
General Discussion

Discuss your favorites: TV shows, music, games and hobbies.
TOPIC | WHAT are your JOBS??
Landscaper/Gardener. I absolutely love it.
Landscaper/Gardener. I absolutely love it.
Signature by the ever talented SpaceOrchid
I'm a student so that's my "job" right now, but sometimes I pet-sit on weekends!! It's a very fun and relaxing job (usually) ^^

I'd like to be an environmental chemist when I graduate though!
I'm a student so that's my "job" right now, but sometimes I pet-sit on weekends!! It's a very fun and relaxing job (usually) ^^

I'd like to be an environmental chemist when I graduate though!
(FRT +1)
i scrounge for pennies in james' couch before creeping back into his walls (he does not know i am here)
i scrounge for pennies in james' couch before creeping back into his walls (he does not know i am here)
unique and quirky signature

I hope you don't mind the ping but I had to comment. I'm a full time dog groomer who jumped to this profession after doing graphic design for a couple years. I have a BFA in graphic design from a university, so it's also completely unrelated for me haha. I've been grooming 6 years this summer, make more than enough to pay the bills, (single and living on my own in a fairly expensive area in Oregon), and absolutely love my job.

All that to say your dream isn't unrealistic at all! ^^

I hope you don't mind the ping but I had to comment. I'm a full time dog groomer who jumped to this profession after doing graphic design for a couple years. I have a BFA in graphic design from a university, so it's also completely unrelated for me haha. I've been grooming 6 years this summer, make more than enough to pay the bills, (single and living on my own in a fairly expensive area in Oregon), and absolutely love my job.

All that to say your dream isn't unrealistic at all! ^^
@Doetree @Mal

Thank you guys for the kind words, I hope that one day my dream will become reality. I wish to apply as an assistant in one of the parlors this Summer. These posts made my day, stay awesome :)
@Doetree @Mal

Thank you guys for the kind words, I hope that one day my dream will become reality. I wish to apply as an assistant in one of the parlors this Summer. These posts made my day, stay awesome :)