Something lurks beneath the sands...
[Image Description: A banner image of a rocky landscape. In the foreground is a horned dragon, her neck curved and pulled back as if to strike. She has a large frill on her head which runs down to the dorsal frill/fin on her back. Her gens are Sailfish and Marlin that display dark blue, light blue, pale yellow, pink, and bright purple with dark blue spot markings in columns down her fin and body. The words "Ancient Breeds" and "Sandsurge A New Ancient Breed" are overlaid on the image.]

Working beneath the sands of the Shifting Expanse with only a telltale fin in the distance to mark their prescence, the Sandsurge have been uncovered, ...much to their dismay. Now they have all these dragons coming to visit them, talking to them, asking them for things, and offering suggestions on how to improve their workflow; it's awful! Dragons are the worst. Perhaps your clan will offer shelter to these independent engineers!

You can read more about public discovery of the Sandsurge in our short story, The Cost of Efficiency, and gain some knowledge of their characteristics in the Encyclopedia.
If you’re looking to change your dragons into an Sandsurge, breed change scrolls may be purchased from the gem marketplace.
Glorious Gifts and Brews:
To celebrate the debut of the Sandsurge breed, all active players can visit Galore’s Glorious Gifts and pick up a Sandskink to celebrate the release of the Sandsurge Dragons! Additional copies of Sandskink can be brewed at Baldwin's for this release, after which they will retire.
You will have until Wednesday, July 26th @ 06:00 server time to claim your gift and start your brews.
Sandsurge Genes: Unique & Parallel
It wouldn't be an Ancient Breed release without an impressive slate of unique and parallel genes!

Unique Genes
You can pick up the following unique Sandsurge genes in the Treasure & Gem Marketplace:
You can create the following unique Sandsurge genes using Baldwin’s Bubbling Brew:
You can find the following unique Sandsurge genes by battling monsters in the Coliseum:
Parallel Genes
In addition to the unique genes above, Sandsurge can also exhibit some parallel genes that resemble those found in modern dragons. These genes will be available through the same type of gameplay (with the exception of Boulder, Myrid, ground, Fissure, and Smirch, which are available through Baldwin) that their modern counterparts are. The parallel genes releasing today are:
Sandsurge Forum Vista
You can show off your newfound Sandsurge appreciation by sporting the following forum vista, now available in the Treasure Marketplace:
New Emojis
A set of frilly Sandsurge emojis are now available!

New Achievement
A new achievement It's Electrifying is now available! To unlock this achievement, obtain a Sandsurge dragon through hatching, Crossroads, or the Auction House.

Ancient Issues
We want to acknowledge a couple of outstanding issues with ancient breeds.
Ancient Gene Bloat:
As we mentioned previously, we are aware of the gene bloat that ancient genes present and how it's negatively impacting your experience in scrying workshop, the auction house, the marketplace, and around the site. We are actively discussing how to address these areas around and after updates to accessibility and the skin system revamp. We apologize for the inconvenience and any frustration caused by the gene bloat and thank you for your patience while we work to address this. The Ancient Gene exchange shop detailed previously will be launching in late summer/early autumn.
Ancient Gene Errors:
The gene error threads for Undertide and Aether are incomplete. We acknowledge that the delay in correcting these has been egregious, and we apologize for the extended delay and the impact these gene errors have had on your dragons. We intend to focus on any immediate Sandsurge errors for this week, but after Thundercrack Carnivale it is our intention to return to the Undertide and Aether threads and correct any issues we can confirm as being errors. Thank you again for your patience while we work to address this.