Pretty sure Tundras are actually Tribbles. I swear they're multiplying before my eyes. If this keeps up, I'll drown in floof.
Hey, at least I'll die happy. XP

Pretty sure Tundras are actually Tribbles. I swear they're multiplying before my eyes. If this keeps up, I'll drown in floof.
Hey, at least I'll die happy. XP
Exhausted and severely depressed.
One of my first Tunda bois! I had a few more but..stuff happens. Anyways, this is SaltyPistachio, my bro named him (he doesnt play the game, I just wanted him to give me a food-themed name). Might join this thread for good later once I get more floofos.

One of my first Tunda bois! I had a few more but..stuff happens. Anyways, this is SaltyPistachio, my bro named him (he doesnt play the game, I just wanted him to give me a food-themed name). Might join this thread for good later once I get more floofos.
Just wanted to share these two. Two of my newer ones :3
Just wanted to share these two. Two of my newer ones :3

Not my dragon, but just thought it was cute cause my bff's progen dragon matches the one on the banner, it even has the same eye color. Im pretty sure that wasnt on purpose, pretty funny, lol.
Not my dragon, but just thought it was cute cause my bff's progen dragon matches the one on the banner, it even has the same eye color. Im pretty sure that wasnt on purpose, pretty funny, lol.

i have an
art shop,,, check it out boos
much love,,
Yes, Tundras! Here are my two fav boys.
Yes, Tundras! Here are my two fav boys.

As I think I commented the last time I posted, one problem with keeping a lot of dragons is the increased difficulty of getting over 80% Tundras in my lair.
I now own 196 Tundras out of 358 dragons. Which is only 55%.
Ah well. I'll run out of Den space eventually, and will have to start exalting dragons again. Who will mostly not be Tundras. So be patient, my floofs. Soooooooon.
As I think I commented the last time I posted, one problem with keeping a lot of dragons is the increased difficulty of getting over 80% Tundras in my lair.
I now own 196 Tundras out of 358 dragons. Which is only 55%.
Ah well. I'll run out of Den space eventually, and will have to start exalting dragons again. Who will mostly not be Tundras. So be patient, my floofs. Soooooooon.
Buying an additional apparel slot
unlocks it for ALL your dragons,
not just one!
Here are some of my favorite tuns from my lair! [emoji=heart]
Here is my custom progen, I love her colors and her new outfit I recently gave her!!
Here's a pretty tundra I'm using for a breeding project, I really like how she looks (and her future offspring are gonna be just as pretty if not prettier!!)
Here's my custom progen's daughter, I really like her colors! I headcanon her to have mirror eyes since her dad is a mirror, haha
Here is my absolutely beautiful tun from a breeding project, she's not what I was going for but she's just so pretty I just had to keep her!
I have a couple of other tundras I wanna show off here but since I've already shown off 4 dragons here, I think I'll wait a little while to post them! [emoji=tundra happy]
I'm so happy this exists, tundras are definitely my favorite breed and it's so cool to see a forum thread that celebrates them!!
Here are some of my favorite tuns from my lair!

Here is my custom progen, I love her colors and her new outfit I recently gave her!!

Here's a pretty tundra I'm using for a breeding project, I really like how she looks (and her future offspring are gonna be just as pretty if not prettier!!)

Here's my custom progen's daughter, I really like her colors! I headcanon her to have mirror eyes since her dad is a mirror, haha

Here is my absolutely beautiful tun from a breeding project, she's not what I was going for but she's just so pretty I just had to keep her!
I have a couple of other tundras I wanna show off here but since I've already shown off 4 dragons here, I think I'll wait a little while to post them!
I'm so happy this exists, tundras are definitely my favorite breed and it's so cool to see a forum thread that celebrates them!!
FR+1 | She/her
Just thought I'd share the three newest additions to my personal TunTun Troop.
Teth, my tomb robber (and Zenith's future mate).
Kagome, my shapeshifting koi fish.
And Arcanum, the mirror image of my girl Pixis.
Just thought I'd share the three newest additions to my personal TunTun Troop.

Teth, my tomb robber (and Zenith's future mate).

Kagome, my shapeshifting koi fish.

And Arcanum, the mirror image of my girl Pixis.
Exhausted and severely depressed.
I have a couple Tuns but these three are my most recent ones: