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TOPIC | A Bear Update: Poll
They should be retired for numerous reasons. For one, it acts as a goal/incentive for a lot of people. There are entire groups of folk out there saving up for things like KS/Beta Fams and Apparel, other rare things, etc. If you weren't around when something was released, you work towards earning it if you really want it. For another, it devalues what *should* remain a special, less-common-than-Baldwin-fodder item. Festival Familiars are NOT regular Familiars. Is it suddenly a bad thing for something to remain limited so it's valuable?

The Bears should retire. Everything from Festivals should retire after their respective Festival. There's nothing wrong with having things that not everyone will have. I'll never get KS or Beta things because I wasn't there for it all. I'll never get a Light or Fire Sprite because I wasn't around for those and they're far too expensive for me to bother with. Only way I'm getting these things is if I win them in a raffle.

It should be overwhelmingly obvious that most people are okay with things retiring, but ESPECIALLY the Bears. They have, quite simply, overstayed their welcome by a ridiculous length of time. If you really want them to still be available, make them Baldwin Brews during Festivals or available in some other shop where people who actually WANT them can get them, and the rest of us don't have to see YET ANOTHER BEAR come out of a Chest instead of an item of higher value or that's wanted more.

It could also be noted that saying "let's make them available always" could be greedy in a sense too, since it implies entitlement and a lack of being willing to put forth the effort and funds towards having something rare. Not saying that about you specifically, just the idea in general.
They should be retired for numerous reasons. For one, it acts as a goal/incentive for a lot of people. There are entire groups of folk out there saving up for things like KS/Beta Fams and Apparel, other rare things, etc. If you weren't around when something was released, you work towards earning it if you really want it. For another, it devalues what *should* remain a special, less-common-than-Baldwin-fodder item. Festival Familiars are NOT regular Familiars. Is it suddenly a bad thing for something to remain limited so it's valuable?

The Bears should retire. Everything from Festivals should retire after their respective Festival. There's nothing wrong with having things that not everyone will have. I'll never get KS or Beta things because I wasn't there for it all. I'll never get a Light or Fire Sprite because I wasn't around for those and they're far too expensive for me to bother with. Only way I'm getting these things is if I win them in a raffle.

It should be overwhelmingly obvious that most people are okay with things retiring, but ESPECIALLY the Bears. They have, quite simply, overstayed their welcome by a ridiculous length of time. If you really want them to still be available, make them Baldwin Brews during Festivals or available in some other shop where people who actually WANT them can get them, and the rest of us don't have to see YET ANOTHER BEAR come out of a Chest instead of an item of higher value or that's wanted more.

It could also be noted that saying "let's make them available always" could be greedy in a sense too, since it implies entitlement and a lack of being willing to put forth the effort and funds towards having something rare. Not saying that about you specifically, just the idea in general.
0lSM1SJ.png t1eU2lt.pngWishlist
I'm skimming through these comments, and it appears that a few folk here don't seem to realise that by adding them to Joxar's Spare Inventory they'll be appearing as an additional bonus item; not take up any slots in the boxes. I don't see the issue with this at all. Even if the Bears were to be retired, they're still going to remain as cheap as chips, so they might as well still stick around.

I don't have too many strong opinions regarding them; I feel as though the admins slipped up when they were introduced to Night of the Nocturne, I believe simply adding the recolours and not the originals would have been a better approach, but this can all be seen as a learning experience for the future. I like the designs of the Bears, but I did get annoyed when I popped a NotN chest open to be greeted with one. That's, quite literally the only thing that's ever bothered me about them.

A lot of people in this thread need to honestly calm down.
I'm skimming through these comments, and it appears that a few folk here don't seem to realise that by adding them to Joxar's Spare Inventory they'll be appearing as an additional bonus item; not take up any slots in the boxes. I don't see the issue with this at all. Even if the Bears were to be retired, they're still going to remain as cheap as chips, so they might as well still stick around.

I don't have too many strong opinions regarding them; I feel as though the admins slipped up when they were introduced to Night of the Nocturne, I believe simply adding the recolours and not the originals would have been a better approach, but this can all be seen as a learning experience for the future. I like the designs of the Bears, but I did get annoyed when I popped a NotN chest open to be greeted with one. That's, quite literally the only thing that's ever bothered me about them.

