
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Crack an Egg! (doors game but w dragons)
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I'm probably reviving an old thread, but no recent games similar to this are open. I'll take egg 2 unless they've been sold!

I'm probably reviving an old thread, but no recent games similar to this are open. I'll take egg 2 unless they've been sold!
Prophet's Vision/Wishlist/Exalt tab/Sales
Chaotic neutral Gaymer
Give a biscuit to my opossum son, Hubert

The user has a haitus notice on their profile - so I think you're free to start a new round, or I could start one if you like.

The user has a haitus notice on their profile - so I think you're free to start a new round, or I could start one if you like.
@/TroubleinSevens Oop, my bad! I have a bad habit of not looking at statuses after my own haitus. I'll simply start ^^ ~~~~~ It's summer, and excitement erupts throughout all of Sornieth! Your clan decides to join in celebration with a nice picnic near the Sea of a Thousand Currents. As dragons either gather supplies, weave flowers with one another, or play chase with hatchlings, a new game is brought up (what fun!) A lovely egg hunt has been staged, and players who find one will get a lovely surprise! Let the games begin! [emoji=green apple size=1] Egg 1 - While looking among the stash of mouth-watering melons and delicious berries, you come across a striped egg! It's scented like that of a watermelon, and even has flecks of pink contrasting the grayscale colors! (@/TroubleinSevens) [emoji=butterfly 2 size=1] Egg 2 - With watching the hatchlings catch butterflies, a hobby you yourself have, you notice a few dark purple ones moving within a tree. Curious, you reach in and pull a neat, plum-colored egg, fading into blue as green diamonds sparkle among the edges. (@/Are) [emoji=water rune size=1] Egg 3 - Playing in the water is always fun, and you enjoy testing yourself to go deeper and deeper. This time, however, you notice a shimmering object underneath. As you pick it up, revealing an egg, you notice how its pattern looks like the foamy waves reaching the shoreline. (@/snogardnuf) [emoji=horseshoe size=1] Egg 4 - Sometimes you simply enjoy summer because of the animals. Even if you may eat them, it's quite nice to also feed them. While watching cows graze near the picnic, you spot a dappled and tiny egg, and you almost mistook it for a baby cow!(@/SnowFawn666) (Also small P.S, I may start doing actual art for these eggs to get out of art block. Let me know if you think I should.)
@/TroubleinSevens Oop, my bad! I have a bad habit of not looking at statuses after my own haitus. I'll simply start ^^


It's summer, and excitement erupts throughout all of Sornieth! Your clan decides to join in celebration with a nice picnic near the Sea of a Thousand Currents. As dragons either gather supplies, weave flowers with one another, or play chase with hatchlings, a new game is brought up (what fun!) A lovely egg hunt has been staged, and players who find one will get a lovely surprise! Let the games begin!

Egg 1 - While looking among the stash of mouth-watering melons and delicious berries, you come across a striped egg! It's scented like that of a watermelon, and even has flecks of pink contrasting the grayscale colors! (@/TroubleinSevens)

Egg 2 - With watching the hatchlings catch butterflies, a hobby you yourself have, you notice a few dark purple ones moving within a tree. Curious, you reach in and pull a neat, plum-colored egg, fading into blue as green diamonds sparkle among the edges. (@/Are)

Egg 3 - Playing in the water is always fun, and you enjoy testing yourself to go deeper and deeper. This time, however, you notice a shimmering object underneath. As you pick it up, revealing an egg, you notice how its pattern looks like the foamy waves reaching the shoreline. (@/snogardnuf)

Egg 4 - Sometimes you simply enjoy summer because of the animals. Even if you may eat them, it's quite nice to also feed them. While watching cows graze near the picnic, you spot a dappled and tiny egg, and you almost mistook it for a baby cow!(@/SnowFawn666)

(Also small P.S, I may start doing actual art for these eggs to get out of art block. Let me know if you think I should.)
Prophet's Vision/Wishlist/Exalt tab/Sales
Chaotic neutral Gaymer
Give a biscuit to my opossum son, Hubert

I think extras are always fun if you're up for them!

I also think I'll take egg 1! I love how a good watermelon smells and berries are one of the best parts of summer

I think extras are always fun if you're up for them!

I also think I'll take egg 1! I love how a good watermelon smells and berries are one of the best parts of summer
I love cows so I'll take egg 4 please!
I love cows so I'll take egg 4 please!

I'll take my chances with egg number 2, please!

I'll take my chances with egg number 2, please!
CFFUclk.png ---•----•----•----•----•----•----•----•---•----•---
{100 Generations Challenge}
Avatar Dragon | Random Dragon
@XxMaskedGeminixX I'll take 3 then :)
@XxMaskedGeminixX I'll take 3 then :)
Man y'all were quick. I'm glad I stocked up on eggs- @TroubleinSevens - Taking the egg with you back to your picnic with others, it rolls a bit upon being set down. I small dragon pops out, and blinks before shaking off the eggshells. It ignore all the faces around it, only having one goal. Eating a nice melon in front of it. [url=][img][/img][/url] Oh, look! Even a familiar decided to join the feast! [item= Watermelon Coleus Gecko] --------- @Are - The egg felt more like a cocoon silk than the hard shell of a natural dragon egg. As you inspect it, a small humming occurs, and wings stretch against the barrier until it breaks. As the hatchling crawls out, it seems focused on learning to fly before it looks at you, smiling. [url=][img][/img][/url] --------- @snogardnuf - You roll the egg onto the shore, and leave it in the sand as friend call to surf among the waves. After returning, you find a jittery dragon building sand towers. It moved around frantically back and forth between the waves, before pausing upon noticing you. [url=][img][/img][/url] --------- @SnowFawn666 - With the egg tucked carefully under your wing, you go back to watching the cows. Unfortunately, after looming away for one second, it seemed the egg had almost been taken from underneath you. You panic, before hearing a noise. A monotone hum, trying to imitate a cow. There, on top one of the dappled beast laying in the fields, a tiny dragon repeatedly tried to moo, wanting to communicate with the animal. [url=][img][/img][/url] Gonna send these overnight and prepare for the next possible batch. Seven will start next! Have a fun summer!
Man y'all were quick. I'm glad I stocked up on eggs-

