Prettiest Dragon Above You!

Darkness352's Clan
Scourage the Land & Spread Mother's Will
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4 eggs!

Came across your lair while forum thread hopping and omg :o your dragons are so so stunning, I'm obsessed!

Dropped a like on Isidora for being such a fabulously spooky dragon! 

I stumbled across your arcane dragons in the starfall thread, and just wanted to say that they're abssolutely phenomenal and magnificent c:

Foxfire is on the front page!

Foxfire was on the front page - so pretty!

nevid was on the front page!!!!

Bought the lovely female imperial from you, thank you so much for the low prices! I hope the hatchery continues to be prosperous for you ^.^

Nevid made the front page again!

Vraliss was on the front page!

Njal is gorgeous!

^_^ you're welcome! Your lair is a pleasure to view.
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