
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | [T] Crossroads - Bug Reports
Browser(s) Used

Browser(s) Version

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System

Operating System Version
Windows 7 pro

Internet Connection Type
Home wireless

Antivirus Installed

Antivirus Version

Free, up to date

Describe the bug in detail:
I initiated a trade with user Jurpassic for 3 dragons, to be trained by them and exalted. They sent a price of 12K T in return. I attempted to approve the trade, but it claimed they did not have enough treasure. I admit I clicked a few times before actually reading the message box! I then sent them a crossroads message telling them to let me know when they had the treasure so I could try again. They replied, also via crossroads, and I went to approve the trade again. This time it told me that the trade could not be completed because at least one of the dragons was no longer in my lair. Confused, I eventually canceled, assuming it had somehow sent Jurpassic just those. I made a new trade and found that indeed, 2 of the dragons from the original trade were gone from my lair. I started a new trade with Jurpassic and told them about it... and they let me know the dragons were not in their lair, either. They had just disappeared! These were hastily purchased dragons from the AH, so I do not know their names or IDs and cannot check to see where they are now. For all I know they've gone and exploded
Browser(s) Used

Browser(s) Version

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System

Operating System Version
Windows 7 pro

Internet Connection Type
Home wireless

Antivirus Installed

Antivirus Version

Free, up to date

Describe the bug in detail:
I initiated a trade with user Jurpassic for 3 dragons, to be trained by them and exalted. They sent a price of 12K T in return. I attempted to approve the trade, but it claimed they did not have enough treasure. I admit I clicked a few times before actually reading the message box! I then sent them a crossroads message telling them to let me know when they had the treasure so I could try again. They replied, also via crossroads, and I went to approve the trade again. This time it told me that the trade could not be completed because at least one of the dragons was no longer in my lair. Confused, I eventually canceled, assuming it had somehow sent Jurpassic just those. I made a new trade and found that indeed, 2 of the dragons from the original trade were gone from my lair. I started a new trade with Jurpassic and told them about it... and they let me know the dragons were not in their lair, either. They had just disappeared! These were hastily purchased dragons from the AH, so I do not know their names or IDs and cannot check to see where they are now. For all I know they've gone and exploded
Here's my details for what Cockatrice put down!

Browser(s) Used

Browser(s) Version

49.0.2623.110 m

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System

Operating System Version
Windows 10

Internet Connection Type
Wifi (at my school so idk what type they use)

Antivirus Installed
AVG, Malwarebytes Aniti-Malware Free

Antivirus Version
both of them are up to date

Describe the bug in detail:
Cockatrice initiated a trade with me for three dragons and I posted a price of 12kt. I didn't realize that I didn't have treasure and when Cockatrice told me about it, I got enough treasure and told them it should be good now. The trade was cancelled and I waited for a reply. Imagine my surprise when I was told that the dragons just disappeared! I did not have them in my lair and they weren't in Cockatrice's lair. I don't know where they went, but let's hope they didn't just vanish.
Not sure if this will help, but I figured that I should mention that this was the fourth trade that was sent between Cockatrice and I over the span of a few minutes.
Here's my details for what Cockatrice put down!

Browser(s) Used

Browser(s) Version

49.0.2623.110 m

Device(s) Used

Device Operating System

Operating System Version
Windows 10

Internet Connection Type
Wifi (at my school so idk what type they use)

Antivirus Installed
AVG, Malwarebytes Aniti-Malware Free

Antivirus Version
both of them are up to date

Describe the bug in detail:
Cockatrice initiated a trade with me for three dragons and I posted a price of 12kt. I didn't realize that I didn't have treasure and when Cockatrice told me about it, I got enough treasure and told them it should be good now. The trade was cancelled and I waited for a reply. Imagine my surprise when I was told that the dragons just disappeared! I did not have them in my lair and they weren't in Cockatrice's lair. I don't know where they went, but let's hope they didn't just vanish.
Not sure if this will help, but I figured that I should mention that this was the fourth trade that was sent between Cockatrice and I over the span of a few minutes.

Undefined variable: content (View: /home/vhosts/ in /c33dd90552d7cabc6007faa23e1c2c63 Line 30

tried to make something in the Baldwin's Bubbling Brew but couldent find the page?

Undefined variable: content (View: /home/vhosts/ in /c33dd90552d7cabc6007faa23e1c2c63 Line 30

tried to make something in the Baldwin's Bubbling Brew but couldent find the page?
Hi, I'm not sure if this has been reported before or not, as I just barely logged in for the first time in many months, so I apologize if this is a long-standing thing you already know about. I read a few pages back in the bug reports and didn't see anyone talk about it, so...

Browser(s) Used
Google Chrome

Device(s) Used
HP Windows laptop

Device Operating System
Windows 8

Operating System Version

Internet Connection Type
Wi fi

Antivirus Installed

Describe the bug in detail
In the Coliseum, during battles if enemies have effects placed on them, like bleedout or contusion, there's a graphical error where the effect image (like the blood drop) will be copied two or three times around the enemy, sometimes including pieces of the enemy's sprite as well. It seemed to happen with every enemy type.

If you haven't heard this little bug before I'd be happy to test on mobile, other browsers, and grab a screenshot for you.
Hi, I'm not sure if this has been reported before or not, as I just barely logged in for the first time in many months, so I apologize if this is a long-standing thing you already know about. I read a few pages back in the bug reports and didn't see anyone talk about it, so...

Browser(s) Used
Google Chrome

Device(s) Used
HP Windows laptop

Device Operating System
Windows 8

Operating System Version

Internet Connection Type
Wi fi

Antivirus Installed

Describe the bug in detail
In the Coliseum, during battles if enemies have effects placed on them, like bleedout or contusion, there's a graphical error where the effect image (like the blood drop) will be copied two or three times around the enemy, sometimes including pieces of the enemy's sprite as well. It seemed to happen with every enemy type.

