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@LavenderLapis [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sage shuffled up to the stage, his green eyes looking around somewhat nervously. “A trinket that means a lot to me? Well... I suppose it would have to be this necklace!” He said, gesturing to the jade necklace around his maned neck. “My mate gave it to me as a token of gratitude after we claimed our territory after battling- ... Well... That’s my answer.” He said awkwardly, mumbling the last part. “Ahem. Anyway, I need to say my question now, right? [b]What was the most intense thing, be it a battle or otherwise, you have done for someone you love?[/b]”


Sage shuffled up to the stage, his green eyes looking around somewhat nervously. “A trinket that means a lot to me? Well... I suppose it would have to be this necklace!” He said, gesturing to the jade necklace around his maned neck. “My mate gave it to me as a token of gratitude after we claimed our territory after battling- ... Well... That’s my answer.” He said awkwardly, mumbling the last part. “Ahem. Anyway, I need to say my question now, right?
What was the most intense thing, be it a battle or otherwise, you have done for someone you love?
Click my son please
@Sadiegreen [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kyo stretched herself out on the floor and puffed her chest feathers up ,only adding to the impression of a concentrated pigeon. "This is kind of a hard question..." she muttered, as a lot of things passed her memory. If she was honest, then literally every intense thing in her entire life had been done for someone she loved. lying? check. murder? check. treason? more than once. throwing herself between a loved one and a blade? a regular thing. literally selling her soul? it happens quicker than you'd think, apparently, if your love is strong. genocide? it was just once, and just a really small tribe ans she had REALLY loved that person in question, ok? deciding had never been a strength of hers. but finally, it hit her like a baseball bat to the head as that one particular memory flashed by. this was it, the most hardcore thing she'd ever done. Kyo's head feathers plopped up in satisfaction and a happy smile brightened up the soft face as she proudly declared: [i]"you know, I once ate and ENTIRE plate of brussel's sprout, without sauce or anything, just because my mate had spend so much time cooking it extra for me and looked so darn proud, I just...couldn't bring myself to tell him this stuff tastes like hell. AN.ENTIRE.PLATE."[/i] the angel-faced coatl shuddered and shook her head as if she could shake the haunting memory of that particular taste out of her head. to get her mind on other things, she turned to the dragon next to her, tilted her head and curiously wiggled her tail feathers as she asked [b]what is this one thing you will NEVER forgive yourself, not even if everyone else does?[/b]


Kyo stretched herself out on the floor and puffed her chest feathers up ,only adding to the impression of a concentrated pigeon. "This is kind of a hard question..." she muttered, as a lot of things passed her memory. If she was honest, then literally every intense thing in her entire life had been done for someone she loved. lying? check. murder? check. treason? more than once. throwing herself between a loved one and a blade? a regular thing. literally selling her soul? it happens quicker than you'd think, apparently, if your love is strong. genocide? it was just once, and just a really small tribe ans she had REALLY loved that person in question, ok?

deciding had never been a strength of hers. but finally, it hit her like a baseball bat to the head as that one particular memory flashed by. this was it, the most hardcore thing she'd ever done. Kyo's head feathers plopped up in satisfaction and a happy smile brightened up the soft face as she proudly declared:
"you know, I once ate and ENTIRE plate of brussel's sprout, without sauce or anything, just because my mate had spend so much time cooking it extra for me and looked so darn proud, I just...couldn't bring myself to tell him this stuff tastes like hell. AN.ENTIRE.PLATE." the angel-faced coatl shuddered and shook her head as if she could shake the haunting memory of that particular taste out of her head. to get her mind on other things, she turned to the dragon next to her, tilted her head and curiously wiggled her tail feathers as she asked

what is this one thing you will NEVER forgive yourself, not even if everyone else does?
-replace fear of the unknown with curiosity-
@sheev [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Rumu sat down, cuffing his hands so that a candle landed gently in between his palms[/i] "What a very personal question to ask a stranger, you know. The answer i have varies, as i cannot forgive myself for many things i have done in the recent or distant past, but if i had to choose one..." The skydancer sat thinking for a moment, pondering. Eventually he began, "I suppose it should be when I went on a bit of a rampage and killed somebody very dear to me, and very nearly killed many others. Azza, if your listening from wherever you are, i apologise for my unholy actions..." Rumu said, a hint of sadness in his soft voice. [b]For the next person, what is something that your dragon has done that got others hurt, or worse, and why did you do it?[/b][/center].


Rumu sat down, cuffing his hands so that a candle landed gently in between his palms

"What a very personal question to ask a stranger, you know. The answer i have varies, as i cannot forgive myself for many things i have done in the recent or distant past, but if i had to choose one..." The skydancer sat thinking for a moment, pondering. Eventually he began, "I suppose it should be when I went on a bit of a rampage and killed somebody very dear to me, and very nearly killed many others. Azza, if your listening from wherever you are, i apologise for my unholy actions..." Rumu said, a hint of sadness in his soft voice.

