

Make Flight Rising better by sharing your ideas!
TOPIC | New Way to Earn Treasure: Job System
I'd have to say "no support" for just being as an idle treasure gain, I feel that would just make the economy here worse..

BUT, I saw some suggestions in this post with ideas that I think could work and would be in full support of that. I really like the idea of giving your dragons 'roles' and within that role, influences what kind of item you will receive. Like alchemy material, apparel, etc.

So no support at just being an idle gain, sorry but I don't like the idea of literally gaining free money from doing nothing. I've never seen a place where it didn't hurt the economy and further the divide between casuals and those who grind daily.
I'd have to say "no support" for just being as an idle treasure gain, I feel that would just make the economy here worse..

BUT, I saw some suggestions in this post with ideas that I think could work and would be in full support of that. I really like the idea of giving your dragons 'roles' and within that role, influences what kind of item you will receive. Like alchemy material, apparel, etc.

So no support at just being an idle gain, sorry but I don't like the idea of literally gaining free money from doing nothing. I've never seen a place where it didn't hurt the economy and further the divide between casuals and those who grind daily.
tumblr_inline_n2t755SMwm1r9ywrd.gifb4fJYU2.gifAmber | 29 | She/her | FR+2b4fJYU2.gif
I like the concept, though i agree it should be more focused on giving you items, not treasure. I agree the items should be nonhoardsellable and if you do also get treasure it should be small amounts (or count under the fairground daily limit). If you can't hoard sell the items but they do have worth, that still helps casuals by giving them stuff to sell on the AH where money is traded and taxed instead of just generating more $.
I like the concept, though i agree it should be more focused on giving you items, not treasure. I agree the items should be nonhoardsellable and if you do also get treasure it should be small amounts (or count under the fairground daily limit). If you can't hoard sell the items but they do have worth, that still helps casuals by giving them stuff to sell on the AH where money is traded and taxed instead of just generating more $.
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Every time I see someone explaining why we don't need more ways to earn treasure all I see is "This game is only fun for me if I maintain my exclusivity."

I want the treasure. I want the jobs. I want more to DO.

Full support.

Every time I see someone explaining why we don't need more ways to earn treasure all I see is "This game is only fun for me if I maintain my exclusivity."

I want the treasure. I want the jobs. I want more to DO.

Full support.

[quote name="Missywithcheese" date="2018-04-13 08:16:39" ] Every time I see someone explaining why we don't need more ways to earn treasure all I see is "This game is only fun for me if I maintain my exclusivity." I want the treasure. I want the jobs. I want more to DO. Full support. [/quote] We need more ways to earn treasure, yes, however, we do not need ways to idly earn treasure. We need more ways to interact with the game, and not turn FR into one of the 'idle' games where a player comes on, clicks for about 10 minutes and then leaves for a day because that is all there is to do. A job system that needs some sort of interaction beyond click a job and collect X hours later would be great, and most people are supportive of that.
Missywithcheese wrote on 2018-04-13 08:16:39:
Every time I see someone explaining why we don't need more ways to earn treasure all I see is "This game is only fun for me if I maintain my exclusivity."

I want the treasure. I want the jobs. I want more to DO.

Full support.
We need more ways to earn treasure, yes, however, we do not need ways to idly earn treasure. We need more ways to interact with the game, and not turn FR into one of the 'idle' games where a player comes on, clicks for about 10 minutes and then leaves for a day because that is all there is to do.

A job system that needs some sort of interaction beyond click a job and collect X hours later would be great, and most people are supportive of that.

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
[quote name="Missywithcheese" date="2018-04-13 08:16:39" ] Every time I see someone explaining why we don't need more ways to earn treasure all I see is "This game is only fun for me if I maintain my exclusivity." I want the treasure. I want the jobs. I want more to DO. Full support. [/quote] heh honestly. i'm not entirely 100% on the idea but i do like the concept of a way to make money without slaving away for hours in the coliseum or fairground. i go to college and work full-time so i rarely have more than an hour or two to spare here, and on my one day off i do indeed grind in the coliseum, but one day really isn't cutting it to make the sort of funds needed to prosper in the economy. with eliminates soaring into 700g ranges, i can barely even build a coli team that's suited for farming, and as of yet i only have one dragon with an eliminate and that's due to a very kind gift from a user. the biggest issues i see people having with this idea is the concept of wealthy users utilising it, taking away the interactivity of the game, and the economy. i'd like to maybe hit on these topics one at a time if i could. why would wealthy users utilizing a mechanic available to everyone be a bad thing? so they make more money; everyone else is, so why shouldn't they? from what i can see, these jobs aren't making astronomical amounts of money, as i see that 6 hours of your dragon toiling would only bring in 12,000 treasure. these figures may not be set in stone but it's not like the jobs would be raking in astronomical amounts to make everyone rich users. also, it seems that the jobs are only available once a day by one dragon (i could be wrong), but if that were the case, then everyone is making the same amount and no one has a one-up over someone else. forum games aren't exactly the most interactive of games. while this one is certainly one of the more intensive ones featuring things such as the coliseum, forum games are often slower-paced and more for players with time constraints who cannot toil away for hours on end. this game isn't an interactive game for me and many others not because we are too "lazy" to put in the work but because we simply don't have the time to spare. does that mean we should be poor on the game? probably not, it's just a benefit to keep people with too little time involved. it actually could create [i]more[/i] interactivity considering i'd have more money to put into the game then, even if just small amounts. again, as i said before, it doesn't seem like we are talking massive amounts of money here. 12,000t is enough for, what, a couple renaming scrolls? i doubt that's enough to bring the economy crashing down upon our heads. i do like the idea of items rather than treasure though, since those could be sold for money as well and don't draw the attention of economy activists nearly as much. currently, the economy is based more on supply and demand of the product and not the value of the money. for example, as i said earlier, the prices of eliminates rose from 500g to 700g, not because there was more money introduced, but because we gained more players due to open registration. more players, more demand, less supply. but i'd probably prefer the item idea since it adds a bit more interest to the jobs and also opens up the door for some interesting lore aspects. training a dragon in their craft would be pretty exciting too, and perhaps it could have a similar leveling system to Baldwin and the higher level the dragon, the higher quality the items they produce. so in short of my monologue, i do support but would prefer items over treasure gain!
Missywithcheese wrote on 2018-04-13 08:16:39:
Every time I see someone explaining why we don't need more ways to earn treasure all I see is "This game is only fun for me if I maintain my exclusivity."

I want the treasure. I want the jobs. I want more to DO.

Full support.

heh honestly. i'm not entirely 100% on the idea but i do like the concept of a way to make money without slaving away for hours in the coliseum or fairground. i go to college and work full-time so i rarely have more than an hour or two to spare here, and on my one day off i do indeed grind in the coliseum, but one day really isn't cutting it to make the sort of funds needed to prosper in the economy. with eliminates soaring into 700g ranges, i can barely even build a coli team that's suited for farming, and as of yet i only have one dragon with an eliminate and that's due to a very kind gift from a user.

the biggest issues i see people having with this idea is the concept of wealthy users utilising it, taking away the interactivity of the game, and the economy. i'd like to maybe hit on these topics one at a time if i could.

why would wealthy users utilizing a mechanic available to everyone be a bad thing? so they make more money; everyone else is, so why shouldn't they? from what i can see, these jobs aren't making astronomical amounts of money, as i see that 6 hours of your dragon toiling would only bring in 12,000 treasure. these figures may not be set in stone but it's not like the jobs would be raking in astronomical amounts to make everyone rich users. also, it seems that the jobs are only available once a day by one dragon (i could be wrong), but if that were the case, then everyone is making the same amount and no one has a one-up over someone else.

forum games aren't exactly the most interactive of games. while this one is certainly one of the more intensive ones featuring things such as the coliseum, forum games are often slower-paced and more for players with time constraints who cannot toil away for hours on end. this game isn't an interactive game for me and many others not because we are too "lazy" to put in the work but because we simply don't have the time to spare. does that mean we should be poor on the game? probably not, it's just a benefit to keep people with too little time involved. it actually could create more interactivity considering i'd have more money to put into the game then, even if just small amounts.