If you haven't heard this little bug before I'd be happy to test on mobile, other browsers, and grab a screenshot for you.
Fletcher/ Kin | FR+1:00
any pronouns

Hatchery || Playlist Shop
Wishlist || IG
[quote name="Lomedraug" date=2016-03-30 17:49:41] Describe the bug in detail: The last few trades I've received in the crossroads, I've not gotten notifications for them. I've refreshed the page, reset the cookies, and tried everything I can think of. The notification notice just doesn't pop up. It's happened on all 3 devices separately. [/quote] same has happened to me but with only 1 way trades.
Lomedraug wrote on 2016-03-30:

Describe the bug in detail:

The last few trades I've received in the crossroads, I've not gotten notifications for them. I've refreshed the page, reset the cookies, and tried everything I can think of. The notification notice just doesn't pop up. It's happened on all 3 devices separately.
same has happened to me but with only 1 way trades.
Ambushes for sale! (pinkerton keeps giving them to me). PM me and we can work out a price.

Must have many Enchanted Orca Necklacesssss
Tried to reply to a CR chat message. Got a bug pop up that sat to post here and include the following:
Undefined variable: content (View: /home/vhosts/ in /c33dd90552d7cabc6007faa23e1c2c63 Line 30
Tried to reply to a CR chat message. Got a bug pop up that sat to post here and include the following:
Undefined variable: content (View: /home/vhosts/ in /c33dd90552d7cabc6007faa23e1c2c63 Line 30
Browser(s) Used

Most recent chrome update

Device(s) Used


Device Operating System

windows 10

Internet Connection Type

Wireless home netword

Antivirus Installed

None beyond windows firewall and the avast plug in on chrome.

Describe the bug in detail:

Trading a swallows wing fan for the accent forgotten by birdskull. they sent a CR, i added the fan. they approved. They received the fan and i did not recieve the accent. Birdskull was kind enough to send me the accent via PM but this is still... odd.
Browser(s) Used

Most recent chrome update

Device(s) Used


Device Operating System

windows 10

Internet Connection Type

Wireless home netword

Antivirus Installed

None beyond windows firewall and the avast plug in on chrome.

Describe the bug in detail:

Trading a swallows wing fan for the accent forgotten by birdskull. they sent a CR, i added the fan. they approved. They received the fan and i did not recieve the accent. Birdskull was kind enough to send me the accent via PM but this is still... odd.
I collect Tengu Callers and Greybeak Reapers!

I will pay 5kt/5g per familiar
In crossroads

Well, this is embarassing

It looks like something went wrong. The place to let us know about this would be in the bug report forum.
If you post a report, please include the following information:
Undefined variable: content (View: /home/vhosts/ in /c33dd90552d7cabc6007faa23e1c2c63 Line 30
In crossroads

Well, this is embarassing

It looks like something went wrong. The place to let us know about this would be in the bug report forum.
If you post a report, please include the following information:
Undefined variable: content (View: /home/vhosts/ in /c33dd90552d7cabc6007faa23e1c2c63 Line 30
Browser(s) Used: google chrome Browser(s) Version: 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit) Device(s) Used: macbook laptop Device Operating System: el capitan Internet Connection Type: wireless, home Describe the bug in detail: So all day the little icon that is supposed to be what you push to make the little conversation chat thing in the crossroads has been loading as an x and not displaying the image, but just now I got it [url=]loading as a piece of apparel instead.[/url] edit: got this this morning: [url=][img][/img][/url] That tiny image is definitely a dragon from my lair. I have no idea what is going on! Very strange. edit: and just now[url=]this[/url]
Browser(s) Used: google chrome

Browser(s) Version: 49.0.2623.112 (64-bit)

Device(s) Used: macbook laptop

Device Operating System: el capitan

Internet Connection Type: wireless, home

Describe the bug in detail: So all day the little icon that is supposed to be what you push to make the little conversation chat thing in the crossroads has been loading as an x and not displaying the image, but just now I got it loading as a piece of apparel instead.

edit: got this this morning:


That tiny image is definitely a dragon from my lair. I have no idea what is going on!

Very strange.

edit: and just nowthis
Browser(s) Used Chrome, Safari Browser(s) Version Latest edition of both Device(s) Used Desktop, Laptop, iPad Device Operating System Windows 7, Windows 10, whatever the latest iPad update is. Operating System Version latest version of all Internet Connection Type Work, Home Wireless Antivirus Installed Avast and Norton Antivirus Version Most up-to-date Describe the bug in detail: I have been trying to accept a crossroad from someone for a dragon and each time I get the message of "One or more dragons in this trade are in a coliseum Party." The other person has removed her from their coli party, we've resent the crossroad, but it's still popping up. I just want the dragon and it's frustrating me completely because I'm at a loss of what to do. Include any screenshots you think may be relevant. [img][/img]
Browser(s) Used

Chrome, Safari

Browser(s) Version

Latest edition of both

Device(s) Used

Desktop, Laptop, iPad

Device Operating System

Windows 7, Windows 10, whatever the latest iPad update is.

Operating System Version

latest version of all

Internet Connection Type

Work, Home Wireless

Antivirus Installed

Avast and Norton

Antivirus Version

Most up-to-date

Describe the bug in detail:

I have been trying to accept a crossroad from someone for a dragon and each time I get the message of "One or more dragons in this trade are in a coliseum Party." The other person has removed her from their coli party, we've resent the crossroad, but it's still popping up. I just want the dragon and it's frustrating me completely because I'm at a loss of what to do.

Include any screenshots you think may be relevant.
