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TOPIC | [Mafia Game Thread] Lollipop, Lollipop!
@SmashedFish 3&4 were not major factors, just small details about your attitude towards this game and/or how it came across in your posts. Between all the trolling it's hard to tell what actually is a joke, and what has a grain of truth.

Ps. Bird gif to express your " townie" displeasure? Really?
@SmashedFish 3&4 were not major factors, just small details about your attitude towards this game and/or how it came across in your posts. Between all the trolling it's hard to tell what actually is a joke, and what has a grain of truth.

Ps. Bird gif to express your " townie" displeasure? Really?
@ThisOneIsBlue [quote name="SmashedFish" date=2017-02-27 18:42:35] Bird, like, jpg probably I may be dying but I will be funposting regardless [/quote] Also when have I ever been 100% serious all game honestly
SmashedFish wrote on 2017-02-27:
Bird, like, jpg probably

I may be dying but I will be funposting regardless

Also when have I ever been 100% serious all game honestly
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png

Still a bird picture. Don't think all of Stan's were necessarily gifs either. And given what Stan flipped... I'm not so inclined to believe that's townie funposting.

Edit: Also BoP used a bird pic to pretty much confess their alignment, too. Right before deleting themselves.

Still a bird picture. Don't think all of Stan's were necessarily gifs either. And given what Stan flipped... I'm not so inclined to believe that's townie funposting.

Edit: Also BoP used a bird pic to pretty much confess their alignment, too. Right before deleting themselves.

He/him | FRT+1 x

Poly will likely be posing my actual flip shortly if you'd rather use that to confirm my alignment

sighs loudly

Poly will likely be posing my actual flip shortly if you'd rather use that to confirm my alignment

sighs loudly
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png

We'll see it, then... and work from there.

(And if this an attempt to convince me you are town, I'm afraid I'm still sceptical you aren't mafia.)

Edit: spelling

We'll see it, then... and work from there.

(And if this an attempt to convince me you are town, I'm afraid I'm still sceptical you aren't mafia.)

Edit: spelling

He/him | FRT+1 x
To clarify I'm not actually salty about this, or anything really. I understand how things got to this point and I'm sorry for my role in that. I just want to stress the importance of paying attention to this, it may be towns last chance.
To clarify I'm not actually salty about this, or anything really. I understand how things got to this point and I'm sorry for my role in that. I just want to stress the importance of paying attention to this, it may be towns last chance.
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png

There's a claimed kill on me and it's past lockdown, I'm really not worried what you think of me between now and EoN anymore.

There's a claimed kill on me and it's past lockdown, I'm really not worried what you think of me between now and EoN anymore.
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png
@SmashedFish wym my job is WiP. I can suss who I want.
@SmashedFish wym my job is WiP. I can suss who I want.
hJ8OTHQ.gifELCP3EK.gifhoCtO2k.gif ~~~~~~~ tumblr_nknb5ifvlX1s7y9wxo6_100.png

If your suss is "you're more sketchy than the rest" then. Well, at least I'm not in your place tomorrow

What I meant is I asked you/caleaf about the case on WiP, not a sheep on me. It's ultimately up to caleaf how that ends up going but I'd recommend something good enough to justify them bringing it up at all, because we probably can't afford more townie deaths.

If your suss is "you're more sketchy than the rest" then. Well, at least I'm not in your place tomorrow

What I meant is I asked you/caleaf about the case on WiP, not a sheep on me. It's ultimately up to caleaf how that ends up going but I'd recommend something good enough to justify them bringing it up at all, because we probably can't afford more townie deaths.
n0vnSpk.png 3bMwIy2.png
Gahhh, I can't tell if you're trolling us or not asdgd;sgrh
Gahhh, I can't tell if you're trolling us or not asdgd;sgrh
TCC_04-sig.png Millennium Merchant Mafia NPeGYYg.png GFQXkBh.png