165! It'll be cool if you could like one of my reps :3
165! It'll be cool if you could like one of my reps :3
AnimeFan00(#431727) FRT+15 She/Her Chat with me about Mobile Legends DV
@ShadowLugia111 @ShadowInTheMist
Thank you! Fodder apparel heading your way.
Like #17! Great Ice rep ya got there. :D
Thank you!
Like #9 for Steeljaw! [emoji=planet size=1] Thank you!
ShadowLugia111 @
Thank you! Fodder apparel heading your way.
Like #17! Great Ice rep ya got there. :D
Thank you!
Like #9 for Steeljaw!
Thank you!
[ J O K E R ]
FRT +0
169! and I'd love a fodder apparel, thanks!
169! and I'd love a fodder apparel, thanks!
that makes #170! can I get a fodder familiar please?
that makes #170! can I get a fodder familiar please?
I'm like #171! Would like a fodder apparel please!
I'm like #171! Would like a fodder apparel please!
Briargrove @
Thank you! Fodder apparel heading your way!
Thanks, bud! Sending a familiar now! :D
[ J O K E R ]
FRT +0
[center][emoji=gloom tile size=1][/center]
[ J O K E R ]
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[center][emoji=glimmer tile size=1][/center]
[ J O K E R ]
FRT +0
Like no. 180, would love some baldwin mats please!
Like no. 180, would love some baldwin mats please!
Star #182!! may I have a star on Arrida??? [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/61878977][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/618790/61878977_350.png[/img][/url]