
Forum Games

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TOPIC | [official] 100kT Give & Get ~ NEW 10/14
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[center][img][/img] [size=4][b]THREAD UPDATE[/b][/size] live update [url=]click here[/url] - october 14th @ 11:40 FRT Highlights: [b]If you claim someone and their wishlist only lists items way over 100kT you are allowed to gift them anything you see fit (as long as it's within the rules).[/b] If you are posting your wishlist in this thread it must conform to the following rules, otherwise no one is obligated to send you wishlist items: * You must have [u]10[/u] items under 100kT and [u]10[/u] items under 50kT. If your wishlist is all expensive items and then 20 Baldwin/Swipp or fodder items you are either showing that you'll accept gifts made up 100% of Baldwin/Swipp or fodder apparel and fams, or you're accepting items not on your wishlist. * Listing Baldwin or Swipp items to conform to the above rule is allowed, however that is showing that you consent to receiving [b]only[/b] those items in your gifts. So if you have only 10 items under 100kT and 10 under 50kT on your wishlist, all 20 of those items won't apply to the limit rules. To avoid this make statements such as "I love all Fall themed/colored apparel!" or "I collect anything related to birds!" or better yet list many many items in all price categories. * [b]The only Baldwin items that apply to the 5/10kT limit are items that are worth equal or below that amount! [/b]I am constantly being asked if infused fragments, reinforced glass beakers, imbued sulfurs, swans, etc. aren't allowed to be gifted due to being more expensive than the limit. [b]Unless they state they'd like to receive more, you may gift only [u]one[/u] Baldwin/Swipp mat worth over 5/10kT.[/b] If you'd like to receive more state you're okay receiving all Baldwin/Swipp mats. If you don't want these in your gift remove them from your wishlist. * You may not make your own rules on your wishlist. Any statements such as "please only send these if they're worth under xkT" are void here. The only statements you may have include: "I will accept all pink items!" or "I'm ok receiving all Baldwin/Swipp items" or "please only use these items as fillers." That's all for now! I will be checking wishlists and PMing people who aren't fitting the rules. Please edit your wishlists now so we can avoid this! [b]If your wishlist doesn't meet the rules and you get sent items not on your wishlist I will not be handling that issue as if it's the other person's fault. [/b] Thank you ~ ! The last thread got out of hand and I want to make sure that you all know that I'm back from hiatus and I plan to get this thread back on track. I will be monitoring everything, but [i]it's imperative that if any of you have a problem that you PM me immediately.[/i] If you don't PM me I may not be aware that there's a problem, and I can't base things off comments made anonymously offsite. So please; if you are worried about this thread come to me! I will help! [b]The rules have changed, please get yourself acquainted with them![/b] Any changes have been made to try to assure that everyone is being treated fairly. A few things may seem a little bit overboard, but please trust that I have a reason for each and every thing written below. I know that this is long but I appreciate each and every one of you and I really want you all to know that I care and that I'm here to make sure that everyone is being treated fairly. <3 [b]I will likely be adding rules off and on for a little while[/b] ; I will post updates (and link them here) if anything does change. If you have any comments, questions or concerns please PM me! [size=4][b]CURRENT GEM RATIO:[/b] 900T [img][/img] [LIST] [*]There is a [u]mandatory[/u] minimum of 100kT, no ifs ands or buts! [*] [b]You may not gift only treasure or gems![/b] You are only allowed to include currency when at least 90kT of a gift has been made - currency is only to be used to reach the cap as a filler. [*] [b]If someone posts a wishlist you're obligated to send them a listed gift.[/b] If you send someone items not on their wishlist you'll be considered to be breaking the rules and you will be asked to send an appropriate gift. [*] [u][b]If someone posts a wishlist that contains only items worth way over 100kT then you may send them nonwishlist items.[/b][/u] This includes someone posting a wishlist that contains only expensive items, and items that are limited as per the rules (cheap Baldwin/Swipp mats, fodder apparel and fams, etc.) as long as they don't state they're willing to receive these items as a full gift. [*] [u]It is required to have many items under 100kT on your wishlist.[/u] Suggestions include: "anything not in my bestiary!" or "I love x colored apparel!". This will keep the game fun and exciting! If you only have five things that are less than 100kT you'll probably just keep being gifted those same five items repeatedly. This isn't mandatory but it makes the game much more fun. [*] There is a [u]mandatory wait time of five claims[/u] before you're allowed to claim someone else. So after your last claim there must be five other claimers below you before you're allowed to post again. [*] [b]You may not [u]ever[/u] delete a claim.[/b] It throws the thread out of whack and it may lead someone to not getting gifted. If I see this happening I will be very mad. [*] [b]Please do not post in this thread unless you're claiming or gifting.