
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Guardian Dragons!
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[url=][img][/img][/url] My progen, Noc, whose tert I really lucked out on. [url=][img][/img][/url] Lyr, whom I accidentally exalted as a hatchling. (I got her back, and now it's the basis of her lore!) [url=][img][/img][/url] Alcaryon, a former enemy commander whose charge was destroyed in battle, driving him mad and allowing the defenders to prevail.

My progen, Noc, whose tert I really lucked out on.


Lyr, whom I accidentally exalted as a hatchling. (I got her back, and now it's the basis of her lore!)

Alcaryon, a former enemy commander whose charge was destroyed in battle, driving him mad and allowing the defenders to prevail.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Grandiloquent is my progen. He is a hardened seasoned fighter and leader. He disdains showiness and just wants to get on with the Job of protecting the interests of the clan with his particular charge being Cerdwin the clan's mother goddess and figurehead. [url=][img][/img][/url] Ametrine knows her power and is fierce in attack and defense. Don't be mislead by her flaunting gorgeousness. [url=][img][/img][/url] Genera is all style and no substance. She is more concerned about blinding you with the polish on her golden armour than whether she can beat you on the training field She likes the legends of dragon knights of extraordinary valour but is more interested in protecting her armour from scratches than defending the clan.
Grandiloquent is my progen. He is a hardened seasoned fighter and leader. He disdains showiness and just wants to get on with the Job of protecting the interests of the clan with his particular charge being Cerdwin the clan's mother goddess and figurehead.

Ametrine knows her power and is fierce in attack and defense. Don't be mislead by her flaunting gorgeousness.

Genera is all style and no substance. She is more concerned about blinding you with the polish on her golden armour than whether she can beat you on the training field She likes the legends of dragon knights of extraordinary valour but is more interested in protecting her armour from scratches than defending the clan.
HeartsBlood [url=][img][/img][/url] Oxroste [url=][img][/img][/url] Andrassil [url=][img][/img][/url]






A few of my non conformants haha [b]Aurora[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Avery[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Varien[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url]
A few of my non conformants haha



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Most Dragons in Hibden | Forum Game/ Sale Pings are just fine!
Custom Chaos Banescale Hatchery
Hoarding wacky Banes! Help me out by trading me a Banescale
Spent some time playing dress up for a one of these lol. [center][b] Ardamire [/b][/center] [center]This dragon was a gift from a friend of mine. He is my first multi-gaze and holds a very special place for me.[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Axula[/b][/center] [center]I spent a long time on a breeding project and this is the closest I've gotten to my goal on it. I love how his genes turned out so much that I wanted to show him off.[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b] Unnamed [/b][/center] [center]So the story with this one is he's a dragon from a different breeding project that I've had for sale. Hence why he's not named lol. I took him off of the auction house temporarily because I wanted to dress him up and show him off a bit. Because I do think he's quite pretty and am very excited to whoever gets him in the end.[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Well those are my dragons to show off!! Hope you like em!
Spent some time playing dress up for a one of these lol.
This dragon was a gift from a friend of mine. He is my first multi-gaze and holds a very special place for me.
I spent a long time on a breeding project and this is the closest I've gotten to my goal on it. I love how his genes turned out so much that I wanted to show him off.
So the story with this one is he's a dragon from a different breeding project that I've had for sale. Hence why he's not named lol. I took him off of the auction house temporarily because I wanted to dress him up and show him off a bit. Because I do think he's quite pretty and am very excited to whoever gets him in the end.

Well those are my dragons to show off!! Hope you like em!

