
The cunning captain
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Corsair's Seaspray Cap
Sociable Striped Locket
Corsair's Rusty Cutlass
Burgundy Bandana
Golden Sage Shawl
White Renaissance Shirt
Corsair's Seaspray Boots
Nomad's Sandwastes Sash
Brushhunter's Arctic Pants
Ivory Scale Tassets
Simple Gold Bracelets
Golden Sage Tassel
Simple Gold Wing Bangles
Gold Earrings of Alchemy
River Royalist Tail Rings
Scout's Tail Twist
Tanned Rogue Tail Binding
Golden Hoard
Fancy Compass


Accent: Shadowglen


Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity


4.4 m
4.55 m
506.46 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 21, 2020
(4 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
Max Level
Irradiated Scratch
Shock Bolt




  • none


Mysteries of the heart, they often say,


Tunes and other media!


Sailing Onwards
by @TheSoothsayer

On the Way to a Quest
by @MagykalWagykal


captain | thief | merchant

Age: 21
Birthdate: July 2nd
Gender: male (Please do not draw him feminine ;v; unless your artstyle is normally more feminine ^0^/)
Place of Birth: Reim
Current Residence: in Tortuga or sailing the seven seas
Likes: oceans | sailing | adventuring | sunsets | animals
Dislikes: the wealthy taking advantage of the poor | being in one place for too long

Kaiyoku is young for a pirate captain; some might say too young. What he lacks in age, he more than makes up for with his wits. Able to think circles around the opposition, there's no problem he can't scheme his way out of. He wouldn't win many contests of strength, but he can easily avoid them with his guile. He always investigates a situation before acting.

Secure in his captaincy, he occasionally hands off his role to his second in command when the mood for trouble strikes him.

In addition to being clever, he's also mischievous with a good heart. He greatly enjoys tricking the rich and redistributing their wealth. He's also not above from outright stealing from them, but tricking the rich into giving away their wealth is much more satisfying.
Copper Pocketwatch
Sinew Net
Empty Inkwell
Iron Treasure Chest



The assumption that all adolescents are brainless little mongrels, while sometimes accurate in certain cases, generally speaking, is a misassumption usually held by elders. The problem is they are not given the chance to let their talent emerge into the spotlight and be seen for all of humankind, though we should make an effort to not take their joys that may be viewed as immature by those elder than them. Special children lurk everywhere, even where you’d least expect them, and in this case, this saying speaks the truth.

An average life was all that could be said about Kaiyoku, that is until he made the bold decision to become a pirate. Now, when you think of pirates, you think of swash-buckling pirates with the intent of destruction, the discovery of treasure, and making chaos. While the treasure part may be true, for pirates can be a little greedy at times, Kaiyoku isn’t as destructive as you’d expect. He was gifted with a great mind that could philosophize and reason even better than some of the elderly of the clan who were considered impeccably wise.

Facing seas of all types, some calm and filled with kind wildlife, and others filled with monsters and turmoil threatening to break the hull as well as drown them or result in them getting shocked by lightning if they tried to escape the waves created by the great storms, Kaiyoku grew in knowledge. While slightly homesick, he managed to stay above the turmoil of life and has succeeded in finding a home at sea, where he has finally found his place where he can be his true, brainy, intelligent, dorky, and quite mischevious self.

In fact, he even stole a goat once from a town that they visited to pick up supplies for their perilous journey ahead, but sadly the pirates weren’t as excited as he was about their little, furry new friend.

@shenzy from this thread

Hasty Heist
short story from AquaPaladin’s shop
Kaiyoku stands on the bow of a large boat, watching hundreds of people trot around an even larger, bustling town. There are people from everywhere, here, haggling with shopkeepers over the price of a few shoddy pieces of clothing. It’s sad, and he’s been watching it every day for the seventeen years since he was born with poor parents and a desire to move up in the world.

He leans on the cutlass poking into the rotting wood floor, which he really should fix soon. Unfortunately, he has more important work to do at the moment. Whether they realize it or not, the people in this town need him, need a savior to defend them from the royals.

The sun is setting low, drowning in the turbulent ocean, and it’s finally his time to strike. He’s had all day to think about this, but after so many heists, it isn’t even something he has to think about anymore. It’s wired into his brain, adrenaline coursing through his veins and coming out through a sharp tongue and quick wit.

