[s/t] umas - paused

KiraJacqueline's Clan
2 hours ahead of FRT | She/Her/Hers
Clan Info
Welcome to the Rising Tides clan!
I signed up at the recommendation of a friend and ended up falling in love with both my dragons and my Flight--I'm here for the foreseeable future. :)
Every name means something! If you're bored, go ahead and google any of them and find out. :) If your dragon is unnamed, please don't worry--I'm either conjugating or searching for the perfect name.
Culex's leveling guide
Battle stones guide
Baldwin's guide
Eggs, Chests, Accents, Festival Stuff~
Art of dragons (especially Verdigris, Fjord, Shella, Sunny, Swordbreaker, Daeltharre, or Hunoluil)~
Prismatic Tokens, Maren and Dryad familiars~
Rainbow, Unicorn, Sword, and Silk apparels~
Baldwin materials, especially muck, because I'm too soft to melt down familiars ;-;
Genes needed:
Iridescent x2
Shimmer x2
Starmap x2
Constellation x2
Opal x1
Alloy x1

*by Aquacoral*
http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=id number here

The Searching Ones:
Ottokar (PrincessAddie)
Rotwasser (nekohooch)
Himinglaeva (adiostama)
Unn (TrasgaPoca)
Kolga (PrincessAddie)
Most recent newbie raffle(s):
Original Welcome Droplets thread:
Link to old Coatl Scroll raffle: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=mb&board=raf&id=1125322
Second Coatl Scroll raffle:
Tidelord wrote on 2013-06-30:
I already know how this is going to turn out. You'll have to see it for yourselves.
Recent Comments

Hiya! I wanted to let you know , in case you missed it, that I sent you a DM about a possible dragon purchase! Thank you!

Painted was on the front page!! Such a cute dragon!

TideJoy was on the front page!

tyrus was on the front page!

The general theme of your lair is so enchanting and your dragons are beautifully dressed as well.

What’s up? I saw your new droplets forum and showed up because that includes me!

Matira was on the front page!

Sarasvati was on the homepage; her color mix is beautiful :3

Cundohin was on the front!

Hello! I have been searching around for gen 2 imps and cam across unnamed #12234742. She is absolutely gorgeous.

Hi! You pinged me in someone elses accent shop. Could you please edit that post and reply to my accent thread instead so I can keep track of who wants which accent.
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