
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Exalt Bonus Scrying
[columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]pearlcatcher[/b] hatchling ice tiger blue [b]eel[/b] [b]sapphire[/b] ringlets[/columns] [columns][b]pearlcatcher[/b] male latte savanna hickory [b]eel[/b] [b]sapphire[/b] scales [color=transparent]this is just here to extend the column because if it doesn't fit i will do horrible things ahahhhahahhahahah[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]pearlcatcher[/b] female gloom cinder smoke [b]eel[/b] [b]sapphire[/b] koi[/columns]
dragon?age=0&body=3&bodygene=2&breed=4&element=4&eyetype=2&gender=0&tert=71&tertgene=23&winggene=84&wings=21&auth=0865d211642e5c38a2abf02fc5fbc6aa52d1c31e&dummyext=prev.png pearlcatcher hatchling
ice tiger
blue eel
sapphire ringlets
pearlcatcher male
latte savanna
hickory eel
sapphire scales
this is just here to extend the column because if it doesn't fit i will do horrible things ahahhhahahhahahah
dragon?age=1&body=98&bodygene=213&breed=4&element=4&eyetype=2&gender=1&tert=71&tertgene=73&winggene=84&wings=91&auth=20733838cdce242d03ae3f8d5df671df0c40af30&dummyext=prev.png pearlcatcher female
gloom cinder
smoke eel
sapphire koi
[center][b]Pearlcatcher [/b]Male White Savanna Robin [b]Eel[/b] [b]Sapphire [/b]Capsule Water Common [img][/img] [b]Pearlcatcher [/b]Female Marigold Fade Violet [b]Eel[/b] [b]Sapphire [/b]Soap Shadow Primal [img][/img][/center]
Pearlcatcher Male
White Savanna
Robin Eel
Sapphire Capsule
Water Common


Pearlcatcher Female
Marigold Fade
Violet Eel
Sapphire Soap
Shadow Primal


[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]


[indent][right][size=2]Male Adult [b]Aberration[/b] Antique Slime [b]Caramel [/b]Bee Sable [b]Glowtail[/b][/size][/right][/indent][left][img][/img][/left] [indent][right][size=2]Female Adult [b]Aberration[/b] Turquoise Flaunt [b]Caramel [/b]Blaze Abyss[b]Glowtail[/b][/size][/right][/indent][left][img][/img][/left] [indent][right][size=2]Hatchling [b]Aberration[/b] Rust Tide [b]Caramel [/b]Eel Bronze [b]Glowtail[/b][/size][/right][/indent][left][img][/img][/left]
Male Adult Aberration
Antique Slime
Caramel Bee
Sable Glowtail

Female Adult Aberration
Turquoise Flaunt
Caramel Blaze
Hatchling Aberration
Rust Tide
Caramel Eel
Bronze Glowtail

[columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Aberration[/b] Adult Male Plague Uncommon Maroon Tapir [b]Caramel[/b] Paisley Bronze [b]Glowtail[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Aberration[/b] Adult Female Fire Unusual Rust Clown [b]Caramel[/b] Myrid Orange [b]Glowtail[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Aberration[/b] Hatchling Lightning Common Cyan Diamond [b]Caramel[/b] Spinner Phthalo [b]Glowtail[/columns]
dragon?age=1&body=61&bodygene=95&breed=20&element=2&eyetype=1&gender=0&tert=83&tertgene=89&winggene=227&wings=156&auth=6a711af9f760f7e6b14bff7135ba79e7e80b5426&dummyext=prev.png Aberration
Adult Male
Plague Uncommon
Maroon Tapir
Caramel Paisley
Bronze Glowtail
dragon?age=1&body=57&bodygene=222&breed=20&element=11&eyetype=2&gender=1&tert=47&tertgene=89&winggene=226&wings=156&auth=7c38ab56a3cd3cdb93e0372bad21d36bcfda9803&dummyext=prev.png Aberration
Adult Female
Fire Unusual
Rust Clown
Caramel Myrid
Orange Glowtail
dragon?age=0&body=89&bodygene=93&breed=20&element=5&eyetype=0&gender=1&tert=151&tertgene=89&winggene=229&wings=156&auth=15c382369894100f3c3e1898361429f232858877&dummyext=prev.png Aberration
Lightning Common
Cyan Diamond
Caramel Spinner
Phthalo Glowtail

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
[columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Auraboa[/b] Adult Female Fire Rare Overcast Wicker [b]Sunshine[/b] Diamondback Terracotta [b]Peacock[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Auraboa[/b] Adult Male Ice Uncommon Cornflower Harlequin [b]Sunshine[/b] Lacquer Ivory [b]Peacock[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Auraboa[/b] Hatchling Plague Dark Sclera Vermilion Mochlus [b]Sunshine[/b] Larvae Beige [b]Peacock[/columns]
dragon?age=1&body=126&bodygene=262&breed=24&element=11&eyetype=3&gender=1&tert=108&tertgene=237&winggene=256&wings=46&auth=43c50c80d3faa66a7f201d0ed71db7df49df3894&dummyext=prev.png Auraboa
Adult Female
Fire Rare
Overcast Wicker
Sunshine Diamondback
Terracotta Peacock
dragon?age=1&body=145&bodygene=247&breed=24&element=6&eyetype=1&gender=0&tert=44&tertgene=237&winggene=261&wings=46&auth=d0a48ff75ecc4b33eaa978cea67b36b44e18e6ce&dummyext=prev.png Auraboa
Adult Male
Ice Uncommon
Cornflower Harlequin
Sunshine Lacquer
Ivory Peacock
dragon?age=0&body=169&bodygene=251&breed=24&element=2&eyetype=8&gender=0&tert=51&tertgene=237&winggene=241&wings=46&auth=d197500bd1f3eb539a239807686c7ac1c9759922&dummyext=prev.png Auraboa
Plague Dark Sclera
Vermilion Mochlus
Sunshine Larvae
Beige Peacock

