Basic to Rare: Triple Challenge!

scar66's Clan
By the light of the radiant fungi
Clan Info
A small chickadee hops experimentally from one stone bridge to the next. It's the sort of notable landmark that the small bird can use to help identify your lair for future visits.

Through the massive hollowed trunk of a fallen deadwood, following the dim lights of faintly glowing mushrooms, you, the traveler, finally stumble into a small and shallowly depressed clearing surrounded on all sides by dense treescape. The soft trickling of water from an unseen creek is the only sound you hear as it travels languidly toward the nearby river delta.
This hidden spot in the ever-blackened Tangled Wood is home to a loosely gathered pack of dragons. These dragons, together, make up the Clan of the Crystal Toadstool.
A dragon whose skin gleams in fractals under the dim earthy light approaches, asking cautiously, but not disapprovingly, of what brings you to their lair.
How will you answer?
The Crystal Toadstool is a peaceful clan and a safe haven for travelers. Their main focus, apart from aiding those who were found lost in the forest, is to cultivate the naturally occurring bioluminescent flora of the Tangled Wood. You could almost say they worship the mushrooms that provide their only source of light.
Located on a dimensional rift, the Crystal Toadstool has become a centerpoint for beings who walk the ethereal plane and can communicate with the second life. The high level of ambient spiritual energy proves to increase the potential of those who are spiritually inclined, although it does cause some dragons to experience headaches.
Clan Map

Sketch Shop
Foxfore Hatchery
I Hoard

For personal reference:

[NOTE TO FR TEAM: I share my IP with a few other people, notably my bf ScorpionTank3r. Please do not delete our accounts!]
LF DID# 278300-282259
A small chickadee hops experimentally from one stone bridge to the next. It's the sort of notable landmark that the small bird can use to help identify your lair for future visits.

Through the massive hollowed trunk of a fallen deadwood, following the dim lights of faintly glowing mushrooms, you, the traveler, finally stumble into a small and shallowly depressed clearing surrounded on all sides by dense treescape. The soft trickling of water from an unseen creek is the only sound you hear as it travels languidly toward the nearby river delta.
This hidden spot in the ever-blackened Tangled Wood is home to a loosely gathered pack of dragons. These dragons, together, make up the Clan of the Crystal Toadstool.
A dragon whose skin gleams in fractals under the dim earthy light approaches, asking cautiously, but not disapprovingly, of what brings you to their lair.
How will you answer?
The Crystal Toadstool is a peaceful clan and a safe haven for travelers. Their main focus, apart from aiding those who were found lost in the forest, is to cultivate the naturally occurring bioluminescent flora of the Tangled Wood. You could almost say they worship the mushrooms that provide their only source of light.
Located on a dimensional rift, the Crystal Toadstool has become a centerpoint for beings who walk the ethereal plane and can communicate with the second life. The high level of ambient spiritual energy proves to increase the potential of those who are spiritually inclined, although it does cause some dragons to experience headaches.
Clan Map

Sketch Shop
Foxfore Hatchery
I Hoard

For personal reference:

[NOTE TO FR TEAM: I share my IP with a few other people, notably my bf ScorpionTank3r. Please do not delete our accounts!]
LF DID# 278300-282259
Recent Comments

Dovah was on the front page!

Elior is absolutely STUNNING!! his apparel and genes suit him so well, and i love his lore!!

Lumiere was on the front page!! Such a gorgeous boy :D

Dark was on the front page! very nice

Gael is beautiful!

Galaxia was on the front page, she's beautiful!

The dragon on your signature is very pretty!

Mystic was on the front page!

sorella is gorgeous~

No problem! I'll add you down.

of course! :)

I know! I saw 98 and 70 and I just "NO. WHY!" If you check out my cyan coatl Petal, you can see I hatched 67999999 as well. Near-misses love me.
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