
Items For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of items.
[img][/img] [center][size=5][font=Book Antiqua][emoji=light rune size=1] [b]Welcome![/b] [emoji=light rune size=1] Willing to help [color=Darkgoldenrod]Light[/color] in their upcoming Dom Battle with [color=magenta]Arcane[/color]?[/size] [img][/img] [/center] [center][size=5][font=Book Antiqua][i]We're looking for any and all free nests![/i][/center] I will pay a flat fee of 6kt/g per nest and 3kt/g per egg. The process will be as follows:[/font] [LIST=1] [*]Ping me in this thread with the number of nests you have available, your currency preference and if you need food [emoji=ping size=1] [*]I'll send you the pair through one-way crossroads with your preference of currency (and food if you need it) [emoji=insect size=1] [emoji=meat size=1] [emoji=plant size=1] [emoji=seafood size=1] [*]You nest dragons and ping me with the egg number here, I'll send the 3kt/g per egg via PM your way. [emoji=treasure size=1] [emoji=gem size=1] [*]You incubate and hatch eggs [emoji=eternal youth size=1] [*]Send both parents and the babies back to me! [emoji=trade size=1] [size=2](Or to whoever their bio says to send the parents back to)[/size] [/LIST] [center][size=5][font=Book Antiqua]The [color=Darkgoldenrod]Light Flight[/color] needs [b][u]YOU![/u][/b][/font][/size] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Program is now closed. If you are currently nesting for me, please keep incubating eggs and return everything to me once the nest is ready![/b] [/center] [right][size=1]Assets thanks to [url=]Drytil[/url] and [url=]Starrlight[/url][/size][/right] [center][b][u]Past Nesters:[/u][/b] [/center] [columns] [url=][color=blue]AloraDannon[/color][/url]: 14 eggs [url=][color=skyblue]Wintersham[/color][/url]: 5 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]RocketBear[/color][/url]: 19 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]shrikewing[/color][/url]: 73 eggs [url=][color=crimson]theycallmenishta[/color][/url]: 15 eggs [url=][color=blue]Trusty[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=crimson]Archangelo[/color][/url]: 16 eggs [url=][color=crimson]InsaneTruth[/color][/url]: 3 eggs [url=][color=goldenrod]etsurunii[/color][/url]: 16 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]Welcometochiliss[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]Pantsbians[/color][/url]: 6 eggs [url=][color=forestgreen]SpectralRook[/color][/url]: 23 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]CaptainDrakken[/color][/url]: 3 eggs [nextcol] [url=][color=skyblue]Reineke[/color][/url]: 11 eggs [url=][color=blue]arcsandcrafts55[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=crimson]Aurelyon[/color][/url]: 13 eggs [url=][color=skyblue]at1as[/color][/url]: 31 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]DoctorAndTARDIS[/color][/url]: 4 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]IDRyu[/color][/url]: 18 eggs [url=][color=goldenrod]Brewstoid[/color][/url]: 83 eggs [url=][color=goldenrod]Equipoise[/color][/url]: 64 eggs [url=][color=skyblue]Rookie[/color][/url]: 14 eggs [url=][color=crimson]ChedIsBread[/color][/url]: 22 eggs [url=][color=crimson]Quarantine[/color][/url]: 15 eggs [url=][color=blue]Emirene[/color][/url]: 2 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]Labcoat[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [nextcol] [url=][color=forestgreen]Ackie[/color][/url]: 2 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]FeralRookie[/color][/url]: 12 eggs [url=][color=goldenrod]thace[/color][/url]: 28 eggs [url=][color=forestgreen]MizzMara[/color][/url]: 2 eggs [url=][color=blue]Virectium[/color][/url]: 31 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]FluidQuartz[/color][/url]: 5 eggs [url=][color=darkorange]Hinumi[/color][/url]: 8 eggs [url=][color=magenta]vampyremoth[/color][/url]: 15 eggs [url=][color=forestgreen]Theorys[/color][/url]: 2 eggs [url=][color=crimson]Helix[/color][/url]: 18 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]Zafirmei[/color][/url]: 