

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private Rp w/ LannyFlame
@LannyFlame [b]Name:[/b] Regn [b]Age:[/b] <100 years, has been dormant [b]Abilities:[/b] Long distance combat magic, but fares poorly in close fights. She specializes in manipulating water. [b]Personality:[/b] Calculating and reserved, she keeps her head on straight. Regn tries to avoid conflict through diplomatic negotiations and would rather keep her claws put away. She does have a sour temper most of the time and is difficult to work with and befriend. Once you've earned her trust, she has less of a sarcastic tone with you, and will fight most of your verbal battles. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Name: Regn
Age: <100 years, has been dormant
Abilities: Long distance combat magic, but fares poorly in close fights. She specializes in manipulating water.
Personality: Calculating and reserved, she keeps her head on straight. Regn tries to avoid conflict through diplomatic negotiations and would rather keep her claws put away. She does have a sour temper most of the time and is difficult to work with and befriend. Once you've earned her trust, she has less of a sarcastic tone with you, and will fight most of your verbal battles.
Name: Soren
Age: around 75 years (has been dormant I guess?)
Abilities: Elemental Water and Shadow powers, better for close combat
Personality: Pretty friendly most of the time, but not too deeply trusting right away. Sometimes angered easily depending on the situation, and will return any uncalled-for unkindness, but willing to give others second chances. Often very curious and wants to know as much as he can about everything around him.
(sorry for the weird-looking picture, I'm not very good at splicing images together)
(Also sorry for the late reply, I was out doing errands)
Name: Soren
Age: around 75 years (has been dormant I guess?)
Abilities: Elemental Water and Shadow powers, better for close combat
Personality: Pretty friendly most of the time, but not too deeply trusting right away. Sometimes angered easily depending on the situation, and will return any uncalled-for unkindness, but willing to give others second chances. Often very curious and wants to know as much as he can about everything around him.
(sorry for the weird-looking picture, I'm not very good at splicing images together)
(Also sorry for the late reply, I was out doing errands)
Forgive me for being so socially awkward

A deep indigo dragon peered out from a crag in the side of a mountain. Narrowing her piercing yellow eyes, her jaws stretched into a gaping yawn and she padded out into the pale, watery light of dawn. Dawn, she thought with a grim smile, It must be years since I've seen it truly. How long have I — we — slept? Judging from the shape of the land compared to the one she'd left behind, it seemed to have been north of a hundred years since the dragons had fallen dormant to preserve their species, crawling into the furthest depths of caves and mountains.

Regn stretched her wings until they were nearly vertical above her. Her flight muscles felt understandably weak and underused, and she thought a good gentle flight skimming the ground would help wake them up.

A deep indigo dragon peered out from a crag in the side of a mountain. Narrowing her piercing yellow eyes, her jaws stretched into a gaping yawn and she padded out into the pale, watery light of dawn. Dawn, she thought with a grim smile, It must be years since I've seen it truly. How long have I — we — slept? Judging from the shape of the land compared to the one she'd left behind, it seemed to have been north of a hundred years since the dragons had fallen dormant to preserve their species, crawling into the furthest depths of caves and mountains.

Regn stretched her wings until they were nearly vertical above her. Her flight muscles felt understandably weak and underused, and she thought a good gentle flight skimming the ground would help wake them up.

His jaw rested on his forearms, his hind legs draw up under him. His spotted wings folded atop him, his tail wrapped almost protectively around him. He was so still, someone would have gone to check if he was still breathing - but there was no one else here. Then, at last, his orange eyes blinked open. He found himself in a small cave, so dark it took several moments for his eyes to adjust to the gloom. He rose to his feet, stretching out his wings and tail, and then each leg in turn as a cat would, finishing with a great yawn.

Soren stood there for several moments - just... stood there... looking around at the cave. He had no memory of entering, leaving him puzzled. Now that he thought about it, he found that he had little to no memories at all of anything before waking up. It was more than strange. Maybe if I just step outside something will come back to me, he figured. He walked to the edge of the cave, careful not to slip and plummet down the steep mountain slope, and lifted off into the early morning mist.

