[H] Plague/Ice Eggs [W] Light Eggs

Arintol's Clan
My dragons are starving, but I'm here...sometimes :')
Clan Info
Toridae Count: 144
I had a hatchery here! But it's currently closed...
I don't mind if you exalt a dragon I sell you. If you see I bought one of your dragons to exalt, you can send a CR for the same price I bought it for, and I'll return it.

Clan Info:
Most of my dragons have stories/personalities of some sort, but very few of them are actually written down. I don't have any real theme, and most of my dragons who are mates have two colors that are opposites on the color wheel. Yes, most of the apparel doesn't match, and yes, they aren't the prettiest bunch, I love them all, but you don't have to.
Social: If you want to write a letter to one of my dragons, feel free to do so! I have a bit of social anxiety, so it might take a while for me to respond. My dragons love having pen-pal friends or writing to family. On occasion, I send random messages to random people. Feel free to send me random message, or crossroads, ect. I like getting pings too, as long as it's not spamming me. I'm Arintol on Mycena too.
On the look out for:
- Tri- Color Scatterscrolls
- Friends :)
- A mate for the tribute dragon, (Yellow range)
- Light Sprite (never gonna get it XD)
- Brightscale, solidscale, and Bloodscale armor, all the scale armors.
- In fact, I want all armor. I want a full set of every kind.
About me: Hi, call me Arintol. :) I am a Christian female. If you have any questions about Christianity, feel free to message me and I'll respond to the best of my ability when I have time. (Please try to be civil.) I'm a college student studying English, Communications, and Cinema.
I'm from the USA. My favorite hobby is to write stories, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends or family. I am slightly obsessed with the color green and it takes all my self-control to not have a lair filled with only green dragons. I also love mice with a passion. All rodents really.
People I know personally:
Nouvella: cousin
Splatjam: cousin (Nouvella's brother)
Cryolite: friend
Sneaky: friend
Charaxes: friend
Dikiopolis: Friend
If you're bored by this point, then I recommend you either look at my lair or move on, from this point down it's random boring stuff about gene combos I like, breeding pairs, ect. It's mostly there for my benefit.
Trusted Nests:
Sneaky - Fire
Cryolite- Earth
Charaxes - Wind
Nouvella - Ice
Breeding pairs:
Pride - Patience
Herman - Rose
Garget - Sunset
Notes to self:
- DON'T give dragons with Gembond tricolor scatter
Battle Teams:
Pride and Patience
Herman, and Rose
Garget, Sunset
Favorite Gene/Breed Combos:
-Snappers with ?/?/Gembond
-Female Pearlcatchers with Speckle/Shimmer/?
-Skydancers with Iridescent/Shimmer/?
-If you read this, send me a PM
that says: "Encounter Talon"
and I'll send you five-thousand
treasure and ten gems
-All breeds Crystal/Facet/? (Sparkles *0*)
-Female faes with ?/Shimmer/Belly
- Male WCs with ?/?/Circuit
Favorite Color Combos:
-Green-scale with pink
-Purple-scale with Crimson
-Yellow-scale with light greens
-Green-scale with brown-scale
-Blue-scale with Green-scale
-Green-scale with Purple-scale
-Basically if it's got green, it's good.
I don't like X/X/X dragons either. sorry.
I had a hatchery here! But it's currently closed...
I don't mind if you exalt a dragon I sell you. If you see I bought one of your dragons to exalt, you can send a CR for the same price I bought it for, and I'll return it.

Clan Info:
Most of my dragons have stories/personalities of some sort, but very few of them are actually written down. I don't have any real theme, and most of my dragons who are mates have two colors that are opposites on the color wheel. Yes, most of the apparel doesn't match, and yes, they aren't the prettiest bunch, I love them all, but you don't have to.
Social: If you want to write a letter to one of my dragons, feel free to do so! I have a bit of social anxiety, so it might take a while for me to respond. My dragons love having pen-pal friends or writing to family. On occasion, I send random messages to random people. Feel free to send me random message, or crossroads, ect. I like getting pings too, as long as it's not spamming me. I'm Arintol on Mycena too.
On the look out for:
- Tri- Color Scatterscrolls
- Friends :)
- A mate for the tribute dragon, (Yellow range)
- Light Sprite (never gonna get it XD)
- Brightscale, solidscale, and Bloodscale armor, all the scale armors.
- In fact, I want all armor. I want a full set of every kind.
About me: Hi, call me Arintol. :) I am a Christian female. If you have any questions about Christianity, feel free to message me and I'll respond to the best of my ability when I have time. (Please try to be civil.) I'm a college student studying English, Communications, and Cinema.
I'm from the USA. My favorite hobby is to write stories, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends or family. I am slightly obsessed with the color green and it takes all my self-control to not have a lair filled with only green dragons. I also love mice with a passion. All rodents really.
People I know personally:
Nouvella: cousin
Splatjam: cousin (Nouvella's brother)
Cryolite: friend
Sneaky: friend
Charaxes: friend
Dikiopolis: Friend
If you're bored by this point, then I recommend you either look at my lair or move on, from this point down it's random boring stuff about gene combos I like, breeding pairs, ect. It's mostly there for my benefit.
Trusted Nests:
Sneaky - Fire
Cryolite- Earth
Charaxes - Wind
Nouvella - Ice
Breeding pairs:
Pride - Patience
Herman - Rose
Garget - Sunset
Notes to self:
- DON'T give dragons with Gembond tricolor scatter
Battle Teams:
Pride and Patience
Herman, and Rose
Garget, Sunset
Favorite Gene/Breed Combos:
-Snappers with ?/?/Gembond
-Female Pearlcatchers with Speckle/Shimmer/?
-Skydancers with Iridescent/Shimmer/?
-If you read this, send me a PM
that says: "Encounter Talon"
and I'll send you five-thousand
treasure and ten gems
-All breeds Crystal/Facet/? (Sparkles *0*)
-Female faes with ?/Shimmer/Belly
- Male WCs with ?/?/Circuit
Favorite Color Combos:
-Green-scale with pink
-Purple-scale with Crimson
-Yellow-scale with light greens
-Green-scale with brown-scale
-Blue-scale with Green-scale
-Green-scale with Purple-scale
-Basically if it's got green, it's good.
I don't like X/X/X dragons either. sorry.
Recent Comments

Delma was on the front page!

Happy 10 year account anniversary (:

atticus was on the front page!

Larae was on the front page!

Excuse please, I found your message today, I am not often here, sorry. I breed the pair for you and tell you. :-)

78310013 was the guardian gal I was talking about. :D

You bought my guardian girl for exactly the reasons I was hoping for. :D For Glittermom!

hello there! could i perhaps buy #68260719 off your fodder tab? he'd be extremely useful in a breeding project of mine

Ampulex was on the front page! He has to be one of the best dressed Ridgie bois I have seen :)

Hawk was on the front page!

Hawk was on the front page!

Saporita was on the front page!
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