A lot of people in this thread need to honestly calm down.
[quote name="shadowmaat" date=2017-11-20 20:38:00] That's the perfect solution to the Annual Bear Melodrama. Move 'em to Spare Inventory and then only the people who actually want them can get them. ;) [/quote]
shadowmaat wrote on 2017-11-20:
That's the perfect solution to the Annual Bear Melodrama. Move 'em to Spare Inventory and then only the people who actually want them can get them. ;)
XtPnxm4.png achievement.png FObX7rS.png
@Elai it wouldn't be instead of anything, and there are plenty of items in Spare Inventory that aren't valuable anyway. Also, saying the "majority of players" are for retiring would be an assumption that you're making because that's what you support. You have no way of knowing what the majority of players want, you only know that a number of players who have commented want to retire the bears. I know that there were suggestions for AGES about not retiring things anymore, and unretiring the things that already retired. *shrug* I think the drama is pretty silly. I don't support retiring anything going forward, because while it's nice to have something to work towards, people joining in 10 years would have fourteen years worth of items to "save up" for, it just wouldn't be possible. We already have super expensive items to save up for.
@Elai it wouldn't be instead of anything, and there are plenty of items in Spare Inventory that aren't valuable anyway. Also, saying the "majority of players" are for retiring would be an assumption that you're making because that's what you support. You have no way of knowing what the majority of players want, you only know that a number of players who have commented want to retire the bears. I know that there were suggestions for AGES about not retiring things anymore, and unretiring the things that already retired. *shrug* I think the drama is pretty silly. I don't support retiring anything going forward, because while it's nice to have something to work towards, people joining in 10 years would have fourteen years worth of items to "save up" for, it just wouldn't be possible. We already have super expensive items to save up for.
I don't even know. [img]/dgen/dressing-room/dragon?did=36556437&skin=0&apparel=17137,2564,17909&xt=dressing.png[/img] I am confuzzled.
I don't even know.


I am confuzzled.
Eh, I really have no opinion? Is isn't really about retiring the bears, but how do we want to get new ones. Do we want them to appear in the Joxar shop? Or to continue to appear in NOTN?

Either way, they're still taking up chances on getting more stuff...
Eh, I really have no opinion? Is isn't really about retiring the bears, but how do we want to get new ones. Do we want them to appear in the Joxar shop? Or to continue to appear in NOTN?

Either way, they're still taking up chances on getting more stuff...
wqnTQE2.png Adult Player | She/they | 3+ FR Time | Wishlist
Why can't bears just stay bears?? If I have to chose, I'd say the second choice. But why?
Why can't bears just stay bears?? If I have to chose, I'd say the second choice. But why?
Judging from a lot of posts here, I think it's fairly obvious a good number of people are sick to death of the Bears and want to see them retired. I've seen people mention it chats and stuff too before I went inactive after the first NoTN. There was concern back then and a lot of opposition to the Bears not retiring.

I support retiring Festival items, including Familiars, because they're supposed to be special. So what if people in ten years may not have them? A lot of people on this site won't have a lot of rarer items, and again there's nothing wrong with that. It's like that for a lot of sites and games. You joined after something was released? You work towards earning it if you want it.

However this isn't a thread about whether items overall should retire or not. As it stands, the Bears have had their run. Leaving them and the recolors in the Strange Chests is taking up 22 slots that could be reserved for other, more useful and valuable items. They're nothing but clutter and a waste of space. Putting them in Joxar's boxes means people may potentially waste roughly 60k. Putting them in as a bonus item takes away from getting something of better worth. They need to be removed altogether from the RNG pool if they're to stay; add them to some other method of obtaining them that only gives them if a user WANTS them, either by brewing, Swipp, etc.
Judging from a lot of posts here, I think it's fairly obvious a good number of people are sick to death of the Bears and want to see them retired. I've seen people mention it chats and stuff too before I went inactive after the first NoTN. There was concern back then and a lot of opposition to the Bears not retiring.

I support retiring Festival items, including Familiars, because they're supposed to be special. So what if people in ten years may not have them? A lot of people on this site won't have a lot of rarer items, and again there's nothing wrong with that. It's like that for a lot of sites and games. You joined after something was released? You work towards earning it if you want it.

However this isn't a thread about whether items overall should retire or not. As it stands, the Bears have had their run. Leaving them and the recolors in the Strange Chests is taking up 22 slots that could be reserved for other, more useful and valuable items. They're nothing but clutter and a waste of space. Putting them in Joxar's boxes means people may potentially waste roughly 60k. Putting them in as a bonus item takes away from getting something of better worth. They need to be removed altogether from the RNG pool if they're to stay; add them to some other method of obtaining them that only gives them if a user WANTS them, either by brewing, Swipp, etc.
0lSM1SJ.png t1eU2lt.pngWishlist

From what I've seen according to the poll, The Bears would be a bonus chance like how skins are in the Spare inventory crates, so people will not get just a bear and loose 60-80kT on a chest.

From what I've seen according to the poll, The Bears would be a bonus chance like how skins are in the Spare inventory crates, so people will not get just a bear and loose 60-80kT on a chest.
May I put that banner on my userpage? Joxar's expression is too perfect. The solution to whether he's wind or arcane? Make his eyes severely confused.
May I put that banner on my userpage? Joxar's expression is too perfect. The solution to whether he's wind or arcane? Make his eyes severely confused.
XtPnxm4.png achievement.png FObX7rS.png