[/b] If you have any comments to make please PM whoever you're talking to! [*] [u]Each item you send should be worth at least 20kT[/u] other than a small bit of items to make up any price differences (only up to 5kT worth). When trying to reach the 100kT minimum treasure or gems is preferred over fodder items. If your gift is worth between 100-110kT it's suggested that you include one or two filler gifts in case the items get undercut to avoid being accused of scamming. [*] [u]A majority of your gift should be apparel, familiars, eggs, and other popular items.[/u] Something you'd be happy to receive yourself! This means no materials, food, coli chests, or random stuff from your hoard (unless on their wishlist). [*] [b]The only exception to the above rules is if the person's wishlist states that they want fodder items;[/b] in which case these items can't take up over 20kT of their gift. [*] [u]If you have a wishlist you must either link it in your post, or say it's linked on your profile.[/u] You must also link it in your first claim post, don't edit your wishlist link in afterwards. If you don't mention your wishlist then your claimer will send you whatever they want. [*] [b]If you're sharing a wishlist you must have at least [u]10[/u] items worth under 100kT on it and [u]10[/u] items worth under 50kT on it.[/b] Don't expect people to gift you items worth over 1kG just because you share your wishlist, otherwise you may wind up with items you don't want. Stating that you're alright receiving non wishlist items also qualifies as having 10+ items under 100kT. [*] It is explicitly against the rules to decline a CR/PM with your gifts unless a rule is broken. The person has already received a gift, and they are obligated to give you one. If you decline the gift then please don't expect to receive another one. [*] [b]You must [u]always[/u] send a gift to the person who you claim.[/b] There are no exceptions. If there's a problem with the gift you were sent please PM me, but send the person you claimed a gift first. Two wrongs don't make a right. [*] [b]Please don't send fest currency unless it's for the current festival![/b] It may only be 50 currency per gift. Fest currency prices are too inflated/random to be considered fair. On top of this, only send currency if it's on the persons wishlist. 2 fest currency = 1 gem. They always reach this price. [*] You may only send food if it's on the persons wishlist. Even baldwin/swipp items shouldn't be sent unless the person states that they want them. This can be seen as fodder for many people. [*] [b]If you're a few thousand treasure short of reaching 100kT you may send useful material or food, but it shouldn't make up a majority of your gift.[/b] It's preferred to include a chest or even treasure or gems. [b]You may only do this for up to 5kT of a gift, and if you include any useful items as a filler the gift must wind up being worth over 100kT.[/b] [*] No battlestones other than eliminate unless it's on their wishlist. [*] Regifting is allowed but please be corteous and don't regift something to the person who originally gave it to you. This thread shouldn't be filled with the same items being sent back and forth. [*] You are welcome to block any players you'd like, but please be very mindful and don't claim them. They are unable to receive your gifts, and they're unable to see what you post. If someone you have blocked/who blocked you was the last to post please wait for someone else to go. [/list] [img][/img] Just to reiterate what I have listed above I think it would be a good idea to make a list of items that shouldn't be gifted unless it's on someone's wishlist. [list] [*] Dragons will never be an acceptable gift, regardless of wishlist! [*] Unless someone states that they want current fest items please don't send chests, skins/accents, apparel or fams from an ongoing/recently passed festival. Most people have many duplicates and are only seeking fully retired items. [*] Any stackable item on this list should only be included in small stacks. Each item has a cap of how many can be sent per claim. The majority of your gift should be apparel, familiars, genes, eggs, specialty items, etc - must be worth at least 50kT. [*] [b]Singular items worth under 20kT can be given only if it's listed on someones wishlist. When gifting fodder apparel/fams please cap it at 50kT.[/b] [*] No fest currency unless it's for a current ongoing fest. There is a maximum of 50 currency per claim. [*] [b]Absolutely no materials, food, or swipp/baldwin mats unless the item is specifically mentioned on their wishlist. There is a maximum of 10kT total for any mats.[/b] The only exception is if someone's wishlist states they are willing to receive a gift made up fully of mats/food. [*] No coli chests, skins, or swipp skins unless explicitly mentioned. [*] No chests other than iron/gilded chests should be sent. Broken bottles, ceramic jars, etc will be not allowed whatsoever. [/list] [img][/img] [list] [*] Every time you claim someone you're expected to price check every single item that you're sending someone, unless it's known to be over 100kT (sprites, gem genes, etc). Check the price of each item and add it up on a calculator. If it's under 100kT by a small amount then throw in something small like arm silks, an iron chest, a small wishlist item, etc. [*] You must check both treasure and gem prices! Whichever price is lower is the true LAH. We use one gem rate for this thread, please see below to see what the ratio is. We do this because the prices between treasure and gems can fluctuate wildly, this keeps everything fair. [*] If your item isn't on the AH then please don't send it to someone. If the item winds up to be way under 100kT it isn't fair to the person you