

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | Primal Eye Vial as part of Holidays
You are an utter genius and this is a brilliant way to add this feature in a less random way. Full support
You are an utter genius and this is a brilliant way to add this feature in a less random way. Full support
4qcj.png tumblr_inline_njucf1YnRj1r7wjf7.png ~They/Them
~+3 hours FR Time
~Shameless Fan Dragon Lair
~I Love Friend Requests
~Need cheap fodder? Pre-order a nest full! 1 gem down, 3 gems per egg
tumblr_inline_njucf2ZZft1r7wjf7.png tumblr_p6un9pL5QF1utez9io3_100.png
Full support! I was thinking something similar, have it be a holiday item whether if be for the monthly ones or even yearly ones, either way i definitely dont think they should be retired
Full support! I was thinking something similar, have it be a holiday item whether if be for the monthly ones or even yearly ones, either way i definitely dont think they should be retired
tumblr_inline_nbe8duyTA81qg78ij.png 2nNPLga.giftumblr_inline_nbe8e2NZyN1qg78ij.png
[quote name="Madrigalism" date="2018-06-08 12:25:56" ] Aside from them being suggested as a gem marketplace item, I believe this too is a brilliant idea. A big problem in Flight Rising right now is its economy, and making something like this more readily available either through gems or through Joxar instead of a complete rarity based on good ol' RNG is a brilliant idea. Heck, I didn't even think of it possibly becoming an elemental holiday thing. Given the primal eyes' ties to each element, it'd make sense. Though I also understand if staff would opt for gem vials instead if they change this at all. TL;DR Full support! [/quote] Yup, 100% summed up perfectly.
Madrigalism wrote on 2018-06-08 12:25:56:
Aside from them being suggested as a gem marketplace item, I believe this too is a brilliant idea. A big problem in Flight Rising right now is its economy, and making something like this more readily available either through gems or through Joxar instead of a complete rarity based on good ol' RNG is a brilliant idea.

Heck, I didn't even think of it possibly becoming an elemental holiday thing. Given the primal eyes' ties to each element, it'd make sense. Though I also understand if staff would opt for gem vials instead if they change this at all.

TL;DR Full support!
Yup, 100% summed up perfectly.
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
This is a fantastic resolution to the issue of wasted Scattersight Vials! Another suggestion might be adding them as a (very rare) drop in Pinkerton but I feel this would be much more fitting for the elemental holidays.
This is a fantastic resolution to the issue of wasted Scattersight Vials! Another suggestion might be adding them as a (very rare) drop in Pinkerton but I feel this would be much more fitting for the elemental holidays.

“Denizens of the Volt-Lands”
She/They/He | FR Time +0
[quote name="Aldia" date="2018-06-08 12:52:18" ] Doesn't sound so bad to me, adding them as a rare drop to the box. I wonder... doesn't everything you can buy from Joxar cost only one token? What if there were items that cost more than one token, and Primal Eye Vials were one such item? It would give players more incentive to brew, buy, and save up their tokens. [/quote] I agree with this! Maybe you can have eye scrolls of different rarities with different numbers of PT to trade for them. Or maybe the vial of scattersight can also be bought instead of SPECIFIC eye scrolls.
Aldia wrote on 2018-06-08 12:52:18:
Doesn't sound so bad to me, adding them as a rare drop to the box.

I wonder... doesn't everything you can buy from Joxar cost only one token?
What if there were items that cost more than one token, and Primal Eye Vials were one such item? It would give players more incentive to brew, buy, and save up their tokens.

I agree with this! Maybe you can have eye scrolls of different rarities with different numbers of PT to trade for them. Or maybe the vial of scattersight can also be bought instead of SPECIFIC eye scrolls.
ye this is a nice idea. makes sense.
ye this is a nice idea. makes sense.
9121892.png xxxxx

I came here looking for a thread like this, glad to see you posted this!

I had a similar thought about the primal eyes and how I was becoming more discouraged with playing the game (especially since I just came back yesterday from a two-year hiatus). In my case, I don't have a whole lot of resources and those that I do have are basically being thrown into the cauldron to brew more scattersignt vials.

I find this update to be kind of poorly implemented with the short duration and extreme unreliability of the vials, which basically ensures that unless I spend a whole lot of treasure I'm probably not going to get primal eyes on my progen. I am certain I'm not alone in feeling this way.

I understand wanting these eye types to remain rare (so I unfortunately don't see the staff including the primal eyes with any festival stuff, though if they did I certainly wouldn't complain!) The suggestion I was going to offer would be to grant players a single, account-bound scroll (so they don't flood the auction house) that will let players choose which eye type could be granted by the scroll. It would let players without a whole lot of resources or without a lot of time to commit to farming the scrolls actually get their preferred eyes on one of their dragons that they really want.

Of course, this is assuming the vials of scattersignt are retired. If they end up not retiring them and making them a more permanent fixture, then I'd be satisfied with that.

Still though, RIP my wallet ;_;

I came here looking for a thread like this, glad to see you posted this!

I had a similar thought about the primal eyes and how I was becoming more discouraged with playing the game (especially since I just came back yesterday from a two-year hiatus). In my case, I don't have a whole lot of resources and those that I do have are basically being thrown into the cauldron to brew more scattersignt vials.

I find this update to be kind of poorly implemented with the short duration and extreme unreliability of the vials, which basically ensures that unless I spend a whole lot of treasure I'm probably not going to get primal eyes on my progen. I am certain I'm not alone in feeling this way.

I understand wanting these eye types to remain rare (so I unfortunately don't see the staff including the primal eyes with any festival stuff, though if they did I certainly wouldn't complain!) The suggestion I was going to offer would be to grant players a single, account-bound scroll (so they don't flood the auction house) that will let players choose which eye type could be granted by the scroll. It would let players without a whole lot of resources or without a lot of time to commit to farming the scrolls actually get their preferred eyes on one of their dragons that they really want.

Of course, this is assuming the vials of scattersignt are retired. If they end up not retiring them and making them a more permanent fixture, then I'd be satisfied with that.

Still though, RIP my wallet ;_;
I never thought of this! To be honest this would CONPLETELY WORK!! It fits the theme and we don’t have to scatter sight a dragon 100+ times! Full and complete support.
I never thought of this! To be honest this would CONPLETELY WORK!! It fits the theme and we don’t have to scatter sight a dragon 100+ times! Full and complete support.
I definitely support this.
As a player who usually has little to no savings, trying to get the eyes I want on the dragons I want on a single weekend with a 1-3 percent chance of getting the perfect of for some of them... Well, I think, especially with the new cycle of festivals coming up, having the primal eyes be available in some way (I'd prefer it not to be a coli drop, more like for festival currency) so I can give it to my dragons would be amazing. Also because knowing my luck, I'll hatch a primal eyed dragon that has an awful color scheme for it, or is exalt material, and I'll never get another primal again.
I definitely support this.
As a player who usually has little to no savings, trying to get the eyes I want on the dragons I want on a single weekend with a 1-3 percent chance of getting the perfect of for some of them... Well, I think, especially with the new cycle of festivals coming up, having the primal eyes be available in some way (I'd prefer it not to be a coli drop, more like for festival currency) so I can give it to my dragons would be amazing. Also because knowing my luck, I'll hatch a primal eyed dragon that has an awful color scheme for it, or is exalt material, and I'll never get another primal again.
To add on to this, I think it will be a good idea to add most anniversary items into these. Keep the chances slim, and low.
To add on to this, I think it will be a good idea to add most anniversary items into these. Keep the chances slim, and low.
