

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private Rp w/ LannyFlame

The red Guardian took his last few steps as he approached the two Skydancers. His blue eyes narrowed with amusement as he saw how nervous the male looked. They weren't very much smaller than he, but he still stood a head higher than the both of them. "Greetings!" his voice carried in it the sound of oceans and balmy winds, "I am Melfot. I woke up in a cave, which I found very strange, and I came across a rather tart Pearlcatcher about three miles south of here who reported a similar experience. I wondered if either of you knew anything about what happened, other than the fact that we've obviously been asleep for a long time."

Malefot noticed the female Skydancer lift her feathered crest in interest and flick a yellow glance at the male, who seemed to have lost all sense of fear.

The red Guardian took his last few steps as he approached the two Skydancers. His blue eyes narrowed with amusement as he saw how nervous the male looked. They weren't very much smaller than he, but he still stood a head higher than the both of them. "Greetings!" his voice carried in it the sound of oceans and balmy winds, "I am Melfot. I woke up in a cave, which I found very strange, and I came across a rather tart Pearlcatcher about three miles south of here who reported a similar experience. I wondered if either of you knew anything about what happened, other than the fact that we've obviously been asleep for a long time."

Malefot noticed the female Skydancer lift her feathered crest in interest and flick a yellow glance at the male, who seemed to have lost all sense of fear.

Almost in response to the Guardian's question, more images flashed in Soren's mind - less than last time, but still they were too fast to catch. He took a moment trying to figure out what the images were, but quickly realized the attempt was hopeless and instead decided to actually answer the Guardian.

"Well, I'm Soren, and this here's Regn," he gestured to her with a movement of his shoulder, "And we've also woken up in caves, no more than an hour ago. The cave you woke up in - was it in the mountains, southwest of here?" He figured he'd let Regn explain what had happened before they all went dormant.

Almost in response to the Guardian's question, more images flashed in Soren's mind - less than last time, but still they were too fast to catch. He took a moment trying to figure out what the images were, but quickly realized the attempt was hopeless and instead decided to actually answer the Guardian.

"Well, I'm Soren, and this here's Regn," he gestured to her with a movement of his shoulder, "And we've also woken up in caves, no more than an hour ago. The cave you woke up in - was it in the mountains, southwest of here?" He figured he'd let Regn explain what had happened before they all went dormant.
Forgive me for being so socially awkward