claimed, unless it's something known to be of value (gem MP stuff, sprites, etc). [*] All items that regularly stock in the gem MP should be considered to be worth whatever they're listed in the MP as - not the AH. The only exception to this rule is gem items that cycle such as WC scrolls, night sky silks, etc. [*] All regular MP items including genes should be listed at lowest AH price, unless the MP price is lower. [/list] [size=4][b]CURRENT GEM RATIO:[/b] 900T[/SIZE] [img][/img] [list] [*] Go to the last page of the thread and create a post simply saying "claimed." You will be gifting the person directly above you. This is mandatory to assure that the order doesn't get messed up and so that no one gets skipped. [*] Once you have picked out the gift(s) go back to your original post, ping the person you're gifting, and include the items you're sending them by using the [ item=(item name)] code. You must include either a written list or use the item codes otherwise you may get skipped! [*] Promptly send the gift either via PM or one way CR. You have 24 hours to send your gift, but please try to send it immediately. [*] If you claim someone but fail to update your post/send your gift within 24 hours you will be skipped in order to assure the person you claimed gets a gift. [/list] [img][/img] At this moment I will be the only one available to help solve these issues; I will not be using any thread helpers until we get this new thread off the ground. I will be here so that you don't need to confront anyone yourself to try to avoid any problems arising! If the person who claimed you accidentally forgot to send an item they promised you, or if they're a bit short but otherwise their gift was good, feel free to politely let them know of their mistake. Usually they didn't realize and will correct their mix up. If they don't correct it or ignore you then please contact me! If you see someone blatantly scamming (sending fodder, being rude, etc) please contact me! Do not try to handle it yourself. I will PM them to try to correct the issue. People make mistakes sometimes and we're here to avoid any confrontation! The person will have a chance to correct their mistake, but if they continue to come back and break the rules then we ask you to follow these steps: [list] [*] [b]Please do not ping me - immediately send me a PM! [/b]In your initial message let me know what's going on and provide screenshots if applicable. [*] I will PM the person who undergifted/scammed to try to correct the problem with them. They will be asked to either send an appropriate gift, or add an additional gift to reach the 100kT minimum. [*] [b]If you see that someone is scamming/undergifting over and over again please PM me and follow these steps:[/b] A) skip the person who continually scams people, and instead gift the person who they just scammed (if their gift isn't on the person's wishlist at all or is worth under 80kT)- or B) send the person the same gift that they sent the person they claimed, and contact me to handle the rest. [*] We have been having some complaints of people feeling that they got under gifted based on AH price of their items hours after their gift was sent. In order to avoid this I'm asking everyone to check AH listing prices before claiming that they're being scammed. Listings are posted for either 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days. While it may be hard to estimate starting prices for listings under 2 days, please use your best judgement and logic. If you're sending in a scam/under gift report please include screenshots of the AH that prove the item wasn't undercut since your gift was sent (this must include a timestamp so don't cut out the top bar). Without proof that you were scammed and the item wasn't undercut in that timespan we're unable to help. [*] [b]If you have an issue with this thread, a user, or a gift we kindly ask you to refrain from airing it out offsite.[/b] I'm here to make sure everything runs smoothly, and while there were problems while I was on hiatus, everything was great beforehand. However, posting offsite not only reflects badly on our thread, but it has also been causing backlash on the thread runner, previous thread helpers, and people who may have made some innocent mistakes. Please try not to talk about people in ways you wouldn't want to be talked about. The thread helpers are here to make this a fun experience. This thread is meant to be fun. If you have issues with it please don't participate if you're just going to go offsite and spread drama. [/list] [SIZE=4][b]PM ME IMMEDIATELY IF:[/b][/SIZE] [LIST] [*] If the person who claimed you hasn't sent their gift in over 24 hours. [*] If the person who claimed you is attempting to send you fodder items, items worth under 100kT, a bunch of broken bottles/ceramic jars/etc. [*] If you have any other issues or concerns not listed here. We're here to make this game fun and fair, and we also want to try to avoid any arguments.[/list] Please PM me directly! @synnful [img][/img] We're all here to have fun. Please only send gifts that you'd be happy to receive. This thread exists to pay it forward and to make someone happy - not to clear out random crap from your vault. While there's no issue with gifting items that you already own (in fact it's great when that works out) we still urge you to be aware of the other persons likes and interested when choosing a gift for them. And with that, please remember to have fun ~ ! looking for more places to give? check out [url=]LadyChipmunk's 100kT Give and Get[/url]! please be aware that rules may differ between our threads ~ [/center]


