
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Prettiest Dragon Above You!
@itsyaboimothman omg... I have the biggest coatl bias and he is so majestic, the honeydew opal tert is top tier and his outfit is so well put together. AND the wind sprite. 10000/10 [url=][img][/img][/url]

omg... I have the biggest coatl bias and he is so majestic, the honeydew opal tert is top tier and his outfit is so well put together. AND the wind sprite. 10000/10
@babb [url=][img][/img][/url] i'm a simple man and i love poitox on anything


i'm a simple man and i love poitox on anything

This dragon is displaying an animated effect: Like a pearlescent mist clinging to the morning... this item applies a soft pastel gradient that slowly rolls across just the body of one dragon. Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Press this button to play this dragon's animated effect. Press this button to pause this dragon's animated effect.
This dragon is showing off…
Effect: Pastel Pulse
Effect: Pastel Pulse
Soap is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Pastel Pulse effect.

Soap immediatley caught my eye, i love how banana has such fun accent colors! and i was so surprised when i clicked on him and he had the pastel effect, it makes him even prettier! the pastel looks sooo good with the banana!

This dragon is displaying an animated effect: Like a pearlescent mist clinging to the morning... this item applies a soft pastel gradient that slowly rolls across just the body of one dragon. Like apparel, skins, and scenes, effects are purely cosmetic items that can be added and removed from dragons at any time.
Press this button to play this dragon's animated effect. Press this button to pause this dragon's animated effect.
This dragon is showing off…
Effect: Pastel Pulse
Effect: Pastel Pulse
Soap is displayed as a fallback image due to an error while loading Effect: Pastel Pulse effect.

Soap immediatley caught my eye, i love how banana has such fun accent colors! and i was so surprised when i clicked on him and he had the pastel effect, it makes him even prettier! the pastel looks sooo good with the banana!
@goldrobin It was hard to pick, your whole lair is so pretty. [url=][img][/img][/url] Zori wins because?? She’s so pretty? The contrasting blues and reds caught my eye immediately, and the skin just fits her so well. Her genes and colors make her stand out so much even with no apparel. Honorary mention to Selene and Castor, they were close choices

It was hard to pick, your whole lair is so pretty.
Zori wins because?? She’s so pretty? The contrasting blues and reds caught my eye immediately, and the skin just fits her so well. Her genes and colors make her stand out so much even with no apparel. Honorary mention to Selene and Castor, they were close choices
@cr0wfeathers Is it "legal" to pick 2? Because I'm picking 2. [url=][img][/img][/url] Vertigo's skin looks so good on her! I love how the warm yellows and oranges look with the black-and-red dragon. Female Sandsurges are always gorgeous and she is no exeption! [url=][img][/img][/url] Error is another with a super matchy skin, and I'm a [i]sucker[/i] for Plague Pastel. [emoji=familiar heart size=1] The only thing cuter than her color scheme is the fact that she and Miscalculation have a kid named Fallacy!! (Also, I've never seen a cutesy Abbie with Flameforger before :0) ---- Next person: My Flyer is okay for forum games, even though she's in the fodder tab!

Is it "legal" to pick 2? Because I'm picking 2.

Vertigo's skin looks so good on her!
I love how the warm yellows and oranges look with the black-and-red dragon.
Female Sandsurges are always gorgeous and she is no exeption!

Error is another with a super matchy skin, and I'm a sucker for Plague Pastel.
The only thing cuter than her color scheme is the fact that she and Miscalculation have a kid named Fallacy!!
(Also, I've never seen a cutesy Abbie with Flameforger before :0)
Next person: My Flyer is okay for forum games, even though she's in the fodder tab!
@StarrySunrise I'm not too interested in reflected dragons most of the time, but female pose abbies look so good flipped! [url=][img][/img][/url] Yora and Ivette are so pretty. I didn't know abyss diamond had a red/black scheme until now, and the piercing cyan against the dark colors that also matches their eyes and bits of the accent?? The accent is an awesome finishing touch as well, tying every part of their design together. Love them!

I'm not too interested in reflected dragons most of the time, but female pose abbies look so good flipped!
Yora and Ivette are so pretty. I didn't know abyss diamond had a red/black scheme until now, and the piercing cyan against the dark colors that also matches their eyes and bits of the accent?? The accent is an awesome finishing touch as well, tying every part of their design together. Love them!
Bubbling Brew Drink Kitty Jhariah RISK! RISK! RISK! button
Jhariah TRUST CEREMONY button
Jhariah GREAT TALE button
Jhariah PIN-EYE button

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A very tiny, low-quality gif of a skeleton dancing. Link leads to a song
@RaptorFury [url=][img][/img][/url] Blithe looks so cool! I thought for sure she had an accent on, but it was just her marvelous genes. Her whole vibe is just amazing. I can certainly see why she'd be an insta buy.


Blithe looks so cool! I thought for sure she had an accent on, but it was just her marvelous genes. Her whole vibe is just amazing. I can certainly see why she'd be an insta buy.
SKppn6R.png d3XCZt0.png u0xFVz1.png 6bJPt0y.png FjR4Q5P.png Tz9zkEa.pngrOmZsMq.png 6Gz2fDO.png einxuSg.png she/her | fr+3QNbfPfg.png
[font=book antiqua]@libroamante [s]CLAIM[/s] You have a gorgeous lair, but Anemoi just blows everyone else out of the water! WOW. The golds and blacks of their gene's along with the accent is just absolutely beautiful! Amazing dragon! [url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#919191] __________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [i]next person[/i]: Please only pick from the coliseum tab or any tab with a [emoji=wind balloon size=1] icon! (both lair & hibden)
@libroamante CLAIM

You have a gorgeous lair, but Anemoi just blows everyone else out of the water! WOW. The golds and blacks of their gene's along with the accent is just absolutely beautiful! Amazing dragon!

next person: Please only pick from the coliseum tab or any tab with a icon! (both lair & hibden)
@SakuraSundae [url=][img][/img][/url] i'm a big fan of Leyla's outfit and skin! She gives off such a wicked and mysterious vibe, I hate working with Fae outfits, but can't resist good ones <3
i'm a big fan of Leyla's outfit and skin! She gives off such a wicked and mysterious vibe, I hate working with Fae outfits, but can't resist good ones <3
@Rexes [url=][img][/img][/url] Soleil here is just gorgeous!! Such a great use of peacock tert, and the vibes of the overall look? perfect.


Soleil here is just gorgeous!! Such a great use of peacock tert, and the vibes of the overall look? perfect.