“Ready to go?” Yuqa, his first-mate asks, and he nods, stepping off the boat and breathing in the dusk air. It’s a beautiful day for a heist; a day where the rich leave their goods out to tempt the poor while they bathe in the dying sunlight.
Kaiyoku snaps his fingers and points to the left of the stands that he’s planning to rob. He’s drawn maps, written descriptions, but heisting a science, and he can never be too sure. Two members of his crew, two men almost ten years older than him, nod their confirmation and head to the ending point. Hopefully, they’ll listen to him today. People don’t always take him seriously.

He takes his position, stepping up to one of the stands and resting his arm on the desk. The man standing at it looks at him warily, stretching an arm out to pull back one of the buttoned shirts that are laid out gently on the table. Kaiyoku doesn’t need to read minds to know what he’s thinking.

“Hey,” he says. “I just wanted to let you know that I saw someone try and nab one of these dresses, a few hours ago.”

The man’s eyes widen. “What dress was it?”

“Green,” Kaiyoku responds easily. “With a floral pattern around the collar and wrists. I saw her run off that way.” He gestures vaguely towards one of the alleys. It’s a dead end. If this man had spent any time at all outside of his home besides selling clothing for outrageous prices, he would know that. He doesn’t.

“Well, why didn’t you chase her?” The shopkeeper hisses, but he takes off running anyway, sprinting down the alley. It’s terribly easy to do this. They’re much too willing to believe that everyone is a thief in this town besides them.

“Sorry,” he yells after him, and the heist begins.

Whipping off his satchel, Kaiyoku shoves three dresses in, only slightly crumpled, and tosses it to a crew member, who tosses it to the next. They can’t afford to take too many clothes, in fear that the shopkeeper will connect him and the theft, but they can take the food. Next to the apparel stand is one that’s clearly run by the same person. The same person who’s hoarding all of this food that could feed so many people.

It’s easier to steal food than clothing. He pulls out a few clumps of fur from his pocket, which he had acquired rather unconventionally. It turns out that raccoons do not like being shaved. Who knew? Either way, he had gotten it, and he positions the fur carefully around the desk, pulling a small knife out from his pocket and cutting some carefully crafted bite marks into the wood.

Another pack comes out and he shoves as much food as he can carry in; fruits, vegetables, meat that costs more than some people’s monthly budget. The pack weighs heavy on his lithe body, and he whistles to signal the lift.

One of the higher ranked crew members on the ship peers out from the roof a nearby shack, gesturing to him and tying a tight rope around the device in her hand. It sticks easily to the concrete. Kaiyoku knew it would; he had helped invent it.

Gripping the handle of his bag between his teeth and grabbing the rope with his calloused hands, he starts to climb, pulling himself up with some struggle. Up on the roof, they divide the gathered food into portions. People are gathering nonchalantly nearby, hoping to get some; by now, they know him as someone to trust.

Handing out the food is the most boring part, for him, but there’s something about helping people that still feels good. Not as good as the rush from theft, but good nonetheless.

The heist is fully completed an hour later, once some of the food and clothing has been taken back to the ship and the rest distributed to those in need. Back on the ship, Kaiyoku lays down on the stern, staring at the ocean. It’s calmer, now, as the moon rises in the sky. One day, he won’t have to do this anymore. He’ll be able to live a crime-free life, living in the city.

He hopes that day never comes.

Light of the Paths (道の光)
story from AquaPaladin’s shop

The titanic ship pulls into the cape of the island, causing ripples of cold water to splash over the sand and sink into the sun-swept grains. Kaiyoku carefully leans over the wheel, meticulously finishing up the docking. “Look how good that is,” he says, gesturing to his job well done. “So even!”

Yuqa rolls her eyes, but there’s a smile on her face. “I’m so proud. Great work, Captain.”

He grins and salutes lazily at her. “You’re doing half the work here, anyway. Where would I be without my second mate?” He tries to pull her down to give her a mocking ruffle of the hair, and she starts laughing, pushing him away.

“How much taller am I than you again?” she asks, and he shoves her away.

