3 one off triples + 42 doubles

Valishtu's Clan
Not dead, just sleeping...
Clan Info
My Dragon(s) Seeking Thread: [Link]

My current Long Drop Progress
Getting back into the swing of things, my lair will be undergoing a lot of changes and moving around in the upcoming months. Please ignore the randomness for now.
My ADHD and Dyslexia have been at their worst lately, if I have forgotten to reach back out to you about something please let me know!!

My current Long Drop Progress
Getting back into the swing of things, my lair will be undergoing a lot of changes and moving around in the upcoming months. Please ignore the randomness for now.
My ADHD and Dyslexia have been at their worst lately, if I have forgotten to reach back out to you about something please let me know!!
Please, no random friend requests!
If you see a dragon you want, feel free to shoot me an offer. Please keep in mind some are unlikely to be for sale/trade.
If you see a dragon you want, feel free to shoot me an offer. Please keep in mind some are unlikely to be for sale/trade.
Exalting Lair
I buy cheap dragons to flip/level for fodder. I buy them too fast to look at seller names beforehand, sorry. =/
I buy cheap dragons to flip/level for fodder. I buy them too fast to look at seller names beforehand, sorry. =/
Me Stuff.
I'm socially awkward, but not antisocial. I'm also super forgetful, clumbsy, have dyslexia and severe anxiety, I apologize ahead of time for things I say or neglect to! I swear I mean well. ;o;
I'm socially awkward, but not antisocial. I'm also super forgetful, clumbsy, have dyslexia and severe anxiety, I apologize ahead of time for things I say or neglect to! I swear I mean well. ;o;
I am 2hrs + FR sever time!
(Rollover is at 2a.m. for me.) |Adopt Shop|Felt/Crochet| |Currency Exchange| I collect art/adopts for my Sam! (If you have spiral adopts he has yet to collect please pm me and I'll most likely try to jump on that. ;D) |
-Fodder farming is my current main source of income when not selling my gen1s. Feel free to ask if I have any treasure to trade for gems as my board may not be updated yet.
Note to admins: I play ftom my phone/desktop/laptop, and my sister, Kaito, also plays when she visits or I visit her.
|My Non-Animated Adopts|
Please Note when reading my dragon bios:
My lair is undergoing a huge character revamp for all none-RvB/MadMax/Videogame/Holiday themed dragons w/few exceptions. Unless I have finished filling out the official template for either the nuzlocke/original character bio, please ignore what you read as it's more then likely not valid at this time. All content is subject to change over time as characters progress or pass on.

Click for DA Account.
Click for Tumblr Account.
Dear Admins:
I have a family and one shared computer currently, and my sister comes over with her laptop and plays FR. I Also play from my phone a lot, and let them log on from time to time from it as well.
Notes to Me:
Adopt temp thread:
Art Thread:
Temp Sales:
Perm Dragons Sales Thread:
Another Sales Thread:
|Animated WC/SD adopts!|Art Thread|
Things to remember:
Farming the coliseum without eliminate.
How to train your Dragon
Partitioned Nuzlocke Challenge
My Nuzlocke Challenge
If I had Flight Reps:
(Ice)Veetahni and Lorcan
(Light)Loga and Duard
(Nature)I don't.... :c
Bigger images!
Old Adopt Shop
Note to admins: I play ftom my phone/desktop/laptop, and my sister, Kaito, also plays when she visits or I visit her.
|My Non-Animated Adopts|

My lair is undergoing a huge character revamp for all none-RvB/MadMax/Videogame/Holiday themed dragons w/few exceptions. Unless I have finished filling out the official template for either the nuzlocke/original character bio, please ignore what you read as it's more then likely not valid at this time. All content is subject to change over time as characters progress or pass on.

![]() |
Welcome to the Reivers' Holt.~
A fairly large clan packed with Mercenaries, Assassins and Tradesdragons alike. Please feel free to interact with me a bit before sending random friend requests. :> Reiver's Fall (Val's Dragon Sales) http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/1799509 Flight Rising "Life Goals" (3/6): - - - -Own a BoneFiend. -Own a Skycat. -Own a Boolean. |

Click for DA Account.
Click for Tumblr Account.
Call me Val!
I enjoy passtimes such as arts n' crafts, reading and video games.
Favorite arts: Drawing and crochet.
Favorite book genre: Fantasy and some psyfy
Favorite games: Halo(huge fan of RvB if you haven't seen my dergs), Fallout 4(will eventually play the others), metroid and borderlands.
I enjoy passtimes such as arts n' crafts, reading and video games.
Favorite arts: Drawing and crochet.
Favorite book genre: Fantasy and some psyfy
Favorite games: Halo(huge fan of RvB if you haven't seen my dergs), Fallout 4(will eventually play the others), metroid and borderlands.
Dear Admins:
I have a family and one shared computer currently, and my sister comes over with her laptop and plays FR. I Also play from my phone a lot, and let them log on from time to time from it as well.
Notes to Me:
Adopt temp thread:
Art Thread:
Temp Sales:
Perm Dragons Sales Thread:
Another Sales Thread:
|Animated WC/SD adopts!|Art Thread|
Things to remember:
Farming the coliseum without eliminate.
How to train your Dragon
Partitioned Nuzlocke Challenge
My Nuzlocke Challenge
If I had Flight Reps:
(Ice)Veetahni and Lorcan
(Light)Loga and Duard
(Nature)I don't.... :c
Bigger images!
Old Adopt Shop
Recent Comments


np! I've had my eye on him since he hatched jdbsajds >:3c

I LOVE your digi-dragons! Could I get a ping if you open a shop too please?

Psst your digi-dragons are great! Could I get a ping when you open a shop??

im just being pedantic xai

ldp runi

I'm sorry you've been busy, hope your schedule clears up soon. Also, that sounds great, I will be stalking the pings as usual so I'm sure I won't miss it. Good lucc!

Just a question: when will the rest of the Den sale babies go up for sales? I'm still eyeing that Dirt/Olive/Sand girl :^)

OOF that maroon/white/white is so good i wish i wasnt broke rn

Scatternaut's current colors are to die for oh no..............
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