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TOPIC | Pokemon Sun & Moon
I found a lot of entries super dark as well XD I don't mind it, these also happen to flesh out the world a lot more for possibly future entries (like how golduck used to be victims of illegal hunters because their forehead gems were thought to grant power, implying there are possibly team rocket doing this?)
I found a lot of entries super dark as well XD I don't mind it, these also happen to flesh out the world a lot more for possibly future entries (like how golduck used to be victims of illegal hunters because their forehead gems were thought to grant power, implying there are possibly team rocket doing this?)
Did anyone else see the little easter egg hidden thing in the dialogue after the ghost trial? I thought it was pretty cute.
Did anyone else see the little easter egg hidden thing in the dialogue after the ghost trial? I thought it was pretty cute.
Howdy :D
If anyone stumbles across a Zorua, Shroomish or Croagunk in their S/M travels I will pay whatever you think is fair (gems) for one or trade you different Pokemon.

Also looking for an Incineroar with throat chop and a Sandslash with icicle crash :D
Howdy :D
If anyone stumbles across a Zorua, Shroomish or Croagunk in their S/M travels I will pay whatever you think is fair (gems) for one or trade you different Pokemon.

Also looking for an Incineroar with throat chop and a Sandslash with icicle crash :D
I just caught my shiny Fomantis after only 30 so encounters !!!
I named Him Pajamas
I'm so heckin happy right now omg
I just caught my shiny Fomantis after only 30 so encounters !!!
I named Him Pajamas
I'm so heckin happy right now omg
Buying/Trading for eggs. ♥ PM me
Guess who got a shiny Raticate by complete accident? :D
Guess who got a shiny Raticate by complete accident? :D
I am so salty right now. Boyfriend, who has Moon, is taking his sweet time actually playing the game (as in, he hasn't even done the first challenge yet and we've had the game since the midnight release). Well, guess who out of the two of us encountered a shiny magnemite (let's not talk about how he caught it with the first throw)?
Hint: It wasn't me.

I am so salty right now. Boyfriend, who has Moon, is taking his sweet time actually playing the game (as in, he hasn't even done the first challenge yet and we've had the game since the midnight release). Well, guess who out of the two of us encountered a shiny magnemite (let's not talk about how he caught it with the first throw)?
Hint: It wasn't me.

sooooo anyone else SRing for a shiny starter?

i've never encountered a shiny in my life and i've been playing since the original gold but i'm still SRing and going through that unskippable 2.5 minute cutscene in the hopes of getting a shiny rowlet. i'm certain it takes a special kind of self-loathing to get where i am rn ; A ;
sooooo anyone else SRing for a shiny starter?

i've never encountered a shiny in my life and i've been playing since the original gold but i'm still SRing and going through that unskippable 2.5 minute cutscene in the hopes of getting a shiny rowlet. i'm certain it takes a special kind of self-loathing to get where i am rn ; A ;
comment if you can.
let staff know exactly how abhorrently unprofessional this kind of quality is.

"Man, catching the perfect Mimikyu is taking days... At this rate, I'll probably find a bloody shiny first." [img][/img] ... YEEEAH BOI. ^-^
"Man, catching the perfect Mimikyu is taking days... At this rate, I'll probably find a bloody shiny first."



I've killed 50 goddamn Zubats now and I have no idea how many more I have to kill to max out my Type: Null's Speed.

Why the fridge was Super Training removed it was so much easier than this PAIN

But in all seriousness I love the games so far! This is the first time I've actually found myself caring about the NPC's somewhat, though...the blacked-out bit is story spoilers, out of fairness for those who don't want to be spoiled. If you don't want story spoilers please don't read it.

I definitely guessed that Aether would be the main antagonists from the start. Like the opening cut scene along with all the promo material sort of gave that away...not to mention Lusamine's general sinister vibe when you meet her. I was NOT expecting the twist with Lillie/Gladion though so I'll give Gamefreak that.

Also every time Team Skull appears I end up almost crying with laughter. That first encounter literally had me rolling on the ground laughing the first time I played through Moon.
I've killed 50 goddamn Zubats now and I have no idea how many more I have to kill to max out my Type: Null's Speed.

Why the fridge was Super Training removed it was so much easier than this PAIN

But in all seriousness I love the games so far! This is the first time I've actually found myself caring about the NPC's somewhat, though...the blacked-out bit is story spoilers, out of fairness for those who don't want to be spoiled. If you don't want story spoilers please don't read it.

I definitely guessed that Aether would be the main antagonists from the start. Like the opening cut scene along with all the promo material sort of gave that away...not to mention Lusamine's general sinister vibe when you meet her. I was NOT expecting the twist with Lillie/Gladion though so I'll give Gamefreak that.

Also every time Team Skull appears I end up almost crying with laughter. That first encounter literally had me rolling on the ground laughing the first time I played through Moon.

Your boyfriend's play style sounds like mine. I didn't get the game at launch, but after seven and half hours playing I only just now got to the first city (Haul'oli City). I always feel like I am standing still compared to other people when it comes to playing Pokemon. I take my time testing each fresh patch of grass trying to catch everything as I go and leveling all sorts of different Pokemon to see how they evolve and what moves they learn. Meanwhile I will check in and other people who start around the same time as me will have beaten both games and be on to Meta game content while I'm not even halfway through the main story. ;o;

Your boyfriend's play style sounds like mine. I didn't get the game at launch, but after seven and half hours playing I only just now got to the first city (Haul'oli City). I always feel like I am standing still compared to other people when it comes to playing Pokemon. I take my time testing each fresh patch of grass trying to catch everything as I go and leveling all sorts of different Pokemon to see how they evolve and what moves they learn. Meanwhile I will check in and other people who start around the same time as me will have beaten both games and be on to Meta game content while I'm not even halfway through the main story. ;o;