His jaw rested on his forearms, his hind legs draw up under him. His spotted wings folded atop him, his tail wrapped almost protectively around him. He was so still, someone would have gone to check if he was still breathing - but there was no one else here. Then, at last, his orange eyes blinked open. He found himself in a small cave, so dark it took several moments for his eyes to adjust to the gloom. He rose to his feet, stretching out his wings and tail, and then each leg in turn as a cat would, finishing with a great yawn.

Soren stood there for several moments - just... stood there... looking around at the cave. He had no memory of entering, leaving him puzzled. Now that he thought about it, he found that he had little to no memories at all of anything before waking up. It was more than strange. Maybe if I just step outside something will come back to me, he figured. He walked to the edge of the cave, careful not to slip and plummet down the steep mountain slope, and lifted off into the early morning mist.
Forgive me for being so socially awkward

Regn had just been able to take off when she heard the scree shift and clatter below her. Carefully making her way to the edge of the cliff face, she peered down at whomever had emerged. He had dappled wings lighter than his body and an almost electric blue underbelly.

"Hey!" Regn shouted down at him, "Did you just wake up?" Her tone carried a remnant of her old irritable personality, which was slowly returning as she felt her strength returning. She continued to peer down at the male with a slight scowl, waiting for his response.

Regn had just been able to take off when she heard the scree shift and clatter below her. Carefully making her way to the edge of the cliff face, she peered down at whomever had emerged. He had dappled wings lighter than his body and an almost electric blue underbelly.

"Hey!" Regn shouted down at him, "Did you just wake up?" Her tone carried a remnant of her old irritable personality, which was slowly returning as she felt her strength returning. She continued to peer down at the male with a slight scowl, waiting for his response.

Soren was startled by the call, making him jump. He looked up to see a darker dragon gazing down at him, her wings a shining gradient of blue and purple. He thought it was a bit of an odd question to ask, but he decided to answer anyway. "Uh... Yeah... Why do you ask?" He couldn't help but wonder, Do I really look that bedraggled?, giving himself a quick look over.

Though what troubled him more was that he still didn't recognize the terrain around him. How long have I been asleep for?

Soren was startled by the call, making him jump. He looked up to see a darker dragon gazing down at him, her wings a shining gradient of blue and purple. He thought it was a bit of an odd question to ask, but he decided to answer anyway. "Uh... Yeah... Why do you ask?" He couldn't help but wonder, Do I really look that bedraggled?, giving himself a quick look over.

Though what troubled him more was that he still didn't recognize the terrain around him. How long have I been asleep for?
Forgive me for being so socially awkward

Regn nodded slowly. ¨I did as well. You may not remember it, but we all went dormant a while ago. Humans hunted us so near extinction, and we needed to preserve our race. Welcome back. It's been over a hundred years. Let's see what they'veleft behind.¨

With that, Regn launched herself off the sheer platform, snapping her wings open twenty feet above the other dragon's head. Flying skyward on a warm updraft, Regn circled higher and higher until she could observe the land below. The earth was sun-scorched, and scraggly mountain trees clung to the sides of the cliffs. Off in the distance, an azure lake glittered under the pale dawn light. Everything seemed more dreary than Regn remembered. While she wheeled overhead, Regn realized she hadn't asked the other male his name. She glanced down at his bewildered expression far below her.

Regn nodded slowly. ¨I did as well. You may not remember it, but we all went dormant a while ago. Humans hunted us so near extinction, and we needed to preserve our race. Welcome back. It's been over a hundred years. Let's see what they'veleft behind.¨

With that, Regn launched herself off the sheer platform, snapping her wings open twenty feet above the other dragon's head. Flying skyward on a warm updraft, Regn circled higher and higher until she could observe the land below. The earth was sun-scorched, and scraggly mountain trees clung to the sides of the cliffs. Off in the distance, an azure lake glittered under the pale dawn light. Everything seemed more dreary than Regn remembered. While she wheeled overhead, Regn realized she hadn't asked the other male his name. She glanced down at his bewildered expression far below her.