again, as i said before, it doesn't seem like we are talking massive amounts of money here. 12,000t is enough for, what, a couple renaming scrolls? i doubt that's enough to bring the economy crashing down upon our heads. i do like the idea of items rather than treasure though, since those could be sold for money as well and don't draw the attention of economy activists nearly as much. currently, the economy is based more on supply and demand of the product and not the value of the money. for example, as i said earlier, the prices of eliminates rose from 500g to 700g, not because there was more money introduced, but because we gained more players due to open registration. more players, more demand, less supply.

but i'd probably prefer the item idea since it adds a bit more interest to the jobs and also opens up the door for some interesting lore aspects. training a dragon in their craft would be pretty exciting too, and perhaps it could have a similar leveling system to Baldwin and the higher level the dragon, the higher quality the items they produce.

so in short of my monologue, i do support but would prefer items over treasure gain!
[quote name="sane" date="2018-04-19 20:48:22" ] the biggest issues i see people having with this idea is the concept of wealthy users utilising it, taking away the interactivity of the game, and the economy. i'd like to maybe hit on these topics one at a time if i could. why would wealthy users utilizing a mechanic available to everyone be a bad thing? so they make more money; everyone else is, so why shouldn't they? from what i can see, these jobs aren't making astronomical amounts of money, as i see that 6 hours of your dragon toiling would only bring in 12,000 treasure. these figures may not be set in stone but it's not like the jobs would be raking in astronomical amounts to make everyone rich users. also, it seems that the jobs are only available once a day by one dragon (i could be wrong), but if that were the case, then everyone is making the same amount and no one has a one-up over someone else. forum games aren't exactly the most interactive of games. while this one is certainly one of the more intensive ones featuring things such as the coliseum, forum games are often slower-paced and more for players with time constraints who cannot toil away for hours on end. this game isn't an interactive game for me and many others not because we are too "lazy" to put in the work but because we simply don't have the time to spare. does that mean we should be poor on the game? probably not, it's just a benefit to keep people with too little time involved. it actually could create [i]more[/i] interactivity considering i'd have more money to put into the game then, even if just small amounts. [/quote] The issue is simply this: If you are poor in this game and a job system is added that requires little to no interaction and has no restrictions, then you will STILL be poor after it is added because, while you may have more treasure on your account, that treasure will still be worth the exact same as it was before the job system was added. This is because EVERYONE would be doing this job system, so everyone would be making the same amount of money. Yes, those who don't have time or inclination to play the fairgrounds or coliseum, or train/exalt dragons would have a way to make money, and thus would have more money on their account, but so would those who DO have time and inclination to do the other ways to make money, because this could be done in addition to those other avenues. This particular suggestion was about a way to [quote]My proposal is that Flight Rising have a similar setup for those who can't spend hours on the Fairgrounds or Coliseum due to jobs or otherwise. In addition, it would also have a randomized element to it in the form of a wheel-spin extra job.[/quote] and [quote]The idea here is more that it would give players with limited active time on the game more ability to gain treasure, as well as be a neat thing for your dragons to be doing outside of the Coliseum.[/quote] with the added benefit of [quote]It would also help out newer players in that it would provide more immediately useful items to them outside of "Gather Items" as well as a way for them to make more treasure just starting out.[/quote] It sounds great, but as pointed out, it wouldn't do anything, and might in fact hurt new players who don't do these jobs every day as everything would be that much more expensive. What is truly needed, if the goal is to give players who do not use those other avenues to make money a way to, you know, make money, then it needs to be something that must be done instead of playing the coliseum or fairgrounds or exalting, which means it has to be interactive. It cannot be something that users can click 5 times and then go off and do whatever while waiting for the money to come back. Again, more and varied ways to earn money is a good thing, but more *passive* ways to earn money just means that everyone, including those with time (whether they are weathy or not) as well as those without time are using them, which leads to the value of individual treasure going down. As I said in my earlier post, this would mean that, as more treasure is added, more people would be willing to pay higher prices for MP stuff (and other stuff), leading those items to raise in price. As the MP items raise in price on the AH, then snipers are going to clean the MP out of all but the junk items that are given out like candy in chests. Again, this means that status quo is maintained. Sure, casual players have more money, but their money doesn't buy more after the first few weeks/months (there would be a period in which prices haven't risen, so players have more money and can buy up the cheapest items off the AH). This in turn can disadvantage new players as they would HAVE to utilize all avenues to make money simply to keep up. Even a small amount of treasure adds up over time and truthfully, I don't think FR really wants (or should) to become a game where users can come in, click a handful of times, and then people forget about the game for the next 24 hours. As I said, it needs more ways to keep players active for periods of time, not just a burst of activity, then nothing for a long time after. And, again, I do sympathize with players who cannot spend as much time as they would like online, I had that when I had dialup, I could only spend a handful of hours online at night, and that was for EVERYTHING I wanted to get done online, not just games (and by handful of hours, it means 4 or less until I fell asleep, which sounds like quite a few, but remember this was at dialup speeds). But, the fact remains that for any game, what is put into it is what is gotten out of it. If you cannot put the time (no matter how much or how little) into a game then you aren't going to get as much out of that game as someone who CAN put (or is willing to put) hours into that same game. It doesn't matter how many avenues are available to earn money, how passive the earning is, etc... that fact will not change. Those who have time to put into games will always have more resources to spend than those who do not have the same time (or willpower, I have to say, I am one who HAS the time, but am somewhat lazy about putting effort into the game, hence my being rather poor most of the time) to spend on the game. Adding passive ways to earn resources won't change that. (I don't think anything can truly change that, short of adding ways to earn money where users cannot use their accounts for a long period of time, meaning they are locked out of all other ways to earn money)
sane wrote on 2018-04-19 20:48:22:
the biggest issues i see people having with this idea is the concept of wealthy users utilising it, taking away the interactivity of the game, and the economy. i'd like to maybe hit on these topics one at a time if i could.

why would wealthy users utilizing a mechanic available to everyone be a bad thing? so they make more money; everyone else is, so why shouldn't they? from what i can see, these jobs aren't making astronomical amounts of money, as i see that 6 hours of your dragon toiling would only bring in 12,000 treasure. these figures may not be set in stone but it's not like the jobs would be raking in astronomical amounts to make everyone rich users. also, it seems that the jobs are only available once a day by one dragon (i could be wrong), but if that were the case, then everyone is making the same amount and no one has a one-up over someone else.

forum games aren't exactly the most interactive of games. while this one is certainly one of the more intensive ones featuring things such as the coliseum, forum games are often slower-paced and more for players with time constraints who cannot toil away for hours on end. this game isn't an interactive game for me and many others not because we are too "lazy" to put in the work but because we simply don't have the time to spare. does that mean we should be poor on the game? probably not, it's just a benefit to keep people with too little time involved. it actually could create more interactivity considering i'd have more money to put into the game then, even if just small amounts.

The issue is simply this: If you are poor in this game and a job system is added that requires little to no interaction and has no restrictions, then you will STILL be poor after it is added because, while you may have more treasure on your account, that treasure will still be worth the exact same as it was before the job system was added. This is because EVERYONE would be doing this job system, so everyone would be making the same amount of money. Yes, those who don't have time or inclination to play the fairgrounds or coliseum, or train/exalt dragons would have a way to make money, and thus would have more money on their account, but so would those who DO have time and inclination to do the other ways to make money, because this could be done in addition to those other avenues.

This particular suggestion was about a way to
My proposal is that Flight Rising have a similar setup for those who can't spend hours on the Fairgrounds or Coliseum due to jobs or otherwise. In addition, it would also have a randomized element to it in the form of a wheel-spin extra job.
The idea here is more that it would give players with limited active time on the game more ability to gain treasure, as well as be a neat thing for your dragons to be doing outside of the Coliseum.
with the added benefit of
It would also help out newer players in that it would provide more immediately useful items to them outside of "Gather Items" as well as a way for them to make more treasure just starting out.
It sounds great, but as pointed out, it wouldn't do anything, and might in fact hurt new players who don't do these jobs every day as everything would be that much more expensive.

What is truly needed, if the goal is to give players who do not use those other avenues to make money a way to, you know, make money, then it needs to be something that must be done instead of playing the coliseum or fairgrounds or exalting, which means it has to be interactive. It cannot be something that users can click 5 times and then go off and do whatever while waiting for the money to come back.

