second Card]Which will you choose? Complacency in your life’s work at the risk of total destruction, or to wait for the destruction to reach its natural settling point? You may find that without deciding, one or the other will happen for you.[/quote] The minute she had stopped reading, Koin slapped another card, not bothering to ask for Chatin’s permission. “How’s that for deciding?” “I CANNOT ANSWER THAT WITH CERTAINTY.” The cough began and ended with the full eviction of the final paper from his mouth. [quote=Third Card]In a three card spread, the cards take on a temporal meaning: past, present, and future. In your Future, you have pulled: JUSTICE. Surely even the most idiotic of dragons could figure out what this card represents, but in the case that we are talking to someone qualifying below that standard, Justice represents the right, “fair” outcome. What is fair? It depends on the dragon asking. What do you find fair, Koin? Does theft feel like an equalizer to you? Have the dreams of other dragons shone so brightly over the fire inside your head; that the only way to dull it, is to break it? What heirlooms line your quarters, and what pockets does the majority of your money originate in? If your goal is to ruin the goals of others before they can come to full fruition, no wonder you feel an emptiness. Your stores are heavy with seeds and half-grown things, each separated from its intended purpose. You could not possibly cobble them together into something coherent. Not with all of the coin in the world. Is that fair? Maybe. Tarot, as I hope you understand, cannot answer questions. It can only give direction to them. Will you use these questions we have raised to your advantage, or will you do with all things that come to bore you - quietly store them away until they are long forgotten?[/quote] Koin left without another word in one solid movement. Chatin did not need to look down to know that she had not taken the papers along with her, deep into the night. This was how he understand the coatl. When she had a goal in mind - to flee the tent of a horrid predictor, for example - her mind was settled. But her goals were too short-sighted, and it was not long until restlessness and emptiness filled her. Until, of course, the next thing. He would have been happy to summarize this for her, had she spent even a moment longer with him. So he instead put the cards away and motionlessly stared at the entrance, like he always did.[/quote]
@ktjn: Your commission is finally ready! LMK if there's any changes you would like implemented. :)
"What exactly IS it that I seek, and why must I have it?! Why can't I be satisfied with all the other treasure I have found?! Why do I feel so empty?!"

Chatin blinked, and for one brief moment, the constant glean of his eyes was extinguished. It was his first inclination to do anything remotely dragon-like in quite some time.

Most dragons who paid him a visit still minded their social niceties, though Chatin had long lost use for them. Rare was it for a dragon to burst in without so much as an introduction and immediately get to their point. He had an appreciation for that.

“SIT,” he instructed.

The intruding coatl recoiled at the intensity of his voice, but obeyed. She slipped into the tent’s mouth and settled among the many plush and incense-infused pillows, which Chatin kept a fresh rotation of. No longer remembering what comfort felt like, this was his best approximation for his clients.

The coatl splashed a large bag of gold coins onto the table and folded her arms. Not even an exchange of pleasantries, or talk of price. She simply offered over what she knew the reading was worth and waited for the next steps. The air of this dragon was quite different from the one that had first broken through the tent. Any sense of mania or panic that she had carried before was now gone, replaced by the calculating aura of a dragon who’s set on a job to be done. The turnaround was remarkable.

“YOUR NAME,” Chatin asked, following the same lack of etiquette the two were clearly engaged in.



Chatin’s cards, which had previously rested inside a small metal birdcage suspended from the ceiling canvas, seemed to respond to this statement and came flying at the two as if thrown. Koin instinctually shielded her face, but they diverted path and immediately headed towards Chatin’s head. Of course, they stopped before striking. They always did. Chatin doubted he would be able to feel much anyway if they didn’t.

“YOU INQUIRY IS THE SAME,” he said - less of a question than it was a statement. Koin nodded. “TOUCH THE DECK.”

He fanned them out in front of them evenly, and the coatl gave a neat little poke to the middlemost card. Chatin withdrew what she had touched.


