need gone: Crystal-themed dragons [g/kt]

leoxx's Clan
skull emoj i
Clan Info
17/1/2025 GOLLY GOSH! hello guys! i might be back on here more idk, its kind of a lot, BUY MY DRAGONS CHEAP!!! PLEASE!!! I NEED THEM GONE!!!
hello bros update 25/3/2024 i am fully gone from this accursed place and i honestly cant even remember what i was doing on here but u can leave like a comment or something and maybe ill see it sometime
(i still gyat readable lore on my dragons i think if you're bored)
if you're here, check out the Festival Dom Discounts Hub. We're always in need of new members ;) it doesn't take up much of your time!
this lair is being crafted currently. stop by in a while to see the finished product ;) (lore/clan rehaul, fixing everything so do ignore the old stuff)

clan lore
remains of an ancient mechanism
it appears to be what is left of a tiny metal machine created during the second age. some parts are crushed and destroyed, and electricity sparks from the side, where the metal has been torn apart to reveal scraps of red and blue nestled inside. despite its state of disarray, it is still somewhat functional, and shows signs of having been tinkered with recently. when a button on the top is pressed, it begins to emit the following sound...
"*click* uh, hi. it's, um, day... thirty - KSSHHHHH - have been tracking subject *garbled* through the wandering contagion. i've noticed a strange phenomenon, the - KSSHHHHHHH - following a signal? thus far i have been unable to sense *unintelligible* with any of the tools or my own senses. this is completely unprecedented - KSSHHHHHHH - unexpected complications have forced me to seek shelter. the target also appears to be following the 'signal' despite - KSSHHH - and has found companionship among the war criminals and *scrambled* a strange pair. *sigh* i don't know what to say. this group never fails to surprise me. i still wonder why - KSSHHHHHHH - ordered me to follow them specifically. i mean, it's not like i care about some ugly, disease-ridden - KSHHHHH - wandering around in the plaguebringer's personal hell. *warped* wish i hadn't agreed to do this- wait, what am i saying? ugh, this place is horrible! KSSHHHHHH - say things i don't mean. how can co- i mean, the subject stand this? i just want to go home... *short pause, broken up by intermittent static* oh. uh. sorry. forgot, no emotions in the log, no matter how - KSSSHHHHH - wait, i see the subject now! huh, that's strange, *jumbled* that's not... it can't be! *sounds of frantic movement* day thirty-four of - KSSHHHHHH - begun to sense the strange signal, will monitor *distorted* this is extraordinary! certainly something to report - *thud*"
this odd, jumbled mess of strange phrases is all that can be dredged up from the small chunk of archaic technology. the abrupt sound at the end of the recording is believed to have been caused by the impact of the device hitting the ground. after this event, and the sound that came of it, the device produces only silence. evidently no more logs were recorded after this time.
it is not known who the dragon recording the voice log is, or who they were following at the time. it can be assumed that after the events of the thirty-fourth entry, they too began to hear the 'signal', and joined the mysterious group of dragons they were ordered to stalk. but who is to know that this group of dragons even exists? perhaps this is simply a practical joke played between the groups of young dragons that roam this region, and the researcher who found it fell for its tricks. in the end, only one thing is known for certain - this device leaves any listener with far more questions than they had before they heard its bounty.

psst! go check out ciinderholic, they're cooler than me ;)

(i just did this one for fun, lol)

hello bros update 25/3/2024 i am fully gone from this accursed place and i honestly cant even remember what i was doing on here but u can leave like a comment or something and maybe ill see it sometime
(i still gyat readable lore on my dragons i think if you're bored)
if you're here, check out the Festival Dom Discounts Hub. We're always in need of new members ;) it doesn't take up much of your time!

this lair is being crafted currently. stop by in a while to see the finished product ;) (lore/clan rehaul, fixing everything so do ignore the old stuff)
leo | he/him
veri silly guy imbued with a deep sadness
perpetually in the process of working things out, organising stuff, and starting new ideas
some of my dragon lore is new and some is old so if you are looking to read some lore i caution you that you may stumble upon the most horrific, disgusting pieces of writing ever :skull: but good luck. ironically the further you scroll down the better the lore is
home of the convoluted (and ever growing) nocte family tree

veri silly guy imbued with a deep sadness
xxx |
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xclan + me info (wip) xpretty dragons 4 sale xxxxmy mango |
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perpetually in the process of working things out, organising stuff, and starting new ideas
some of my dragon lore is new and some is old so if you are looking to read some lore i caution you that you may stumble upon the most horrific, disgusting pieces of writing ever :skull: but good luck. ironically the further you scroll down the better the lore is
home of the convoluted (and ever growing) nocte family tree


