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TOPIC | Relocate Lair to Foreign Embassy/Sanctum
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The map update rules! What I love the most is how the history of Sorneith comes alive and the relationships between flights and their place in the world becomes beautifully evident. Player lore is going to flourish from this update!

I would like to see the lair relocation feature take it one small step forward.

Throughout the map are new points that acknowledge the Flights' relationships with one another. Most notably, the Sanctums, the Oculus of the Eleven, the Pox Embassy, and the Seedscar. These locations reference specific canon flight relationships which many players have imagined in their own lore. I would like locations such as these to be available for limited cross-flight relocations while the player maintains their Flight allegiance.

For example, I am a dedicated Plague flight member with strong story ties to Nature. My dragon characters have always lived in Nature territory in my lore. They are Plague allied dragons living away from their motherland. If my suggestion was implemented, I would be able to select the Pox Embassy specifically as one of my lair location options. Nothing about my hatching's eye color, the flight banner on my page, the flight background across the site, or my contributions to Dominance would change. Only the lair location on my Clan Profile would. Additionally, I would not be able to select other Nature territories as my locations, only the the Pox Embassy that has ties to my true Flight allegiance.

I recognize the slight messiness of this suggestion. The game cannot cater to every players' individual clan story (nor should they), and lines would have to be drawn somewhere naturally. That said, player lore is a huge interest of the FR community and I feel like the new update is within a stone's throw of some limited customization options in regards to showing our own clan's relationships with other Flights.

If you respond to this suggestion, please keep it on topic. Many suggestions regarding secondary Flight choices and flight banner/background changes have been made in the past, but this post is not about those suggestions.

Thank you so much for reading!
The map update rules! What I love the most is how the history of Sorneith comes alive and the relationships between flights and their place in the world becomes beautifully evident. Player lore is going to flourish from this update!

I would like to see the lair relocation feature take it one small step forward.

Throughout the map are new points that acknowledge the Flights' relationships with one another. Most notably, the Sanctums, the Oculus of the Eleven, the Pox Embassy, and the Seedscar. These locations reference specific canon flight relationships which many players have imagined in their own lore. I would like locations such as these to be available for limited cross-flight relocations while the player maintains their Flight allegiance.

For example, I am a dedicated Plague flight member with strong story ties to Nature. My dragon characters have always lived in Nature territory in my lore. They are Plague allied dragons living away from their motherland. If my suggestion was implemented, I would be able to select the Pox Embassy specifically as one of my lair location options. Nothing about my hatching's eye color, the flight banner on my page, the flight background across the site, or my contributions to Dominance would change. Only the lair location on my Clan Profile would. Additionally, I would not be able to select other Nature territories as my locations, only the the Pox Embassy that has ties to my true Flight allegiance.

I recognize the slight messiness of this suggestion. The game cannot cater to every players' individual clan story (nor should they), and lines would have to be drawn somewhere naturally. That said, player lore is a huge interest of the FR community and I feel like the new update is within a stone's throw of some limited customization options in regards to showing our own clan's relationships with other Flights.

If you respond to this suggestion, please keep it on topic. Many suggestions regarding secondary Flight choices and flight banner/background changes have been made in the past, but this post is not about those suggestions.

Thank you so much for reading!
Support! Though I have no desire to do this myself, this would open up more options for lore customization. Nothing would change functionally as it would be a visual change only. There's a similar suggestion in the forums where they called it Crossflight, and my suggestion is that this ability to change POI outside of one's flight be unlocked at 200 lair slots.
Support! Though I have no desire to do this myself, this would open up more options for lore customization. Nothing would change functionally as it would be a visual change only. There's a similar suggestion in the forums where they called it Crossflight, and my suggestion is that this ability to change POI outside of one's flight be unlocked at 200 lair slots.
Oh yeah, support big time!
Oh yeah, support big time!
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Support! I don't want "dual flight" status or any bonuses, I just want to be able to put my lair where I think it is in my lore.
Support! I don't want "dual flight" status or any bonuses, I just want to be able to put my lair where I think it is in my lore.
I think this is super neat, and matches up well with Plague's and Nature's lores!

While I wouldn't be taking advantage of this myself, since I am in neither flight, I do have a full set of "emissaries" to other flights within my clan, and think it would be super cool to let that bit of canon be reflected by physical location.

My only comment would be that it does in fact note on the map that both of these ambassador locations are being reclaimed by the landscape and in disuse due to the events of BotE.
I think this is super neat, and matches up well with Plague's and Nature's lores!

While I wouldn't be taking advantage of this myself, since I am in neither flight, I do have a full set of "emissaries" to other flights within my clan, and think it would be super cool to let that bit of canon be reflected by physical location.

My only comment would be that it does in fact note on the map that both of these ambassador locations are being reclaimed by the landscape and in disuse due to the events of BotE.
I strongly support this. I'm in Ice but I still really <3 Plague and being able to maintain my base in the Frozen Sanctum and a diplomatic/allied outpost in Plague (perhaps the Blight Sanctum, comparing research) would make me happy.
I strongly support this. I'm in Ice but I still really <3 Plague and being able to maintain my base in the Frozen Sanctum and a diplomatic/allied outpost in Plague (perhaps the Blight Sanctum, comparing research) would make me happy.
pings off | plz no random friend requests/PMs/profile comments
Support! This would be such a fun way for us to build on the games story.

The first thing I tried when I saw the map location sharing widget was seeing if it'd work in my lair tab descriptions. An integrated option to do this would be so exciting.
Support! This would be such a fun way for us to build on the games story.

The first thing I tried when I saw the map location sharing widget was seeing if it'd work in my lair tab descriptions. An integrated option to do this would be so exciting.

him / them
Absolute support! Could be a good alternative to the other suggestion of dual flights, which while cool in its own right, can come with a lot of issues, unfortunately.

I would love to move my clan to a suitable place without having to be grounded to just my flight’s area. It would make sense that, in lore, there would be ‘rogue’ clans who live outside their territory. Especially wind clans, it wouldn’t make sense for them to live their whole life in the boundaries of their flight.

It could also give hope to those who are ‘flightless’ clans, so that they can get the eye type they want by chosing a specific clan, while also living anywhere on the map.

Of course the flight movement wouldn’t mean anything other than aesthetic and personal lore, so i don’t see any issue with it!
Absolute support! Could be a good alternative to the other suggestion of dual flights, which while cool in its own right, can come with a lot of issues, unfortunately.

I would love to move my clan to a suitable place without having to be grounded to just my flight’s area. It would make sense that, in lore, there would be ‘rogue’ clans who live outside their territory. Especially wind clans, it wouldn’t make sense for them to live their whole life in the boundaries of their flight.

It could also give hope to those who are ‘flightless’ clans, so that they can get the eye type they want by chosing a specific clan, while also living anywhere on the map.

Of course the flight movement wouldn’t mean anything other than aesthetic and personal lore, so i don’t see any issue with it!
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I mean that's basically the real world function of embassies, so I don't see why we couldn't include them in flight location choice.

It would be weird if Earth Ambassadors could only be found in Earth flight.
I mean that's basically the real world function of embassies, so I don't see why we couldn't include them in flight location choice.

It would be weird if Earth Ambassadors could only be found in Earth flight.

support, i just wanna be in wind or shadow without spending 1.5kg. i don't need any perks, i just want the location lol
support, i just wanna be in wind or shadow without spending 1.5kg. i don't need any perks, i just want the location lol
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