TOPIC | Theme Week: Love is in the Air!

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Here is Beloved! He's just a baby :)
Here is Lyra! watch out she has a budding interest in archery and no real training!
~Valentine~ one of my very first coatls <3
..this is still open o.O
huh well here we go ^^) wasn't going to post anything but since it's still up.. :)
I have a trio who would fit nicely, first up is a couple that I got to reunite after recieving one half of them from one of the adopt-a-dragon forum threads ^^)
That was a Spiral named Naxor, and after looking at his page, I discovered he was part of a breeding pair who had had many lovely babs together so I went tracking down his mate, the gorgeous Mykonos, found she was still in a clan and asked the person holding her if they would be willing to part with her at all one day in the future after explaining the situation, but they were kind enough to let me have her lickety-slpit and gave her over, and that was how the two lovebirds got reunited into my clan ^^) I don't know why they were split and went to different clans, but all I do know is how happy they are to finally be back together again
[emoji=new friend size=1][emoji=heart size=1]
So here is Naxor & Mykonos, the lovely, beautiful pair who are now more in love than ever, joyously, happily united once again ^^) :D
And thirdly is one of my older dragons, who joined the clan shortly around the holiday that takes place this time of year and who is so named for, a dragon I won from a raffle on a different game I used to play called Ovipets where friends I had on there also played here and would host raffles here & there for dragons they were giving away ^^) mostly the reason why I'm here, so I could get dragons if I won any, which happened a few times but I had to wait for Welcome Weeks to occur (who remembers those? XD ) Anyways, here is the lovely ValentineCherub, who so matches the theme with her name, colors & time of arrival to the clan ^^) She is a Clan Mage however, and has devoted her time to studying the magics of the realm, specifically those of the Arcanist :)
Aaand that's it for this week now ^^) Happy Month of Love, everyone! :D
[emoji=new friend size=1][emoji=heart size=1][emoji=familiar heart size=1][emoji=rose size=1][emoji=familiar heart size=1][emoji=heart size=1][emoji=new friend size=1][/center]
..this is still open o.O
huh well here we go ^^) wasn't going to post anything but since it's still up.. :)
I have a trio who would fit nicely, first up is a couple that I got to reunite after recieving one half of them from one of the adopt-a-dragon forum threads ^^)
That was a Spiral named Naxor, and after looking at his page, I discovered he was part of a breeding pair who had had many lovely babs together so I went tracking down his mate, the gorgeous Mykonos, found she was still in a clan and asked the person holding her if they would be willing to part with her at all one day in the future after explaining the situation, but they were kind enough to let me have her lickety-slpit and gave her over, and that was how the two lovebirds got reunited into my clan ^^) I don't know why they were split and went to different clans, but all I do know is how happy they are to finally be back together again

So here is Naxor & Mykonos, the lovely, beautiful pair who are now more in love than ever, joyously, happily united once again ^^) :D

And thirdly is one of my older dragons, who joined the clan shortly around the holiday that takes place this time of year and who is so named for, a dragon I won from a raffle on a different game I used to play called Ovipets where friends I had on there also played here and would host raffles here & there for dragons they were giving away ^^) mostly the reason why I'm here, so I could get dragons if I won any, which happened a few times but I had to wait for Welcome Weeks to occur (who remembers those? XD ) Anyways, here is the lovely ValentineCherub, who so matches the theme with her name, colors & time of arrival to the clan ^^) She is a Clan Mage however, and has devoted her time to studying the magics of the realm, specifically those of the Arcanist :)
huh well here we go ^^) wasn't going to post anything but since it's still up.. :)
I have a trio who would fit nicely, first up is a couple that I got to reunite after recieving one half of them from one of the adopt-a-dragon forum threads ^^)
That was a Spiral named Naxor, and after looking at his page, I discovered he was part of a breeding pair who had had many lovely babs together so I went tracking down his mate, the gorgeous Mykonos, found she was still in a clan and asked the person holding her if they would be willing to part with her at all one day in the future after explaining the situation, but they were kind enough to let me have her lickety-slpit and gave her over, and that was how the two lovebirds got reunited into my clan ^^) I don't know why they were split and went to different clans, but all I do know is how happy they are to finally be back together again

So here is Naxor & Mykonos, the lovely, beautiful pair who are now more in love than ever, joyously, happily united once again ^^) :D

