
Level 5 Nocturne
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Energy: 0
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Wind icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Nocturne
Male Nocturne
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Personal Style


Violet Lei
Daisy Flower Crown
Romantic Red Rose
Daisy Corsage
Daisy Flowerfall




5.14 m
6.02 m
700.54 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 19, 2015
(9 years)


Nocturne icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 5 Nocturne
EXP: 396 / 5545


Perfumier for the ladies

Maverick’s parents were never the richest dragons in Sornieth. Both of them florists who had fallen on hard times, they had settled into an Ancient Lair of the Cloudsong Territories when they found themselves tending a nest they hadn’t the means to support. Maverick’s mother favoured the small, colourful flowers that were found in the forests around the Lair, but with an increase in dragons visiting the Coliseum Grounds, the fields she used to frequent became trampled and dirty, and those few flowers that remained were picked by warriors returning to their loved ones. His father on the other hand spent his time collecting flowers from rocky cliffs and places unknown to dragons; but as thy ears dragged on the Beast Clans overran his favourite places, and he found his pickings thin. Determined to preserve his wife’s rich standard of life, his father struck a deal with the Jewelbox Hatchery.

It wasn’t a difficult life in the hatchery. The dragons who worked there cared for him as well as they would one of their own hatchlings, and there was never a shortage of food or familiars to play with. Maverick’s mother had given his siblings each a Windsinger plush on the day they had hatched, breaking their little noses through their shells and resting their eyes on the Jewelbox nests. She had kissed each of them on the nose, shed a single tear, and then left with his father. Maverick could still remember the smell of cut grass in her claws when she ruffled his hair, the way that the pollen in her fur had itched his nose when she kissed him. He collected flowers in his spare time; his siblings worked with him, before they were all adopted. And then one fateful day, he was cradled in the strong arms of a tundra named Aix and her mate, Scoril and began his new life in the Crystalspine Reaches.

When Maverick grew up he was an instant hit with the ladies. Weeks in the Hatchery had left him with a bad habit of hoarding things that he loved, lest they leave him to (though he had come to grips with how things worked by now, his parents and then his siblings living had been a hard blow at first) and his humble nest quickly filled up with hundreds of dried flowers, the odd potted plant and soft feathers that made everyone want to spend a night in such a comfortable bed. Though he was a ladies’ man, and very much wanted to settle down with a nice lady - or four - one day, Maverick was still looking for the right mate when he headed to the Coliseum Grounds for his weekly rota and stumbled across a patch of beautiful white flowers, the likes of which he had never seen before. Begging forgiveness of his fellow fighters he clutched as many of the flowers as he could fit in one claw and took them to the Trading Post.

For the price of a few small trinkets for his bubbling brew Baldwin lent him a small cauldron, and over the next few days Maverick travelled as far and as wide as he could in the search for new and fragrant flowers. A few small explosions and weeks of sleepless nights later, Maverick brought a small vial of perfume to every lady he had ever been with, politely asking them their opinions of his brews. The trial runs continued until the day that he woke up to dragons from far and wide knocking at the edge of his nest, asking to buy some of his perfumes. Perhaps, decided Maverick, his eyes glittering the light of the gems thrust at him, finding a mate could wait. First, he would find his fortune.

Theme Song: The Way to the Forest by Frànçois & The Atlas Mountains

Bio by Tricksterling

Graphic by Proxima
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