It would amuse Chatin, if he could be amused, to see the looks on clients’ faces when he printed his predictions out from his mouth. He aided the process with a small mechanical cough, which forced a shot of paper to exit from his “throat” faster. It hung from his lips like a second tongue. Koin balked, clearly not anticipating this turn of events.

“Woah, what the hell is thi-”


“Alright, alright, Lightweaver above, do I just pull it out?”

He spit it into her outstretched hand.

“...ah. Wonderful.”
First Card wrote:
In a three card spread, the cards take on a temporal meaning: past, present, and future. In your past, you have pulled: THE STAR.

The Star represents hopefulness, inspiration, wishes, and divinity - a bit on the nose as far as card definitions go, but a common one to find in the past of a miserable wretch such as yourself.

“Hey!” she yelled, readying an insult for the card reader, but Chatin spoke over the comment about his mother’s heritage.


Not knowing how much she really believed that, Koin continued.

First Card wrote:
What dragon lives without some measure of hopes and dreams guiding their steps? Dragonkind walks in the footsteps of their Deities, perhaps expecting some level of Their blessings in exchange. How lovely it is, to be driven by a greater purpose. Dragons are so poor at amusing themselves during their limited time on Sornieth that they look skyward for something bigger than themselves. And even still, they are too selfish to see themselves as merely a part of that bigger goal, whether they admit to it or not. Every dragon wants to be “the one”. The one what? A memory, perhaps, or a hero, legend, campfire story - the star of the narrative, refusing to recognize themselves as a footnote.

It is your choice to be insulted by this. One might argue that this is the natural drive of any dragon, something inseparable from your species. Why would Deities make you in their image, if not to inspire you to match them in turn? Is there comfort in this? That your motivations were no different from any other dragon’s?

“Not...really,” Koin responded, as if expecting the cards to respond. “What about the next two?”


Her claw fell now on one not quite the center of the spread, as if she was defying the expectation to do so. Chatin selected it, and his printing process started all over again.

“Are you seriously going to have to do that every time?”

Second Card wrote:
In a three card spread, the cards take on a temporal meaning: past, present, and future. In your past, you have pulled: THE SUN.

The Sun shares a similar relationship with The Star, being that they are one and the same. But whereas the Star can represent any number of machinations that a dragon holds over its tumultuous life, the Sun is a singular desire. A drive that has made itself the center of your livelihood. A guide, if you will.

“So far, so good.”
Second Card wrote:
The Sun is and is at constant risk. Trust too much in your patron, and you will stare it down until you are blind. Take the proper precaution, and something far beyond the ability of your control may still send the Sun askew - natural disaster, perhaps, or the forward crawl of time itself.

“...damn it.”
Second Card wrote:
Which will you choose? Complacency in your life’s work at the risk of total destruction, or to wait for the destruction to reach its natural settling point? You may find that without deciding, one or the other will happen for you.

The minute she had stopped reading, Koin slapped another card, not bothering to ask for Chatin’s permission. “How’s that for deciding?”

The cough began and ended with the full eviction of the final paper from his mouth.
Third Card wrote:
In a three card spread, the cards take on a temporal meaning: past, present, and future. In your Future, you have pulled: JUSTICE.

Surely even the most idiotic of dragons could figure out what this card represents, but in the case that we are talking to someone qualifying below that standard, Justice represents the right, “fair” outcome. What is fair? It depends on the dragon asking.

What do you find fair, Koin? Does theft feel like an equalizer to you? Have the dreams of other dragons shone so brightly over the fire inside your head; that the only way to dull it, is to break it? What heirlooms line your quarters, and what pockets does the majority of your money originate in? If your goal is to ruin the goals of others before they can come to full fruition, no wonder you feel an emptiness. Your stores are heavy with seeds and half-grown things, each separated from its intended purpose. You could not possibly cobble them together into something coherent. Not with all of the coin in the world.

Is that fair? Maybe.

Tarot, as I hope you understand, cannot answer questions. It can only give direction to them. Will you use these questions we have raised to your advantage, or will you do with all things that come to bore you - quietly store them away until they are long forgotten?