“Alright, no need to rub it in.” he smiles and leans down to start picking up his bags, quickly calculating how many bags he’ll need to throw over his shoulder to hold any potential items he finds on his journey. “You have my cutlass, right?”

Yuqa pulls the sword out of her belt and hands him to it, handle first. He waves the blade around, cutting through an invisible monster, and some of the eavesdropping crew back away, trying very hard to not express their worry. They always think he’s going to cut them up, no matter how many times he calls them all over and proves that his aim and skill with a cutlass is near-impeccable. The struggles of being a teenager, and younger than his entire crew, which he knows that some of them are slightly bitter about.

“Are you sure about this?” Yuqa asks, watching him carefully as he spins the cutlass. “It’s been a little while since you’ve gone off like this. It wouldn’t hurt to take someone with you. Even just a swabber to check out the area before you go in?”

Kaiyoku shakes his head. “That would ruin the adventure! What kind of pirate would I be if I had someone else do the exploring? Anyway, you’re capable of running the ship while I’m gone. It’ll be a quick island run.”

She rolls her eyes, amused. “I thought you would say that,” she pats him fondly on the shoulder. “Well, there’s no time to waste. Better get to it.”

He waves his goodbyes to the crew and Yuqa and steps down onto the sand, wishing he could take off his shoes and wiggle his toes through the grains. However, he has no time to waste; he’s here because of rumours of an artifact. In his bag is ink, a quill, and paper. He will be the first to chart an island where his are the only human feet.

It’s exhilarating.

As he gazed onto the island from his ship, it really didn’t seem that big, but it feels significantly more daunting as he actually sets foot in the sand and sees the palm trees towering over him, dancing in the wind. Fortunately, pirates love daunting adventures, and he is no different.

He starts the trek.

Kaiyoku doesn’t have a watch with him, but watching the sun move slowly over the sky seems to indicate that time is passing rather quickly. He left his ship at dawn, and the sun is already hanging heavily overhead. The trees are sweltering, droopy in the heat. Sweat rolls down his shoulders and he’s already removed his vest, wrapping the sleeves around his waist as he walks. His eyes brighten as he notices the cave ahead, an area that looks almost punched-out into the side of a craggy hill, like a massive dragon came up and scraped the stone out for purposes unknown.

He could definitely use a rest, and the dryness of that cave seems like a great place to start. Drawing his cutlass for a potential emergency, he steps carefully into the cave, fingers wrapped around the handle with his thumb poised for a swing.

As soon as he takes three strides into the cave, the rock behind him crumbles, smashing into the ground and piling up into crumbles of ancient rock. He picks up a few lumps of rock, and quickly realizes something: these aren’t real rocks.

Well, they are real rocks, in the sense that he’s touching them right now, but they aren’t natural. These rocks were deposited here by some force, and they were meant to fall down behind him.

If his steps had been a little shorter or his pace had been a little slower, he would have been crushed, bleeding out under hundreds of pounds of rocks. The thought makes him squeeze the cutlass a little tighter.

On the bright side, it’s now obvious where he needs to go; there’s a singular path, ahead of him, shrouded in shadows. The light sinking through the cracks from outside is dying as he walks forward, ending its long life in a glitter on the nearest boulder. The hallway that he walks through is thin, and as his eyes are plunged into complete darkness, he swings out his cutlass to scrape against the walls, both creating a path and assuring him that he’s still following something.

After only a few minutes of walking, the path opens up again into a larger room, where light gleams down from the ceiling, and he just barely stops himself from stepping onto a large, dark platform. Around it are many other platforms, alternating inconsistently between light and dark. Giggles fill the room, whispering through the walls and passing through his ears.

He pokes at the platform with his toe and it flips, spinning to reveal a brightness that he instinctively closes his eyes against. When he tries to pry them open, they snap shut at the searing pain that seizes his vision, stealing it away. He hears a small ‘ding’ from across the room.

He blindly smacks at the platform again, and his eyes open. A noise sounds from a wall behind him, like water extinguishing a flame. From there, it’s just figuring out the minor complexities.

Turn everything in the room to one color. This would be simple, if he wasn’t blinded while in the face of the light. Kaiyoku sits down on the floor and waves his hand over the dark platform, but it neither flips nor shows any sign of recognizing the pressure. He can’t cheat his way through this one.

