Pretty self explanatory -- all my Gen 1s are for sale! Some are old, some are fully gened, and some have been bred but they are ALL for sale. Some even come with art, bios, lore. Whatevers.
Looking for mostly treasure and gems, but willing to trade for:
Gem Genes
New treasure genes
Unhatched eggs (all except plague)
Nocturnes from the VERY FIRST NOTN. All Gened, all bred
Some other notables:
The rest of my lair is also for sale so if you see something that strikes you fancy, let me know. My coli team is the only thing not for sale.
Pretty self explanatory -- all my Gen 1s are for sale! Some are old, some are fully gened, and some have been bred but they are ALL for sale. Some even come with art, bios, lore. Whatevers.
Looking for mostly treasure and gems, but willing to trade for:
Gem Genes
New treasure genes
Unhatched eggs (all except plague)
Nocturnes from the VERY FIRST NOTN. All Gened, all bred

Some other notables:

The rest of my lair is also for sale so if you see something that strikes you fancy, let me know. My coli team is the only thing not for sale.
Malatise Since you said they're all for sale ... the first gen1 in your lair too? and if so, how much would you ask for her? I love denim XD
Malatise Since you said they're all for sale ... the first gen1 in your lair too? and if so, how much would you ask for her? I love denim XD
Mysh She is indeed! I've been gone from FR for a while so I'm trying to get used to current prices lmao.
Does 300KT or gem equivalent sound fair?
Mysh She is indeed! I've been gone from FR for a while so I'm trying to get used to current prices lmao.
Does 300KT or gem equivalent sound fair?
Malatise how much for the coatl gal in this post :3? she is so cute
Malatise how much for the coatl gal in this post :3? she is so cute
owlktor At least 2000g or treasure equivalent. Willing to haggle/trade.
owlktor At least 2000g or treasure equivalent. Willing to haggle/trade.