For the next person, what is something that your dragon has done that got others hurt, or worse, and why did you do it?
@Oxyzee [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Xylon thought about the question for a moment or two... Hurt... [i]Or worse?[/i] A wicked smile spread across his face. "Ah, yes... I remember it like it was yesterday. I had send my old clan's base crashing down with a bolt of magic. The whole clan was in it too. Screams of pain and cries for help everywhere around me, and I just sat and listened... So many were crushed under the rubble or killed by the impact of the magic bolt, I can only imagine the chaos..." He let out a small chuckle, turning into a laugh at the top of his lungs. He calmed down after a while, the smile never came off his face. "My reasoning is simple... My old clan mocked me for who I was... And they all paid for it. With their home, and their lives." He let out a chuckle. His smile changing to a wide, toothy grin. "They all say I'm insane, but it's nothing more than my way of handling problems!" His grin remained on his face as he looked to another dragon. "Hey, you! I've got a question... [b]If you were in a situation where you could only save yourself, your loved ones, or your clan... Which would you choose? Do explain why.[/b]" His grin shrunk only a little, but he stared on. Awaiting a answer.


Xylon thought about the question for a moment or two... Hurt... Or worse? A wicked smile spread across his face. "Ah, yes... I remember it like it was yesterday. I had send my old clan's base crashing down with a bolt of magic. The whole clan was in it too. Screams of pain and cries for help everywhere around me, and I just sat and listened... So many were crushed under the rubble or killed by the impact of the magic bolt, I can only imagine the chaos..." He let out a small chuckle, turning into a laugh at the top of his lungs. He calmed down after a while, the smile never came off his face. "My reasoning is simple... My old clan mocked me for who I was... And they all paid for it. With their home, and their lives." He let out a chuckle. His smile changing to a wide, toothy grin. "They all say I'm insane, but it's nothing more than my way of handling problems!"

His grin remained on his face as he looked to another dragon.

"Hey, you! I've got a question... If you were in a situation where you could only save yourself, your loved ones, or your clan... Which would you choose? Do explain why."

His grin shrunk only a little, but he stared on. Awaiting a answer.
@DraconicSpeaker [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mythos met Xylon's unsettling gaze before speaking, "I would save my loved ones. I'll put the lives of those I love before my clan ties any day." Irritated, she ruffled her feathered wings and muttered, "And my clanmates who hold that against me can get swept away by a tempest for all I care." She turned to face the next dragon. "Think of some boundary you wouldn't normally cross. What might make you reconsider?"


Mythos met Xylon's unsettling gaze before speaking, "I would save my loved ones. I'll put the lives of those I love before my clan ties any day." Irritated, she ruffled her feathered wings and muttered, "And my clanmates who hold that against me can get swept away by a tempest for all I care."

She turned to face the next dragon. "Think of some boundary you wouldn't normally cross. What might make you reconsider?"
egg trade
paladin as in the d&d class
@confusedPaladin [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ultrice shuffled uncomfortably before finally taking in a deep breath. "I suppose.. if it can help me grow closer to my children and regain their trust, maybe that would make me reconsider." He paused, "Although I feel like that wouldn't happen anytime soon after what I did." Ultrice's voice faltered as he slightly hunched. Suddenly, he cleared his throat and tried to regain is posture, looking to the next dragon. He cleared his throat once again before speaking, [b]"Have you ever made a mistake that you.. [i]don't[/i] regret making?"[/b]


Ultrice shuffled uncomfortably before finally taking in a deep breath. "I suppose.. if it can help me grow closer to my children and regain their trust, maybe that would make me reconsider." He paused, "Although I feel like that wouldn't happen anytime soon after what I did." Ultrice's voice faltered as he slightly hunched.

Suddenly, he cleared his throat and tried to regain is posture, looking to the next dragon. He cleared his throat once again before speaking, "Have you ever made a mistake that you.. don't regret making?"
! tokii !
art hobbyist
@WolfTastic [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "As weird as it sounds: I do not regret listening to the guy who gave me false hope and made me believe that someone with as much blood on their claws as me could be redeemed." The coatl laid back, letting out a sigh. "I used to be a pretty horrible guy- I still am actually!- but someone once convinced me there was hope- that I could somehow be forgiven." THe coatl chuckled. " Obviously I was yeeted into heck itself as soon as I died, and only managed to claw my way out after a few centuries or millenia- It's hard keeping track of time when you're being tormented for what others think is all eternity. I hate the guy that made me believe there was any chance of there being a diffrent outcome... but... I don't REGRET living a ' normal' life for a while. I had fun, and while I will absolutely put that guy's reincarnation trough the exact same pain he caused me, can't deny that living a normal life was... pleasant, even for a little bit..." The diabolical coatl seems almost normal for a bit, but then... "[b]So, what's the WORST advice you've ever seen someone follow?[/b] I live for stories of stupid fools following dumb advice. Makes me feel better about back when I did."


