[S] TONS of G1s - Some fully gened!

Malatise's Clan
The Glory of Glademom's Beard
Clan Info

The tree dark and rotting. Grass crunchy and brown. A thick silence hangs in the air. A clan long gone and forgotten.
What happened to the Whispering Glade?
malatiserising on the tumbls
eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes
Sylvan Garb. All of it.
Silver Sylvan bundle
Any and all cobwebs!
Prismatic Silk Bundle
Skeletal Chimes
Spectre, Kelpie, Unicorn Guises
Any familiar not in my bestiary
Windbound Plumage
User made accents
Gem Birbs
Wooly Antennae (except for brown and white)
Flowerfalls, Winter Wind, Autumn Breeze, Summer Swelter
Mouth flowers
River Royalist Tail Rings
Desert Dynasty Tail Rings
Accent: Coatl Contraptions for F Coatls ;-;
I like pretty things idk
Skydancer for Ramona
Okapi and Wildclaw scroll for #13438542
Toxin, Glimmer and Wildclaw for RoyalShrekShrek
Poison, Toxin, Glimmer and Coatl for #17591360
Cherub, Butterfly, Glimmer, and Skydancer scrolls for Mally
Cherub and Butterfly for Eldgja
Cherub, Paint, Stained, and Skydancer scrolls for #19776702
I collect:
Living Stones
Nocturne Puppets
Empty Zalis Nest
Zalis Basketweaving
Gladekeeper Topiary Cutting
Dire Wooden Toy
Delightful Wooden Unicorn
Scary Storybook
Tales of Terror
If you are participating in the 50K Give and Get thread, please do not send me any food or swipp materials, thanks.
Note to self: I *will* eventually have fancy dragon bios for all dergs *ded*
Click below to be taken to our hatchery, known as The Smooshery!
The Smooshery
Recent Comments

ME TOO BABEEEEEEEEEEE -paps u- do you have a discord or anything? idr what we used to talk on but i think it was skype lmao

-smooches u- miss u fren

Yfrit was on the front page! She's so beautiful!

I need your forum signature. I am jelly of it >^>

You probably get this a lot, but I have to say it, your forum signature is a work of art.

Happened to see Io on the front page and wow is she stunning! Love your lair! You have such beautiful dragons.

Breezie was on the front page! She's so pretty.

I love your forum signature!


Ysolde was on the front page, and wow, that is one gorgeous accent to have on them! pretty spectacular dragon you have!

Your lair is absolutely stunning! I especially like Emesh and Delenn :> She's an amazing looking gen 1!

Could you ping me for future nests from Bonsai and Xarsala? I don't have the lair space for a baby right now but I'd love one in the future! (or if perhaps one of the current ones doesn't sell you could let me know?)
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