Soren watched her go, thinking about what she said. He felt she was telling the truth, even though it still didn't stir up any memories for him. However, he did feel something like that had happened before he went to sleep - it was just at the very edge of his memory. Nothing was exactly clear yet, but it felt right. He eventually shrugged to clear his thoughts and lifted off after her, a little clumsy after being dormant for so long. He decided to follow her, and by the time he reached her height he was flying a bit smoother.

He gazed down at the earth far below him, absolutely amazed at the sight. How could something looked so ruined, and yet... so beautiful at the same time?

Soren watched her go, thinking about what she said. He felt she was telling the truth, even though it still didn't stir up any memories for him. However, he did feel something like that had happened before he went to sleep - it was just at the very edge of his memory. Nothing was exactly clear yet, but it felt right. He eventually shrugged to clear his thoughts and lifted off after her, a little clumsy after being dormant for so long. He decided to follow her, and by the time he reached her height he was flying a bit smoother.

He gazed down at the earth far below him, absolutely amazed at the sight. How could something looked so ruined, and yet... so beautiful at the same time?
Forgive me for being so socially awkward

Regn drifted slightly sideways, making room for the vibrant male to glide on the warm updraft. "So what's your name? I didn't ask it of you earlier and I can't keep calling you 'male dragon.'" Regn regarded him with her piercing yellow eyes as he flew level with her, their wingtips inches from each other. He seemed to wonder at the landscape. The land looked far more ruinous to her since she had passed over it before the dragons' dormancy, but she supposed that it would seem rather unique and beautiful to someone who laid fresh eyes on it.

The tall rocks of the cliffs and plateaus near the base of the mountain had lost their ruddy oranges and pale reds and now appeared a dull shade of brown. A hundred years of wind and rain could do wonders to change a landscape. There was, however, a faint blue line - a river she assumed - in the distance near the lake that she didn't recognize. Perhaps the human dams had broken and spilled over. If that was the case, were they dead? Was one hundred years all it took for a race to become extinct? But then, dragons had faced disappearance when the walking apes had decided they didn't want to coexist with dragons anymore and attacked without mercy.

Regn drifted slightly sideways, making room for the vibrant male to glide on the warm updraft. "So what's your name? I didn't ask it of you earlier and I can't keep calling you 'male dragon.'" Regn regarded him with her piercing yellow eyes as he flew level with her, their wingtips inches from each other. He seemed to wonder at the landscape. The land looked far more ruinous to her since she had passed over it before the dragons' dormancy, but she supposed that it would seem rather unique and beautiful to someone who laid fresh eyes on it.

The tall rocks of the cliffs and plateaus near the base of the mountain had lost their ruddy oranges and pale reds and now appeared a dull shade of brown. A hundred years of wind and rain could do wonders to change a landscape. There was, however, a faint blue line - a river she assumed - in the distance near the lake that she didn't recognize. Perhaps the human dams had broken and spilled over. If that was the case, were they dead? Was one hundred years all it took for a race to become extinct? But then, dragons had faced disappearance when the walking apes had decided they didn't want to coexist with dragons anymore and attacked without mercy.

"Uh, Soren," he replied, being yanked out of his thoughts. "What's yours?"

He continued to gaze in awe at the cliffs and plateaus below the towering mountains. Who knew the earth could create such magnificent structures? However soon his attention was drawn to the great lake in the distance, now beginning to glitter and shine in the rising sun's light. No matter what he'd forgotten of his life, he knew he'd never forget this day for as long as he lived.

"Uh, Soren," he replied, being yanked out of his thoughts. "What's yours?"

He continued to gaze in awe at the cliffs and plateaus below the towering mountains. Who knew the earth could create such magnificent structures? However soon his attention was drawn to the great lake in the distance, now beginning to glitter and shine in the rising sun's light. No matter what he'd forgotten of his life, he knew he'd never forget this day for as long as he lived.
Forgive me for being so socially awkward