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@SkylarDN9 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Yes, I find myself getting lost all the time! But that's just part of the fun in exploring. "Oh, sorry, did I misunderstand? Oh! Oh, yes, I lose myself in the world's beauty all of the time. I love finding new viewpoints in the Reedcliff Ascent, places the view stretches forever. Some days I can see all of the way to the ocean, and some days I can watch big storms coming in. I love watching the storm clouds moving like living beings. I love seeing the ever-changing beauty of Sornieth. "Hi there! You smell like a friend. [b]Do you have a favorite place?[/b]"


"Yes, I find myself getting lost all the time! But that's just part of the fun in exploring.

"Oh, sorry, did I misunderstand? Oh! Oh, yes, I lose myself in the world's beauty all of the time. I love finding new viewpoints in the Reedcliff Ascent, places the view stretches forever. Some days I can see all of the way to the ocean, and some days I can watch big storms coming in. I love watching the storm clouds moving like living beings. I love seeing the ever-changing beauty of Sornieth.

"Hi there! You smell like a friend. Do you have a favorite place?"
@unidra [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "A favorite place..? Well, there isn't really a particular one for me, since I travel around Sornieth alot. But if I must state one, then it must be my den. My comfy, warm, small yet protected den. Hey, let's be real here, nothing beats a place where you grew up and lived in. It's your den! Well, unless you don't have one, that's it anyway. I often find myself feeling that my den is still the best place to be in after a long journey. That's like, the best thing ever!" "Sorry if that sounded cringy and weird, I'm not good at explaining and stuff. Now, it's your turn! [i][b]Who is your mate and why is he/she your mate?[/b][/i]"


"A favorite place..? Well, there isn't really a particular one for me, since I travel around Sornieth alot. But if I must state one, then it must be my den. My comfy, warm, small yet protected den. Hey, let's be real here, nothing beats a place where you grew up and lived in. It's your den! Well, unless you don't have one, that's it anyway. I often find myself feeling that my den is still the best place to be in after a long journey. That's like, the best thing ever!"

"Sorry if that sounded cringy and weird, I'm not good at explaining and stuff. Now, it's your turn! Who is your mate and why is he/she your mate?"
@SketchyRawr [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "My mate.... is Atacama. I love him with all my being... I suppose I picked him because he was the only one I could choose. I am charged with making sure he does not break free from his prison or curse. It's... strange I know." "Enough about an old spirit. [b]Have you ever traveled? What was it like?[/b]"


"My mate.... is Atacama. I love him with all my being... I suppose I picked him because he was the only one I could choose. I am charged with making sure he does not break free from his prison or curse. It's... strange I know."

"Enough about an old spirit. Have you ever traveled? What was it like?"
Lawful Neutral, FR Time +3, He/Him/His, ENFP-T, Syltherin, Scorpio, Scorsci, Avid Lover Of All Skydancers and Spirals
@Finnallia [url=] [img][/img][/url] "Traveling was an...experience...yeah that's it. I liked it, but my mate wouldn't shutup about every little thing he saw. It was quite annoying and I literally had to knock him out of the air to shut him up... then I snorted the water I had in my mouth into his (by accident I swear) and he then shut up." "Enough about my stupid experiences, tell me [b]about what you enjoy doing in your free time?"[/b]


"Traveling was an...experience...yeah that's it. I liked it, but my mate wouldn't shutup about every little thing he saw. It was quite annoying and I literally had to knock him out of the air to shut him up... then I snorted the water I had in my mouth into his (by accident I swear) and he then shut up."
"Enough about my stupid experiences, tell me about what you enjoy doing in your free time?"
@NabalSaryx [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Well I'm glad you asked darling! I've recently taken up clothing design, but floral arrangements are fun, OH! And scrapbooking is delightful, what better place to keep your memories safe for an eternity? How about something sweet for you next darling, [b]what's your favorite treat?[/b] Mine's chocolate!"


Well I'm glad you asked darling! I've recently taken up clothing design, but floral arrangements are fun, OH! And scrapbooking is delightful, what better place to keep your memories safe for an eternity?
How about something sweet for you next darling, what's your favorite treat? Mine's chocolate!"
@robotstar [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "This might come off as a little weird, but I enjoy fortune cookies quite a bit. Not the little papers inside of them, no. I just... like eating them for some reason? I haven't told anyone else in the clan about the stash I keep in my room. The fortunes written on them, I could care less about since, well, I read my own. "Enough silliness on treats. [b]Do you believe in fate, or a higher being?[/b]"


"This might come off as a little weird, but I enjoy fortune cookies quite a bit. Not the little papers inside of them, no. I just... like eating them for some reason? I haven't told anyone else in the clan about the stash I keep in my room. The fortunes written on them, I could care less about since, well, I read my own.
"Enough silliness on treats. Do you believe in fate, or a higher being?"
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@SkylarDN9 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Noell's senses focused on the conversation she was passing, [i]do you believe in fate? Higher beings?[/i] She paused her steps and turned abruptly to join in the debate. "Excuse me, I don't mean to be an eavesdropper- Wait, you were talking to me? Well in that case." with a newfound confidence, Noell surged forward, her chest puffed in pride. "I can't help but believe that fate is what winds me down my path. I see it in others as well, some say I have a gift for seeing the thread of someone's lifetime. Whether it's controlled by someone or something higher than I... well that's up to debate. By I know without a shadow of doubt, that fate is fact." She nodded curtly and smiled wickedly before turning to walk away again, throwing a question over her shoulder. "If you have such doubts in fate, [b]what do you believe in[/b]? Can one truly live without the guidance of gods or fates?"