He learns to shut his eyes before flipping the first platform, but putting his hand over that one doesn’t seem to do anything either, which contradicts what his plan had been. Heat should come with light, so his hand should warm up when he hovers it, but it doesn’t. He also should have known this. There’s no way somebody would set up this complex of a puzzle without preventing it from giving itself away.

His cutlass isn’t sensitive enough to heat to warm while above the light, and it takes him another fifteen minutes to figure out what is. He digs through his satchel and pulls out a canteen of water.
hSq6y3j.png Kaiyoku holds it over the lightened platform. It bubbles.

From there, it’s simple. He holds the water over a platform for a minute. If it bubbles, he jumps onto it and flips it over. If it doesn’t, he jumps over it and moves ahead. By the time he’s at the end of the corridor, adrenaline is firing off in his brain, congratulating him for his great success. It’s too late to turn back now, but he can feel the corridor ending. It’s like there’s a presence in front of him, taking his hand and gently guiding him along the passageway.

The end result is… disappointing. It’s just another room. It’s so dimly lit that he almost misses the words, carefully inscribed into the wall.

“Without me and within me is death assured, but within you I am life most pure."


“Blood? No. Not life in its purest form. Jellyfish don’t have blood, and they’re still alive.” he mumbles, scratching his neck anxiously. “A brain? No, never heard of anybody who’s died while inside a brain. Also, jellyfish take away that one too.”

Jellyfish. He’s seen them so many times, flitting through the ocean, bioluminescent colors brightening the water as the ship follows. “What do jellyfish have, if not blood or brains?”

He thinks back to the ship, drifting through the sea. Yuqa might be watching them right now, if enough time has passed for them to be visible in the darkening sky. It might still be midday, but they’re still there, hidden until feeble human eyes can finally notice them. They’re sinking into the water, and if Kaiyoku doesn’t get out of here, he won’t see them again for a long, long time.


Jellyfish have water.

His eyelids smack open, and he stands up so quickly that his legs start to wobble from his seat on the cold cobblestone. “Water. The answer is water!”

No walls open. No passageways reveal themselves. He pulls out the canteen again, swinging it desperately in front of the message. He yanks open the stopper and pours some onto the words.

They begin to glow, flashing between the pinks and greens of the jellyfish to the dark blue of the rippling waves. Rumbling echoes throughout the caves, beginning in the walls and coming under his feet, shaking the ground. He leans against one of the walls, trying to steady himself as the floor begins to part, cracking open as a podium rises slowly from the emptiness. On top of it is something sharp, toothlike, made of clearly organic material. He reaches out to brush his fingers against it, and it sends shocks coursing through his muscles, his entire body twitching involuntarily.

Kaiyoku extracts a cloth from his satchel and grips the item with that, carefully depositing it into one of his pockets. He’s trembling, which is something surely unfit for a brave pirate like himself, but there’s something about the object that makes his head swim as he stumbles back the way he came. As he comes to the puzzle he solved earlier, he sprints, ignoring the way light flashes behind his eyes. Something’s crumbling behind him. Rocks? The fabric of reality? He doesn’t turn back to look.

He tears at the rocks guarding the cave entrance until his fingers start to scrape and bleed, but a large enough hole for him to tumble through eventually opens, and he busts through it, body slamming on the ground as the cave starts to collapse in on itself.

He drags himself to the nearest palm tree and passes out almost instantaneously.

Kaiyoku wakes up to the sound of a horn in the air. He sits up, swinging his head around. It’s his ship, his crew shouting and blowing on instruments to retrieve their captain. He numbly stands up, checking for his items in one inattentive sweep. He begins to run towards the ship, waving his hands, and the crew cheers. He can pick Yuqa’s distinctive voice out from the rest, if he really tries.

When he finally pulls himself back on the ship, he flops down into the nearest seat, snapping at a nearby sailor to start the ship’s course. The sailor looks nervous as she gives Kaiyoku a once-over with her eyes, and he doesn’t want to look at himself but he knows why. He’s covered in grime. His hair’s a mess. He can still feel the light curling through his brain, sending shockwaves into his eyes. The beginning of a headache is coming on, and really, it’s a miracle it’s only come this late.

