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TOPIC | WHAT are your JOBS??
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i work at michaels mainly doing replenishment in the early mornings! i occasionally get sales floor shifts but i haven't had one of those since the beginning of february! ...although checking my schedule right now i have 2 of them coming up this next week ;_;

i work at michaels mainly doing replenishment in the early mornings! i occasionally get sales floor shifts but i haven't had one of those since the beginning of february! ...although checking my schedule right now i have 2 of them coming up this next week ;_;

em | she/her | +0 FR time | lorenz enthusiast
I work in a call center, doing fiber internet/phone technical support. I'm going to bet a lot of folks who are into dragons probably also work in an office of some sort.
I work in a call center, doing fiber internet/phone technical support. I'm going to bet a lot of folks who are into dragons probably also work in an office of some sort.
I'm the charge nurse of a 2-10 shift at a local Long Term Care/Rehabilitation facility. Thinking about getting my RN eventually, but my true calling is something anthropology related. Or like...a photojournalist for National Geographic. Jesus, what dreams. :3
I'm the charge nurse of a 2-10 shift at a local Long Term Care/Rehabilitation facility. Thinking about getting my RN eventually, but my true calling is something anthropology related. Or like...a photojournalist for National Geographic. Jesus, what dreams. :3
I'm a highschooler. My main focus is finding a college that suits my interest right now (I'm super excited as the first college interested in me contacted me over break). I've still got some years to think it over and plan it out, but I'm planning on entering the biology field as a geneticist. It might take some dedication and hard work, but being a scientist has always been my goal/dream XD.

As of right now though I work in my mom's bakery business. I can whip up a mean cake ;) .
I'm a highschooler. My main focus is finding a college that suits my interest right now (I'm super excited as the first college interested in me contacted me over break). I've still got some years to think it over and plan it out, but I'm planning on entering the biology field as a geneticist. It might take some dedication and hard work, but being a scientist has always been my goal/dream XD.

As of right now though I work in my mom's bakery business. I can whip up a mean cake ;) .
I'm working as IT support (first and second line) at the moment. Hopefully I'll sometimes become a Linux Engineer, but that's future hopes and dreams :')
I'm working as IT support (first and second line) at the moment. Hopefully I'll sometimes become a Linux Engineer, but that's future hopes and dreams :')
I'm currently unemployed, but I do volunteer at the local animal shelter. I've been there for over two years and I work with the kitties. It's fun getting the shy and/or scared ones to open up.
I'm currently unemployed, but I do volunteer at the local animal shelter. I've been there for over two years and I work with the kitties. It's fun getting the shy and/or scared ones to open up.
I work at a smoke shop right now. It's a small business so the hours aren't great, but I'm hoping I can get more after I get out of training. I used to be a cashier at Sam's Club, and that was the worst first job I could have imagined. The amount of sales I made determined whether or not I got to keep my job, whereas now I can just sit around and research the products.

I'm also a student! I'm just trying to get my A.A. right now, just in case my dream job as a piercer falls through. If that ever did happen I would be devastated but at least be able to continue on and become a therapist of sorts. At least that's what I'm considering... I've also thought about training therapy dogs.
I work at a smoke shop right now. It's a small business so the hours aren't great, but I'm hoping I can get more after I get out of training. I used to be a cashier at Sam's Club, and that was the worst first job I could have imagined. The amount of sales I made determined whether or not I got to keep my job, whereas now I can just sit around and research the products.

I'm also a student! I'm just trying to get my A.A. right now, just in case my dream job as a piercer falls through. If that ever did happen I would be devastated but at least be able to continue on and become a therapist of sorts. At least that's what I'm considering... I've also thought about training therapy dogs.
I became disabled several years ago. That is to say that the government agreed that I was not capable of working consistently any longer. I worked for the same company for >16 yrs, going in entry level data input and working my way through the ranks. I worked in the softskills training dept - which I loved - for a couple of years and then exceeded my 10 yr goal of getting that all important management job by 4 yrs. So for the last 8-10 yrs I was in some sort of management position. I worked for an insurance company (don't hate me!) processing claims for TRICARE - the program for military retirees and dependents. I loved this job. I felt like I made a difference every day of my employment. But, with "complicated depression with anxiety and agoraphobia" as well as fibromyalgia and arthritis up the ying yang I had to concede that I was not able to fulfill my duties any longer.

Now I am at home, caring for myself primarily and enjoying the company of my 3 dogs and 2 cats. At 47 yrs old. Never in a million years did I think I would develop these disorders. Fibro - probably had that since teens. But AGORAPHOBIA??? What? I was such an outgoing person always happy to talk to anyone. Now if someone I don't know (and some that I do kknow) just come close to touching me I cringe and back away and hold my head or hug myself. I don't drive - well only a couple of miles to the store and back.

But this is my life. I am thankful for it. I am taking in breath. I can feel, see, hear, touch and do a lot more than so many people can do. I do what my fiance told me to do when we first reunited - look in the mirror and say I love you. Say what you CAN do. Sure, vent every once in a while, but be thankful for the life you have. And I am :) (I am obsessed with FR - let me just say that - LOL)
I became disabled several years ago. That is to say that the government agreed that I was not capable of working consistently any longer. I worked for the same company for >16 yrs, going in entry level data input and working my way through the ranks. I worked in the softskills training dept - which I loved - for a couple of years and then exceeded my 10 yr goal of getting that all important management job by 4 yrs. So for the last 8-10 yrs I was in some sort of management position. I worked for an insurance company (don't hate me!) processing claims for TRICARE - the program for military retirees and dependents. I loved this job. I felt like I made a difference every day of my employment. But, with "complicated depression with anxiety and agoraphobia" as well as fibromyalgia and arthritis up the ying yang I had to concede that I was not able to fulfill my duties any longer.

Now I am at home, caring for myself primarily and enjoying the company of my 3 dogs and 2 cats. At 47 yrs old. Never in a million years did I think I would develop these disorders. Fibro - probably had that since teens. But AGORAPHOBIA??? What? I was such an outgoing person always happy to talk to anyone. Now if someone I don't know (and some that I do kknow) just come close to touching me I cringe and back away and hold my head or hug myself. I don't drive - well only a couple of miles to the store and back.

But this is my life. I am thankful for it. I am taking in breath. I can feel, see, hear, touch and do a lot more than so many people can do. I do what my fiance told me to do when we first reunited - look in the mirror and say I love you. Say what you CAN do. Sure, vent every once in a while, but be thankful for the life you have. And I am :) (I am obsessed with FR - let me just say that - LOL)
Walking through a Fairy Circle can make magic happen. It might change the color of a dragon, or change its genes or even its breed. Only the bravest set out to make an intentional trip through a Fairy Circle. Most dragons just step right into them when they are concentrating on something else. Just remember - Magic is Everywhere tumblr_o869wygMbQ1v4aprho7_r1_100.png
My Favorite Skin Shop!!
Currently unemployed, but I'm working on my first novel! *stares at 300 pages of unedited mess* it's going to take a while before I'm ready to publish
Currently unemployed, but I'm working on my first novel! *stares at 300 pages of unedited mess* it's going to take a while before I'm ready to publish
I'm an Entertainment/Fireworks Technician at a big theme park in Orlando... You know the one ;)

It's super fun most of the time and can be really exhausting but usually in a good way and I love it :)
I'm an Entertainment/Fireworks Technician at a big theme park in Orlando... You know the one ;)

It's super fun most of the time and can be really exhausting but usually in a good way and I love it :)
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