8 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]LunalaRose[/color][/url]: 11 eggs [url=][color=saddlebrown]Scrolleke[/color][/url]: 6 eggs [nextcol] [url=][color=blueviolet]Hedon[/color][/url]: 32 eggs [url=][color=saddlebrown]Meyoline[/color][/url]: 29 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]isek[/color][/url]: 7 eggs [url=][color=skyblue]Lytala[/color][/url]: 42 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]moomargh[/color][/url]: 17 eggs [url=][color=forestgreen]Lyvenex[/color][/url]: 6 eggs [url=][color=skyblue]AWB[/color][/url]: 11 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]CosmiicChaos[/color][/url]: 12 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]Kywren[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=saddlebrown]Unfridgeable[/color][/url]: 15 eggs [url=][color=darkorange]Igneriss[/color][/url]: 9 eggs [url=][color=forestgreen]neillily[/color][/url]: 12 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]Zawmek[/color][/url]: 9 eggs [/columns] [columns] [url=][color=magenta]acorns[/color][/url]: 36 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]Superocelot[/color][/url]: 37 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]DATAL0RE[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]Sinuzaki[/color][/url]: 11 eggs [url=][color=skyblue]Glory[/color][/url]: 51 eggs [url=][color=forestgreen]Zanziah[/color][/url]: 25 eggs [url=][color=blue]moonthegoon[/color][/url]: 6 eggs [url=][color=blue]SpR1nG[/color][/url]: 8 eggs [url=][color=crimson]AnimeLover9631[/color][/url]: 9 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]anekoo[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=crimson]eggplantwizard[/color][/url]: 15 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]Katsuji[/color][/url]: 49 eggs [nextcol] [url=][color=saddlebrown]Golden[/color][/url]: 7 eggs [url=][color=crimson]Saintlucky[/color][/url]: 6 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]miles3140[/color][/url]: 2 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]oneluckyduck[/color][/url]: 3 eggs [url=][color=darkorange]XVY[/color][/url]: 8 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]Sargelily[/color][/url]: 9 eggs [url=][color=blue]Marketplace[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]ViciousPrincess[/color][/url]: 9 eggs [url=][color=crimson]Lizbert0[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=forestgreen]transhowl[/color][/url]: 5 eggs [url=][color=goldenrod]icehorsestar[/color][/url]: 15 eggs [url=][color=saddlebrown]of11718[/color][/url]: 9 eggs [nextcol] [url=][color=crimson]Hellnokitty[/color][/url]: 16 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]Emeryciel[/color][/url]: 15 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]Arorix[/color][/url]: 13 eggs [url=][color=magenta]AngelsWish[/color][/url]: 8 eggs [url=][color=crimson]Baylinheth[/color][/url]: 7 eggs [url=][color=skyblue]Thenset[/color][/url]: 7 eggs [url=][color=skyblue]RoguePacifist[/color][/url]: 9 eggs [url=][color=crimson]ZorasDomain[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=blue]ChaosBetta16[/color][/url]: 16 eggs [url=][color=crimson]nauseas[/color][/url]: 7 eggs [url=][color=goldenrod]matrongphong[/color][/url]: 11 eggs [url=][color=crimson]ZuRatha[/color][/url]: 6 eggs [nextcol] [url=][color=darkorange]GoodLoki[/color][/url]: 3 eggs [url=][color=crimson]jbapple[/color][/url]: 3 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]sparra[/color][/url]: 17 eggs [url=][color=crimson]Xenamorph[/color][/url]: 10 eggs [url=][color=crimson]AngryFits[/color][/url]: 16 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]Wightspark[/color][/url]: 13 eggs [url=][color=lightgreen]SourceCode[/color][/url]: 6 eggs [url=][color=forestgreen]AutumnFall123[/color][/url]: 4 eggs [url=][color=magenta]iLennA[/color][/url]: 8 eggs [url=][color=turquoise]roseila[/color][/url]: 7 eggs [url=][color=blueviolet]IndigoStarshine[/color][/url]: 3 eggs [/columns]
Willing to help Light in their upcoming Dom Battle with Arcane?