“Ready to go?” The sailor asks him in between shouting out orders to a few more people as they scramble to get the ship moving. It starts at a lazy pace, quickly speeding up as everyone falls into their normal routine.

For once, he is ready to go. Adventuring will have to take a break for at least an hour, maybe even a day. If Yuqa could hear his inner monologue right now, she would be rolling her eyes, maybe smacking him on the shoulder, and telling him to ‘get some rest, you’re always out on the ocean!’

She’s right, but he still thinks it’s worth it.

As the ship speeds away from the island, leaving waves in its wake, something in the rumbling ocean roars.


Opportunity of the Ages
wip short story ^^

The Flying Maiden rocked in a steady rhythm ingrained into the hearts of the pirates of the sea. The port was in view and the skies were clear; a reassuring sight for all who sailed. The bright skies reflected off the glistening waves, Kaiyoku stood balanced on the tip of the bowsprit, a single rope in hand to prevent his fall. The gulls soared beside him as gentle wind filled the sails of the Maiden, rolling his ship into port.

The blue-haired captain swung back to the decks coming face to face with Yuqa, his fierce Gerudo first-mate. The dark-skinned lady, with a tall and solid build, stood cross-armed and firm, blocking Kaiyoku’s path.

“Just where do ya think you’re goin, young man?”

Stifling a laugh, the young corsair stood up straight, sharp gaze matching the taller woman’s, “You’re talking to your captain, Yuqa.”

Yuqa raised her eyebrows, challenging his authority, and the latter doubled over, snorting with laughter. The female pirate very soon joined in.

“You should’ve seen the look on your face! I can’t believe you actually took stock in it!”

The Gerudo sighed and gathered herself. Seems like she was the only one who could keep her captain in line. “Kai, whatever you are planning to do today, please do make sure you are safe. There’s not much we can do to move towards our vision should we… misplace our captain.”

“Rest assured, I am the very image of caution,” the young captain playfully saluted. Eyes sparkling with mischief, the confident pirate bade his crew a hasty farewell, “I’ll be leaving the crew in your hands in my absence, Yuqa!” Kaiyoku then turned around and leaped off the decks, landing solidly on the planks below. He had a single destination in mind.
hSq6y3j.png Whistling a merry tune, he made his way through the familiar dockside market, expertly weaving through the crowds. Kaiyoku smiled cheerfully at the vendors hawking their wares but did not stop to browse, he had to control his thieving fingers to resist all the shiny goods to only when he had finished his business here. The pirate was on a mission and would not allow himself to be distracted by mere jewels unneeded by the rich nobles. He was after a larger bounty.

When he finally reached the vendor he was searching for, a shop front nestled deep in the busy streets, Kaiyoku kept his distance, surveying the scene. The merchant was a stout well-dressed man and his wares were mostly antique jewelry. His stand was grander than others in the open air market, implying business was thriving.

It was a better kept secret that the greedy merchant obtained his merchandise through theft from the poor, as well as taking advantage of desperate foreign customers. However, he never got his hands dirty and had people below him on the social ladder carry out his dirty work for him. In the flawed government’s eyes, he was simply a merchant who had found steady methods to secure his income, and therefore had no need to waste government efforts and funds to stop the money-sucker.

Kaiyoku’s eyes had been on this merchant since he last departed this port. A woman who’s heard of the young captain’s penchant for righting wrongs and thieving from the rich had pleaded openly on filthy streets to Kaiyoku’s surprise. He was just about to savor his last night in this port and blow some money on the rare occasion of him drinking rum, as his ship was scheduled to leave port early next dawn.

Albeit not having the chance to fully punish this scum of the earth, in the mere moments the captain had received the plea, he had dropped his evening plans in the tavern to stalk the thieving man and nicked the locket straight from his neck.

He could only grin in satisfaction as he dropped the family heirloom and a satchel of bread fresh from the oven in the lady’s lap as he disappeared back into the darkness of the night. He heard a frail cry of delight from two small figures climbing on the woman. He couldn’t stand to watch the small family outside on such a cold night, so he made haste back to his tavern to book a room for the mother and her kids. Thanks to the excess amount of visitors, the inns were full.

That night, the family spent a warm night under the soft glows of the captain’s lamp. Kaiyoku himself slunk back to his Maiden, rocked to sleep by the lull of the sea. However, since then, the man’s methods of living had Kaiyoku’s blood boiling in anger, and the cavern in his heart grew tenfold as he savored the warm image of the grateful family.

He was back this time to make sure this black-hearted merchant received the punishment he deserved. It pained Kaiyoku to even imagine the amount of unfortunates that had been scammed by this shopkeeper in the time of his absence. After obtaining his goods from what he calls his ‘clients,’ these wares are placed in the market at prices often much too high for any commoner to have the chance to recover their stolen goods. These sales were aimed at the noblemen and their frilly daughters and wives.

The only comfort the captain found was planning the merchant’s demise as his journeyed on sea. He found no satisfaction in imagining brutal ways to dispose of this man. Only something that truly broke him and discouraged him from ever returning to his ways would sit with the pirate.

Satisfied with his assessment of the merchant and his stand, Kaiyoku approached.

The merchant caught the eye of the captain then and he grinned a saccharine grin. “Hello, my friend! Anything I can interest you in today?”

These pigs will do anything to rip off a new customer, the pirate sighed in disgust.

Kaiyoku smiled primly in return, reaching into his coat for a parchment letter, “Why yes, there is.” He handed the letter to the merchant.

The merchant’s brow furrowed in caution, lightly handling the parchment as if it was a bomb. He kept glancing around, suspicious this was all a ruse set up to catch him on unawares, “What’s this?”

The pirate impatiently tugged his collar straight, showing he means business and has other larger concerns to tend to. “An opportunity,” Kaiyoku said smartly. It was all in the acting. You look like you know what you are doing, then people believe you know what you are doing. The saying fake it till you make it can not be further from the truth.

Cautiously, the merchant examined the letter, eyes darting in all directions, perpetually suspicious. The young captain made a note of his alertness should the merchant ever repent his dishonorable ways and seek a new job, perhaps within Kaiyoku’s own crew. When he recognized the seal of the Thieves’ Guild, his eyes widened and he sucked in a breath, biting his lips. This could go both ways for him; the guild could sometimes be a demanding one. Slowly, he opened the parchment and began to take in it’s contents. The calculating corsair watched him closely as he read, gauging his reaction. If things go smoothly, the letter should bear good news of promotion.

The merchant remained tense but as he read, fingers fidgeting as if he was about to catch a thief, yet he grew less worried and more excited as his gaze reached the end of the parchment. Finally, he lowered the letter.

“This is remarkable!” the merchant said, clapping a hand to his head, greedy eyes glancing about, most likely assessing the assets and promotions he could gain from the opportunity.

“You’re interested in the offer, then?” the captain said in a bored and dispassionate tone, “I’ve got other business to attend to, please make haste in your decision.”

“I’d be a fool not to!” he exclaimed, “Allow me to fetch a quill and draft an immediate response!”

As the merchant scrambled to write his response letter, Kaiyoku couldn’t help but to smile deviously to himself. Over his long voyage at sea, he had forged a letter from the Thieves Guild, complete with a stolen seal. The letter offered the merchant a prestigious place among their ranks but they required proof of competency in the art of thievery. Kaiyoku knew the merchant couldn’t have nicked the wares himself, but he had been informed that the dishonest man was well organized and had kept records of all transactions between him and his hired thieves. This position is tempting enough to anyone and the merchant had taken the bait with no hesitation.

Just too drive the knife deeper, the young captain gently slid his sleeves across the counter full of goods, and when he returned his position, an empty spot among the table of wares was the only telltale evidence of the stolen gems and bracelets. He was going to make sure the entire stand of swiped goods were to be returned to their rightful owners—in due time.

Finally, the merchant handed Kaiyoku a stack of parchment from a locked box along with a letter and said eagerly, his impatience almost palpable, “It’s all there—all the records!”

Kaiyoku suppressed a laugh, “Thank you, sir. One of our superiors will soon be in touch.” Though that someone may very well be the king himself, he thought, smiling to himself.

Tipping his tricorn to the merchant, the pirate captain took his leave, resuming his merry tune. In the end, he couldn’t resist the heavy gold pendant he first saw in the market now nestled deep in his many pockets, going to a better cause. He couldn’t dawdle more, as he had an audience with the king to make and the pirate could not imagine the atrocity of arriving late.