clan lore
remains of an ancient mechanism
it appears to be what is left of a tiny metal machine created during the second age. some parts are crushed and destroyed, and electricity sparks from the side, where the metal has been torn apart to reveal scraps of red and blue nestled inside. despite its state of disarray, it is still somewhat functional, and shows signs of having been tinkered with recently. when a button on the top is pressed, it begins to emit the following sound...
"*click* uh, hi. it's, um, day... thirty - KSSHHHHH - have been tracking subject *garbled* through the wandering contagion. i've noticed a strange phenomenon, the - KSSHHHHHHH - following a signal? thus far i have been unable to sense *unintelligible* with any of the tools or my own senses. this is completely unprecedented - KSSHHHHHHH - unexpected complications have forced me to seek shelter. the target also appears to be following the 'signal' despite - KSSHHH - and has found companionship among the war criminals and *scrambled* a strange pair. *sigh* i don't know what to say. this group never fails to surprise me. i still wonder why - KSSHHHHHHH - ordered me to follow them specifically. i mean, it's not like i care about some ugly, disease-ridden - KSHHHHH - wandering around in the plaguebringer's personal hell. *warped* wish i hadn't agreed to do this- wait, what am i saying? ugh, this place is horrible! KSSHHHHHH - say things i don't mean. how can co- i mean, the subject stand this? i just want to go home... *short pause, broken up by intermittent static* oh. uh. sorry. forgot, no emotions in the log, no matter how - KSSSHHHHH - wait, i see the subject now! huh, that's strange, *jumbled* that's not... it can't be! *sounds of frantic movement* day thirty-four of - KSSHHHHHH - begun to sense the strange signal, will monitor *distorted* this is extraordinary! certainly something to report - *thud*"
this odd, jumbled mess of strange phrases is all that can be dredged up from the small chunk of archaic technology. the abrupt sound at the end of the recording is believed to have been caused by the impact of the device hitting the ground. after this event, and the sound that came of it, the device produces only silence. evidently no more logs were recorded after this time.
it is not known who the dragon recording the voice log is, or who they were following at the time. it can be assumed that after the events of the thirty-fourth entry, they too began to hear the 'signal', and joined the mysterious group of dragons they were ordered to stalk. but who is to know that this group of dragons even exists? perhaps this is simply a practical joke played between the groups of young dragons that roam this region, and the researcher who found it fell for its tricks. in the end, only one thing is known for certain - this device leaves any listener with far more questions than they had before they heard its bounty.
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about me the stinky little man • lowercase a e s t h e t i c • very bipolar (you can tell that i added to this section over different days), very bruh moment, very cringe • a minor. a miner. a minecrafter. let's passionately make out in the mines • let's be friends :) we can do dragon trading or like. help each other out with stuff! i love long message chains with the vibe of sending letters :) and i love last-minute panic when an event is ending and everyone is scrabbling to get stuff for one person it's always fun lol • i have no idea how those exalt push things work and i don't touch that side of the forums (actually tf are the forums, im terrified) buut im willing to learn as long as someone explains it to me well enough (one thing you have to learn about me that isn't good enough for its own bullet point is that I Am Stupid <3) • I LOVE MUSIC!!!! i love MUSIC I LOVE IT <333 I LOVE. MUSIC. YES. COOL SOUND MWAH MWAH • absolutely hilariously funny. i mean hysterically. i'm far superior to everyone else. it's true. i said it. i'm the best B) • i speak english, (slightly terrible) polish, and very broken german • timezone fr+9 • i swear too much for this wholesome chungus dragon game • <3 skydancers, female mirrors, spooky gaolers, nocte, obelisks, imperials, nocte, COATLS <3, hot guardians, the bee secondary gene, nocte, and nocte's family (it's like the stock market. if you own shares in nocte's family like cinder, you're superior) i'm like the joker but emo 90% of what i say is a joke <3 mwah |
nocte the beloved |
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psst! go check out ciinderholic, they're cooler than me ;)

(i just did this one for fun, lol)

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also i seen that your clan is on rehaul, but you have many pretty dragons anyway! <3
ik you said dont look at your lore so i'm trying not to, but you've got such lovely dragons too!! i especially like whatever pseidolakei and yasashiku got going on :D