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TOPIC | Trouble w scrying workshop
I can't seem to create a morphology with an aether breed with the twinkle gene and strawberry. Every other color and gene works—just not this combo.
I can't seem to create a morphology with an aether breed with the twinkle gene and strawberry. Every other color and gene works—just not this combo.
@Iboughtwings only on males, but yep, it's an error with the image file. it's already been reported on the Ancient Gene Errors thread, so nothing to do but wait for staff to put in a fix.
@Iboughtwings only on males, but yep, it's an error with the image file. it's already been reported on the Ancient Gene Errors thread, so nothing to do but wait for staff to put in a fix.
Coliseum banner showing a regal golden Coatl with an azure crest and wings.
Coliseum banner showing a heavily-armored Nocturne.
Lair Directory:
The old Lightning avatar banner, linking to After's Lair Directory.
... Coliseum banner showing a white-bodied and black-winged Spiral.
Coliseum banner showing a pink and black Imperial with light blue face markings.
@After Thank you! I was so confused :)
@After Thank you! I was so confused :)