@TroubleinSevens - Taking the egg with you back to your picnic with others, it rolls a bit upon being set down. I small dragon pops out, and blinks before shaking off the eggshells. It ignore all the faces around it, only having one goal. Eating a nice melon in front of it.

Oh, look! Even a familiar decided to join the feast!

Watermelon Coleus Gecko

@Are - The egg felt more like a cocoon silk than the hard shell of a natural dragon egg. As you inspect it, a small humming occurs, and wings stretch against the barrier until it breaks. As the hatchling crawls out, it seems focused on learning to fly before it looks at you, smiling.

@snogardnuf - You roll the egg onto the shore, and leave it in the sand as friend call to surf among the waves. After returning, you find a jittery dragon building sand towers. It moved around frantically back and forth between the waves, before pausing upon noticing you.
@SnowFawn666 - With the egg tucked carefully under your wing, you go back to watching the cows. Unfortunately, after looming away for one second, it seemed the egg had almost been taken from underneath you. You panic, before hearing a noise. A monotone hum, trying to imitate a cow. There, on top one of the dappled beast laying in the fields, a tiny dragon repeatedly tried to moo, wanting to communicate with the animal.

Gonna send these overnight and prepare for the next possible batch. Seven will start next! Have a fun summer!
Prophet's Vision/Wishlist/Exalt tab/Sales
Chaotic neutral Gaymer
Give a biscuit to my opossum son, Hubert
Spooky scary! Why are there skeletons? They're clearly fake coming in a variety of different colours but they are strangely large for just decorations. As you get closer to have a better look you realize that each of the skeletons is in some way holding an egg. Curious to see if these too are fake, you decide to examine one.

1. (taken) A bright blue bogsneak skeleton that manages, despite not having a facial expression, to look slightly cheeky. The egg is balanced impressively on the tip of its nose - you mistook it for a ball at first - and you realize it's more a feat of engineering here than one of dexterity. The egg is a deep royal purple dotted somewhat abstractly with a vivid but dark blue.

2. (taken)The next is the first in a pair of mirror skeletons that are posed together. This one is posed in an aggressive stance, the egg held protectively in its curled tail. The egg here is also purple but far more muted and with a slight red undertone. Darker purple stripes and the occasionally yellow one run horizontally across it

3. (taken)The second mirror skeleton, this one a pale melon green, appears to have been caught off guard, and is frozen in the process of getting up from where it is curled around its egg. This egg is an eggplant purple that fades into pink with markings like petals falling down it.

4. The last skeleton is so small and comparatively drab you nearly missed it. It's a fae skeleton that has been cunningly painted to look like stone, quite impressive really. It holds its egg carefully as it sits on a low branch of a nearby tree. The blue egg is the only reason you spotted it in the first place. It's dashed with pink and there is the occasional splotch of green arranged to look somewhat like leaves
Spooky scary! Why are there skeletons? They're clearly fake coming in a variety of different colours but they are strangely large for just decorations. As you get closer to have a better look you realize that each of the skeletons is in some way holding an egg. Curious to see if these too are fake, you decide to examine one.

1. (taken) A bright blue bogsneak skeleton that manages, despite not having a facial expression, to look slightly cheeky. The egg is balanced impressively on the tip of its nose - you mistook it for a ball at first - and you realize it's more a feat of engineering here than one of dexterity. The egg is a deep royal purple dotted somewhat abstractly with a vivid but dark blue.

2. (taken)The next is the first in a pair of mirror skeletons that are posed together. This one is posed in an aggressive stance, the egg held protectively in its curled tail. The egg here is also purple but far more muted and with a slight red undertone. Darker purple stripes and the occasionally yellow one run horizontally across it

3. (taken)The second mirror skeleton, this one a pale melon green, appears to have been caught off guard, and is frozen in the process of getting up from where it is curled around its egg. This egg is an eggplant purple that fades into pink with markings like petals falling down it.

4. The last skeleton is so small and comparatively drab you nearly missed it. It's a fae skeleton that has been cunningly painted to look like stone, quite impressive really. It holds its egg carefully as it sits on a low branch of a nearby tree. The blue egg is the only reason you spotted it in the first place. It's dashed with pink and there is the occasional splotch of green arranged to look somewhat like leaves
@TroubleinSevens I'd like to try spoopy egg #1 please <3

Welcome back everyone! :D
@TroubleinSevens I'd like to try spoopy egg #1 please <3

Welcome back everyone! :D
~ I prefer MODERN BREEDS ^^

+ + + Check out my Wanderers tab for beautiful, fairly priced dragons that need homes!
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