

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Private Rp w/ LannyFlame

(( So sorry for the late reply! ))

Regn exploded out from the brush she had been hiding under, and her claws made hollow thuds when they beat against the ground as she jumped. She narrowly avoided being kicked in the eye by the buck's thrashing hooves, and as soon as she got an opportunity, she wrapped her jaws around the young deer's neck, pinning him to the ground. It was a struggle to hold him in place while his life ebbed away, and she attributed part of that to not having gotten physical activity in a century.

When the buck finally lay still and dead, Regn released her grip on his throat and backed up. She examined a small bruise on her shoulder. The buck had tossed his head and scraped the soft area just below her wing with his antler, and although it smarted, it didn't seem to be a major injury. With a glance at Soren, she said, "You can go ahead and eat first. I'm fine with waiting a moment."

(( So sorry for the late reply! ))

Regn exploded out from the brush she had been hiding under, and her claws made hollow thuds when they beat against the ground as she jumped. She narrowly avoided being kicked in the eye by the buck's thrashing hooves, and as soon as she got an opportunity, she wrapped her jaws around the young deer's neck, pinning him to the ground. It was a struggle to hold him in place while his life ebbed away, and she attributed part of that to not having gotten physical activity in a century.

When the buck finally lay still and dead, Regn released her grip on his throat and backed up. She examined a small bruise on her shoulder. The buck had tossed his head and scraped the soft area just below her wing with his antler, and although it smarted, it didn't seem to be a major injury. With a glance at Soren, she said, "You can go ahead and eat first. I'm fine with waiting a moment."

"Oh... Thanks," Soren gratefully dipped his head to Regn before digging in. He thought she should have the first bite, since she was the one who had killed it, but didn't protest.

The deer meat was just as delicious as he could recall - in fact, it was even more so since he hadn't eaten a single bite of anything for so long. It felt wonderful to have something to chew on again and to fill his growling stomach. He took a few more bites to satisfy himself before backing away, leaving plenty of the meal left for Regn.

"Oh... Thanks," Soren gratefully dipped his head to Regn before digging in. He thought she should have the first bite, since she was the one who had killed it, but didn't protest.

The deer meat was just as delicious as he could recall - in fact, it was even more so since he hadn't eaten a single bite of anything for so long. It felt wonderful to have something to chew on again and to fill his growling stomach. He took a few more bites to satisfy himself before backing away, leaving plenty of the meal left for Regn.
Forgive me for being so socially awkward

Regn dipped her head to Soren in return, flexing the muscles at the base of her neck and shoulder as she took as bite of the warm meal. It was savory and almost nutty, and as she ate Regn realized just how much she had missed eating deer. Once she had moved away from her birthplace, she had hunted by herself, eating mountain goats and the lean panthers that lived among the craggy, colder mountains of the north.

Once she had eaten her fill, Regn stepped back and licked the blood from between her talons. "I can't remember the last time I had a deer." She examined the remains of their lunch. There wasn't much left, at least not enough for another meal, so she dig a shallow pit and buried the carcass in it.

Regn dipped her head to Soren in return, flexing the muscles at the base of her neck and shoulder as she took as bite of the warm meal. It was savory and almost nutty, and as she ate Regn realized just how much she had missed eating deer. Once she had moved away from her birthplace, she had hunted by herself, eating mountain goats and the lean panthers that lived among the craggy, colder mountains of the north.

Once she had eaten her fill, Regn stepped back and licked the blood from between her talons. "I can't remember the last time I had a deer." She examined the remains of their lunch. There wasn't much left, at least not enough for another meal, so she dig a shallow pit and buried the carcass in it.

"Same here," Soren agreed, helping her to bury the carcass. They wouldn't want to attract any other predators.

Once they were finished, he noticed that through the trees he could catch glimpses of the glittering lake not too far away. He wasn't sure if he should dip his feet in, keep exploring, or try to find other dragons. All three options were equally appealing.

"So what now?" he turned to Regn. He didn't want to drag her along to do something she wasn't interested in, but also didn't want to be left alone either.

"Same here," Soren agreed, helping her to bury the carcass. They wouldn't want to attract any other predators.

Once they were finished, he noticed that through the trees he could catch glimpses of the glittering lake not too far away. He wasn't sure if he should dip his feet in, keep exploring, or try to find other dragons. All three options were equally appealing.

"So what now?" he turned to Regn. He didn't want to drag her along to do something she wasn't interested in, but also didn't want to be left alone either.
Forgive me for being so socially awkward

Regn noticed Soren's interested glance through the trees when he spoke, and turned her head to examine what he'd seen. The lake was shimmering in the distance, and the soft lapping of the waves on the pebbly shore were just barely audible.

"I wouldn't mind going over to the lake. It might be a bit cold but at least it'll be better than out here." The air was getting warmer than she was used to, even under the shade of the trees. She was sure Soren was perfectly fine, but she was more accustomed to dark peaks and snow than this warm, summer weather.

Regn noticed Soren's interested glance through the trees when he spoke, and turned her head to examine what he'd seen. The lake was shimmering in the distance, and the soft lapping of the waves on the pebbly shore were just barely audible.

"I wouldn't mind going over to the lake. It might be a bit cold but at least it'll be better than out here." The air was getting warmer than she was used to, even under the shade of the trees. She was sure Soren was perfectly fine, but she was more accustomed to dark peaks and snow than this warm, summer weather.

"Alright then; to the lake it is," Soren announced happily and turned to head off through the trees. Soon the foliage began to clear and he could see more of the lake now. He picked up the pace until he was clear of the trees, then slowed down again. The lake was much more vast up close. he could barely see the opposite shore on the far end of the water's expanse. He could feel the cool breeze drifting from the lake, tugging at his feathers and cooling him off. This was certainly a sight he wanted to remember.