live update click here - october 14th @ 11:40 FRT

If you claim someone and their wishlist only lists items way over 100kT you are allowed to gift them anything you see fit (as long as it's within the rules). If you are posting your wishlist in this thread it must conform to the following rules, otherwise no one is obligated to send you wishlist items:

* You must have 10 items under 100kT and 10 items under 50kT. If your wishlist is all expensive items and then 20 Baldwin/Swipp or fodder items you are either showing that you'll accept gifts made up 100% of Baldwin/Swipp or fodder apparel and fams, or you're accepting items not on your wishlist.
* Listing Baldwin or Swipp items to conform to the above rule is allowed, however that is showing that you consent to receiving only those items in your gifts. So if you have only 10 items under 100kT and 10 under 50kT on your wishlist, all 20 of those items won't apply to the limit rules. To avoid this make statements such as "I love all Fall themed/colored apparel!" or "I collect anything related to birds!" or better yet list many many items in all price categories.
* The only Baldwin items that apply to the 5/10kT limit are items that are worth equal or below that amount! I am constantly being asked if infused fragments, reinforced glass beakers, imbued sulfurs, swans, etc. aren't allowed to be gifted due to being more expensive than the limit. Unless they state they'd like to receive more, you may gift only one Baldwin/Swipp mat worth over 5/10kT. If you'd like to receive more state you're okay receiving all Baldwin/Swipp mats. If you don't want these in your gift remove them from your wishlist.
* You may not make your own rules on your wishlist. Any statements such as "please only send these if they're worth under xkT" are void here. The only statements you may have include: "I will accept all pink items!" or "I'm ok receiving all Baldwin/Swipp items" or "please only use these items as fillers."

That's all for now! I will be checking wishlists and PMing people who aren't fitting the rules. Please edit your wishlists now so we can avoid this! If your wishlist doesn't meet the rules and you get sent items not on your wishlist I will not be handling that issue as if it's the other person's fault.

Thank you ~ !

The last thread got out of hand and I want to make sure that you all know that I'm back from hiatus and I plan to get this thread back on track. I will be monitoring everything, but it's imperative that if any of you have a problem that you PM me immediately. If you don't PM me I may not be aware that there's a problem, and I can't base things off comments made anonymously offsite. So please; if you are worried about this thread come to me! I will help!

The rules have changed, please get yourself acquainted with them!
Any changes have been made to try to assure that everyone is being treated fairly. A few things may seem a little bit overboard, but please trust that I have a reason for each and every thing written below. I know that this is long but I appreciate each and every one of you and I really want you all to know that I care and that I'm here to make sure that everyone is being treated fairly. <3

I will likely be adding rules off and on for a little while ; I will post updates (and link them here) if anything does change.

If you have any comments, questions or concerns please PM me!