Noell's senses focused on the conversation she was passing, do you believe in fate? Higher beings? She paused her steps and turned abruptly to join in the debate.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to be an eavesdropper- Wait, you were talking to me? Well in that case." with a newfound confidence, Noell surged forward, her chest puffed in pride.

"I can't help but believe that fate is what winds me down my path. I see it in others as well, some say I have a gift for seeing the thread of someone's lifetime. Whether it's controlled by someone or something higher than I... well that's up to debate. By I know without a shadow of doubt, that fate is fact." She nodded curtly and smiled wickedly before turning to walk away again, throwing a question over her shoulder.

"If you have such doubts in fate, what do you believe in? Can one truly live without the guidance of gods or fates?"
@Quiller [center][img][/img] [i]The regal looking dragoness huffed at the mention of gods and fate. "What do I believe in? I believe in action. Nothing good has ever come from sitting and hoping for somebody else - be they mortal or deity - to come and change things." The queen flexed her claws, claws that had clearly seen battle "I believe that if you want something done, that you must do it yourself. No matter the cost." She got to her feet and spread her wings in preparation to leave. "The question is, [b]How far would you go to make a difference in this world?[/b]"[/center][/i]

The regal looking dragoness huffed at the mention of gods and fate. "What do I believe in? I believe in action. Nothing good has ever come from sitting and hoping for somebody else - be they mortal or deity - to come and change things."

The queen flexed her claws, claws that had clearly seen battle "I believe that if you want something done, that you must do it yourself. No matter the cost."

She got to her feet and spread her wings in preparation to leave.
"The question is, How far would you go to make a difference in this world?"
@AndroidPuppyFace [s]calim[/s] [img][/img] Tonenili's head shot up, craning a little bit down to see past the blind spots in the middle of his eyes. Even though his hearing failed him sometime, he knew what he heard was right. The bogsneak slithered his way to the front, a path forming . in front of him as other dragons reeled back from the repulsive smell of chemicals that followed him. "Oh, I'd do anything to change the world with the power of science!" Tonenili's creepy smile revealed a few of his missing teeth. "Some people think that the things I do are really extreme, but that's because they don't see the genius behind it!" "So, to the next chap; [b]what has the past year been like for you[/b]?"
@AndroidPuppyFace calim


Tonenili's head shot up, craning a little bit down to see past the blind spots in the middle of his eyes. Even though his hearing failed him sometime, he knew what he heard was right. The bogsneak slithered his way to the front, a path forming . in front of him as other dragons reeled back from the repulsive smell of chemicals that followed him.

"Oh, I'd do anything to change the world with the power of science!" Tonenili's creepy smile revealed a few of his missing teeth. "Some people think that the things I do are really extreme, but that's because they don't see the genius behind it!"

"So, to the next chap; what has the past year been like for you?"
@Dragara [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Stomping onto the scene with a bored frown stitched across her face, Nyxia coughed and fanned away the lingering odor of chemicals. The rest of her clan had put her up to this, but she'd really prefer just being back in her den writing 5-page emo poetry and chewing on quills. (You just wouldn't get it.) She looked at the eager faces surrounding her. She inhaled. She sighed. She told herself to keep it short and sweet, to just get in and out, that the faster she spoke the sooner she could leave. [/i] "I mean... this year has been... [i]okay[/i]?" [i]It didn't seem to be enough to appease the crowd. She tried again.[/i] "Okay so it's been a little... less than alright." [i]The people waited for more. She exhaled all dramatic like and broke into hysterics[/i]: "This year was rough, okay! It's just... really hard! It's really hard being a teenager and nobody understands! Nobody celebrated my birthday, nobody liked the poems I wrote, nobody sent me any valentines..." [i]Nyxia sniffled harshly, sending all her mucus back up her sinuses. Shaking her head she said[/i], "Not that it like, matters or anything. It's cool. I'm over it." [i]Clearly of course, not being Over It. Her gentle mother Lyra smiled at her emotionally constipated daughter, then urged her to finish her turn.[/i] "Oh. Yeah. Right. Uhhhh, next person. What do..." [i]Nyxia looks at the smudged ink on her claw and is miraculously able to decipher it[/i]. "Comfort foods. Got any?"


Stomping onto the scene with a bored frown stitched across her face, Nyxia coughed and fanned away the lingering odor of chemicals. The rest of her clan had put her up to this, but she'd really prefer just being back in her den writing 5-page emo poetry and chewing on quills.

(You just wouldn't get it.)

She looked at the eager faces surrounding her. She inhaled. She sighed. She told herself to keep it short and sweet, to just get in and out, that the faster she spoke the sooner she could leave.

"I mean... this year has been... okay?"

It didn't seem to be enough to appease the crowd. She tried again.

"Okay so it's been a little... less than alright." The people waited for more. She exhaled all dramatic like and broke into hysterics: "This year was rough, okay! It's just... really hard! It's really hard being a teenager and nobody understands! Nobody celebrated my birthday, nobody liked the poems I wrote, nobody sent me any valentines..."

Nyxia sniffled harshly, sending all her mucus back up her sinuses. Shaking her head she said, "Not that it like, matters or anything. It's cool. I'm over it."

Clearly of course, not being Over It. Her gentle mother Lyra smiled at her emotionally constipated daughter, then urged her to finish her turn.

"Oh. Yeah. Right. Uhhhh, next person. What do..." Nyxia looks at the smudged ink on her claw and is miraculously able to decipher it. "Comfort foods. Got any?"

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