Hmm, as I looked through my lair, I realized that I don't have all that many! How sad. Still, here are the most-lored Guardians in my lair. I'm quite proud of this boy. Trenchseeker is the grandson of my progens and self-gened. His charge is his dedication to his search for the missing Tidelord. He and his mate Hecamar, the Spiral Keep representative, travel back and forth on diplomatic missions between the Tsunami Flats (where my clan is located) and the Spiral Keep, stopping to look for clues along the way. (They are also trying to give me a multigaze and/or a primal child.) [url=][img][/img][/url] Crystalsea is his younger sister, also self-gened. She and her mate Seaglass are my fairy tale romance couple. (I wouldn't say no to a special-eyed kid from them either.) [url=][img][/img][/url] Yes, this lady is a Guardian. Don't be fooled by appearances. Her Charge is the keeping of the tidepools and the small creatures that live there. The Tidelord created her in the body of a Fae so that she'd be small enough to dive in and care for the pools more easily. She speaks Fae, and common Draconic in the monotone of a Fae, but she is learning to communicate with the Merfae (who sing underwater), and thus her other Draconic interactions are developing more fluctuation and inflection. [url=][img][/img][/url] (Genes? Who needs 'em? I've found several plans I like, but she looks so awesome in all basic that I haven't been able to fully commit yet.)
Hmm, as I looked through my lair, I realized that I don't have all that many! How sad. Still, here are the most-lored Guardians in my lair.

I'm quite proud of this boy. Trenchseeker is the grandson of my progens and self-gened. His charge is his dedication to his search for the missing Tidelord. He and his mate Hecamar, the Spiral Keep representative, travel back and forth on diplomatic missions between the Tsunami Flats (where my clan is located) and the Spiral Keep, stopping to look for clues along the way. (They are also trying to give me a multigaze and/or a primal child.)


Crystalsea is his younger sister, also self-gened. She and her mate Seaglass are my fairy tale romance couple. (I wouldn't say no to a special-eyed kid from them either.)

Yes, this lady is a Guardian. Don't be fooled by appearances. Her Charge is the keeping of the tidepools and the small creatures that live there. The Tidelord created her in the body of a Fae so that she'd be small enough to dive in and care for the pools more easily. She speaks Fae, and common Draconic in the monotone of a Fae, but she is learning to communicate with the Merfae (who sing underwater), and thus her other Draconic interactions are developing more fluctuation and inflection.
(Genes? Who needs 'em? I've found several plans I like, but she looks so awesome in all basic that I haven't been able to fully commit yet.)
V9b7SpH.png Check out my Elemental Sneks project!
[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
JHlhJS8.png Signature pending click on Andromeda to be taken to Haphazard Hatchery
[b]Anrael[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Anrael is the first born daughter of a lovematch between a deeply protective Guardian and a startling beauty of a Mirror. Their first nest yielded five healthy offspring, with Anrael the perfect blend of their best traits. [b]Samael[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Samael was a dark prince of the Ice Realm, but his study of forbidden magics forced him from his home. In exile, he found his way to gentle Saluka's newly hollowed caves where his heart was stolen by the fierce rainbow Mirror Anora.


Anrael is the first born daughter of a lovematch between a deeply protective Guardian and a startling beauty of a Mirror. Their first nest yielded five healthy offspring, with Anrael the perfect blend of their best traits.



Samael was a dark prince of the Ice Realm, but his study of forbidden magics forced him from his home. In exile, he found his way to gentle Saluka's newly hollowed caves where his heart was stolen by the fierce rainbow Mirror Anora.

[center][url=][img][/img][/url] This is Shiva, the Plague Emissary. She is pretty much a walking disease in the form of a Guardian and consumes life via taking dragons with illness. [url=][img][/img][/url] This Guardian is based off of a human OC, but I really like her FR incarnation as well. [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Nachtfalter, the Shadow wizard.
This is Shiva, the Plague Emissary. She is pretty much a walking disease in the form of a Guardian and consumes life via taking dragons with illness.
This Guardian is based off of a human OC, but I really like her FR incarnation as well.
Nachtfalter, the Shadow wizard.
Hard to choose but I feel my crazy progens must lead the way. Kian, random progen, story teller and keeper of Cian. [url=][img][/img][/url] Cian, custom progen, guardian of the sky, bane of birds. [url=][img][/img][/url] I have so many nice babies but I think I will show off their daughter Sonata who is searching still because her bro has been shown off and she has not. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Hard to choose but I feel my crazy progens must lead the way.

Kian, random progen, story teller and keeper of Cian.

Cian, custom progen, guardian of the sky, bane of birds.

I have so many nice babies but I think I will show off their daughter Sonata who is searching still because her bro has been shown off and she has not.
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