  • There is a mandatory minimum of 100kT, no ifs ands or buts!
  • You may not gift only treasure or gems! You are only allowed to include currency when at least 90kT of a gift has been made - currency is only to be used to reach the cap as a filler.
  • If someone posts a wishlist you're obligated to send them a listed gift. If you send someone items not on their wishlist you'll be considered to be breaking the rules and you will be asked to send an appropriate gift.
  • If someone posts a wishlist that contains only items worth way over 100kT then you may send them nonwishlist items. This includes someone posting a wishlist that contains only expensive items, and items that are limited as per the rules (cheap Baldwin/Swipp mats, fodder apparel and fams, etc.) as long as they don't state they're willing to receive these items as a full gift.
  • It is required to have many items under 100kT on your wishlist. Suggestions include: "anything not in my bestiary!" or "I love x colored apparel!". This will keep the game fun and exciting! If you only have five things that are less than 100kT you'll probably just keep being gifted those same five items repeatedly. This isn't mandatory but it makes the game much more fun.
  • There is a mandatory wait time of five claims before you're allowed to claim someone else. So after your last claim there must be five other claimers below you before you're allowed to post again.
  • You may not ever delete a claim. It throws the thread out of whack and it may lead someone to not getting gifted. If I see this happening I will be very mad.
  • Please do not post in this thread unless you're claiming or gifting. If you have any comments to make please PM whoever you're talking to!
  • Each item you send should be worth at least 20kT other than a small bit of items to make up any price differences (only up to 5kT worth). When trying to reach the 100kT minimum treasure or gems is preferred over fodder items. If your gift is worth between 100-110kT it's suggested that you include one or two filler gifts in case the items get undercut to avoid being accused of scamming.
  • A majority of your gift should be apparel, familiars, eggs, and other popular items. Something you'd be happy to receive yourself! This means no materials, food, coli chests, or random stuff from your hoard (unless on their wishlist).
  • The only exception to the above rules is if the person's wishlist states that they want fodder items; in which case these items can't take up over 20kT of their gift.
  • If you have a wishlist you must either link it in your post, or say it's linked on your profile. You must also link it in your first claim post, don't edit your wishlist link in afterwards. If you don't mention your wishlist then your claimer will send you whatever they want.
  • If you're sharing a wishlist you must have at least 10 items worth under 100kT on it and 10 items worth under 50kT on it. Don't expect people to gift you items worth over 1kG just because you share your wishlist, otherwise you may wind up with items you don't want. Stating that you're alright receiving non wishlist items also qualifies as having 10+ items under 100kT.
  • It is explicitly against the rules to decline a CR/PM with your gifts unless a rule is broken. The person has already received a gift, and they are obligated to give you one. If you decline the gift then please don't expect to receive another one.
  • You must always send a gift to the person who you claim. There are no exceptions. If there's a problem with the gift you were sent please PM me, but send the person you claimed a gift first. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  • Please don't send fest currency unless it's for the current festival! It may only be 50 currency per gift. Fest currency prices are too inflated/random to be considered fair. On top of this, only send currency if it's on the persons wishlist. 2 fest currency = 1 gem. They always reach this price.
  • You may only send food if it's on the persons wishlist. Even baldwin/swipp items shouldn't be sent unless the person states that they want them. This can be seen as fodder for many people.
  • If you're a few thousand treasure short of reaching 100kT you may send useful material or food, but it shouldn't make up a majority of your gift. It's preferred to include a chest or even treasure or gems. You may only do this for up to 5kT of a gift, and if you include any useful items as a filler the gift must wind up being worth over 100kT.
  • No battlestones other than eliminate unless it's on their wishlist.
  • Regifting is allowed but please be corteous and don't regift something to the person who originally gave it to you. This thread shouldn't be filled with the same items being sent back and forth.
  • You are welcome to block any players you'd like, but please be very mindful and don't claim them. They are unable to receive your gifts, and they're unable to see what you post. If someone you have blocked/who blocked you was the last to post please wait for someone else to go.