We're looking for any and all free nests!
I will pay a flat fee of 6kt/g per nest and 3kt/g per egg. The process will be as follows:
  1. Ping me in this thread with the number of nests you have available, your currency preference and if you need food
  2. I'll send you the pair through one-way crossroads with your preference of currency (and food if you need it)
  3. You nest dragons and ping me with the egg number here, I'll send the 3kt/g per egg via PM your way.
  4. You incubate and hatch eggs
  5. Send both parents and the babies back to me!
    (Or to whoever their bio says to send the parents back to)
The Light Flight needs YOU!


Program is now closed. If you are currently nesting for me, please keep incubating eggs and return everything to me once the nest is ready!

Assets thanks to Drytil and Starrlight
Past Nesters:
AloraDannon: 14 eggs
Wintersham: 5 eggs
RocketBear: 19 eggs
shrikewing: 73 eggs
theycallmenishta: 15 eggs
Trusty: 10 eggs
Archangelo: 16 eggs
InsaneTruth: 3 eggs
etsurunii: 16 eggs
Welcometochiliss: 10 eggs
Pantsbians: 6 eggs
SpectralRook: 23 eggs
CaptainDrakken: 3 eggs
Reineke: 11 eggs
arcsandcrafts55: 10 eggs
Aurelyon: 13 eggs
at1as: 31 eggs
DoctorAndTARDIS: 4 eggs
IDRyu: 18 eggs
Brewstoid: 83 eggs
Equipoise: 64 eggs
Rookie: 14 eggs
ChedIsBread: 22 eggs
Quarantine: 15 eggs
Emirene: 2 eggs
Labcoat: 10 eggs
Ackie: 2 eggs
FeralRookie: 12 eggs
thace: 28 eggs
MizzMara: 2 eggs
Virectium: 31 eggs
FluidQuartz: 5 eggs
Hinumi: 8 eggs
vampyremoth: 15 eggs
Theorys: 2 eggs
Helix: 18 eggs
Zafirmei: 8 eggs
LunalaRose: 11 eggs
Scrolleke: 6 eggs
Hedon: 32 eggs
Meyoline: 29 eggs
isek: 7 eggs
Lytala: 42 eggs
moomargh: 17 eggs
Lyvenex: 6 eggs
AWB: 11 eggs
CosmiicChaos: 12 eggs
Kywren: 10 eggs
Unfridgeable: 15 eggs
Igneriss: 9 eggs
neillily: 12 eggs
Zawmek: 9 eggs
acorns: 36 eggs
Superocelot: 37 eggs
DATAL0RE: 10 eggs
Sinuzaki: 11 eggs
Glory: 51 eggs
Zanziah: 25 eggs
moonthegoon: 6 eggs
SpR1nG: 8 eggs
AnimeLover9631: 9 eggs
anekoo: 10 eggs
eggplantwizard: 15 eggs
Katsuji: 49 eggs
Golden: 7 eggs
Saintlucky: 6 eggs
miles3140: 2 eggs
oneluckyduck: 3 eggs
XVY: 8 eggs
Sargelily: 9 eggs
Marketplace: 10 eggs
ViciousPrincess: 9 eggs
Lizbert0: 10 eggs
transhowl: 5 eggs
icehorsestar: 15 eggs
of11718: 9 eggs
Hellnokitty: 16 eggs
Emeryciel: 15 eggs
Arorix: 13 eggs
AngelsWish: 8 eggs
Baylinheth: 7 eggs
Thenset: 7 eggs
RoguePacifist: 9 eggs
ZorasDomain: 10 eggs
ChaosBetta16: 16 eggs
nauseas: 7 eggs
matrongphong: 11 eggs
ZuRatha: 6 eggs
GoodLoki: 3 eggs
jbapple: 3 eggs
sparra: 17 eggs
Xenamorph: 10 eggs
AngryFits: 16 eggs
Wightspark: 13 eggs
SourceCode: 6 eggs
AutumnFall123: 4 eggs
iLennA: 8 eggs
roseila: 7 eggs
IndigoStarshine: 3 eggs
[center]Lend a nest, receive this badge! [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [size=2]courtesy of @/Renaiwom[/size] [/center]
Lend a nest, receive this badge!

courtesy of @/Renaiwom

I have 3 open nests. I am always happy to have insects. I prefer T right now.

I have 3 open nests. I am always happy to have insects. I prefer T right now.
@AloraDannon Awesome! Will be sending 3 pairs over soon with the treasure and food!
@AloraDannon Awesome! Will be sending 3 pairs over soon with the treasure and food!
@Jeevas Hi there! I currently have one nest available that I'd be happy to lend out for gems and some food please! I'll also have three more nests available tomorrow, but I can just come back then and request more pairs then if you'd prefer. :)
@Jeevas Hi there! I currently have one nest available that I'd be happy to lend out for gems and some food please! I'll also have three more nests available tomorrow, but I can just come back then and request more pairs then if you'd prefer. :)

Neurodivergent (aka not trying to be any type of way, just how I am and promise I'm not mad at you)
@theycallmenishta Ok! I'll send a pair over now! Feel free to come back tomorrow and request more pairs.
@theycallmenishta Ok! I'll send a pair over now! Feel free to come back tomorrow and request more pairs.

My nests hate me. 5 eggs total

My nests hate me. 5 eggs total
@Jeevas One egg :,)
@Jeevas One egg :,)

Neurodivergent (aka not trying to be any type of way, just how I am and promise I'm not mad at you)

4 open nests, gems and food please

4 open nests, gems and food please
@Trusty Sending! (I'll need you to accept the first two CRs before I can send more... lair space problems D:)
@Trusty Sending! (I'll need you to accept the first two CRs before I can send more... lair space problems D:)