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TOPIC | [T] Login Issues Data Collection
  • Browser:

  • Connection Method:
    Wired home network

  • Device:

  • Issue:
    FR logs out upon closing my browser while "Remember me" is checked

  • Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
    Cleared cache and cookies, rebooted browser
  • Browser:

  • Connection Method:
    Wired home network

  • Device:

  • Issue:
    FR logs out upon closing my browser while "Remember me" is checked

  • Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
    Cleared cache and cookies, rebooted browser
Check out my FR Blog!


Connection Method:
Wireless School Network (Not sure what provider)
Wireless Home Connection (Verizon)

Macbook Pro Retina

Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
1) I am not recognized as logged in when I visit the front page. If I click any links on the sidebar, it tells me I need to be logged in to view them. However, if I click on the "x number of comments" link on one of the front-page newsposts, I am redirected to the forums where I am recognized as logged in.

2) When I try to visit my message center it says I'm not logged in. I need to re-type my username and password before it will let me look at it.

Connection Method:
Wireless School Network (Not sure what provider)
Wireless Home Connection (Verizon)

Macbook Pro Retina

Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
1) I am not recognized as logged in when I visit the front page. If I click any links on the sidebar, it tells me I need to be logged in to view them. However, if I click on the "x number of comments" link on one of the front-page newsposts, I am redirected to the forums where I am recognized as logged in.

2) When I try to visit my message center it says I'm not logged in. I need to re-type my username and password before it will let me look at it.
Browser: Chrome
Connection Method: Wireless Home Connection (Sky Broadband)
Device: Laptop (Windows 7)
Issue: FR logs me out upon closing my browser/closing all tabs with FR


Browser: Safari
Connection Method: Wireless Home Internet (Sky Broadband), also various other wifi networks/wifi hotspots
Device: iPod Touch
Issue: Can't log in on any page. I get redirected to, and try and log in there. It loads for a moment but then stops and nothing happens

Aaaaand I'm not sure if this counts but I'll put it anyway just in case it proves useful

Browser: Chrome (on my phone)
Connection Method: Wireless Home Internet (Sky Broadband), Wireless University Network, Mobile Data Connection, various
Device: Huawei Ascend Mate (Android phone)
Issue: Upon trying to log in on I get a security warning, telling me that the site may not be safe, or may be trying to steal my password/information etc.
What I do to resolve the issue: Click advanced options (or similar), then click "log in anyway"
Browser: Chrome
Connection Method: Wireless Home Connection (Sky Broadband)
Device: Laptop (Windows 7)
Issue: FR logs me out upon closing my browser/closing all tabs with FR


Browser: Safari
Connection Method: Wireless Home Internet (Sky Broadband), also various other wifi networks/wifi hotspots
Device: iPod Touch
Issue: Can't log in on any page. I get redirected to, and try and log in there. It loads for a moment but then stops and nothing happens

Aaaaand I'm not sure if this counts but I'll put it anyway just in case it proves useful

Browser: Chrome (on my phone)
Connection Method: Wireless Home Internet (Sky Broadband), Wireless University Network, Mobile Data Connection, various
Device: Huawei Ascend Mate (Android phone)
Issue: Upon trying to log in on I get a security warning, telling me that the site may not be safe, or may be trying to steal my password/information etc.
What I do to resolve the issue: Click advanced options (or similar), then click "log in anyway"
•Connection Method:
cable wired
•Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
re-logged in

Typically happens when I change the page to anything other than my lair. Front page, logged out. Messages, logged out. Not sure about other pages as after I log in I'm good for a little bit but then it does it again.
•Connection Method:
cable wired
•Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
re-logged in