And thirdly is one of my older dragons, who joined the clan shortly around the holiday that takes place this time of year and who is so named for, a dragon I won from a raffle on a different game I used to play called Ovipets where friends I had on there also played here and would host raffles here & there for dragons they were giving away ^^) mostly the reason why I'm here, so I could get dragons if I won any, which happened a few times but I had to wait for Welcome Weeks to occur (who remembers those? XD ) Anyways, here is the lovely ValentineCherub, who so matches the theme with her name, colors & time of arrival to the clan ^^) She is a Clan Mage however, and has devoted her time to studying the magics of the realm, specifically those of the Arcanist :)
here's mine! this is sweetheart! i fell in love with him the moment i saw him [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
he's soon to be one of my fandragons for an idol group, which i'm still working on!
he's a sweet little baby who loves ice cream and singing!
Almost missed it!!! I love pink and flowers and hearts and love in general!!
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/58229959][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/582300/58229959_350.png[/img][/url][nextcol]Opal has lots of love for the world, which she shares with everyone through the beautiful flowers she cultivates and sells.[/columns]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/84329184][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/843292/84329184_350.png[/img][/url][nextcol]Cerci is quite the gentle-dragon. They're a sweet butch who likes to dress up nice and tuck a flower or two into their shirt, which they give to any dragons who are feeling sad.[/columns]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/71803418][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/718035/71803418_350.png[/img][/url][nextcol]Paniz makes... candy! She also markets the chocolates made by her elusive friend Kin.[/columns]
Almost missed it!!! I love pink and flowers and hearts and love in general!!
![]() | Opal has lots of love for the world, which she shares with everyone through the beautiful flowers she cultivates and sells. |
![]() | Cerci is quite the gentle-dragon. They're a sweet butch who likes to dress up nice and tuck a flower or two into their shirt, which they give to any dragons who are feeling sad. |
![]() | Paniz makes... candy! She also markets the chocolates made by her elusive friend Kin. |
Glad I'm not the only last-minute poster :D Here's Springblossom <3
[b]Happy Love Is In The Air everyone![/b] [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1]
[i]Here's Sugoi and Star for my SugoiStar Project dedicated to KittyAcelia's headmate [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/93038595]Kacchan[/url]! Even though Sugoi and Star defy against what the term "Star Crossed Lovers" means, they both live and thrive together with commitment and unconditional love. Sugoi holds the passionate offenses while Star holds the kind defenses. They're always there to protect the dragonkind in Camp Starbound and also serve as the soon be caretakers of the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/547206/1996694?name=&type=undefined]BabyCakes[/url] dragonlings![/i]
Happy Love Is In The Air everyone! 
Here's Sugoi and Star for my SugoiStar Project dedicated to KittyAcelia's headmate Kacchan! Even though Sugoi and Star defy against what the term "Star Crossed Lovers" means, they both live and thrive together with commitment and unconditional love. Sugoi holds the passionate offenses while Star holds the kind defenses. They're always there to protect the dragonkind in Camp Starbound and also serve as the soon be caretakers of the BabyCakes dragonlings!

Here's Sugoi and Star for my SugoiStar Project dedicated to KittyAcelia's headmate Kacchan! Even though Sugoi and Star defy against what the term "Star Crossed Lovers" means, they both live and thrive together with commitment and unconditional love. Sugoi holds the passionate offenses while Star holds the kind defenses. They're always there to protect the dragonkind in Camp Starbound and also serve as the soon be caretakers of the BabyCakes dragonlings!

This is Sonet!
This cutie patootie was born on Valentines Day! Which really shouldn't be this significant but he somehow unintentionally made it his whole personality. He is a hopeless romantic and the king of ships. He loves love. Very much.
He is also a chocolate ? connoisseur ?
He falls in love with everyone who hates him, because he reads wayyyy too many enemies to lovers stories and loves them all
This is Sonet!
This cutie patootie was born on Valentines Day! Which really shouldn't be this significant but he somehow unintentionally made it his whole personality. He is a hopeless romantic and the king of ships. He loves love. Very much.
He is also a chocolate ? connoisseur ?
He falls in love with everyone who hates him, because he reads wayyyy too many enemies to lovers stories and loves them all
This cutie patootie was born on Valentines Day! Which really shouldn't be this significant but he somehow unintentionally made it his whole personality. He is a hopeless romantic and the king of ships. He loves love. Very much.
He is also a chocolate ? connoisseur ?
He falls in love with everyone who hates him, because he reads wayyyy too many enemies to lovers stories and loves them all

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