Again, more and varied ways to earn money is a good thing, but more *passive* ways to earn money just means that everyone, including those with time (whether they are weathy or not) as well as those without time are using them, which leads to the value of individual treasure going down. As I said in my earlier post, this would mean that, as more treasure is added, more people would be willing to pay higher prices for MP stuff (and other stuff), leading those items to raise in price. As the MP items raise in price on the AH, then snipers are going to clean the MP out of all but the junk items that are given out like candy in chests. Again, this means that status quo is maintained. Sure, casual players have more money, but their money doesn't buy more after the first few weeks/months (there would be a period in which prices haven't risen, so players have more money and can buy up the cheapest items off the AH). This in turn can disadvantage new players as they would HAVE to utilize all avenues to make money simply to keep up.

Even a small amount of treasure adds up over time and truthfully, I don't think FR really wants (or should) to become a game where users can come in, click a handful of times, and then people forget about the game for the next 24 hours. As I said, it needs more ways to keep players active for periods of time, not just a burst of activity, then nothing for a long time after.

And, again, I do sympathize with players who cannot spend as much time as they would like online, I had that when I had dialup, I could only spend a handful of hours online at night, and that was for EVERYTHING I wanted to get done online, not just games (and by handful of hours, it means 4 or less until I fell asleep, which sounds like quite a few, but remember this was at dialup speeds). But, the fact remains that for any game, what is put into it is what is gotten out of it. If you cannot put the time (no matter how much or how little) into a game then you aren't going to get as much out of that game as someone who CAN put (or is willing to put) hours into that same game. It doesn't matter how many avenues are available to earn money, how passive the earning is, etc... that fact will not change. Those who have time to put into games will always have more resources to spend than those who do not have the same time (or willpower, I have to say, I am one who HAS the time, but am somewhat lazy about putting effort into the game, hence my being rather poor most of the time) to spend on the game. Adding passive ways to earn resources won't change that. (I don't think anything can truly change that, short of adding ways to earn money where users cannot use their accounts for a long period of time, meaning they are locked out of all other ways to earn money)

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
People who play the game more have more treasure. if this wasn't true, there would be no incentive to return to the game after the first ten minutes. There's nothing "exclusive" about that. That's the way that games work. if the FR team doesn't keep us coming back, they lose out on ad revenue and gem sales, and the site collapses.

I also sympathize with those who don't get to spend as much time online as they want. I also remember the dark days of dial up. And I have a friend who currently has no internet at home so she comes to my place to coli-grind. XD My answer is that there are other games out there that support that kind of playstyle, ones that don't necessarily have an inter-player economy that could be damaged by idle mechanics. Flight Rising is not that kind of game.
People who play the game more have more treasure. if this wasn't true, there would be no incentive to return to the game after the first ten minutes. There's nothing "exclusive" about that. That's the way that games work. if the FR team doesn't keep us coming back, they lose out on ad revenue and gem sales, and the site collapses.

I also sympathize with those who don't get to spend as much time online as they want. I also remember the dark days of dial up. And I have a friend who currently has no internet at home so she comes to my place to coli-grind. XD My answer is that there are other games out there that support that kind of playstyle, ones that don't necessarily have an inter-player economy that could be damaged by idle mechanics. Flight Rising is not that kind of game.
It takes Twelve Years for one Imperial pair to produce a Primal-eyed offspring of a specific sex. Goal-based breeding is dead.
I like the idea of another way to earn treasure without having to do alot of work, but theres a problem with inflation.

If you could get treasure from doing no work, everyone would do it and because we would get alot more treasure, prices of things might go down.
I like the idea of another way to earn treasure without having to do alot of work, but theres a problem with inflation.

If you could get treasure from doing no work, everyone would do it and because we would get alot more treasure, prices of things might go down.
We already have a "leave it for time and come back to cool stuff". It's Baldwin. People boop items through baldwin to sell for profit.

We also have another one: hatchies. Buy hatchlings below 6kt (so... not during dom unless you want to pay more attention). Wait. Flip as fodder. Repeat.

We don't need another one.
We already have a "leave it for time and come back to cool stuff". It's Baldwin. People boop items through baldwin to sell for profit.

We also have another one: hatchies. Buy hatchlings below 6kt (so... not during dom unless you want to pay more attention). Wait. Flip as fodder. Repeat.

We don't need another one.