
Announcements & News

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TOPIC | Dev Update: Achievements & Anniversary
Fantastic! Big Props to the dev team for what's been done so far and what they're working on now! I really look forward to seeing how things play out! [emoji=wildclaw star size=1]
Fantastic! Big Props to the dev team for what's been done so far and what they're working on now! I really look forward to seeing how things play out!
"Pretty sure that normal is the weird you're used to..."
I'm glad about achievements making a return next year since it was one of my favorite things to do as a pass-the-time type of thing.
I'm glad about achievements making a return next year since it was one of my favorite things to do as a pass-the-time type of thing.
A dragon dressed up as bubbles and fish that has a Bio full of lesser known tips and tricks to Flight Rising
WHOO ACHIEVEMENT HUNTING RETURNS! I’ve always loved doing that. And now with currency involved? It’s gonna be so fun. Time to see those numbers tick up and up and up!
WHOO ACHIEVEMENT HUNTING RETURNS! I’ve always loved doing that. And now with currency involved? It’s gonna be so fun. Time to see those numbers tick up and up and up!
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> Will new system count the stuff we did in the past, or have collected in all this time, or will everybody start fresh? Just a personal opinion. And an idea. I'm a relatively old, mid-to-old account. I have some game experience--- I've lived through a variety of its aspects, not all, but many; though I still have things to explore, they seem to be in the minority. And I'm of that type of player that doesn't do any game achievements just for themselves. I just play and when something completes I'm like oh, a surprise, cool! but when nothing completes I don't even look that way. More to say, when Fiona came in I had many feats already accomplished and had just to claim rewards. That was nice, and I like receiving gifts, but I felt like treasures rain down on me who haven't earn them, it was just too much for nothing. The prizes lost some value for me. The new ones I do specially are valuable enough though. So I'll be glad to start fresh! Though I do have some pleasure in claiming things that got completed retroactively (and I realize there might be a lot of people that take really great pleasure in that), my point is there could be few such achievements with the majority of uncompleted ones for both newbies, oldies and mammoths. But how?.. I think this may be done by minimizing tasks that require you to collect something, be it items, dragon levels, currency, lair slots... We have plenty of item collecting tasks in Den slots and they're good! But achievements could rather focus on actions. That will also differentiate them hugely from Den slot tasks (as someone asked before). [emoji=coatl star size=1]
> Will new system count the stuff we did in the past, or have collected in all this time, or will everybody start fresh?

Just a personal opinion. And an idea.
I'm a relatively old, mid-to-old account. I have some game experience--- I've lived through a variety of its aspects, not all, but many; though I still have things to explore, they seem to be in the minority. And I'm of that type of player that doesn't do any game achievements just for themselves. I just play and when something completes I'm like oh, a surprise, cool! but when nothing completes I don't even look that way.

More to say, when Fiona came in I had many feats already accomplished and had just to claim rewards. That was nice, and I like receiving gifts, but I felt like treasures rain down on me who haven't earn them, it was just too much for nothing. The prizes lost some value for me. The new ones I do specially are valuable enough though.

So I'll be glad to start fresh! Though I do have some pleasure in claiming things that got completed retroactively (and I realize there might be a lot of people that take really great pleasure in that), my point is there could be few such achievements with the majority of uncompleted ones for both newbies, oldies and mammoths. But how?..
I think this may be done by minimizing tasks that require you to collect something, be it items, dragon levels, currency, lair slots... We have plenty of item collecting tasks in Den slots and they're good! But achievements could rather focus on actions. That will also differentiate them hugely from Den slot tasks (as someone asked before).

Pixel Teapot Wind and Nature joined emblem Ursegal Project emblem
Oooohhh nice! Hopefully no achievements are locked behind acual playtime, i don't want new players to be locked out of a hard earned 100% just because they didn't play at lauch year of FR to get that "Play FR for 10 years" achievement
Oooohhh nice! Hopefully no achievements are locked behind acual playtime, i don't want new players to be locked out of a hard earned 100% just because they didn't play at lauch year of FR to get that "Play FR for 10 years" achievement
FR+9 | cQS6PnX.png | german
- No voice to cry suffering. -
No random friend requests

Yooo!! Achievements!!! I love completing achievements (I'm a completionist lol) So excited for when it comes out!!! [emoji=undertide star size=1]
Yooo!! Achievements!!! I love completing achievements (I'm a completionist lol) So excited for when it comes out!!!

