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TOPIC | What Remains: A Pinkerton Nuzlocke
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I've been shipping him with Frey since he crawled out of the pool and she went into flirt mode.
I've been shipping him with Frey since he crawled out of the pool and she went into flirt mode.

Given the writing so far, Frey makes more sense to me.
Galia could be fun for a bit of confusion and potentially to make Frey jealous.
Vote: Frey

Given the writing so far, Frey makes more sense to me.
Galia could be fun for a bit of confusion and potentially to make Frey jealous.
Vote: Frey
[center][b]Day 41: [img][/img][/b][/center] @Himawari @IronPen @SemperVictor @Dylluminati @luckgandor THREE DRAGONS ENTER.... ...THREE DRAGONS LEAVE so far so good! All are level 6 now and briskly walking towards level 7 On a side note, would any of you be interested in competing in a pinkerton's nuzlocke style tournament, with prizes? I'm thinking of putting one together, weighting it to favor coli battles but not taking out the writing/art aspect out
Day 41: 105.png

@Himawari @IronPen @SemperVictor @Dylluminati @luckgandor



so far so good! All are level 6 now and briskly walking towards level 7

On a side note, would any of you be interested in competing in a pinkerton's nuzlocke style tournament, with prizes? I'm thinking of putting one together, weighting it to favor coli battles but not taking out the writing/art aspect out
Yay! But what do mean by a tournament?
Yay! But what do mean by a tournament?

Multiple participants competing in several rounds. Every round one or more participants is eliminated when their coli team is wiped out at the end STANDS ONE VICTOR who wins the prize!

Multiple participants competing in several rounds. Every round one or more participants is eliminated when their coli team is wiped out at the end STANDS ONE VICTOR who wins the prize!
Is it okay to participate if we not doing a pinkerlocke?
Is it okay to participate if we not doing a pinkerlocke?

Absolutely, it idea is, it's like a pinkerlocke in that the days event is random and if a dragon dies it will (eventually) be exalted but it's its own separate entity and has no bearing on any pinkerlocke you may or may not have


Absolutely, it idea is, it's like a pinkerlocke in that the days event is random and if a dragon dies it will (eventually) be exalted but it's its own separate entity and has no bearing on any pinkerlocke you may or may not have

[center][b]Day 42: [img][/img][/b][/center] @Himawari @IronPen @SemperVictor @Dylluminati @luckgandor Two coli days in a row?! This is unprecedented, at least in this nuzlocke! Frey and Galia are lvl 7 now, and Mopsus is working on catching up. I plan to keep them in the woodland path at least until the girls are lvl 8 because I remember the scorched forest also seems to kick my butt. On breeding news I put Mopsus in with Frey. There was a tied vote, so I decided to factor my own personal decision in to tip the balance. And personally story wise, I don't think Galia is quite ready to have children. I had a story reason that would work but I'm more interested in exploring Galia and Frey's budding friendship, and Frey's attraction to Mopsus. In any case they got 3 eggs! If any 'die' I'll offer them here as commemorative nuzlocke babies if any one is interested. If not I'll go drown them in the forum to send them to Our Lady of the Shady
Day 42: 8826.png

@Himawari @IronPen @SemperVictor @Dylluminati @luckgandor

Two coli days in a row?! This is unprecedented, at least in this nuzlocke! Frey and Galia are lvl 7 now, and Mopsus is working on catching up. I plan to keep them in the woodland path at least until the girls are lvl 8 because I remember the scorched forest also seems to kick my butt.

On breeding news I put Mopsus in with Frey. There was a tied vote, so I decided to factor my own personal decision in to tip the balance. And personally story wise, I don't think Galia is quite ready to have children. I had a story reason that would work but I'm more interested in exploring Galia and Frey's budding friendship, and Frey's attraction to Mopsus.

