
What do you mean you lost the key? KRAKEN GET BACK HERE!!!
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Ruffled Serpent
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Energy: 43/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Nature Aura
Green Tree Python
Pastry Chef Pan
Green Sea Slug Cloak
Simple Gold Necklace
Celadon Fillet
Celadon Silk Sash
Celadon Arm Silks
Celadon Wing Silks
Simple Gold Bracelets



Scene: Gladekeeper's Domain


0.54 m
0.95 m
1.46 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 13, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 22 Fae
EXP: 12328 / 136210
Rune Slash



Clan Leader - Domestic Division, Founder

*beats you over the head with a roll of newspaper*
aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
IYsbV8j.png Demeter never wanted to be a leader of the Aequitas Clan. In fact, she never wanted to be in a clan in the first place - it was loud, it was crowded, things got messy, and being an Arcane dragon on Arcane land, things were bound to explode. In contrast, all she really wanted was to live out the rest of her life in a preferably safe and sheltered place, tending to her tea garden and doing the peaceful hobbies other Arcanites would label as boring. Unfortunately, when she found herself in the Runic Mountain Range with a blue Mirror who seemed to think that clans were the best thing ever, she had no choice to go along.

She figured that once she helped Kraken found his clan, she’d be able to go off on her own. To her dismay, however, other dragons took her willingness to found the clan as an automatic claim on one of the leadership positions. One thing led to another, and Demeter found herself piled up with more and more responsibilities. She immediately delegated those responsibilities to other dragons, which was seen as a display of her authoritative power, which further cemented her positions as a leader. Finally, Demeter caved. If the gods really wanted her to lead the clan, well, lead it she would!

A small part of her hoped that she would do bad enough of a job that other dragons would dethrone her, but in the Starfall Isles, as long as you appear to be actually doing something, other dragons were fine with you being leader. And it wasn’t like Demeter could just do nothing, either. If she left the clan alone for more than five seconds for a stroll, she had a bad feeling she’d be returning to a crater where her clan once stood, and, well, she might be somewhat against that. Just a little bit.

Thus, as one of the four leaders, Demeter focuses primarily solving and attending to clan affairs. This may sound like an easy job, but in Clan Aequitas that “easy job” translates into the task of keeping a highly destructive innovative clan with a penchant for poking just about everything under control. Such stress should not be placed on anybody, much less on a tiny Fae's body, but Demeter has managed. Now, equipped with experience and enough backbone to judo flip the nearest Imperial (usually Veles) into submission, she is the undisputed and unofficial highest authority in the clan.

Being the highest authority in the clan might sound like fun, but Demeter finds that claiming that title is considered by the others as a claim to all of the hardest jobs in the clan. If she was a more submissive dragon, she might’ve accepted it as her fate. Unfortunately for the rest of the clan, Demeter took it as a challenge to make her other clanmates take on part of her work. As nobody really wants her as an enemy, dragons tend to respond to her requests. After all, considering she didn’t hesitate to pitch Isfet at the nearest patch of cannibalistic slime when he refused to help with the clan’s defenses, well… let’s just say dragons would rather keep their scales than offend the tiny Fae.


She is the smallest dragon in the clan, a fact that often irks her as it can take larger dragons an immeasurable amount of time to notice her. She overcomes this barrier by flying up directly to the dragon in question and yelling into their faces. And if that doesn’t work, she grabs them by the whiskers and throws them against the nearest wall. With the training she’d done on her upper body strength and some arcane magic, this is entirely possible, and thus an entirely plausible and efficient way to get someone else’s attention.

That “someone else” would like to point that that she could just land next to their ear and ask politely, but Demeter doesn’t have the time to ask every dragon in the manner they wished to be asked. As far as she’s concerned, it’s a lot easier to punch first and apologize later. And if she doesn’t have the time to get to the “apologizing” part, well, that’s certainly not her fault.