Koin left without another word in one solid movement. Chatin did not need to look down to know that she had not taken the papers along with her, deep into the night.

This was how he understand the coatl. When she had a goal in mind - to flee the tent of a horrid predictor, for example - her mind was settled. But her goals were too short-sighted, and it was not long until restlessness and emptiness filled her. Until, of course, the next thing. He would have been happy to summarize this for her, had she spent even a moment longer with him.

So he instead put the cards away and motionlessly stared at the entrance, like he always did.
tundra monolair (except when i'm not)
@Hyzenthlaay Came back for some more lore for some of my dragons, and a playlist! Pretty big order, but it's mostly lore snippets! Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): Kintra [url=][img][/img][/url] Service Requested: I would like to get her a 15 song playlist! Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: You can read her lore for an idea of her personality and everything you need to really know about her. She also already essentially has a song that I thought represented her well, which is called Control by Halsey. Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): Spear [url=][img][/img][/url] Service Requested: Lore snippet Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: He is in a relationship with Bloodborne (the one below), and unlike him, Spear isn't as shy about it. He likes to cuddle with Bloodborne, and will usually fall asleep after sometime. He also has some ties with Lord X. Anything you want to add, go ahead and do so! Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): Bloodborne [url=][img][/img][/url] Service Requested: Lore snippet Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: He is in a relationship with Spear (the one above), but it still extremely shy about it. One of his favorite past times is cuddling with Spear. I don't have much else for him, so feel free to add something in if you feel it would fit! Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): HeardSomebodyCry [url=][img][/img][/url] Service Requested: Lore snippet Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: Only thing I really have for her is that she isn't as powerful as my other Naomi descendants, and she also claims to constantly hear somebody crying (I got her with the name and was too lazy to change, so I made it work xD). She is also incredibly uneasy. Whatever else you want to add, feel free to add it!
Came back for some more lore for some of my dragons, and a playlist! Pretty big order, but it's mostly lore snippets!

Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): Kintra
Service Requested: I would like to get her a 15 song playlist!
Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: You can read her lore for an idea of her personality and everything you need to really know about her. She also already essentially has a song that I thought represented her well, which is called Control by Halsey.

Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): Spear
Service Requested: Lore snippet
Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: He is in a relationship with Bloodborne (the one below), and unlike him, Spear isn't as shy about it. He likes to cuddle with Bloodborne, and will usually fall asleep after sometime. He also has some ties with Lord X. Anything you want to add, go ahead and do so!

Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): Bloodborne
Service Requested: Lore snippet
Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: He is in a relationship with Spear (the one above), but it still extremely shy about it. One of his favorite past times is cuddling with Spear. I don't have much else for him, so feel free to add something in if you feel it would fit!

Dragon's Name (and link to dragon): HeardSomebodyCry
Service Requested: Lore snippet
Anything I should know (word count, dragon personality, clan lore, etc.)?: Only thing I really have for her is that she isn't as powerful as my other Naomi descendants, and she also claims to constantly hear somebody crying (I got her with the name and was too lazy to change, so I made it work xD). She is also incredibly uneasy. Whatever else you want to add, feel free to add it!
ldIARQG.gif oRkijoy.png
@hyzenthlaay AH THIS IS WONDERFUL!! chatin is totally my favourite paper-puking diviner. x3 this is lovely THANK u so much for the piece. would u be so kind as to copy that text + coding and pm me it for her profile, along with the amount i owe u?? :D
@hyzenthlaay AH THIS IS WONDERFUL!! chatin is totally my favourite paper-puking diviner. x3 this is lovely THANK u so much for the piece. would u be so kind as to copy that text + coding and pm me it for her profile, along with the amount i owe u?? :D
blood vigour, if you're so inclined and nasty

1) Here's Kintra's playlist! We have a lot of foreboding songs on here; ones that just carry a sense of dread and concern in them. I included your Halsey song, too, but I didn't count it towards her song total, so enjoy the 16-song playlist!