In any case they got 3 eggs! If any 'die' I'll offer them here as commemorative nuzlocke babies if any one is interested. If not I'll go drown them in the forum to send them to Our Lady of the Shady
[center][b]Day 43: [img][/img][/b][/center] Mopsus examined the fur closely. “It reminds me of something but I don’t know what.” Frey grinned to herself. Yesterday it would have been ‘I do not know what’, he was loosening up! There was so hope for him yet. Still, it was strange that he didn’t know. After all, he was from the forum, a creation from a god. How could he [i]not[/i] know? Mopsus gathered up the bones and fur in a claw. “It feels dangerous. I will take it out and dispose of it.” “I could come with you,” offered Frey. Mopsus shook his head. “You two are my charges. It is safer for you here.” He stood, stretched and walked out into the rain. “Huh,” said Galia quietly, “I’ve never been anyone’s charge before.” She was touched. It was something special to be a guardian’s charge, she felt. It soothed her anxieties about Mopsus’s intentions. Of course, he could be lying but guardians didn’t tend to lie about that sort of thing. Frey sighed dreamily and leaned against Galia. “What a male!” she said. “You think he’d go for me?” Galia was thoughtful, “Maybe.” Frey laughed, “I’ll take that over a no!” Together they watched the rain, and while Galia hated to admit it, she was becoming fond of Frey. Despite her aggressive inability to take a hint, her curiosity was endearing and her optimism was refreshing. Galia was glad Frey had decided to accompany her, it would have been a far lonelier trip otherwise. What she hadn’t told Frey was that she was certain that any romance Frey initiated would end in tragedy. Galia had no idea the specifics of Frey’s memory loss, but considering the sheer volume of notes, including one that simply said: [i]sometimes you forget[/i], it seemed likely to happen again. When that happened, any relationship would evaporate. Frey might be able to rebuild it if something or someone else didn’t catch her eye, but could her mate take that? Starting over after years and children? Frey squinted her eyes against the rain, and then pushed Galia to the side. “Out of the way!” Mopsus came sprinting across the boggy ground. Mud was up to his knees, and covered his wings and tail. Behind him came a stampede of chargers, and through the rain faint hoof beats could be heard. Mopsus reached the cave long before the chargers. Exhausted and breathless, he was in no condition to fight. Galia pulled herself off the floor. The chargers were still coming and even though some of them went down screaming as their spindly legs got caught in the mud and broke beneath them, their numbers were still overwhelming. She darted out of the cave. “Frey come on!” Outside she flew up over the mouth of the cave, Frey close behind. The trees that grew over the cave were slanted and bent, the soil beneath them creeping forwards. “We might be able to push a few down!” Galia said, “Block off the cave!” Frey nodded and together the two, got behind the closest tree to the edge. It was slanted and not well moored, but it was large. They pushed from just beneath the branches, wings straining. The tree leaned slowly out over the edge. Galia couldn’t see the chargers but the sound of their hooves got ever closer. They had to push this over or Mopsus would die. There was no way they could fight them all. Pushing with a renewed vigor, Galia slammed her bulk against the tree. Though she was not big for a dragon, she was big enough. With a groan, the tree slid and toppled over the edge, taking soil and deadwood with it. Peering out at the stampede, Frey and Galia saw their work rewarded. A few of the front chargers lay pinned and dying beneath the branches, but the rest had parted around it. moving past the cave. There was barely enough space for Galia to squeeze back into the cave, and it took her and Mopsus to untangle Frey’s antlers, but they were safe. Exhausted from her exertions, Galia went to lie down. As she drifted off to sleep, she saw Frey wiping off the remains of her streaked face paint before helping Mopsus get the mud of his scales. Galia smiled, it seemed Frey was doing her best to turn that ‘maybe’ into a ‘yes’. ************************* @Himawari @IronPen @SemperVictor @Dylluminati @luckgandor Oh ho! [eyebrow wiggle]
Day 43: 18449.png
Mopsus examined the fur closely. “It reminds me of something but I don’t know what.”

Frey grinned to herself. Yesterday it would have been ‘I do not know what’, he was loosening up! There was so hope for him yet. Still, it was strange that he didn’t know. After all, he was from the forum, a creation from a god. How could he not know?

Mopsus gathered up the bones and fur in a claw. “It feels dangerous. I will take it out and dispose of it.”

“I could come with you,” offered Frey.

Mopsus shook his head. “You two are my charges. It is safer for you here.”

He stood, stretched and walked out into the rain.

“Huh,” said Galia quietly, “I’ve never been anyone’s charge before.”

She was touched. It was something special to be a guardian’s charge, she felt. It soothed her anxieties about Mopsus’s intentions. Of course, he could be lying but guardians didn’t tend to lie about that sort of thing.

Frey sighed dreamily and leaned against Galia. “What a male!” she said. “You think he’d go for me?”

Galia was thoughtful, “Maybe.”

Frey laughed, “I’ll take that over a no!”

Together they watched the rain, and while Galia hated to admit it, she was becoming fond of Frey. Despite her aggressive inability to take a hint, her curiosity was endearing and her optimism was refreshing. Galia was glad Frey had decided to accompany her, it would have been a far lonelier trip otherwise.

What she hadn’t told Frey was that she was certain that any romance Frey initiated would end in tragedy. Galia had no idea the specifics of Frey’s memory loss, but considering the sheer volume of notes, including one that simply said: sometimes you forget, it seemed likely to happen again. When that happened, any relationship would evaporate. Frey might be able to rebuild it if something or someone else didn’t catch her eye, but could her mate take that? Starting over after years and children?

Frey squinted her eyes against the rain, and then pushed Galia to the side. “Out of the way!”

Mopsus came sprinting across the boggy ground. Mud was up to his knees, and covered his wings and tail. Behind him came a stampede of chargers, and through the rain faint hoof beats could be heard. Mopsus reached the cave long before the chargers. Exhausted and breathless, he was in no condition to fight.

Galia pulled herself off the floor. The chargers were still coming and even though some of them went down screaming as their spindly legs got caught in the mud and broke beneath them, their numbers were still overwhelming. She darted out of the cave. “Frey come on!”

Outside she flew up over the mouth of the cave, Frey close behind. The trees that grew over the cave were slanted and bent, the soil beneath them creeping forwards.

“We might be able to push a few down!” Galia said, “Block off the cave!”

Frey nodded and together the two, got behind the closest tree to the edge. It was slanted and not well moored, but it was large. They pushed from just beneath the branches, wings straining.

The tree leaned slowly out over the edge. Galia couldn’t see the chargers but the sound of their hooves got ever closer. They had to push this over or Mopsus would die. There was no way they could fight them all. Pushing with a renewed vigor, Galia slammed her bulk against the tree. Though she was not big for a dragon, she was big enough. With a groan, the tree slid and toppled over the edge, taking soil and deadwood with it.

Peering out at the stampede, Frey and Galia saw their work rewarded. A few of the front chargers lay pinned and dying beneath the branches, but the rest had parted around it. moving past the cave.

There was barely enough space for Galia to squeeze back into the cave, and it took her and Mopsus to untangle Frey’s antlers, but they were safe. Exhausted from her exertions, Galia went to lie down. As she drifted off to sleep, she saw Frey wiping off the remains of her streaked face paint before helping Mopsus get the mud of his scales.

Galia smiled, it seemed Frey was doing her best to turn that ‘maybe’ into a ‘yes’.

@Himawari @IronPen @SemperVictor @Dylluminati @luckgandor

Oh ho! [eyebrow wiggle]
*holds up sign that says I SHIP IT*
*holds up sign that says I SHIP IT*
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