NotN Swap Hub [2018]

Quilt's Clan
Clan Info
Admin Note: I play primarily on my iPad, but every once in a while I log on from my desktop computer (when I should be working...)
I'm an animator and designer here on the other side of my computer.
I love getting hatchling letters, so send 'em on over!
All I want for Christmas/Birthday/everyday forever:
- eroded crystalhide
- ice sprite
- tinctures of dissolution
- accent: sprinklemonster
- accent: Lacework Sombra by PoetikDragon
To-do list:
- spiral scroll for Troy!!
- circuit for Scyfax
- current for Grip & Zane
- underbelly for Bird
- gembond for Haze
- new hatchery pair art

I love getting hatchling letters, so send 'em on over!
All I want for Christmas/Birthday/everyday forever:
- eroded crystalhide
- ice sprite
- tinctures of dissolution
- accent: sprinklemonster
- accent: Lacework Sombra by PoetikDragon
To-do list:
- spiral scroll for Troy!!
- circuit for Scyfax
- current for Grip & Zane
- underbelly for Bird
- gembond for Haze
- new hatchery pair art

Recent Comments

Haze was on the front page!

Wulfram was on the front page, such a lucky G1!

I love your avatar

Hello there! I actually still have that outfit at the end of Adagio's bio- I still really like it~!

Thank you for the compliment on Viridos!

I saw Fondant too! Precious guy, 10/10 would hug

Fondant was on the front page ! Love his Accent

Fondant was on the front page! His accent is so precious!

Heh, Thankies. If you like her, I’m sure I could part with her

Thank you so much! :D

Juana is so fancy.~♡

Thank you! I love rendering chrome!!
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