Just to reiterate what I have listed above I think it would be a good idea to make a list of items that shouldn't be gifted unless it's on someone's wishlist.
  • Dragons will never be an acceptable gift, regardless of wishlist!
  • Unless someone states that they want current fest items please don't send chests, skins/accents, apparel or fams from an ongoing/recently passed festival. Most people have many duplicates and are only seeking fully retired items.
  • Any stackable item on this list should only be included in small stacks. Each item has a cap of how many can be sent per claim. The majority of your gift should be apparel, familiars, genes, eggs, specialty items, etc - must be worth at least 50kT.
  • Singular items worth under 20kT can be given only if it's listed on someones wishlist. When gifting fodder apparel/fams please cap it at 50kT.
  • No fest currency unless it's for a current ongoing fest. There is a maximum of 50 currency per claim.
  • Absolutely no materials, food, or swipp/baldwin mats unless the item is specifically mentioned on their wishlist. There is a maximum of 10kT total for any mats. The only exception is if someone's wishlist states they are willing to receive a gift made up fully of mats/food.
  • No coli chests, skins, or swipp skins unless explicitly mentioned.
  • No chests other than iron/gilded chests should be sent. Broken bottles, ceramic jars, etc will be not allowed whatsoever.

  • Every time you claim someone you're expected to price check every single item that you're sending someone, unless it's known to be over 100kT (sprites, gem genes, etc). Check the price of each item and add it up on a calculator. If it's under 100kT by a small amount then throw in something small like arm silks, an iron chest, a small wishlist item, etc.
  • You must check both treasure and gem prices! Whichever price is lower is the true LAH. We use one gem rate for this thread, please see below to see what the ratio is. We do this because the prices between treasure and gems can fluctuate wildly, this keeps everything fair.
  • If your item isn't on the AH then please don't send it to someone. If the item winds up to be way under 100kT it isn't fair to the person you claimed, unless it's something known to be of value (gem MP stuff, sprites, etc).
  • All items that regularly stock in the gem MP should be considered to be worth whatever they're listed in the MP as - not the AH. The only exception to this rule is gem items that cycle such as WC scrolls, night sky silks, etc.
  • All regular MP items including genes should be listed at lowest AH price, unless the MP price is lower.


  • Go to the last page of the thread and create a post simply saying "claimed." You will be gifting the person directly above you. This is mandatory to assure that the order doesn't get messed up and so that no one gets skipped.
  • Once you have picked out the gift(s) go back to your original post, ping the person you're gifting, and include the items you're sending them by using the [ item=(item name)] code. You must include either a written list or use the item codes otherwise you may get skipped!
  • Promptly send the gift either via PM or one way CR. You have 24 hours to send your gift, but please try to send it immediately.
  • If you claim someone but fail to update your post/send your gift within 24 hours you will be skipped in order to assure the person you claimed gets a gift.

At this moment I will be the only one available to help solve these issues; I will not be using any thread helpers until we get this new thread off the ground. I will be here so that you don't need to confront anyone yourself to try to avoid any problems arising!

If the person who claimed you accidentally forgot to send an item they promised you, or if they're a bit short but otherwise their gift was good, feel free to politely let them know of their mistake. Usually they didn't realize and will correct their mix up. If they don't correct it or ignore you then please contact me!

If you see someone blatantly scamming (sending fodder, being rude, etc) please contact me! Do not try to handle it yourself. I will PM them to try to correct the issue. People make mistakes sometimes and we're here to avoid any confrontation! The person will have a chance to correct their mistake, but if they continue to come back and break the rules then we ask you to follow these steps:
  • Please do not ping me - immediately send me a PM! In your initial message let me know what's going on and provide screenshots if applicable.
  • I will PM the person who undergifted/scammed to try to correct the problem with them. They will be asked to either send an appropriate gift, or add an additional gift to reach the 100kT minimum.
  • If you see that someone is scamming/undergifting over and over again please PM me and follow these steps:
    A) skip the person who continually scams people, and instead gift the person who they just scammed (if their gift isn't on the person's wishlist at all or is worth under 80kT)- or B) send the person the same gift that they sent the person they claimed, and contact me to handle the rest.
  • We have been having some complaints of people feeling that they got under gifted based on AH price of their items hours after their gift was sent. In order to avoid this I'm asking everyone to check AH listing prices before claiming that they're being scammed. Listings are posted for either 1 day, 3 days, or 7 days. While it may be hard to estimate starting prices for listings under 2 days, please use your best judgement and logic. If you're sending in a scam/under gift report please include screenshots of the AH that prove the item wasn't undercut since your gift was sent (this must include a timestamp so don't cut out the top bar). Without proof that you were scammed and the item wasn't undercut in that timespan we're unable to help.
  • If you have an issue with this thread, a user, or a gift we kindly ask you to refrain from airing it out offsite. I'm here to make sure everything runs smoothly, and while there were problems while I was on hiatus, everything was great beforehand. However, posting offsite not only reflects badly on our thread, but it has also been causing backlash on the thread runner, previous thread helpers, and people who may have made some innocent mistakes. Please try not to talk about people in ways you wouldn't want to be talked about. The thread helpers are here to make this a fun experience. This thread is meant to be fun. If you have issues with it please don't participate if you're just going to go offsite and spread drama.

