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TOPIC | A Bear Update: Poll
I vothed for Joxar's spare inventory, but either way is fine by me.
I vothed for Joxar's spare inventory, but either way is fine by me.
NOTE: Dergs in my lair with scries are just ideas, & are subject to change/not final.
hey @undel, here's an idea. When you change the options for a poll... START A NEW POLL. I would have voted for the jorax option with the new option and not the NoN option but I voted before the option had changed so I guess my vote is just gonna have to forever be for something I don't want. Cool.
hey @undel, here's an idea. When you change the options for a poll... START A NEW POLL. I would have voted for the jorax option with the new option and not the NoN option but I voted before the option had changed so I guess my vote is just gonna have to forever be for something I don't want. Cool.
this thread is so saltee
this thread is so saltee
b e g o n e b e a r s
b e g o n e b e a r s
Seems like a great idea
Seems like a great idea
Seconding @Alliance, I voted before there was clarification and im sad now
Seconding @Alliance, I voted before there was clarification and im sad now
tumblr_inline_p1591eMPrN1tc3swm_540.gif Shyads, He/They
Dragons with Art
Free to use Graphics
But what about every other Festival Familiar? They've all been retired after their respective Festival; the Bears should have never been any different. Why not retire them? The point of limited items, which every Festival item barring the Emblems (and Bears obviously) is, is that they are only available for a certain period of time before no longer being available (aside from getting them from other people).

By the logic of 'keep them around so everyone has a chance to get them always', then every single Festival item that's already been released, every limited/retired item period, should be reintroduced, including KS and Beta items. Every item that's ever introduced in the future, including Festival ones, should never be retired.
But what about every other Festival Familiar? They've all been retired after their respective Festival; the Bears should have never been any different. Why not retire them? The point of limited items, which every Festival item barring the Emblems (and Bears obviously) is, is that they are only available for a certain period of time before no longer being available (aside from getting them from other people).

By the logic of 'keep them around so everyone has a chance to get them always', then every single Festival item that's already been released, every limited/retired item period, should be reintroduced, including KS and Beta items. Every item that's ever introduced in the future, including Festival ones, should never be retired.
0lSM1SJ.png t1eU2lt.pngWishlist
vote option always good yes
vote option always good yes
@Elai Sprites and KS items were retired. Bears were not retired, goblins were not and the elemental animals won't be. I'm not talking bringing things out of retirement, I'm saying, it's not been retired, and now we know that this site is likely going to last a good long time with lots of players, don't retire them. It's a pity that JSI didn't exist from the start, because the tiny userbase around when light sprites were released couldn't pick up enough to satisfy the needs of the community going forward. Let's just not have that problem, leave them active with low RNG. My logic is don't retire things anymore as it causes ridiculousness and greed, I never want to see a bear being sold for 4mill gold to a newer player.
@Elai Sprites and KS items were retired. Bears were not retired, goblins were not and the elemental animals won't be. I'm not talking bringing things out of retirement, I'm saying, it's not been retired, and now we know that this site is likely going to last a good long time with lots of players, don't retire them. It's a pity that JSI didn't exist from the start, because the tiny userbase around when light sprites were released couldn't pick up enough to satisfy the needs of the community going forward. Let's just not have that problem, leave them active with low RNG. My logic is don't retire things anymore as it causes ridiculousness and greed, I never want to see a bear being sold for 4mill gold to a newer player.
Shade Possession Suggestion Thread

A deity is a god. A diety is a weight loss prayer~!
LotusCandy wrote on 2017-06-15: