Level 25 Ridgeback
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Personal Style

16.14 m
16.91 m
7716.86 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Ridgeback
Max Level

Some Guardian dragons spend their lifetime finding that which they will guard. Sigal found it even as a hatchling: the entire Wind flight. While his clansmates smiled at the overly eager baby, Sigal retained his convictions even as he grew up: he wanted to guard the entire flight. As he grew up, this desire formed into something more detailed: he realized that he wanted to help each and every clan spread their wings; he wanted to travel the Windswept Plateau and give whatever help he could whenever it was needed. What was initially a hatchling's dream became a grown dragon's goal in life, and when he announced his desire to train and then leave the clan to help others, they took him seriously. His enthusiasm swayed a few others in the lair, too, who decided to give what they could to other clans. He's particularly close with Tellur, who became both his partner and a guide in Coliseum fighting.
As for his personality, Sigal is a very good-natured dragon with a positive outlook on life. He genuinely wants to help others and takes pride in his work to do it, and he's always almost painfully enthusiastic to help out. He can be a bit too self-sacrificial when it comes to fulfilling his goals, but he sees it as a normal trait in a Guardian. The only drawback of his overall positive attitude and enthusiasm is that he will happily wake you up at Windsinger-knows-what-hour for your morning hunt, Coliseum venture or just a bit of training. He's that devoted. Sigal is also blessed with a surprisingly loud voice, even for a dragon his size, and it carries for quite some distance. Try not to stand too close to him when speaking to him.
Coliseum Goodies:
Dragon Lore:
As for his personality, Sigal is a very good-natured dragon with a positive outlook on life. He genuinely wants to help others and takes pride in his work to do it, and he's always almost painfully enthusiastic to help out. He can be a bit too self-sacrificial when it comes to fulfilling his goals, but he sees it as a normal trait in a Guardian. The only drawback of his overall positive attitude and enthusiasm is that he will happily wake you up at Windsinger-knows-what-hour for your morning hunt, Coliseum venture or just a bit of training. He's that devoted. Sigal is also blessed with a surprisingly loud voice, even for a dragon his size, and it carries for quite some distance. Try not to stand too close to him when speaking to him.
- Duke's Levelling Guide and Kiena's Coliseum Grinding/Exalting Guide are both useful guides to help you train and build your own Coliseum Team.
- Coliseum Element Odds is a guide on all the different elements, their strenghts and weaknesses.
- BREEZE is a program that supplies battlestones for free or low prices.
Coliseum Goodies:
- Coliseum Drops (text only) provides an oversight of all the goodies that drop in the Coliseum, and where they drop.
- Gathering & Grinding for Swipp/Baldwin focusses exclusively on those drops that you might need for Swipp and Baldwin.
- Visual: What to Keep for Swipp & Baldwin offers a different perspective, listing items alphabetically and in the order in which they appear in your hoard. An easy reference tool when you want to sell items from your hoard after training.
- The Festival Coliseum Guide provides information on which area's are good for farming during festivals, and where the various festival chests drop.
Dragon Lore:
- The Ever-Growing Guide to Titles/Classes offers lists of various titles/jobs your dragons can have in your Clan. Of course, you're free to make up your own!
- Dragon Bio Resources v2 offers links to lots of pretty images you can use for your dragon bio's.
- Dragon Description Templates provides links to the bbcodes for several pretty templates you can use for your dragon bio's.
Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.
This dragon doesn't eat Insects.
This dragon doesn't eat Meat.
Feed this dragon Seafood.
This dragon doesn't eat Plants.
Exalting Sigal to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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- Names must be longer than 2 characters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.
- Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
- Names can only contain letters.