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Grimmer's Clan

have you seen a duffel bag around here?
Venerable Lair
hidden within
Quarantine Zone #128 icon

Clan Info

Clan of Rotten Lightning

All are welcome. Except you. No, not you, the other you. Yeah, you. You're not welcome.

Feel free to PM me or whatever~

Dream dragon: Lead Poison/Turquoise Toxin/Ruby Opal Coatl male

I am open to letters from hatchlings and exaltees.

Dragon and clan lore is a W.I.P--some dragons have lore, others don't (I'm so sorry).


This is the best thing I've done on here: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/1971554#post_1971554

A valuable piece of history: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/1976668

The tale of a happy couple c':

Wishlist (or things to save up for TvT):
-Swamp cher//blood pere//blood okapi(or near) dragon
-Mint petals//Amethyst butterfly//Cornflower glimmer (female bogsnek preferably)
-Baldwin's Brew jewelry
-Poison scroll
-Famliars I don't have (Hibernal Starbear u will b mine)
-Glowing clawtips
-Appearel that isn't bird skulls or wraps
-Wait bloody bandages are cool
-nevermind all clothing is good
-Feathered wings
-2014 festival accents/skins since I had no idea wth was going on when I joined in 2k14
-Lightning Sprite & Plague Sprite (or any sprite??)(lol)

Note to self:

Food yields goo
Materials yield ooze
Trinkets (other) yield sludge
Apparel yields slime
Familiars yield muck

Forum sigs and such (none of which are by me!)

(Remember that a full sig is 520 x 90!)


(By HayBay!)

Changing flight flag by MathmaticalMind


Recent Comments

ArkireonScholar's avatar
June 10, 2023 12:02:16
Starforger was on the front page! Great XXX!
Johan's avatar
April 27, 2020 15:32:57
Good to see you're still doing well
mosshrooms' avatar
January 20, 2020 19:08:30
Keir was on the front page and she is simply gorgeous!
Reithya's avatar
October 02, 2019 23:58:30
Omgsh your lair is so fun! Couldn't help but drop by and let you know, hehe!~
StarDog's avatar
July 31, 2019 18:15:09
Prophet was looking very cool on the front page!
softbun's avatar
October 26, 2018 13:33:19
Hi! you had hosted a nest for me before, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to do so again, for a Halloween hatch? I'm struggling to find anyone. Thanks!
RosiePosie404's avatar
August 31, 2018 04:57:47
DeadBattery's avatar
August 23, 2018 17:36:06
SCREAMS, thank you so much ♥ I had to go back and checc out your beautiful dragons once again after remembering the gifts you sent to Stefano. Ruvik is still my fav dragon of yours
DeadBattery's avatar
August 23, 2018 16:58:58
Gasps, Pamiir is so pretty omg, I love his colour combo
capramoon's avatar
August 20, 2018 14:22:47
Thank you for letting me know about Yennef and the compliments on the rest of my dragons! They all rumbled appreciatively.
Siakb's avatar
August 13, 2018 06:15:42
Thank your so much Schwarz is one of my older gen ones now :3
FrozenBarioth's avatar
June 26, 2018 19:33:33
aww, thank you! i should make some more someday
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Grimmer's Friends

SmallYam's avatar
SmallYam (#171939)
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Tsaiah (#31683)

Juyoung's avatar
Juyoung (#147986)

back at it again with the sudden hiatueses
CosmicTea's avatar
CosmicTea (#173920)

Drifting across the galaxy
narumitsu's avatar
narumitsu (#125971)

[fantano voice] irishimbelly .. forever
blackhole's avatar
blackhole (#190196)
blueaquarius' avatar
blueaquarius (#56060)

We rule 60% of your body
EggsFennedict's avatar
EggsFennedict (#193748)

June Buffoon
GadgetTheLion's avatar
GadgetTheLion (#243446)

o frick
sunstoneprincet's avatar
sunstoneprincet (#271956)

Recent Activity

Oct 31
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Pearlcatcher Female, 1 Fae Female
Oct 13
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Female, 1 Mirror Male
Feb 29
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Skydancer Female, 1 Skydancer Male

Recent Achievements

Mar 11
Strength Over Subtlety (150)
Feb 19
You Can Never Have Too Many Things (100)
Jan 29
You Got More Than You Gave
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