"As weird as it sounds: I do not regret listening to the guy who gave me false hope and made me believe that someone with as much blood on their claws as me could be redeemed." The coatl laid back, letting out a sigh.

"I used to be a pretty horrible guy- I still am actually!- but someone once convinced me there was hope- that I could somehow be forgiven." THe coatl chuckled. " Obviously I was yeeted into heck itself as soon as I died, and only managed to claw my way out after a few centuries or millenia- It's hard keeping track of time when you're being tormented for what others think is all eternity. I hate the guy that made me believe there was any chance of there being a diffrent outcome... but... I don't REGRET living a ' normal' life for a while. I had fun, and while I will absolutely put that guy's reincarnation trough the exact same pain he caused me, can't deny that living a normal life was... pleasant, even for a little bit..."

The diabolical coatl seems almost normal for a bit, but then...

"So, what's the WORST advice you've ever seen someone follow? I live for stories of stupid fools following dumb advice. Makes me feel better about back when I did."
"Just here to collect silly little dragons in my silly little lair"
Imagine highlighting a forum signature.

Permas are both in my lair and hibden
@AestheticToaster [i](Sorry for an out-of-the-blue ping. I think somebody just bumped up the thread a while ago)[/i] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] "Worst advice?" Ignis chuckles. "Oh, WHERE do I begin!" "So, I have myself my apprentice, [url=]Lazuli[/url], right? Well, the kid's from the upper crusts so he doesn't have much knowledge of blacksmithing. Heck, I think the first time I met him was also the first time he ever saw a forge. Lazuli was raised more around making tea and keeping schedules for royal folk, not back-breaking labor." He starts, wanting to give some context to his story. "Anyway, blacksmithing is 100% new territory for him, so I can't be too mad at him but:" "It was a busy week and we had a pretty big order we needed to get done with asap. I think some guild was getting ready for some fighting competition? I don't know I just supply the weapons. Cooling blades after they've been in the forge takes a while if you don't want the metal to crack, but we we're starting to fall behind schedule, so what does Lazuli do?" He rolls his eyes." He tries to use his tail-feathers to make it cool faster." Ignis groans. "Someone told him that your wings can be used to help cool things down, but apparently he didn't realize that more for hot food and little fires, not molten hot metal!" He then deeply laughs, "Long story short, poor Lazuli ended up splashing hot metal with his wings and right onto his tail!" He laughs more, then catches his breath, "Anyway, I had to take the poor guy to the emergency clinic and thats why his tail is all bandaged up like that now. Needless to say, Lazuli learned his lesson and we didn't finish the order on time!" After taking another moment to catch his breath, Ignis turns to another dragon nearby. "How 'bout you, pal? You look like you got a story to tell. [b][u]What's the craziest, most worst way you've seen somebody mess up on the job?[/u][/b]"
(Sorry for an out-of-the-blue ping. I think somebody just bumped up the thread a while ago) "Worst advice?" Ignis chuckles. "Oh, WHERE do I begin!"
"So, I have myself my apprentice, Lazuli, right? Well, the kid's from the upper crusts so he doesn't have much knowledge of blacksmithing. Heck, I think the first time I met him was also the first time he ever saw a forge. Lazuli was raised more around making tea and keeping schedules for royal folk, not back-breaking labor." He starts, wanting to give some context to his story. "Anyway, blacksmithing is 100% new territory for him, so I can't be too mad at him but:"
"It was a busy week and we had a pretty big order we needed to get done with asap. I think some guild was getting ready for some fighting competition? I don't know I just supply the weapons. Cooling blades after they've been in the forge takes a while if you don't want the metal to crack, but we we're starting to fall behind schedule, so what does Lazuli do?" He rolls his eyes." He tries to use his tail-feathers to make it cool faster."
Ignis groans. "Someone told him that your wings can be used to help cool things down, but apparently he didn't realize that more for hot food and little fires, not molten hot metal!" He then deeply laughs, "Long story short, poor Lazuli ended up splashing hot metal with his wings and right onto his tail!"
He laughs more, then catches his breath, "Anyway, I had to take the poor guy to the emergency clinic and thats why his tail is all bandaged up like that now. Needless to say, Lazuli learned his lesson and we didn't finish the order on time!"

After taking another moment to catch his breath, Ignis turns to another dragon nearby. "How 'bout you, pal? You look like you got a story to tell. What's the craziest, most worst way you've seen somebody mess up on the job?"
★ Previously MalusNight
☆ She/Her
★ +1 FR Time
-V e r i d i s Q u o-
Brazil | EN/PT/RUS |time-flight-icon-very-tiny.png

» Fake FR Breed Workshop
»Clan Lore WIP

Synesthetic - Artist - Style flexible
• They/Them - He/Him/It • Prev. Solifugespace

(Question: What is your final straw before you decide to cut off the relationship?)

(Question: What is your final straw before you decide to cut off the relationship?)
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