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
[img][/img] Sanguine/Sunshine/Berry [img][/img] Aqua/Sunshine/Bronze [img][/img] Orange/Sunshine/Vermilion
[columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Guardian[/b] Adult Female Light Uncommon [b]Auburn[/b] Lionfish Gold Saddle Garnet [b]Lace[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Guardian[/b] Adult Male Lightning Rare [b]Auburn[/b] Flaunt Bronze Jester Abyss [b]Lace[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Guardian[/b] Hatchling Shadow Unusual [b]Auburn[/b] Skink Lavender Choir Mist [b]Lace[/columns]
dragon?age=1&body=166&bodygene=25&breed=2&element=8&eyetype=1&gender=1&tert=161&tertgene=16&winggene=232&wings=45&auth=fb88a516e7e301f71c06bb230058d7c135e52eb4&dummyext=prev.png Guardian
Adult Female
Light Uncommon
Auburn Lionfish
Gold Saddle
Garnet Lace
dragon?age=1&body=166&bodygene=82&breed=2&element=5&eyetype=3&gender=0&tert=96&tertgene=16&winggene=170&wings=83&auth=32a2717dec211b20d0d9aeace6266819ae98b39a&dummyext=prev.png Guardian
Adult Male
Lightning Rare
Auburn Flaunt
Bronze Jester
Abyss Lace
dragon?age=0&body=166&bodygene=15&breed=2&element=7&eyetype=2&gender=0&tert=150&tertgene=16&winggene=337&wings=15&auth=b83117caad4665f29fcb9f31789118865140a524&dummyext=prev.png Guardian
Shadow Unusual
Auburn Skink
Lavender Choir
Mist Lace

Bio Resources
Pixel art of a bonsai planter. Within the white tray are a few piles of sand. Atop the central pile of sand is a collection of red shells of various shapes. To its left is a large piece of weathered driftwood. To its right is a single column of stones, stacked like a cairn, and a dead redwood tree with two tops.*Pixel art of a widemouthed jar filled with sand. On the sand are four shells of different shapes. Tied around the jar’s mouth is a piece of twine with a sand dollar hanging from it.A medium-sized pixel book representing Vianne. It is a Mulberry book with a symmetric swirled design on its spine in Purple. At the top and bottom of the book’s spine are accents in Purple and Charcoal.A slim pixel book representing Zelophehad. On its spine is a column of geometric shapes in Black, Purple, and Stone.A slim pixel book representing Helen. The abstract angular shapes in Brown, Chocolate, and Blood on its spine evoke a cathedral.A slim pixel book representing Taalay. Large gold sparkles stand out against a Pink background. Vertical Blackberry lines frame the sparkles on the top and bottom of the book’s spine.A slim pixel book representing Reinier. On its spine is a wizard’s broom with Silver-colored bristles and a gnarled Phthalo handle on a background of Nightshade.A slim pixel book representing Judicael. On its spine is a column of geometric Gold flowers with Crimson centers on a background of desaturated Nightshade.A medium-sized pixel book representing Rhonwen. On its spine is a sword point-down in Black and White, wreathed in a spiral of and crowned with Red flames. The sword stands out on a field of White and a background of Platinum.A medium-sized pixel book representing Drake. Below a Stone plate of squiggly writing in Turquoise is a sun-and-ray design in Turquoise. Below that, running up both sides of the book’s spine, is a symmetrical series of angular triangles in Stone edged with Turquoise.A medium-sized pixel book representing Q. It is a Tomato book with interlocked spirals in Storm and Gold on its spine.A slim pixel book representing Keahi. It is an Orange book with artful slashes of Fire and Maroon on its spine.A medium-sized pixel book representing Aysu. On its spine is a fish floating below bubbles and above abstract writing that looks like seaweed on an Azure background. The bubbles are Teal and Caribbean. The fish is Caribbean with Teal stripes.A slim pixel book representing Cupid. On its spine, Purple petals drift between three Carmine roses on a background of Lavender.A slim pixel book representing Konani. On its spine, Caribbean petals drift between three Lavender roses on a background of Fern.A pixel book representing Haruna. The spine’s centerpiece features a spoon, fork, and knife in Carmine against a Seafoam background. Above the spine’s centerpiece are two sheaves of wheat in Seafoam against a White background. Below the spine’s centerpiece are vegetables in Carmine and Seafoam against a White background.A slim pixel book representing Mavuto. It is an Ice book with artful slashes of Purple and White on its spine.
[center][img][/img] Primary: Auburn Breed: Guardian Gene: Lace[/center]

Primary: Auburn
Breed: Guardian
Gene: Lace

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He/They menace

> Fandragon plans
[img][/img] Auburn/Sunshine/Heather [img][/img] Auburn/Spring/Fire [img][/img] Auburn/Coral/Spruce