AroAce Nonbinary

Achievements! Awesome! I'm more of a lore person myself, but it'll still be cool to see if my Clan manages to obtain some achievements while I'm playing through the game.
Achievements! Awesome! I'm more of a lore person myself, but it'll still be cool to see if my Clan manages to obtain some achievements while I'm playing through the game.
very exciting :) looking forward to it, thanks!
very exciting :) looking forward to it, thanks!
[quote name="@Xhaztol" date="2022-12-13 12:31:41" ] Sorry, forgot that important part: the currency will not be tradeable - it's intended to be a personal stash for your personal accomplishments. [/quote] A while back admin floated the idea of players being able to buy rewards that were clan-locked and it was A Very Disliked Idea. I forget if that was for coli or achieves or something else... The CURRENCY being non-tradeable is fine and dandy, but will the rewards purchased with the points be clanbound, or will they be tradeable?
@Xhaztol wrote on 2022-12-13 12:31:41:

Sorry, forgot that important part: the currency will not be tradeable - it's intended to be a personal stash for your personal accomplishments.

A while back admin floated the idea of players being able to buy rewards that were clan-locked and it was A Very Disliked Idea. I forget if that was for coli or achieves or something else...

The CURRENCY being non-tradeable is fine and dandy, but will the rewards purchased with the points be clanbound, or will they be tradeable?
Yay, achievements! It's exciting to see they're finally returning, I look forward to it, but I do have two things I'm really wondering in terms of how this might operate.

While I don't mind at all having to start over on the system as a whole, as has been stated, (breed a dragon with Stripes, train a dragon to level 25, or the like), I really wonder what happens if there's achievements that you literally can't 'do over' in any fashion. Some of the old ones were very specific (like 'reach level 40 in digging' or 'upgrade to an Ancient Lair,' to name a couple), or there's even some new possibilities that didn't used to exist but might not be completable in a similar vein (something like 'unlock fifty hibernal den slots' would be problematic for the people that have unlocked them all already, for example). Is the game going to be able to recognize and give those sorts of achievements to the people that have already achieved them? Or are there going to just not be achievements that are potentially 'impossible' in that fashion?

I also think someone else asked this before but I can't find it and I didn't see an answer either, and I'm kinda curious about it. If you complete, say, a daily pursuit, but you forget to claim it on the page for your progress bar before the rollover, what happens then? Do you lose it entirely? Or, does it replace one of your new daily ones until you claim it, possibly costing you one of the new ones? Does it instead just stay on a separate 'completed and needs claiming' spot on the page? Or is that one of the things still being looked into, even?

Thank you very much for all the hard work on this site! I really do look forward to the return of the achievements, I've kind of missed working on them like I did back in the day!
Yay, achievements! It's exciting to see they're finally returning, I look forward to it, but I do have two things I'm really wondering in terms of how this might operate.

While I don't mind at all having to start over on the system as a whole, as has been stated, (breed a dragon with Stripes, train a dragon to level 25, or the like), I really wonder what happens if there's achievements that you literally can't 'do over' in any fashion. Some of the old ones were very specific (like 'reach level 40 in digging' or 'upgrade to an Ancient Lair,' to name a couple), or there's even some new possibilities that didn't used to exist but might not be completable in a similar vein (something like 'unlock fifty hibernal den slots' would be problematic for the people that have unlocked them all already, for example). Is the game going to be able to recognize and give those sorts of achievements to the people that have already achieved them? Or are there going to just not be achievements that are potentially 'impossible' in that fashion?

I also think someone else asked this before but I can't find it and I didn't see an answer either, and I'm kinda curious about it. If you complete, say, a daily pursuit, but you forget to claim it on the page for your progress bar before the rollover, what happens then? Do you lose it entirely? Or, does it replace one of your new daily ones until you claim it, possibly costing you one of the new ones? Does it instead just stay on a separate 'completed and needs claiming' spot on the page? Or is that one of the things still being looked into, even?

Thank you very much for all the hard work on this site! I really do look forward to the return of the achievements, I've kind of missed working on them like I did back in the day!