  • If the person who claimed you hasn't sent their gift in over 24 hours.
  • If the person who claimed you is attempting to send you fodder items, items worth under 100kT, a bunch of broken bottles/ceramic jars/etc.
  • If you have any other issues or concerns not listed here. We're here to make this game fun and fair, and we also want to try to avoid any arguments.

Please PM me directly! @synnful

We're all here to have fun. Please only send gifts that you'd be happy to receive.
This thread exists to pay it forward and to make someone happy - not to clear out random crap from your vault. While there's no issue with gifting items that you already own (in fact it's great when that works out) we still urge you to be aware of the other persons likes and interested when choosing a gift for them.
And with that, please remember to have fun ~ !

looking for more places to give?
check out LadyChipmunk's 100kT Give and Get!
please be aware that rules may differ between our threads ~

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1Lrgqvw.png
SYNN » infp, she/her, collector and breeder

{ reserved }
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SYNN » infp, she/her, collector and breeder

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1Lrgqvw.png
SYNN » infp, she/her, collector and breeder

[center]claiming @MurEyeUh who last commented on the old thread. Hopefully now that I'm back we can keep this all fair and square! Have fun everyone ~ I'm here if you need anything! I see you need some genes for your projects! c: [item=Primary Gene: Tapir] [item=Secondary Gene: Striation][/center]
claiming @MurEyeUh who last commented on the old thread.

Hopefully now that I'm back we can keep this all fair and square!
Have fun everyone ~ I'm here if you need anything!

I see you need some genes for your projects! c:
Primary Gene: Tapir Secondary Gene: Striation
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1Lrgqvw.png
SYNN » infp, she/her, collector and breeder

@synnful [item=Breed Change: Skydancer] WL in profile

Breed Change: Skydancer

WL in profile
[center]@pringlzfordayz [size=2]Your wishlist said you liked Baldwin materials, so here's the most expensive one![/size] [item=][item=Imbued Sulfur][item=] [b]Full Wishlist is [url=]here[/url]![/b] [size=2]Please don't make your [b]whole[/b] gift Baldwin or Swipp items![/size] Priority items are on [url=]Paru[/url]![/center]
Your wishlist said you liked Baldwin materials, so here's the most expensive one!

Imbued Sulfur

Full Wishlist is here!
Please don't make your whole gift Baldwin or Swipp items!
Priority items are on Paru!
45082747.pngm5-l17-m5-book.pngm5-l17-l17-book.pngwSEhN14.pngXXPmkbA.gif zZpjH5e.gifhMGipS8.pngm9-l16-m9-book.pngm9-l16-l16-book.png44700172.png
claim! :D @Alskasaur Sending [item=Silver Sylvan Twist] ! Wishlist on sig!
claim! :D

@Alskasaur Sending Silver Sylvan Twist !

Wishlist on sig!

She/her | FR+9 | French | I don't mind pings

Claim! [url=]Wishlist.[/url] @MissUnicorn Sending [item=Irregular Nekomata][item=Anomalous Nekomata]
Claim! Wishlist.

Sending Irregular Nekomata Anomalous Nekomata
claim! @Chlorophyll sending skink [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
claim! @Chlorophyll sending skink


@quatervois [item=ghost flame candles][item=rose plumage][item=black spool][item=pretty pink spool] --------------------------------- WL in sig

Ghost Flame Candles Rose Plumage Black Spool Pretty Pink Spool

WL in sig
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 601 602