Hello! I'm here to snipe you that lovely 15% discount.
Current Status: Online
Please send the treasure in a 1 way CR you can either tell me what you need there or post here I will then accept it when the item is in the marketplace and then send it back to you.
-I don't charge additional service fees for this, but tips are appreciated if you feel so inclined.
-If you need to contact me do send a PM/ if I have missed your order don't hesitate to nudge me.
Hello! I'm here to snipe you that lovely 15% discount.
Current Status: Online
Please send the treasure in a 1 way CR you can either tell me what you need there or post here I will then accept it when the item is in the marketplace and then send it back to you.
-I don't charge additional service fees for this, but tips are appreciated if you feel so inclined.
-If you need to contact me do send a PM/ if I have missed your order don't hesitate to nudge me.
Forsake Hi there! Do you mind large orders? I'm looking to get a few things in bulk.
Forsake Hi there! Do you mind large orders? I'm looking to get a few things in bulk.
beanutbutter I can try! what are you looking for?
Forsake In total 10x Pearlcatcher BC, 7x Ridgeback BC, 3x Clown modern, 6x Underbelly modern. Depending on my needs, I might make another order later in the week, too. Does that sound alright?
Forsake In total 10x Pearlcatcher BC, 7x Ridgeback BC, 3x Clown modern, 6x Underbelly modern. Depending on my needs, I might make another order later in the week, too. Does that sound alright?
beanutbutter I can certainly try! send the treasure in a CR and I'll be on the lookout :D
beanutbutter I can certainly try! send the treasure in a CR and I'll be on the lookout :D
Can I get a morden underbelly scroll please?
Can I get a morden underbelly scroll please?
SnoringHyena Sure! send the treasure and I'll get it when its in stock :D
SnoringHyena Sure! send the treasure and I'll get it when its in stock :D
Forsake Thank you for the service! JSYK I just sent a CR :)
Forsake Thank you for the service! JSYK I just sent a CR :)
Hello, could you get a hawkmoth gene for me? I'll send a CR soon.
Hello, could you get a hawkmoth gene for me? I'll send a CR soon.