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Larkspur of Thundercrack
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


Dark Incense
Onyx Seraph Hip Drape
Powered Implants
Indigo Harvest Vines
Indigo Harvest Goblet
Indigo Harvest Robe
Indigo Harvest Tail Twist
Indigo Harvest Bracelet
Indigo Harvest Sandals
Onyx Seraph Wing Ornament
Battlescale Tail Guard
Pastry Chef Pan



Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain


4.02 m
4.75 m
396.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 13, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 17 Mirror
EXP: 1353 / 81619
Mana Bolt
Magical Acuity Fragment
Glass Hybrid Fragment
Glass Hybrid Fragment



Clan Leader - Finances Division, Founder

*does a flip and falls onto his face*
aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa
One of the founders of the clan, Kraken is surprisingly easy-going. He doesn't have the sharp edge most Mirrors have, in fact, he's a pretty well-rounded individual, lacking all sharpness, including his mind. This has led him to become one of the nicest dragons in the clan, which is unfortunate, because, well. Wait until you meet the rest of the clan.

Being one of the founders usually means getting first pick of clan roles, but after screwing up military training, angering a group of hatchlings, and almost starting a war, Kraken was reassigned by Demeter to be in charge of the clan's finances, which means the clan is eternally broke. It's not that he doesn't keep a good track of the clan's income and spendings, it's more that he's so enthusiastic about having something to do that he encourages his clanmates to spend the clan's coffers so he can have something to record.

To the date, we still have no idea how the clan still has money. It has to come from somewhere, but any further research has been inconclusive.

Kraken is playful and endlessly curious. He's also one of the seniors of the clan, which, of course, means that he's also one of the most immature ones. Insistent on proving the fact that just about anything is flammable with the use of radioactive pink glitter (never use radioactive pink glitter to set anything on fire), he is now banned from the lab. And the kitchen. And the hatchery. And the garden. Or really, just anywhere that's not his den. And maybe it's not safe for him to be in there, either.

When he's not putting up advertisements for art shops and the likes, Kraken likes to spend his time helping out the other clan leaders. Usually, this amounts to cleaning out the hatchery or helping Hathor with her paperwork, but he does it with all his enthusiasm, which makes it easier for the other dragons to pile more work on him. Of course, the moment you tell Kraken to run a military OP or babysit the hatchlings or cook dinner, he's going, and he'll be leaving you as an unconscious body or a corpse, or worse, a glitter-covered half-conscious corpse. Kraken has boundaries. Don't cross them.

Nowadays, he helpfully asks if the others need help with their work, and then transfers all work-related items to Haukin. The moment Hathor finds out about this, he's going to be dangling from the business end of a noose. It helps that Haukin's too nice to tattle on him, and that nobody in the lair has rope. Why tie things together when you can permanently stick them together with magical glue?

Believing that there's goodness in every soul, Kraken is blissfully ignorant of the more, ah, mentally challenged (or peacefully-challenged) dragons in the clan. He thinks Nephthys is really smart because she knows so many strange words he's never heard before, and because she never fails to send him off with one of those pretty words. (They're swear words, but he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a compliment and a duel to the death.) He likes Isfet because the small Nocturne is just so funny with his landmines and kabooms and the little jokes (re: death threats) he delivers on a daily basis. Both Nephthys and Isfet have sought to ignore him entirely, which is just as well, as nobody wants their attention anyway. Kraken, however, doesn't notice this, and has continued to badger them.

Some might wonder how Kraken is exactly alive with all his poking around. The reason for this is his status as one of the leaders. It's probably not worth it to smash a clan leader in the face, even if he wouldn't report you, and besides, Kraken is usually watched by Demeter and Ma'at, and wow, you do not want to mess with those two. You really don't. I mean, you might want to, just to see what they're made of, but really, it's not worth it. Demeter has over fifty ways to make you bleed with nothing but a potted plant, and Ma'at isn't known for being kind and forgiving.

Kraken is best friends with Veles, maybe because they share the same characteristics of being so adorably clumsy idiots, or maybe because they're both blue. They can often be found sunbathing at the top of the lair, chatting like two old seniors. Kraken has also taken up combat training with Veles, an idea that pleases Demeter, though she's not sure he knows the difference between dance moves and battle moves. He's quite useless on the battlefield, save for the few seconds of confusion the Beastclans register when he starts hula-dancing.

As a side effect of clearing out the Runic Mountain Range for the Aequitas Clan to settle in, Kraken is highly respected in the clan, even when he's engaged in a pie-eating contest with Nanshe. (Never challenge a Mirror to a pie-eating contest.) Most dragons listen to what he has to say, and even if it's a widely known fact that Kraken cannot, and should never be trusted to run the important parts of the clan, he often has the final say. Of course, this final say is often vetoed by Demeter. She doesn't think the clan needs a disco floor. Or a zoo of the world's deadliest creatures. Or a rocket launcher. Some members of the clan would be all too happy to get their claws on it and destroy the rest of the flight.

Lately, Kraken has started petitioning for an exploration into the ventilation system. So far, only Viper has backed him up on this. And Nephthys, but considering how she just wants everyone to die slow and painful deaths, her support really shouldn't been seen as a sign of great things to come.


§ Graphics by Cosmiichaos, Bio Assets by Serpy, Hazeledpoppy

~~ In the beginning, no one was there. And by "there", I mean the Runic Mountain Range. It was one of those places that kind of, maybe, somewhat existed.