Demeter’s duties range from shoring up clan defenses to making sure Moonfeather hasn’t put too much salt in the clan’s supper. She also sees to the hatching and education of young dragons, as well as pretty much anything that goes on in the clan. This would include solving conflicts between dragons, but as Demeter doesn’t have much sympathy or patience for those who bring their drama to her, dragons have learned to confide to someone else, or maybe just blow something up. Honestly, spending a few minutes to listen to another dragon’s problems would probably be a lot easier than the inevitable explosion that happens instead, but Demeter doesn’t care. If other dragons can’t solve their own problems with fin flicks and flutters, that’s not her business.

Most dragons would agree that despite her bluntness and withering disdain for stupidity, Demeter is actually quite kind and gentle. She does enjoy being among other dragons, and she does enjoy parts of her job - at least, the parts that go relatively well. All those other parts can go burn for all she cares. In any case, she does have some measure of sympathy for other dragons, though often times she hasn’t the energy to show it. But she does fish unlucky dragons out of Myrtle’s garden and prevent the Guardian from decapitating anyone, so there’s that, if nothing else.

She doesn’t have many close friends in the lair, due to the fact she questions the benefit many of her clanmates bring to the clan. She doesn’t know why anyone would think dragons like Nagara and Krajta are even marginally useful, and she has high doubts about Muffin’s ability to actually help the clan in any way. However, she keeps those doubts to herself. After all, it’s her business to make her clanmates do stuff, not question how helpful they would be if she wasn’t browbeating them with chores.


She gets along well with Haukin, as she admires his tendency to do absolutely everything. She also likes spending time with Valenya, mostly because the librarian allows her access to everything in the library and doesn’t mind helping Demeter with some of the more troublesome dragons in the clan. One such dragon was a Pearlcatcher who once attempt to usurp Demeter’s position. While Demeter never liked her job anyway, she wasn’t about to give up all her hard work without an equally hard fight. It’s a mystery as to what exactly happened to that Pearlcatcher. Considering Demeter’s personality, it’s likely that he buried in a shallow grave, but there’s a rumor that Demeter may have handed his half-unconscious body to Valenya to deal with.

Demeter also gets along with her fellow leaders, as they take on parts of her job that she doesn’t really like. She would prefer it if Kraken wasn’t a klutz, but you can’t expect too much from the dumpy blue Mirror whose solution to making a clan was to first annihilate all the other beastclans that once existed in the Runic Mountain Range. He lost the key to the Vault awhile back, but that’s probably just as well. It’s not like he was ever good at protecting the Vault in the first place, so his losing the key was probably the best thing to happen.

Demeter spends her free time in the Karma Cafe and in the little garden she’s set up on the very top of the clan’s lair. While she might have accepted her fate as a leader, that doesn’t mean she’s given up on her dreams. She spends a lot of time tending her tea garden and learning how to brew tea from Herayla. Then firing bolts of magic at Ayrveti when the tiny Spiral inevitably comes to destroy this new abomination of plants.

Her tree python's name is Ramen, and he helps her deliver messages to Haukin and the other clan leaders. Except he's not particularly bright, or even very fast, so most of the time this ends up with him sitting in a pile of paperwork and making confused noises. Demeter generously forgives his incompetence. After all, he makes a good guard for her tea garden, and compared to most of the other dragons in this lair, he's a lot more useful.

§ Graphics by Cosmiichaos, Bio Assets by Serpy, Hazeledpoppy
A r t w o r k
~~~~~ tumblr_inline_omq0t036PD1u5cf03_250.png
§ Art by Fizzywits

Such a curse is constant beauty

When it surrounds us every day

We whine that we can't see the forest

For the trees are in the way.

§ Art by TeenyTinyDragon

§ Art by Drytil

§ Art by duiilcet

§ Art by WhiteVenom


adopt by Hexephra - shop
Adopt by Fantastea

§ Art by Fantastea

§ Art by JustaRev

§ Art by RubieKanary

§ Art by Renaiwom

§ Art by EclipseMirror
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Exalting Demeter to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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