Timely Tarot
tarot reading from RedwindRising’s shop

The nocturne smiles at you and takes three cards from the deck, laying them out in a neat row between the two of you.

“I don't see many seadragons, Captain. Thank you for coming in--sailors always have the most interesting fortunes.” She comments idly, tapping the cards one after another. “Now, let's begin.” Rimora turns the first card over slowly, revealing a gleaming gold pearlcatcher on the other side, standing in a stream with a chalice in one hand and their pearl in the other.

“Ah. Temperance. This card signifies balance, patience. You've been approaching your newest heist scheme slowly, perhaps? Taking your time planning it, making sure nothing could go wrong. It's an important task, surely. Now, as for the next card…”

She reaches to turn the second card. On this one's face is an imperial dragon, suspended upside down, tangled in silken strands from antler to tail.

The Hanged Man. This is a symbol of sacrifice and martyrs, hesitation, of a feeling of...suspense. With Temperance in mind...” she pauses to look you over, tapping a claw gently to her chin as she thinks, “perhaps you’re being too patient with this. Take a step back, don’t agonize about the details. Look at the big picture and make sure there’s nothing that slips through the cracks--it might lead to an...unpleasant ultimatum.”

Reaching for the final card, she flips it and her thoughtful expression melts into a little smile. Upon this card is a spiral dragon, a broad grin on its face as it launches into the sky, streaks of fire burning off of its hands.

The Magician. The herald of sly schemes and clever victories. Difficult or not, your plans may just come to fruition. If you push your wit, if you're quick and clever, you’ll make it. Trust in your ability, Captain. If you don’t have the answers now, you’ll have them soon. You’ll see this through.”

Collecting the cards to shuffle them back into her deck, the starseer looks up to you with a gentle smile.

“Well, I hope that was a satisfactory reading, Captain? You’re in for some excitement soon it seems. I hope all goes well--and do stay safe, will you? Your crew needs you-if there’s a sacrifice to be made, then make it wisely.” As you nod to her and hold out payment she takes your hand for a moment, smiling warmly before letting go. “Have a good evening, Captain. May your sails always be full.”

The young man pushed the stool back and stood up, a small smile on this face. He reached into the folds of his weathered shirt and drew out a small pouch of gold coins.

"A small tip, for your reassuring advice," the pirate paused, "you seemed to have effortlessly picked out my recent troubles and I am now at ease."

As he pulled the flaps of the tent entrance aside, the young captain glanced back, eyes glimmering with the thirst for adventure.

"Do not worry for me, as whatever sacrifice I shall make shall be made with no regrets. I hope to be able to return in the future to catch up to you and your quaint business, may the waves of life bring you only good fortune and happiness."

Kaiyoku can easily get lost when looking out into the distance. It might just be the hum of the waves blending into each other, all that he's done and will have to do that needs accounting for, but there are times when the captain just seems to be staring at something even he's not aware of. Lost in his own thoughts. The beauty of the vast ocean is an enchanting one. Once snapped out of that state, it only takes a few seconds for Kaiyoku to go back to his usual, out-going self.

Zeedikay date:2020-02-17 22:14:38

Kaiyoku utterly despised it when people would make jokes or comments about his age, or his profession. It was his decision to go off and become a pirate, thank you very much. He worked hard to get to the position he's in now, and while he may not be the typical pillager that pirates are stereotyped to be, he has his moments of enjoying luxuries. For one, he's always had a fascination with some beautiful china bowls he found once in the back of a trader's store. The marbling and soft blue tones reminded him of sea spray and wispy clouds. He also adores plush, beautifully patterned carpets. His cabin was floored with cushy, jewel-toned carpets from all of Sorneith, and were a particular pride for him, along with the odd tapestry or two. He also loved incense, although who or what inspired his love, he never said (or couldn't).

When he was younger, he sometimes dressed up in an adult's clothes to make himself seem bigger. Someone once caught him doing this while he was 'flexing' his very young muscles, and couldn't stop laughing for a week. You would've though Kaiyoku was red, not blue, from the way he was profusely blushing.

Wyvlit date=2020-02-19 20:28:34







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