2) Spear keeps little to himself, a particularly affable personality trait when you remember that he is a wish granter. He could hoard all that his powers bring to him, but instead feels far more joy in giving them away to the dragons who need them most. Lord X does not particularly understand nor care for this inclination, but so long as Spear grants him the occasional blade or stuffie, all is well. He is in a relationship with Bloodborne, a fact that he will remind anyone talking to him of at any opportunity he gets. It seems that secrets, which Bloodborne was hoping to keep their relationship as, are also something that Spear little of to himself.

3) Bloodborne fought alongside Lord X with a similar thirst for bloodshed, though his craving for violence was far more death-oriented than his master's. Just like the imperial, he too was victim to a spell gone wrong. It was meant to grant him courage, as he was far too cowardly to enlist in the wars his peers urged him into. It certainly worked, but at the cost of making blood the main love of this veilspun. At least, until Spear came along. In a fairytale twist, it was finding something - or in this case, someone - that Bloodborne loved more than bloodshed that broke his curse, returning him to his somewhat cowardly former state. Lord X is annoyed at the loss of his soldier, but secretly appreciates no longer needing to confront the death he wreaked. Now Bloodborne spends his days at Spear's side, helping him fufill wishes and begging him to stop telling everyone that the once widely-feared Bloodborne has been properly domesticated.

4) HeardSomebodyCry is by far the weakest of her peers within the Glitched Palace, a fact that they are quick to remind her practically every day. It is not for lack of trying that Cry cannot get a proper handle on her magic - she simply lacks a teacher for the artform, and no one within the palace is volunteering. As such, she is burdened with the more janitorial tasks of the Palace, such as cooking meals and cleaning up after her superiors. By chance, she has happened upon an instructional scroll of powerful magics that appeared in front of her chamber door one night, and has been practicing it in secret when her daily work draws to a close. Will it earn her a place alongside her fellows?

1) Here's Kintra's playlist! We have a lot of foreboding songs on here; ones that just carry a sense of dread and concern in them. I included your Halsey song, too, but I didn't count it towards her song total, so enjoy the 16-song playlist!

2) Spear keeps little to himself, a particularly affable personality trait when you remember that he is a wish granter. He could hoard all that his powers bring to him, but instead feels far more joy in giving them away to the dragons who need them most. Lord X does not particularly understand nor care for this inclination, but so long as Spear grants him the occasional blade or stuffie, all is well. He is in a relationship with Bloodborne, a fact that he will remind anyone talking to him of at any opportunity he gets. It seems that secrets, which Bloodborne was hoping to keep their relationship as, are also something that Spear little of to himself.

3) Bloodborne fought alongside Lord X with a similar thirst for bloodshed, though his craving for violence was far more death-oriented than his master's. Just like the imperial, he too was victim to a spell gone wrong. It was meant to grant him courage, as he was far too cowardly to enlist in the wars his peers urged him into. It certainly worked, but at the cost of making blood the main love of this veilspun. At least, until Spear came along. In a fairytale twist, it was finding something - or in this case, someone - that Bloodborne loved more than bloodshed that broke his curse, returning him to his somewhat cowardly former state. Lord X is annoyed at the loss of his soldier, but secretly appreciates no longer needing to confront the death he wreaked. Now Bloodborne spends his days at Spear's side, helping him fufill wishes and begging him to stop telling everyone that the once widely-feared Bloodborne has been properly domesticated.

4) HeardSomebodyCry is by far the weakest of her peers within the Glitched Palace, a fact that they are quick to remind her practically every day. It is not for lack of trying that Cry cannot get a proper handle on her magic - she simply lacks a teacher for the artform, and no one within the palace is volunteering. As such, she is burdened with the more janitorial tasks of the Palace, such as cooking meals and cleaning up after her superiors. By chance, she has happened upon an instructional scroll of powerful magics that appeared in front of her chamber door one night, and has been practicing it in secret when her daily work draws to a close. Will it earn her a place alongside her fellows?
tundra monolair (except when i'm not)
I love Kintra's playlist and the lore you wrote for everyone else! Thank you! I'll send the payment over now!
I love Kintra's playlist and the lore you wrote for everyone else! Thank you! I'll send the payment over now!
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