See, anyone who's gone looking for this Range hasn't found it. And anyone who's found it wasn't looking for it. Not to mention, anyone who's rumoured to have found it, couldn't have found it, because, well, how're you to prove that you did find it if you never came back in the first place?

In any case, most Arcanites would agree that the Range existed. But if you knew about it, you wouldn't wound up there unless you had a death wish to not end up there. That was how the Range worked. It was the epitome of bad luck. If you wanted to go there, you wouldn't be able to find it. And if that was the last place you wanted to go... well, hello there!

Hello there!

That was Kraken's first impression when he found himself in the Runic Mountain Range. He hadn't been looking for a bunch of rocks imbued with volatile magic that was making the Familiars go bananas. He certainly hadn't wanted to be trapped in a creepy mountain range. But, well, did I mention that you can't get out of this place? If I didn't, Kraken will be our first example of why.

The place was a Droste Maze. The moment you find an exit, it's also an entrance! If you run towards the horizon, you'll find yourself running in circles. And if you fly up, at some point you'll be magically flipped over and find yourself hurtling towards the ground.

Kraken hurtled towards the ground. Kraken hit the ground.


By the time Kraken was starting to realise that this place didn't want him to go, it was too late. The hostile Familiars (made even more hostile by the Range's unstable magic) had awoken to his screaming and futile attempts to escape. They hosted the first-ever Great Wimpy Mirror Dragon Hunt and went after the poor lil' dude with torches flaring.

Kraken probably would've died. He's kind of pathetic that way. But that wasn't his fault! No one taught him how to fight! He was your normal arcane egg pitched headfirst into the Starwind Bay (or whatever the Windies are calling it right now, I don't know, I can't remember that many things). After being fished up by the researchers of the Observatory and deemed unworthy as an omelette, he'd been brought up to research and take notes.

Which, if you're wondering, are the two skills you don't need when you're trying to run away from a mob with pitchforks and firebrands.

Like I was saying, Kraken would've died. Kraken didn't die. Kraken was saved by a Fae named Demeter and teleported to her little lair on the side of a mountain.

Did I mention it was a little lair?

Kraken found himself brutally crushed within a tiny crevice of stone. Demeter found her household appliances brutally crushed by a Mirror dragon. After much monotone yelling (from Demeter) and desperate screaming (from Kraken), the two managed to get their heads together and figure out what was going on.

Demeter had arrived at the Runic Mountain Range the same way that Kraken did: accidentally and unintentionally. She, too, was from the Observatory, and was also coincidentally an egg found in the middle of the Starwind Bay. (So, if you're looking for unhatched Arcane eggs, don't worry! Just take a dip in Starwind and you'll be fine!) After growing up at the Observatory, Demeter had set out to find her fortune. She wounded up taking a walk in the Starwood Strand (just don't) and meeting a fortune teller, who told her a bunch of nonsense and eventually got Demeter tossed in the Runic Mountain Range.

The two quickly realised that they couldn't survive alone. Well, Demeter probably could, but not Kraken. Moreover, Kraken had big plans. Plans that would require someone who actually, you know, knew how to fight and stuff while he launched commands from somewhere faraway, preferably behind the battlelines. Thus, he and Demeter began working together...

To escape? Nah, that was both boring and pointless. Kraken's big plan was to rid the Mountain Range of the lucky thieves and bandits that had cropped up there, and maybe the Familiars as well. No idea why Demeter agreed, but that's how it went.

It was a miracle, but the two eventually did end up driving away all the draconian thieves and bandits. During this process, Kraken, determined to bring peace to the region with his own four claws, found an ancient cave of magic and learned the spells there. Forbidden magic has a price. This price was that Kraken's magic reservoir would go down every time he used a spell, making it so that if he used too many spells, he would never be able to use magic again.

Kraken didn't mind, which might explain why our lair is full of idiots like him. Together, the two Arcanites drove away the heaps of evil living peacefully in the Mountain Range. Finally, after a couple of months and a lot of "Who the hell thought this was a good idea?!", the two found themselves standing at the tallest peak in the Range, staring down at the land they'd cultivated and cleansed.

"It's empty," Kraken noted.

"That might be because you slaughtered everyone," Demeter replied flatly. "What now?"

"We have brought justice to this region," Kraken decided.

"We killed everyone who resisted, along with everyone who didn't. That's justice?"

"I think so. I didn't bring my dictionary, I don't know." Kraken frowned. "But this isn't going to stop dragons from ending up here."

"And once they end up here, they've still got the Familiars to deal with," Demeter said. "So in a sense, we're not making this place any better."

Kraken flapped his wings. "Then let's start a clan!"


"There's all this space now. We can start a clan. We can provide a sanctuary for everyone who gets sucked in here! Our clan will grow, and we can watch over this region and make it not just a region, but a home."

Demeter sighed. "You're an idiot."

Kraken deflated, then brightened up as the Fae continued.

"Then again, I haven't got any plans for the rest of my life."

And that was how the Aequitas Clan came to be.


A r t w o r k
§ Art by TeenyTinyDragon

§ Art by Fizzywits

§ Art by Annadrujok


§ Art by WhiteVenom

§ Art by TsarinaTorment


adopt by Hexephra - shop
§ Art by JustaRev
§ Art by Edrakan
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