Typically happens when I change the page to anything other than my lair. Front page, logged out. Messages, logged out. Not sure about other pages as after I log in I'm good for a little bit but then it does it again.
Safari, Mac OS X Mavericks
•Connection Method:
•Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
deleted browser cache, restarted browser, deleted cookies, unchecked "Remember me". I still get logged out seemingly randomly, while looking at dragons in my lair, sometimes between loading one dragon's page and the next. Usually doesn't log me out while I'm actually in battle in the Coliseum.
Safari, Mac OS X Mavericks
•Connection Method:
•Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
deleted browser cache, restarted browser, deleted cookies, unchecked "Remember me". I still get logged out seemingly randomly, while looking at dragons in my lair, sometimes between loading one dragon's page and the next. Usually doesn't log me out while I'm actually in battle in the Coliseum.
Browser: Firefox
Connection Method: USB tethering
Login works perfectly now for me, with one exception. Once a day, my cookie expires, so now I have to log in the first time I use the site each day.

Tonight, after midnight my local time (Mountain), which was 23h 20m server time, I also had to log in again, so this was not happening each day during the 0h - 0h 30m regular maintenance shutdown as I thought.
Browser: Firefox
Connection Method: USB tethering
Login works perfectly now for me, with one exception. Once a day, my cookie expires, so now I have to log in the first time I use the site each day.

Tonight, after midnight my local time (Mountain), which was 23h 20m server time, I also had to log in again, so this was not happening each day during the 0h - 0h 30m regular maintenance shutdown as I thought.
Browser: Opera
Connection Method: Wireless/Satellite
Device: Laptop
I try to log in to the dodgy www1 part of the site and all I get is "Whoops, Looks like something went wrong" normal www. is working fine as usual. But that means I can't get to my messages at all.

Steps taken to fix the issue:
Suggest going back to what worked? because this www1 business has been nothing but problems since it's happened.

I did clear my cache, unchecked the remember me box and no change.
Browser: Opera
Connection Method: Wireless/Satellite
Device: Laptop
I try to log in to the dodgy www1 part of the site and all I get is "Whoops, Looks like something went wrong" normal www. is working fine as usual. But that means I can't get to my messages at all.

Steps taken to fix the issue:
Suggest going back to what worked? because this www1 business has been nothing but problems since it's happened.

I did clear my cache, unchecked the remember me box and no change.
Regardless of what page I am currently on, when I click on Messages, it sends me to the www1 address, noauth page. I have to log in again and it sends me to the main page instead of my Messages page. When I click the Remember Me checkbox, it does not remember me. (By comparison, I rarely have to log in to the main www. pages because it always remembers me, unless I catch the rollover by accident.)

FireFox 32.0.1
Connection Method:
Wireless Home Internet
PC Laptop
Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
Log out, log in, from www1. But it happens every day because it does not Remember Me.
Regardless of what page I am currently on, when I click on Messages, it sends me to the www1 address, noauth page. I have to log in again and it sends me to the main page instead of my Messages page. When I click the Remember Me checkbox, it does not remember me. (By comparison, I rarely have to log in to the main www. pages because it always remembers me, unless I catch the rollover by accident.)

FireFox 32.0.1
Connection Method:
Wireless Home Internet
PC Laptop
Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
Log out, log in, from www1. But it happens every day because it does not Remember Me.
Connection Method:
Wireless School Network
Acer laptop
Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
Cleared cookies, restarted computer, logged out and back in

My actual problem is that I'm recognized as logged in on most pages, but if I try to access my message center from a page that is not a www1 page, such as from my lair rather than the home page, the site logs me out.
Connection Method:
Wireless School Network
Acer laptop
Steps that you took to resolve the issue:
Cleared cookies, restarted computer, logged out and back in

My actual problem is that I'm recognized as logged in on most pages, but if I try to access my message center from a page that is not a www1 page, such as from my lair rather than the home page, the site logs me out.
Connection Method:
Wireless School Network
Steps Taken to resolve issue:
Cleared Cache & Cookies, Logged in and out

(And I'm STILL having issues :/ )
Connection Method:
Wireless School Network
Steps Taken to resolve issue:
Cleared Cache & Cookies, Logged in and out

(And I'm STILL having issues :/ )