
Announcements & News

The latest announcements and Flight Rising news.
TOPIC | Welcome Week - April 9-15
Welcome to all!
Welcome to all!
_ 86442671_FB8TuyD2zuusPFl.png ___ __ ALPH PHRUSSIA He/him | FR+15

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YASS, my BF in real life can finally join!!!
YASS, my BF in real life can finally join!!!
FR +9 G1 collector Wishlist AvatarMost dragons in HibDen
yarn lover, and book lover forever
welcome new players :3 i can help if needed!
welcome new players :3 i can help if needed!
Fresh meat c;
Fresh meat c;
NmS5GYp.png LRsHRNT.png b8wk9GD.png DtPHRBn.png
whale-come to flight rising

ok i had to
whale-come to flight rising

ok i had to
Welcome new peeps!

Welcome new peeps!

FR +3
Welcome to Flight Rising, newcomers! <3
Glad to see you in our community!
Welcome to Flight Rising, newcomers! <3
Glad to see you in our community!

call me dt
fr+10 | they/them | russian

english isn't my native language
so sorry about all my dumb mistakes!
item_potted_deepmine_fungi_by_dogi_crimson-daf9lz1.gif - fr tmblr
- main tmblr
- accents
- artshop
I can't wait to sea all the new players!

Actually all I care about is the festival, but I needed to make a pun.
I can't wait to sea all the new players!

Actually all I care about is the festival, but I needed to make a pun.
Welcome new folks!!!
Welcome new folks!!!