Then movement caught his eye. He turned his head to his right to see what had moved, and saw another dragon down the shore a ways, bending its head to drink from the lake. Soren began to feel a bit nervous. Would this new dragon be unfriendly if they tried to approach it, or would it be more sociable towards them?

"Alright then; to the lake it is," Soren announced happily and turned to head off through the trees. Soon the foliage began to clear and he could see more of the lake now. He picked up the pace until he was clear of the trees, then slowed down again. The lake was much more vast up close. he could barely see the opposite shore on the far end of the water's expanse. He could feel the cool breeze drifting from the lake, tugging at his feathers and cooling him off. This was certainly a sight he wanted to remember.

Then movement caught his eye. He turned his head to his right to see what had moved, and saw another dragon down the shore a ways, bending its head to drink from the lake. Soren began to feel a bit nervous. Would this new dragon be unfriendly if they tried to approach it, or would it be more sociable towards them?
Forgive me for being so socially awkward

Regn emerged from the brush behind Soren and her attention was dragged to the other dragon as well. They couldn't tell what exactly it looked like from this distance, but Regn thought she could glimpse red flashing off the dragon's scales in the sunlight.

"Hmph," Regn made a small noise that resembled something like dispproval. "So it seems we aren't the only ones awake." Regn spent a moment more watching the strange dragon drink and go about it's business, the padded across the beach to the water. The pebbles clacked beneath her claws as one of her feet slipped and skidded across their smooth surfaces. She saw the other dragon's head snap in her direction and it's wings lifted in surprise as it spotted them.

Regn turned to look at Soren. "Should we go and say hello or would you rather cool off?"

Regn emerged from the brush behind Soren and her attention was dragged to the other dragon as well. They couldn't tell what exactly it looked like from this distance, but Regn thought she could glimpse red flashing off the dragon's scales in the sunlight.

"Hmph," Regn made a small noise that resembled something like dispproval. "So it seems we aren't the only ones awake." Regn spent a moment more watching the strange dragon drink and go about it's business, the padded across the beach to the water. The pebbles clacked beneath her claws as one of her feet slipped and skidded across their smooth surfaces. She saw the other dragon's head snap in her direction and it's wings lifted in surprise as it spotted them.

Regn turned to look at Soren. "Should we go and say hello or would you rather cool off?"

Soren took a moment to think. "Well... seeing as it's already spotted us... I think we should go greet them. I think it would be good for all of us to meet another of our kind." While he figured that for Regn it would just be another dragon to talk to, for him it would be another potential link to his past memories.

He looked to Regn for approval of the plan, then looked back at the dragon, still staring at them. After a moment it turned and began walking toward them. It would be rude to ignore the dragon now. He began approaching it, his claws faintly clicking on the pebbles. He almost stumbled a few times, unaccustomed to such loose ground after being asleep for a century. He could hear Regn making her way across the pebbles as well as they went to greet the new dragon.

Soren took a moment to think. "Well... seeing as it's already spotted us... I think we should go greet them. I think it would be good for all of us to meet another of our kind." While he figured that for Regn it would just be another dragon to talk to, for him it would be another potential link to his past memories.

He looked to Regn for approval of the plan, then looked back at the dragon, still staring at them. After a moment it turned and began walking toward them. It would be rude to ignore the dragon now. He began approaching it, his claws faintly clicking on the pebbles. He almost stumbled a few times, unaccustomed to such loose ground after being asleep for a century. He could hear Regn making her way across the pebbles as well as they went to greet the new dragon.
Forgive me for being so socially awkward

With a huff, Regn began to trail after Soren, her steps just as unsteady as his. Soren had a point, but it didn't mean she wanted to meet this dragon any less. For all they knew, it was an irritatingly perky young male who enjoyed rainbows and setting things on fire. Wouldn't that be a fun conversation.

Nevertheless, she went along with the vibrant blue dragon. He needed someone to defend him if it ended up getting violent, after all. The lake may be the other dragon's territory and they may have intruded. Or the other dragon was just being friendly. Too many 'iffs,' Regn grumbled internally.

(( Do you want to rp the other dragon or would you like me to? ))

With a huff, Regn began to trail after Soren, her steps just as unsteady as his. Soren had a point, but it didn't mean she wanted to meet this dragon any less. For all they knew, it was an irritatingly perky young male who enjoyed rainbows and setting things on fire. Wouldn't that be a fun conversation.

Nevertheless, she went along with the vibrant blue dragon. He needed someone to defend him if it ended up getting violent, after all. The lake may be the other dragon's territory and they may have intruded. Or the other dragon was just being friendly. Too many 'iffs,' Regn grumbled internally.

(( Do you want to rp the other dragon or would you like me to? ))

As the three dragons came closer together, Soren could see that the new dragon was a vibrant red Guardian, with black wings and a white contour. It was a male, his eyes just as blue as the lake. Water element, Soren thought to himself. He couldn't read the expression on the new male's face - for all Soren knew he could have been excited to meet two new dragons, or ready to fight to the death. It made him more nervous than usual.

(( I think it would be better if you rp the new dragon ))

As the three dragons came closer together, Soren could see that the new dragon was a vibrant red Guardian, with black wings and a white contour. It was a male, his eyes just as blue as the lake. Water element, Soren thought to himself. He couldn't read the expression on the new male's face - for all Soren knew he could have been excited to meet two new dragons, or ready to fight to the death. It made him more nervous than usual.

(( I think it would be better if you rp the new dragon ))
Forgive me for being so socially awkward