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JayDoesStuff's Clan

A goofy goober that loves fluffy things :D
Venerable Lair
on the
Zephyr Steppes icon

Clan Info


In a faraway continent, the Tribes lived in peace.
There were never struggles, wars, no.
That was untill the dragon of a lifetime was
born. A one in a million, this dragon had a curse.
One meaning he was a danger to all of his
tribe, the continent, and many more.
And so, he was exiled the instant he could talk.

Faraway, in a dull library, a librarian was dusting
off some of the older books. As she dusted,
she noticed something. A small blue book on
the ground. And as she opened it...
Her life was going to change forever

It has been many years since then, and that
dragon is long since gone. Since then, a new
leader has risen, a King, by the name of
King Frostshadow. No-one knows where he has
come from, but he refuses to share. He has
since taken over several kingdoms and appears to
have some sort of mind control ability. He slowly works
to build his kingdom, by controlling dragon after
dragon, building his perfect army.

It's up to one dragon to save them all.
Lotus, his scarred daughter. She and her 'dragon rider'
have set off on their journey to save the world.

Will they save the dragons in the Spiral Abyss?





later stuff for shop-
Hello there!Smudge-cartoon-light-ver.jpg

I'm Smudge!
I'm the Head of Learning for the Starcrossed Flight!
I also tend to spend many hours creating art and hanging with my three cats!
Well, enough about me... Welcome to my shop!
Here, you can ask me to draw dragons, characters, and OCS!
Important note: My drawing skills are limited to: Dragons, foxes, cats, Mvrder drones, and other similar animals - i may be willing to try adjusting my style to fit other animals if needed
Well, you didnt come here to listen to me talk, did you? How about we get some examples here!
NEW: DERP CATS AND DRAGONS: [normal art below, i just wanted the world to know there are derp cats now]

PRICING: [please note, gems are heavily preferred, but if you absolutely must use treasure, that's fine] [Also please note, i do not provide transparent pngs or links to artworks on my art apps.]
OTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: i ONLY accept FRC, and will not accept USD or any type of payment via PayPal or any other transfer. If you wish to spend irl money, just pay in the amount of gems its worth. [1g=1c in aus, but not sure about USD]

SPECIALS: [may be limited time, may be permanent, we'll see]
Derp cats: 30kt/g [literally 30c]
Derp dragons: 30kt/g
FLOOF OVERLOAD: an extremely floofy silly cat :) : 100kt/g for lineart, 175kt/g for colour [not shading, but detail]

Headshot lineart: 75kt/g
Headshot blank colour: 115kt/g
Headshot shaded: 250kt/g
Halfbody lineart [torso up]- 115kt/g
Halfbody blank colour: 150kt/g
Halfbody shaded: 200kt/g
Fullbody shaded: 300kt/g
Two dragons headshot: 300kt/g
Two dragons halfbody: 315kt/g
Two dragons fullbody: 400kt/g
three dragons fullbody: 500kt/g
Four dragons fullbody: 600kt/g
[and so on, +100 every time]
Abberations are a litte more depending on what you're looking for, since i have to draw two heads. Most likely 50kt/g more.

DERP CATTTTTTTTS: [okay, no, i put them earlier]
Headshot lineart: 75kt/g
Headshot blank colour: 150kt/g
Headshot shaded : 200kt/g
Halfbody lineart: 100kt/g
Halfbody blank colour: 150kt/g
Halfbody shaded: 215kt/g
Fullbody lineart:150kt/g
Fullbody blank colour: 250kt/g
Fullbody shaded: 300kt/g
Two cats: 350kt/g
Three cats: 400kt/g
Four cats: 500kt/g
[and so on, +100kt/g every time. ]

Headshot lineart: 150kt/g
Headshot blank colour: 200kt/g
Headshot shaded : 250kt/g
Halfbody lineart: 150kt/g
Halfbody blank colour: 200kt/g
Halfbody shaded: 250kt/g
Fullbody lineart:150kt/g
Fullbody blank colour: 275kt/g
Fullbody shaded: 350kt/g
Two people: 500kt/g
three people: 650kt/g
Four people: 800kt/g
[Yes, it's a lot more, because people are harder to draw, plus they have WAY more detail, and i've been drawing cats and dragons for far longer than i have people]

Pfps / Icons / Signatures

Standard square pfp: 200kt/g
Signature icons: 200-500kt/g [may vary depending on what you're requesting]
Full signatures: 300-1000kt/g [may vary depending on what you're requesting]

Pre-Made mandala: 50kt/g
Custom mandala: 150-300kt/g [may vary depending on what you're requesting]

Mvrder drones:
Headshot blank colour: 115kt/g
Headshot shaded: 175kt/g
Fullbody blank colour: 200kt/g
Fullbody shaded: 300kt/g

Ref Sheets: Ref sheets are always the price of 3 of the given drawing you're looking for [e.g, a cat ref sheet would be 400kt/g] !!!I DO NOT DO HUMAN REF SHEETS, NOR HUMANOID OR MVRDER DRONES!!!

Simple flat colour: No extra charge
Simple patterned background: 25kt/g
Detailed scenery: 75kt/g

Foxes are the same pricing as cats
Fursonas are the same pricing as humans. [I'm still learning them, though.]

Mini doodles:
Bees: 25kt/g
Mushrooms [with smiley faces]: 30kt/g
Frogs: 50kt/g
Rainbows with smiley faces: 30kt/g

Others not listed here:
If you are looking for other types of art, feel free to pm me or comment on this forum and i'll see if thats something i can do :) Prices depend.

Here are some /normal/ examples!!


More examples will be uploaded below

Recent Comments

Bugbag's avatar
March 10, 2025 17:52:58
Cute festival entry!
neonglow's avatar
March 02, 2025 16:19:06
i like your skin contest submission for mistral jamboree! :-D
williwawwarden's avatar
December 20, 2024 01:26:16
Ah, thank you! I was so happy to find that accent for Síocháin.
bananapoo's avatar
October 10, 2024 17:35:30
fox dragon prince!
battlecity's avatar
September 07, 2024 06:33:34
very late reply but tysm!! ^^ i love prince... he's soo cute
Stardewe's avatar
August 28, 2024 03:46:05
Thank you for the nice comment about my lair! Your avatar dragon Prince is so precious, such a lovely wee guy! :)
JayDoesStuff's avatar
August 22, 2024 13:53:26
Achaius' avatar
August 22, 2024 07:28:43
woo! our fox coatls are high-fiving
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Date Joined
Jun 4, 2024

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Kiwicloud101's avatar
Kiwicloud101 (#706373)

LiLFroggy's avatar
LiLFroggy (#711478)

~BABY FROGGIES! Hello! Fellow froggy lover here :D
MandrakeSCREAM's avatar
MandrakeSCREAM (#711889)

A silly, funny person who loves all things sparkly! ;)
Croissanticorn's avatar
Croissanticorn (#712492)

A cool person who loves croissants. Also very crazy :)
bananapoo's avatar
bananapoo (#712155)

jazsmine's avatar
jazsmine (#712313)
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Dalkstalker5 (#711965)
Mochiicqke's avatar
Mochiicqke (#705236)

You know give me butterflies, you know?
SunEclipse's avatar
SunEclipse (#715862)

A funny person who loves Godzilla :3
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MoonLavender (#715791)

Recent Activity

Jan 02
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Aether Female, 1 Aether Male
Nov 14
Became friends with cannonmannon
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Oct 28
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Skydancer Female

Recent Achievements

Mar 05
Fish Aficionados (10000)
Feb 24
Boundless Potential
Feb 24
Festive Favors: Trickmurk Circus
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